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Guest Addy

I bought these two events...

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Guest Addy

Over at Silvervison.co.uk they're selling summerslams for £7.50 (wow) and I bought Summerslam 92 and Summerslam 93.


I can barely remember Summerslam 92 as I was only 5 :/ I can remember marking for the Bulldog though, but that's all I remember (Oh and the HBK-Model water thingy).


Never seen 93, that's why I bought it :|


So...have I made good choices?

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Guest Eagan469

92 is a classic.


I also haven't seen 93, but it's supposedly below-average


Summerslam 1990 is probably the most entertaining WWF show I've ever seen, and that's saying alot.


*runs off to Silvervision to buy Summerslam 1990*

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

92 owns. 93 is pretty bad. Has an amazingly decent 6-man tag between The Smoking Gunns/Tatanka vs. The Headshrinkers/Bam Bam Bigelow, believe it or not. ***1/2 or so, IMO.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

93 isn't bad...


it's a rather enjoyable show.


DiBiase's last match...Steiners vs. Bodies, the 6 man, 2 Bret Hart matches...and a decent main event for who wsa in it.


Boo to everyone who said it's bad.

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Guest nWoScorpion

93 is one of the best OVERALL cards.


88 sucked, 89 wasnt that much better. 90 was garbage save for 1 match, 91 was iffy, 92 was above good, 94 was above good, 95 sucked, 96 sucked, 97 sucked, 98 was decent, 99 was...i forgot 3/4 of the card, 00 was decent, 01 was decent..

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Guest Daredevil21

It's weird that so many people praise Summerslam '92 like it's the greatest Summerslam of all time, but if you think about it, it's not. DBS/Bret is indeed a classic for the ages, Savage/Warrior is very good (although not great, and it was done much better previously), and the atmosphere is great. But aside from those three aspects, what else on the show is real good or even good? Not much, if anything. Everything else is very average.


Summerslam '93 on the other hand is pissed on by a lot of people who haven't even seen the show enough times to be able to talk. When you break it down, there is a lot of good stuff on the show. You have Dibiase's final WWF match, a great Bodies/Steiners match, the classic Bret/Lawler/Doink match and angle, an good HBK/Perfect match, and a surprisingly good 6 man tag.


I think most people bash SS '93 for two reasons. One, it was during a bad time for the WWF and two, the main event really hurt the show, and never really ended up serving a purpose.


SS '93 falls into that category of shows that aren't really that bad, but are bashed by tons of people just because a few people cut it down.

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Guest bob_barron

SummerSlam 92 to me is a fun show. Three good matches and everything else is just fun to watch, not really offensive.


SummSlam 93 has some shit stuff but the King-Bret stuff is classic.

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Guest bob_barron
93 is one of the best OVERALL cards.


88 sucked, 89 wasnt that much better. 90 was garbage save for 1 match, 91 was iffy, 92 was above good, 94 was above good, 95 sucked, 96 sucked, 97 sucked, 98 was decent, 99 was...i forgot 3/4 of the card, 00 was decent, 01 was decent..

2000 was decent?????


Sure the first hour sucked but Jericho v. Benoit, TLC, Shane O v. Blackman and the main event all kicked ass.


2001 also kicked ass with some great stuff throughout.


1998 is a personal favourite of mine

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Guest MillenniumMan831

Yeah, plus the 1993 SummerSlam atmosphere was very fun. A hot crowd can make or break a show at some points. And that crowd was with it through and through. Detroit's crowd was 2nd only to maybe the crowd at SS 1991; probably my favorite SummerSlam. Faces almost swept the show.

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Guest bob_barron

1991 is awesome as well- sure the matches may not be ***** classics but it's such a great show, and it was cool seeing Macho and Liz tie the knot.

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Guest the incomparable

The atmospere of Wembley Stadium at Summer Slam 1992 is almost worth the price of the video alone. It'a a very entertaining show overall to me personally, but Warrior/Savage can't hold a candle to their WM 7 match, and it is probably unfair to expect it would.


Summer Slam 1993 is also a very solid show, but the Shawn/Perfect match was a debacle. Michaels looked out of shape and Perfect's back was acting up on him. I am always disappointed after watching the match.

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Guest nWoScorpion

Who on earth would buy a tape to watch the motherf***ing crowd? I want some good wreslting not some jackoff's cheering like idiots.



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Guest Your Olympic Hero

93 was good overall. The main event blew, as would any Luger vs. Yoko match. But you couldnt help but mark out for Luger just a little bit back in 93 when they pushed him to the moon. *dodges tomatoes being thrown* Anyway, the whole Bret Hart/Doink/Jerry Lawler segment is AWESOME. The sixman tag is a surprisingly good match. Steiners vs. Heavenly Bodies is fun. DiBiases last match as well. Hennig/Michaels isnt THAT bad, although it was a big dissapointment.


92 was a fun show too. Bret/Bulldog is overrated, but still good. Savage and Warrior put on another decent match as well. Most of the other stuff is a pass, but the Wembley Stadium crowd was huge and helps make the show more entertaining overall.

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Guest nWoScorpion

the match wasn't ALL rest holds (except for the stupid nerve pinch Yoko does and the armbar here and there)

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Guest bob_barron

Luger gets a big pop but not a Hogan or SCSA sized pop and looks like a tool. U-S-A. Staredown, Fugi tries to interfere, Luger catches him and kicks Yoko’s ass. Yoko blocks roll-up misses leg drop. Luger works on the leg-Yoko falls. Elbow-2. Yoko gets a bodyslam misses elbow. Luger works him over, U-S-A. Luger does 5 punches, crowd counts along. Yoko comes back and takes control. Fugi tries to interfere- Luger again blocks it. Lex comes back but can’t bodyslam him, and Yoko superkicks him. Luger bails, tries to get back in but eats headbuttt. Yoko chokes him and they brawl on the outside. Yoko kicks his ass. Luger blocks a chairshot- more brawling. Back in- Luger hits 2 double axehandles and a forearm from top-2. Clothesline-2. Double KO. Cornette breaks count, and Fugi throws Yoko the salt bucket. Yoko whacks him with it but takes too long to cover him for 2. Yoko works him over but gets 2 on a belly to belly. More ass kicking by Yoko. Cornette talks to Luger and Yoko hits a side suplex and does the nerve hold. He falls on him-2. Legdrop-2. Banzai-Luger moves. Crowd goes crazy. “Now is the time”- VKM. Luger comes back with rights. Yoko keeps coming back and works him over. Blind charge misses and Lex bodyslams to a MEGA POP. Brain: “Hiplock! Hiplock!” He knocks out Fugi and hits the bionic forearm which knocks Yoko out of the ring. Luger being the dumbass that he is lets Yoko get counted out. Bullshit ending. **1/2

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I don't know what you all are seeing that I'm not, Loser/yoko was a total crapfest, HBK/Perfect was the mother of all letdowns, Steiners/Bodies was purely decent, DiBiase's last match was notable, but unspectacular, Bret was in the wrong role...

IMO the six man tag is the real sleeper of the show, considering how good it was and who the combatants were. If Bret had had a title run in mid-late 93, it could've made the product so much better..

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Guest bob_barron

Bret was in the wrong role? WTF??


Who cares that he wasn't fighting for the title. The angle with King and Doink was classic. It made Bret even more over then he already was.


Steiners-Bodies kicked a lot of ass, and Luger v. Yoko isn't that bad. I mean sure Yoko rests a bit but it's good stuff

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Guest nWoScorpion

1993 is the only one i can sit through the entire thing with out snoring. (From 1993-2001) 1994 was fairly good, cept for Mabel vs. Jarrett. Ugh. And Taker Vs. Faker. AAAH!

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Guest bob_barron

What about 98? Aside from Oddities-Kai en tai match everything is pretty good

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Guest the 1inch punch

99 is great, IMO, the heat for friggin Test versus Shane is amazing

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Guest nWoScorpion

I admit, SSlam 98 is VERY enjoyable. Its just I like the old school a lot better (anything from 1987-1994). Oddities vs. Kai en Tai was kidna funny for a comedy match.

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Guest JHawk

I just saw 1992 the other day again, and that show is great. Martel-Michaels is solid, and if not for the Sherri shit could have been a classic. Savage-Warrior in my opinion was pushing **** until the Flair and Hennig run-ins. If anything's really overrated, it was Davey Boy-Bret, which was still **** in my opinion.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Savage/Warrior was **** even by my count, and I'd still say Bret/Bulldog was *****, even if davey was blown up. those two matches alone make it a better card than 93, which didn't have a **** match.

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Guest Si82
Over at Silvervison.co.uk they're selling summerslams for £7.50 (wow) and I bought Summerslam 92 and Summerslam 93.


I can barely remember Summerslam 92 as I was only 5 :/ I can remember marking for the Bulldog though, but that's all I remember (Oh and the HBK-Model water thingy).


Never seen 93, that's why I bought it :|


So...have I made good choices?

Just a quick note for any UK fans out there that not only are Silver Vision selling Summerslam's for cheap but now they are selling most videos and DVD's cheap as well. They've got stuff like One Night Only, and all other UK events, for a measly £4.00 (double wow!) plus all PPV's for around £7.50 and tons more cheap tapes. If i wasn't skint I'd get some myself.

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