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Guest Tyler McClelland

A few things...

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Guest Tyler McClelland

This is gonna be a sorta "explanation" thread... telling you guys what's the deal with me right now...


Well, today marked the end of that Last Man Standing tournament I so desperately tried to convince you people to join. For those of you that didn't know, I made the finals of the tournament and have been RPing my ass off since Sunday.


Every day this week, I have been charged with the task of writing an RP before midnight with a fear that if I miss a day, I severely decrease my chance at winning the tournament. I missed the first deadline by 15 minutes. However, through hard work and with a special thanks to Mercury and Drew Frame (formerly Rane of the IGNWF) for urging me not to just quit after missing the first deadline, I put myself in position to legitimately be named the victor of the tournament. It was long, it was definitely grueling, but I believe I out-RPed everyone on the tournament. Everyone, at the end of the week, looked incredibly burnt out... looked like they were out of material from a long, hard week of RPing. However, my last RP was probably my best... and I didn't appear to have lost any steam the entire time. I had a good story and I believe in my heart that I am one of two people that should legitimately have a shot at winning the tournament.


If we put this in perspective, the best e-wrestlers on the internet typically compete in this tournament. If I win, that means all of you in the SWF... most of which can beat me, rank up there with the best in the e-wrestling world. If I win, that makes the following formula true.


E-wrestling world < Outcast < The SWF.


Well, 'Cast, what the fuck does this REALLY have to do with the SWF? Is this another self-promotion thread that will allow Mark Stevens to bitch the hell out of me?


Not quite.


In writing for this tournament (and spending time with my now-departed girlfriend), I have completely neglected you guys here in the SWF... I've not written the last two promos in my SDS series that I so aptly promised I would complete. I'd like to give a very sincere apology to Danny Williams in particular; I promised you I'd help develop your character, but I've been slacking. Another apology goes out to TNT, possibly the last person that even remembers that I have two more promos to write. Every night after I finished my RP, he always was there to bug the shit out of me for the next promo.


Now, I realize I DID have time to write them every night, but you have to think about the burn-out factor... I wrote a 3000+ word RP every day for the last five days. Let's put this in perspective: I wrote 17,429 words in five days... that would rank up there with the longest matches in the history of the SWF, eclipsed only by Divefire's world title match. Granted, War Games was twice as long... but it also was written by five people. You have to understand I was burnt out as hell.


With all the apologies aside, I'd like to know if anyone still wants to see the end of that series... with LMS done, I can probably alter the end of the series to fit with recent events and it would make sense n' stuff... However, I won't do it if nobody still cares.


So, let me know...




Thanks for your time,

Mark (Tyler/Outcast)

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Man... write 'em. Good stuff... and I don't know what the seventh deadly sin is. I mean, I think it's Malice, but I'm not sure... okay, I'm rambling. Write the f'n promos, and good job in the LMS tourney.


- Mike Van Siclen.

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Guest Grand Slam

This may come as a surprise but here goes...


Good job Outcast. For the sake and betterment of the Fed (and no small amount of personal bragging rights, fame and glory ;) ) Outcast has worked his ass off. Maybe out there in E-Wrestling land, someone thought "Wow, that guy is pretty good, maybe I should check out this SWF thing?" And if we get one person in from this, then it is a job well done. If we get more, icing on the cake. I would have been right there in the LMS with you 'Cast if I had even a fraction of the time to do it. And now that you have illuminated all of us to how much work it was, allow me to say "Thank you", "Congratulations" and "Welcome back".


That was a tremendous amount of work for, what in reality, means very little. We all know that this little hobby of ours is never going to get us cash or real fame or anything other than personal satisfaction. For you to bust your ass doing this with even the side benefit of helping the SWF is a generous donation of time.


Now, as long as you didn't sign your promos with "Tyler McClelland, wrestler, FWF (by the way SWF sucks)" then its all good baby, its all good. :)

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Guest Tyler McClelland

:) No, I don't do that.


Thanks, Mark. I really do appreciate it.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

You're...finally...writing...Gluttony!? YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!








Seriously, if you DON'T finish this series, I will fucking kill you...like...9 times...in a row.


-Taylor "WRITE! WRITE! WRITE!" Thompson

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