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Guest ShooterJay

A Bet with Y'all

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Guest ShooterJay

I put this in the Raw thread, but I wanted to make this as public as possible.


I have a lot of faith in the abilities of Shawn Michaels, and tonight confirmed for me that while he's still not 100%, he can still go, and that's better than a good chunk of the roster.


Therefore, I'm betting, with the entire board (unless someone want to jump in with me) that the Summerslam match will break ***1/2. The question I pose is, what should I put up, and what do I get (board-wise: a new title, mod status, column on the main site, something along those lines)


Do I have any takers, either way? Suggestions for a wager?

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Guest BigTim2002

I say you put up a copy of Triple H: The Game on DVD.


If you win...you get whatever you want pertaining to the boards. That's how I'd do it...

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Guest chirs3

I assume you mean ***1/2 on Keith's scale, not your own...


Or would you do a board-wide survey and average the results?

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Guest BigTim2002

No offense, but if Scott Keith give HBK/HHH more than ***, than the Apocolypse is upon us

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Guest jester

One thing's for sure, it's going to be the most talked about match in this forum.

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Guest Dangerous A

Problem is a lot of the smarks will hate the match for who the participants are and not for the match itself. You are getting yourself into a no win situation, ShooterJay. There are folks here who will not let themselves enjoy HHH vs HBK, no matter what they do.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Well fuck those who think that, I think this one might be good


Sure, theres a chance that it'll be one big shitfest, but even a crappy HBK has always been better than most of 'em

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Guest Dangerous A

I'm with you RicFlairGlory. I am going to wait and watch the match before I praise/criticize.


IMO, the match can either shock the shit out of people or meet the smarks low expectations.

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Guest ShooterJay

I'm was thinking along these lines:


Averaging Meltzer's and Alvarez's rating for the match. They can generally be counted on to be somewhat unbiased.


SK, and this board in general, are too biased against both guys for an accurate opinion. However, if the opinion of the board is unanimous either way, I'll average that in too.

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Guest The Electrifyer

ShooterJay, put your sig, avatar and custom title on the line. I don't know what you get...

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Guest TheHulkster

Sadly, I would have to agree with DangerousA. To this day, the HHHaters harp on the fact that "Triple H hasn't had a good match since coming back". I'm not a HHH fan, but i'll call a spade a spade. Triple has had several good matches since coming back from his injury (WMX8's main, SD: HHH Vs Lance Storm, SD: HHH Vs Jericho, and Judgement Day's HIAC match against Jericho). While he isn't really busting out as many good matches as he did before his unfortunate quad injury, he's done ok. The people who hate him for whatever reason will never admit it if HBK Vs HHH is a great match just like they will admit he's over with the crowd or anything else positive about him for a reason I don't really understand.


Personally, I'm just happy to see Shawn wrestling again one last time. So even if it isn't the most amazing match I've ever seen, I'm still probably going to enjoy it.

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Guest ShooterJay

As for what I'd put up, I can't afford DVDs for all of you (I'll be back in school, so I don't even have a player)


However, I will put up my X Division title, and it's replacement can be something embarassing, (whatever the mods want, they can take the gloves off) and it will stay there until HHH's next good match.


As for what I'd get, I want a column on the main site. I used to write a wrestling column for a few sites, most notably 2kwrestling.com and (for a very brief time) 4w-wrestling.com, and I'm a journalism student, so I'm not a hack by any stretch.

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Guest Mattdotcom

So....you're willing to "bet" something on some peoples' opinions of a fixed sport?


Oh, good. You're not putting up anything of material value or anything that matters.

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Guest Anglesault

I'll up the ante. If this match hits ***1/2, for onw WHOLE day, I will do nothing but pro Test posts.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I don't think there will be a * rating to give to the *match* because I think its going to end up being a fight and not a match, now that its not *sanctioned*. There isn't going to be more than a couple wrestling moves in the whole thing and it probably won't even be in the ring for more than a couple minutes.

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Guest ShooterJay

Bravo, Anglesault, way to be a risk taker.


So, to review,

Factors: Dave Meltzer rating, Bryan Alvarez rating (if he has one), and board opinion (if slanted really heavily towards one side)

If I win: A one-shot column on thesmartmarks.com

If I lose: Stripped of "X Division Champion" custom title, replaced with something really embarassing until HHH has another good match.


Does everyone agree on these stipulations?

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Guest TestKick
I'll up the ante. If this match hits ***1/2, for onw WHOLE day, I will do nothing but pro Test posts.

Fuck you.


HBK didn't impress me much tonight, and I'd be surprised if this gets past *

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Guest CanadianChick
I'll up the ante. If this match hits ***1/2, for onw WHOLE day, I will do nothing but pro Test posts.

Fuck you.


HBK didn't impress me much tonight, and I'd be surprised if this gets past *

don't flame bait Testkick...

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Guest RicFlairGlory

If you think Test puts on lots of *** star matches and then dislikes this...


Wait, that makes sense, you're completely braindead

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Guest Anglesault
Bravo, Anglesault, way to be a risk taker.

I also have the advantage of being able to get to Summerslam and kick Shawn in the back if the match starts to look good.

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Guest CanadianChick
Bravo, Anglesault, way to be a risk taker.

I also have the advantage of being able to get to Summerslam and kick Shawn in the back if the match starts to look good.

you in the front row, AS?

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Guest TestKick
If you think Test puts on lots of *** star matches and then dislikes this...


Wait, that makes sense, you're completely braindead

Which I've never said...


I said Test-Taker has the possibility to be ***-***1/2.


After seeing HHH put on a fairly boring **1/2 match with Rock, and Shawn topple over the top rope, and seemingly in pain after taking a basic bump... I still don't expect much out of this. They've already said this will be a fight, which = punch, kick, yawn.

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Guest LooseCannon
Bravo, Anglesault, way to be a risk taker.


So, to review,

Factors: Dave Meltzer rating, Bryan Alvarez rating (if he has one), and board opinion (if slanted really heavily towards one side)

If I win: A one-shot column on thesmartmarks.com

If I lose: Stripped of "X Division Champion" custom title, replaced with something really embarassing until HHH has another good match.


Does everyone agree on these stipulations?

I think only the people who run the site can really give the go-ahead on the column if you win.

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Guest The Electrifyer
Bravo, Anglesault, way to be a risk taker.


So, to review,

Factors: Dave Meltzer rating, Bryan Alvarez rating (if he has one), and board opinion (if slanted really heavily towards one side)

If I win: A one-shot column on thesmartmarks.com

If I lose: Stripped of "X Division Champion" custom title, replaced with something really embarassing until HHH has another good match.


Does everyone agree on these stipulations?

No... I said avatar, sig AND custom title. A custom title isn't worth Anglesault praising Test for a whole day. Have you ever read his posts?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
I'll up the ante. If this match hits ***1/2, for onw WHOLE day, I will do nothing but pro Test posts.

Fuck you.


HBK didn't impress me much tonight, and I'd be surprised if this gets past *

This will be Savage/Steamboat compared to Test/Taker asswipe.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

The funny thing is..realistically..how many workers put up matches over *** now in the WWE? (and I'm not talking SK's Benoit = Auto **** ratings, either). Three stars is pretty damn high, nowadays.


On that thought..I don't think anything will break three and a half at SS.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Agreed with Anglesault...


If this thing cracks ***, i'll stop marking for the Undertaker.


...like thats gonna happen


This has been the Taker Mark


P.S Does anyone think the pain HBK showed on RAW was legit? Or is Shawn just showing off how bloody good an actor he is, because he had me convinced..

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Angle/Rey Rey has a legit shot at being *** 1/2 at SS.


Benoit/RVD (in the real world, not SK's Benoit dream world) is a lock to be *** at least.

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Guest Shanghai Kid 2002

I'm guessing that HBK was just selling the back since after the show-


HBK and HHH fought on the ramp more until HBK hit him with a Superkick. Than his music played and he left the stage to a big pop.


After all this build up of HBK not being able to take a basic bump, I was surprised to see him get a hard clothsine that rocked his head and neck back. I was more surprised to see him do a plancha. This match is going to be *** in my opinion.

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