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Rob E Dangerously

Think about it..

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Your #1 contender, the man who will be wrestling for the belt on Sunday, is out there.. three men are around the ring. Who punks out Brock and makes him look weak..


a) the semi-legit INTENSE~! "main-eventer"


B) the world champion


c) a cripple who isn't 1/3rd of himself any more.


If you answered C, send your resume to the WWE.


Oh yeah, I don't like the fact that Brock got punked by HBK.. when he is being built up as a monster heel. Having the HeartBeak Kripple attack your monster heel isn't gonna help him any.


Then again, the WWE hasn't been known for building people up right. They don't let Brock get clean wins over Test, Bubba, Rikishi and others. They fail to help Brock develop a personality. They have just failed all together.


God.. Summerslam will either be good or it will suck horribly. End of Story.

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Guest BigTim2002

Rob I think the fact is that they wanted to show that HBK could still go a little bit, so they had him punk Lesnar to prove that point. That's all.

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Guest Human Fly

I've got to agree with Rob on this one. They could've proved HBK's still got it by punking out HHH. Shawn is only coming back for one match or fight with HHH. There is no need for him to punk the next Champ who has had trouble getting over. It hurt Brock more then it helped HBK.


They should've had HBK superkick HHH, and then get F5ed. They could've played how his back was hurt, and Brock would've gotten good heat for it. That's assuming HBK could take the F5.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Well, I don't think it was a great idea to involve Lesnar in the Rock/HHH conflict AGAIN. They did the exact same thing last week, and it didn't help any. So far the feud is all about mindgames, and Rock's frustration at not being able to confront Brock directly. I think it's an original idea, and they should run with it.

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Guest Brian

After last night, I wouldn't be surprised if he has more than one match left in him. Just probably a second match against Triple H. Got to build that up and coming heel.

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