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Guest Lethargic

most overrated movies

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Guest The Electrifyer

For all you Star Wars haters, you have got to get Triumph the Dog making fun of the Star Wars nerd fans in line for Attack of the Clones. I think you can download it off Kazaa, it is 35megs and 10 mins of hilariousness.

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Guest Lethargic
CHUD, I can think of 2 sci-fi films with better FX than Return Of The Jedi:

Aliens and Terminator 2. As far as I'm concerned, no movie has out-done the FX in T2.

I just rewatched T2 a couple of weeks ago. I was actually quite shocked at home horrible the FX are in the movie these days. Besides the liquid stuff, everything else looks pretty bad. When he gets shot and they basically just tape silver bowls to his chest, that's just hilarious. The amount of times you see stunt doubles is just crazy. I laughed all the way through it.

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Guest JaKyL25
Lord of the Rings is pretty overrated. I found myself wondering who everyone was and what exactly was happening at some points. It seemed like the Sean Bean guy and the archer just sort of appear without any sort of introduction as to who they are.


Cabbageboy has hit directly upon the fatal flaw of Fellowship of the Ring: Inaccessibility. As a die-hard Tolkien fan, I knew what the hell was going on and who all of these people were and what significance they had, but for the life of me I have NO CLUE as to how anyone who's never read the book can keep up with everything. Are Legolas, Gimli, or Boromir's names even MENTIONED more than twice? Sure, we fans know that Galadriel is basically the Queen of all the elves, the only non-Maiar left on Middle Earth to have seen the light of the Trees of Valinor, and is immensely wise, but how is Johnny Moviegoer supposed to care? She shows up, shows Frodo a vision, resists the ring (in the cheesiest bit of the film, actually), and then vanishes, never to be seen again in the story.


Bah, I can rant against the film versions of LotR all day (Don't get me started on Peter Jackson's by all accounts INCORRECT choice of which Two Towers are "The Two Towers"), but I'll still see the films and mark out and weep for Frodo's burden and Sam's heroism, and I just hope that the movie visions of Middle Earth don't seep into my mind when I'm re-reading the book version.


Edit: I realized that it looks like I'm bashing the basically one-shot appearance of Galadriel, when it's really just a hyper-condensed version of what happens in the book, but I meant the ranting to be against the haste in which the movie just BLOWS through Lothlorien. I realize that it's already 3 hours as is, but fuck, if time is SO SHORT that we can't linger in Lorien longer than 10 minutes (Let alone just throwing Frodo out the door in the first place instead of showing his months and months of planning, and his friends uncovering the plot, which is WORLDS better IMO) why not just make SIX movies, one for each of the true BOOKS of LotR? They'd make money, trust me.


Yes, I realize how unfeasable that sounds, but the more I think about it, the more I'm against any movie adaptation of the books at all. If you can't do it right, then DON'T DO IT.

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Guest DrainYou42

ClockWork Orange

Any National Lampoon Movie


Almost any SNL movie (With the exception being Wayne's World)

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

I don't think Star Wars is overrated at all. Sure, I'm a mark for it, but the original trilogy just has that epic feel that's half-luck in getting.


Movies that I've seen that are overrated..hmmm...


I didn't like The Fast and the Furious at all. A lot of people I talk to love that movie, but I can't stand it. For my money, the remake of Gone in 60 Seconds is ten times better. At least it has a story that makes sense, and the dialogue is a lot better.


We should start threads of breaking down movies/series on which one is better. Fast and the Furious vs. Gone in 60 Seconds. Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Saving Private Ryan vs. Thin Red Line. Stuff like that. Could be some good fun, espeically if people starting going Dr. Jack on it.

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Guest Strike Force!

Oh good, I love threads like these. Before I begin, I'm going by not only what professional critics and the general public overrates, but what amateur critics and fanboys overrate:


The Aliens movies



Minority Report

Apocolypse Now

Major League

National Lampoon's Animal House

The Magnificent Seven

Say Anything

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Guest bob_barron
ClockWork Orange

Any National Lampoon Movie


Almost any SNL movie (With the exception being Wayne's World)

How can any of the SNL movies be considered overrated if most everyone thinks, with the exception of Waynes World and Blues Borthers, that they suck

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Guest Vern Gagne
For all you Star Wars haters, you have got to get Triumph the Dog making fun of the Star Wars nerd fans in line for Attack of the Clones. I think you can download it off Kazaa, it is 35megs and 10 mins of hilariousness.

The Mr.Spock guy showing up and flipping everyone the bird was a riot.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Well, judging from the fact that some people here think it should have won best picture, it appears Moulin Rouge is pretty damn overrated. Yeesh.


As for the rest, while I like pretty much every movie that has been named so far (yes, even Unbreakable) I can understand the complaints against them. Apocolypse Now was pretentious, Traffic was over-blown, and A Beautiful Mind had no place winning best picture (Momento all the way).


I would say that, to an extent, La Confidential is overrated too, even though I like that as well.


I'm also rather confused as how people can say directors like Guy Ritchie and Kevin Smith are overrated since their movies are very gimicky and never really praised as "great movies" the way Copolla, Lucas, or Kubrick's movies are. I don't know, it just seems like an off-base criticism to me.

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Guest El Satanico

argh...never mention that horrible movie that is the remake of Gone In 60 Seconds.


The original Gone In 60 Seconds was alot better.


The 45 minute car chase in the original is better then anything the remake did.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Ok, to the person who said Taxi Driver is overrated...NOOOOOOO! I mean, if people told you 'It's the best thing ever done, it will change your life and this movie deserves to be your God' or something, then I guess it would be overrated, cause no movie is that good, but I do think it's the best movie ever.


So while I'm thinking of it...ROCKY is overrated. There was no reason for it to win best picture aside from that lame 'America needed a hero type thing' reason they gave. It should've been Taxi Driver or All the Presidents Men.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I didn't think the Matrix was good because of the special effects, I thought iwas good because of the concept of the movie.


I think that you would have to read the LOTR to rant and rave about the movie. I just happened to read the books exactly a year before the movie came out. When I heard that the movie was coming out, it was something that I was lookng forward to. I think you would need to read the books before watching the movie to truly enjoy the movie.


I think Terminator 2 is an overrated movie. I was watching it a few months ago and wondering why I thought so highly of it before.


Star Wars is overrated, but it was good movie nonetheless.


I found Gladiator overrated, it bored me and I had great expectations for it


I think Scarface is an overrated movie. It started out well enough, but the last hour of it wasn't that good.

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Guest BorneAgain

Gladiator: I'm just not seeing what's so great about it.

Wizard of Oz: What the hell made this so damn good?

Superman: Nothing compared to Batman (1989)

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Guest Strike Force!

I'll add a couple of more that I've seen that I agree with:




The Godfather Part II

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Guest Lethargic

For those wondering. Here is how the voting came out for the most over-rated movies.



9. Blade Runnder

8. Godfather part 2

7. Apocolypse Now

6. Traffic

5. Lord of the Rings

4. Titanic

3. Matrix

2. Star Wars

1. Gladiator


I'm shocked that Gladiator took it all. That's not really anything I even thought of when voting started. Though I completely agree with it.

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Guest imajackoff?
TRAFFIC and The Godfather (I and II) are all terribly overrated. Traffic is just a 30-minute after-school "don't do drugs" PBS special stretched into 3 hours or so, complete with the only good performances from Topher Grace (Eric Forman from That 70's Show) and Benicio Del Toro.

Don Cheadle's performance in Traffic saved the flick for me.

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