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Guest Prototype450


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Guest Prototype450

The movies coming out next year are.


X-men 2




Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines


Jeepers Creepers 2 ( I had to put it down sorry)


Charlie's Angels 2


The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Revoulutions( I think a lot you might not like these two movies.)


Bulletproof Monk (It has Stifler and Chou Yun Fat)


Bad Boys 2


Post more if know them.

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Guest evenflowDDT

What about The Hulk? :o


Hmmmm.... what else is coming next year? wh0000000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puppetmaster vs. Demonic Toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!


Doesn't that (shudders) Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake come out next year as well?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Don't forget:


The Fast And The Furious 2


X-Men 2


The Hulk


American Pie 3

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Guest Angle-plex
Doesn't that (shudders) Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake come out next year as well?


I have never heard of the remake. Who's in it?

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

A bunch of no name Actors.


The only one you might know is Jessica

Biel(7th Heaven)

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Guest Karnage

Too many sequels. Super hero movies are good, but I don't think most of the mainstream know DareDevil.

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Guest El Satanico

X-men 2: I liked the first and found it to be a good adaption of the cartoon(can't say comic because i've never read it)so i want to see this.


DareDevil: Could be good, could be bad it's hard to tell but i'll probably see it.


Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines: blaah Ahhhnold is washed up and he needs to accept it and retire or become a director :shudders:. Sick of him basically remaking his movies in an attempt to steady his falling star.


Jeepers Creepers 2 ( I had to put it down sorry): I liked the first :ducks the tomatos thrown at me: so i'll check it out.


Charlie's Angels 2: um...yeah suuure...neeext


The Matrix Reloaded & Revoulutions: I hate Keanu and the Matrix wasn't some amazing industry changing movie like some think. However while i don't fall into the group that drools over it and claims it to be the greatest movie ever made i still liked the original and plan on seeing both sequels.


Bulletproof Monk (It has Stifler and Chou Yun Fat): This is such a bizarre combo that i'm sure this movie will be good on some level.


Bad Boys 2: I hope this is a sequel to Sean Penn's Bad Boys. Smith and Lawrence's Bad Boys wasn't a bad movie, but it shouldn't get a sequel.

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Guest El Satanico

Yes they are. I haven't seen LOTR yet but the sequel Two Towers(i believe is the name) looks even better then the first from the trailer i saw.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Yes they are. I haven't seen LOTR yet but the sequel Two Towers(i believe is the name) looks even better then the first from the trailer i saw.

Two Towers should be better because it's a better book (yes, I finally read the books, so now I can provide "accurate criticism"... right... haha!). When I first saw Fellowship of the Ring, I wasn't impressed and was even bored with it, but reading the book was just torture. So... yea... better book should mean better movie, right? RIGHT?!


If not... guess there's just more to shudder about... like the remake of Barbarella with DREW BARRYMORE! Groan... oh wait, that's not 'til 2004... but is it still OK to start shuddering now?



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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Yeah, the Harry Potter flick is called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

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Guest J*ingus

Calm down, evenflow, this is fucking BARBARELLA we're talking about here, not Sophie's Choice or something. The original wasn't that great, either.


But damn, that list ain't so good. I'm looking forward to Hulk and X-Men 2, and the Matrix flicks might not be bad, but as for the rest of them? Blah.

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Guest Angle-plex
isn't harry potter and lord of the rings coming out next year?


I though we were talking about good movies?

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Guest Angle-plex
We are. Both were surprisingly good.


If you mean good as in not good, I agree.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Doesn't Star Trek X come out in 2003?


It's even numbered, it will rule.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
X-men 2: I liked the first and found it to be a good adaption of the cartoon(can't say comic because i've never read it)so i want to see this.


DareDevil: Could be good, could be bad it's hard to tell but i'll probably see it.


Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines: blaah Ahhhnold is washed up and he needs to accept it and retire or become a director :shudders:. Sick of him basically remaking his movies in an attempt to steady his falling star.


Jeepers Creepers 2 ( I had to put it down sorry): I liked the first :ducks the tomatos thrown at me: so i'll check it out.


Charlie's Angels 2: um...yeah suuure...neeext


The Matrix Reloaded & Revoulutions: I hate Keanu and the Matrix wasn't some amazing industry changing movie like some think. However while i don't fall into the group that drools over it and claims it to be the greatest movie ever made i still liked the original and plan on seeing both sequels.


Bulletproof Monk (It has Stifler and Chou Yun Fat): This is such a bizarre combo that i'm sure this movie will be good on some level.


Bad Boys 2: I hope this is a sequel to Sean Penn's Bad Boys. Smith and Lawrence's Bad Boys wasn't a bad movie, but it shouldn't get a sequel.

No. This is the Sequel to the Will Smith and Martin Lawrence

Bad Boys.

A sequel can be made out of this Bad Boys and it should be made.

You couldn't make a sequel to Sean Penn's version.

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Guest El Satanico

A sequel to Sean Penn's would be better then the movie they are making a sequel for.

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Guest JaKyL25
Two Towers should be better because it's a better book (yes, I finally read the books, so now I can provide "accurate criticism"... right... haha!). When I first saw Fellowship of the Ring, I wasn't impressed and was even bored with it, but reading the book was just torture. So... yea... better book should mean better movie, right? RIGHT?!


Damn, TWO movie threads that I'm about to take down Hardcore LotR Fandom road.


Evenflow, I agree that Two Towers is a better book, but reading Fellowship was TORTURE? Seriously? My first time through I actually enjoyed the Fellowship the most, simply because it's the least demanding as far as keeping up with names and places and such.


Why was it Torture? Too much exposition for you? (But it's ACTION-PACKED Exposition :D) Have you not read The Hobbit? I can see how that would contribute to Fellowship sucking a little, if you haven't read that.

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Guest J*ingus

My favorite part of the whole series is Fellowship, actually, the bits escaping from the Shire and the nightmare of Khazad-Dum (sp?) were what I loved and remembered best. The other two seem to get caught up in endless huge battles, one after another, and it all runs together in my memory.

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Guest evenflowDDT
Damn, TWO movie threads that I'm about to take down Hardcore LotR Fandom road.


Evenflow, I agree that Two Towers is a better book, but reading Fellowship was TORTURE? Seriously? My first time through I actually enjoyed the Fellowship the most, simply because it's the least demanding as far as keeping up with names and places and such.


Why was it Torture? Too much exposition for you? (But it's ACTION-PACKED Exposition :D) Have you not read The Hobbit? I can see how that would contribute to Fellowship sucking a little, if you haven't read that.

Actually, I haven't read The Hobbit, so... I guess I agree with you on that behalf. My problem with Fellowship was it just went on and on about stuff that didn't matter at all. I have no problem with character development and background, it's just that none of it seemed to go anywhere or further the story. Plus, there were too many songs. Out of the entire trilogy, the only songs I really like were from Tom Bombadil, who didn't even make the movie, but that's another gripe...


Anyway, Jingus, Barbarella not a good movie? :o


Fine then, how about remakes of Can't Buy Me Love or Straw Dogs?

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Guest redbaron51
Actually, I haven't read The Hobbit, so... I guess I agree with you on that behalf. My problem with Fellowship was it just went on and on about stuff that didn't matter at all. I have no problem with character development and background, it's just that none of it seemed to go anywhere or further the story.

it is still character development. what was said in the first movie will have some effect into the next movie progressing the lord of the rings.

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Guest Dmann2000

You guys are forgetting a couple of cool flicks from cool directors-


Kill Bill from Quentin Tarantino


Jersey Girl from Kevin Smith

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Guest John Dub

You're all completely forgetting about the best one, Once Upon a Time In Mexico, the sequel to Desperado, one of my favorite movies (Which I'm aware was a sequel to El Mariachi). I can't wait for it.

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Guest Mosh For Jesus

Actually my favorite parts of the LOTR trilogy is when.....
















King Theoden is killed, Eyowen kills the king of the nazgul, Merry and Pippin escape Grishnak and i forget the other name (I Mark For Pippin), and when the hobbits take back the shire.


By the way, Harry Potter blows. Pippin could kill Ron any day.

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Guest godthedog
The movies coming out next year are.


X-men 2




Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines


Jeepers Creepers 2 ( I had to put it down sorry)


Charlie's Angels 2


The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Revoulutions( I think a lot you might not like these two movies.)


Bulletproof Monk (It has Stifler and Chou Yun Fat)


Bad Boys 2


Post more if know them.

i think my IQ got lowered just by reading this.


let's compare that list of 2003 movies to some movies that came out in 1999:


'being john malkovich'


'fight club'


'american beauty'




'the war room'


'boys don't cry'


'eyes wide shut'


'the insider'


'bringing out the dead'


'the straight story'


'the blair witch project'


hey, wow, look who won.


let's also compare this 2003 list of sequels & action movies to some movies that came out in 1972:


'the godfather'




'last tango in paris'


'aguirre, the wrath of god'


hey, wow, look who won.

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