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Guest Lethargic

most overrated movies

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Guest Lethargic

I'm running a poll on my site right now about the most over-rated movies of all time. Just wondering if you guys had any picks. I've got a million I could list so I don't know where to start.

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Guest chirs3

I didn't think Blade Runner was anything special, but boy do I get it from Sci-fi fans...

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Guest LooseCannon

American Beauty was an overinflateted puff piece masquerading as something arty.


I'll second anything by Kevin Smith, except Clerks, which I don't believe is overrated only because its flaws are so apparent.

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Guest godthedog

mild spoilers ahead







'apocalypse now'. i cannot fucking stand that movie. it's so bloated & obvious & pretentious it makes me want to throw up. it's like having a 14-year-old kid who thinks he's important scream "war is hell! WAR IS HELL!" into my ears for 2 1/2 hours. the narration was completely unnecessary & only served to keep hitting you over the head with the idea that this was somehow an important film. and don't even get me started on the episode with the puppy. i saw it coming a mile away, thinking "yeah, he's just reaching for a picture of his kids or something else manipulative and sentimental," hoping it WOULDN'T be something like that, but coppola went all out. what's the only thing more manipulative & sentimental than a picture of one's family? why, a puppy of course!


and 'breathless'. but i've gone on that rant one too many times already.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Get Shorty


Taxi Driver...before you cast your stones at me, this movies was hyped to all hell for me and I didn't see anything to make it a classic


Apocalypse Now

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho



I didn't see it in theatres, so when it came out on video I rented it. Suffice it to say, to this day I'm thinking "Exactly how did this piece of shit of a movie win Best Picture?"

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Guest LooseCannon

I somewhat like "Apocalypse Now," - it's probably my favorite Coppola film, and I think the idea of doing a Vietnam version of Heart of Darkness is a fairly brilliant idea. But it does merit a fair amount of criticsm. What especially upsets me is the scenes Coppola cut which would have shown Duvall's character in a more positive, nuanced light. But I guess I don't think much of Coppola in general. I think the Godfather movies are even more overrated.

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Guest J*ingus

I liked most of the movies you guys have mentioned, but let me third the nomination of Gladiator. I literally do not understand why people loved this movie so much. I mean, I hated Clockwork Orange, but could at least see why many didn't. But Gladiator?! A Spartacus ripoff which comletely, blatantly disregards all actual historical accounts of that era, and has shitty CGI effects and Saving Private Ryan wannabe "shaky-cam" to boot? I don't get it.

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Guest ShooterJay

1. English Patient


2. I agree about Blade Runner, it seemed really clunky to me.


Gladiator only won because there were no really good movies that year. And while I'm on it...


3. Traffic is also a movie I feel is pretty overrated.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Any "Oscar Type" Movie starring Russell Crowe.


Damn near everything Directed by Ron Howard.

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Guest redbaron51

bah to you saying that Star Wars, Apocolypse Now are overrated.


Shakespeare In Love, Matrix, Gladiator, TITANIC Terminator Series, Apollo 13 are overrated

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Guest Si82

Star Wars. I dont' see how this gets voted best movie of all-time in polls. It's not a masterpiece it's just cheesy sc-fi. Titanic is a piece of shit too, masterpiece my arse. I'm embarassed that the guy who shouted "Oceburgh, straight ahead!" was english. And anything directed by Guy Ritichie. Gangster...yeah, fucking right. :lol:

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Guest starvenger

Gladiator - Great movie, but so not deserving of Best Picture.

A Beautiful Mind - Could you hear Ron Howard crying for another Oscar? LotR and Momento were robbed.

Star Wars - Overrated in the sense that we, as fans, somehow managed to make Lucas think that he was a great writer/director/producer.


>Gladiator only won because there were no really good movies that year. And while I'm on it...


Um, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon? I mean, sure it's not original, but it was definitely different from the standard Hollywood fare, and it was a great movie.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
TRAFFIC and The Godfather (I and II) are all terribly overrated. Traffic is just a 30-minute after-school "don't do drugs" PBS special stretched into 3 hours or so, complete with the only good performances from Topher Grace (Eric Forman from That 70's Show) and Benicio Del Toro.

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Guest Karnage

The Matrix...I don't understand why so many movies/shows copy the bullet time and all that other crap.

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Guest godthedog
Gladiator only won because there were no really good movies that year. And while I'm on it...


'almost famous', 'requiem for a dream', and 'wonder boys' were all WAY better than 'gladiator'.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I will agree with those who say Star Wars. I know a bunch of people who love Star Wars movies, yet I never see the big deal about them.


As for Gladiator, the reason it probably won was that it had an "epic" feel to it, whatever that is. At least that is what I kept hearing when it came out.

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Guest chirs3

Having just watched it again on DVD (!!!), I'll reluctantly add Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring to the list. While I think the entire ending part (Battle at... Amon Hen, I think) is absolutely incredibly, the two and a half hours before it are hit and miss with performances and entertainment... It's a good thing I'm a Tolkien-mark...


It's a good movie overall, but looking back it wasn't the best.

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Guest Human Fly


Beautiful Mind

Crouching Tiger (it was good, but I couldn't see what made it different then a ton of other Fu movies)

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Guest LexLugerRules
Star Wars. I dont' see how this gets voted best movie of all-time in polls. It's not a masterpiece it's just cheesy sc-fi.

To our generation it may be cheesy, but you gotta remember, in the 70's it was amazing.


If it wasnt for Star Wars, most of the graphics you see on movies today, wouldnt have been created.


Stars Wars did to there generation, what Jurassic Park did for ours.

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Guest Lethargic

That's the most retarded statement ever. Even though I know you're defending it. Star Wars isn't amazing because it's from the 70's. It's still amazing today compared to today's movies. That's why it's popular. Look at the sequels, all that gloss and high tech crap still hasn't been able to recreate the magic of the 70's movies. It has nothing to do with generations, it has to do with being a good movie with a good story and good characters. If you have that, which Star Wars does, it doesn't matter about FX or generation. A good movie is a good movie.


Saying it's over-rated is one thing but comparing Star Wars to a piece of absolute dog shit like Jurassic Park should be grounds for being put to sleep.

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Guest El Satanico

UnBreakable can't be overrated since it is largely disliked.


I still don't understand why it received such a backlash. Well other then that a large majority of the american public will hate a movie if it isn't what they were expecting.

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