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Guest Prototype450


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Guest C.H.U.D.
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets both come out in 2002, not 2003.

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Guest C.H.U.D.
Hell, the best movie in 1999 was the South Park movie.

Close, but it was The Iron Giant.

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Guest Prototype450

godthedog I didn't deserve that. Besides i said post more if you know them, thus meaning i couldn't remeber a lot of them asshole.


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Guest MDH257

2003 movies I'm looking forward to:


Jersey Girl (even though I'm not a Jennifer Lopez fan)


Finding Nemo (Pixar's next movie)


Kill Bill


Intolerable Cruelty (The Coen Bros. new movie)

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Guest godthedog
godthedog I didn't deserve that. Besides i said post more if you know them, thus meaning i couldn't remeber a lot of them asshole.


it's just that if you make a statement like 2003 might be the best year for movies, be prepared to back it up with more than hollywood sequels, or else you'll get bitched at by film elitists such as myself. reading things like that just make me scratch my head and think, 'what the hell?'

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Guest Ozymandias
The Two Towers, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Star Trek X all come out this year. Return of the King (LotR 3) comes out in 2003.

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Guest Strike Force!
The movies coming out next year are.


X-men 2




Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines


Jeepers Creepers 2 ( I had to put it down sorry)


Charlie's Angels 2


The Matrix Reloaded

The Matrix Revoulutions( I think a lot you might not like these two movies.)


Bulletproof Monk (It has Stifler and Chou Yun Fat)


Bad Boys 2


Post more if know them.

While I will probably go see a couple of those movies, none of those seem to constitute the title of "Best Movie Year Ever." I won't be dying of anticipation to see any of those movies, unlike this year (AOTC, Spider Man, The Two Towers)

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Guest evenflowDDT

Wait, I just realized... why are two Matrix sequels coming out in the same year? That doesn't make sense, especially since both are Hollywood blockbusters, wouldn't they be spread out by a year or so, even if they were filmed at the same time (a la the Lord of the Rings trilogy)?

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Guest MDH257

If you had two moves almost certain of making at least $250 million each, would you want to make that money in one year or drag it out and get it over two years.


This has been done before: Back to the Future 2 & 3 were filmed back to back. 2 was released in Nov. '89, 3 was released in Mar. '90.

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Guest evenflowDDT
If you had two moves almost certain of making at least $250 million each, would you want to make that money in one year or drag it out and get it over two years.

That's true, I forgot that especially in Hollywood greed rules all :D


Also, this way they don't have to contend with the 2004 powerhouse that is Spiderman 2.

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Guest Ozymandias

Apparently, part 2 has a huge cliff-hanger and they were afraid that people would get pissed off if they made us wait too long. Plus, long-term planning has never exactly been a strongly-held value in the entertainment biz.

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Guest El Satanico

Cliff Hanger ending to a movie...i can already hear the bitching that will come from that.

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