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Guest Ravenbomb

Wrestlemania DVDs

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Guest Ravenbomb

out of Wrestlemania 2000 and Wrestlemania 17, which one is the better DVD?

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Guest Daredevil21

In a way, it's a no win situation. You'll probably have to end up getting both, since WM 2000 has an entire disk of extras, and WM XVII's extras are pretty blah. I personally hate WM 2000 with a passion, so I would only buy it if I really wanted the extras or/and if I found it at a good price. Since the latter was true in my case, I own WM 2000, although it seems to be more of a display piece on my DVD shelf since I quickly eject the disk everytime I try to watch the show.

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Guest bob_barron

WMXVI is actually a pretty good show-

The three way ladder match and stuff involving the Radicalz is good and despite the overbooking I enjoyed the whole show.


WMXVII is an awesome DVD with a bunch of extras and the overall card is great

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Guest Ravenbomb

Ok, I am going to get both, I guess the question should be "I have about $40 which one should I get first and which one can wait until I have more money?"


I can't wait until I have an actual job

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Guest razazteca

X7 has TLC2, HHH vs Undertaker, Benoit vs Angle, Rock vs SCSA


2000 has 3 way ladder match and Benoit vs Angle vs Jericho plus the WM history extra disc

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Guest HartFan86

If you don't care about having about 50 music videos from the past 15 years of Wrestlemanias, don't bother with WM 2000.


WM X7 is worth it for the show itself.

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Guest Razor Roman
Is Wrestlemania XV any good? It's WWE's first DVD I think.

It's not much more than the Wrestlemania card. They have a little video on Fan Fest or whatever... and they have the little hype-packages for the matches available.


Aside from that, I don't like the card very much... AND the WWE's production in general has gotten light-years better since then. I watched it a few weeks ago, and I was like.. "damn, the sound in the arena sucks...." among other things.

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