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Guest Ravenbomb

Best type of movie monster

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Guest Ravenbomb

out of stuff like Vampires and wherewolves and Unstoppable killer guy (Jason, MM, Freddy, etc.) which do you think is the best.


My vote goes to zombies. Sure, you can kill one zombie pretty easily, unless it's Return of the living dead, but it's never just a zombie. It's always 8000000 zombies with more being made, and you never seem to have anything better than a shotgun or rifle or anything.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Yep, if you invite them to a party you don't have to worry about chips and dip -- just your other guests...

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Guest evenflowDDT

For a good laugh and a fun rainy Saturday afternoon, you can't go wrong with guys in monster suits.


As something scary, zombies are tops because they're the ultimate mindless, unstoppable killer, because there are always more dead out there waiting to be re-animated. However, as actual characters, I like vampires better because they're more versatile... I mean, can you picture a zombie anti-hero or a zombie erotica (no, Dead/Alive doesn't count)?

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Guest El Satanico

We need more Zombie Erotica damnit!


And yes i can imagine a zombie being the hero of a movie...and it would make for an interesting concept.

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Guest J*ingus

Zombie for a hero? Zombie erotica? Already did it, sort of, Return of the Living Dead III.


Personally, I've always been a huge vampire fan, but there are damn few movies that actually take them seriously and really think about them. (Anne Rice thinks she does, but no.) Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust and the Werner Herzog remake of Nosferatu come to mind, as well as the criminally overlooked Frank Langella version of Dracula.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Zombies, although I think it's a given that they're my favorite. My favorite zombies ever? The Baby Zombie in Dead Alive, Maggot in The Dead Hate The Living! (who is also responsible for the most realistic-looking kill I've ever seen in a horror movie), and The Tarman in Return Of The Living Dead.


As for zombie heroes...
















...Day Of The Dead had Bub, the zombie that was beginning to remember what it was like to be human again. When he saw Frankenstein (I forget the doc's actual name, but Rhodes and Steele always referred to him as Dr. Frankenstein) dead, he went on a justice spree against the military guys he believed killed him.

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