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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Which poster(s) are hopeless marks?

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Guest DawnBTVS

I mark for the wrestlers in my sig.:) Also I don't find Eddie that entertaining. His mic work with Rock was great but that's about it with him. He's kinda overrated in my opinion.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Don't understand Benoit's appeal? Well, he hasn't impressed me too much, lately, but if you just look at the last three years, he was pretty much an obvious contender for "Best wrestler in North America" even though he's seen better days. In 2001 he worked what was largely considered NA MOTY with Austin in Edmonton, while also working the tag with Jericho v. HHH/Austin that was the other big contender that year. The year before that, he carried Jericho in a great series of matches, though none of them really MOTY material, but good matches, none-the less. He carried the IC title and had a more credible and successfull run than anyone has had since (unless you consider HHH's 2001 cup of coffee with the title to be "credible"). Also had a great match with HHH that year on PPV, as well as a really nice TV match near the end of 2000 with Austin that pretty much signalled the return of Steve as a good worker. Then there's '99, where he had what was all but officially proclaimed NA MOTY for that year, with Malenko v. Raven/Saturn, and also had the Owen Tribute match with Bret on Nitro that got a lot of praise and is widely regarded as Bret's last trully great match, as well as the last classy, respectfull thing WCW did as a company. Quite a three years for a worker, and that's pretty much regarded as a time when Benoit was regressing due to being forced to slow down for others, where as his run as a corner stone of the NJ Junior division allowed him room to work how he wanted with good opponents, and thus produce the best matches he was capable of.


Basically, if you just watch the matches, it's clear why Benoit was great, and may still have greatness in him. Believe whatever you like.

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Guest J*ingus

One of Benoit's main problems is that he'll be stuck in the midcard for months, then get one big shot at the main event, then lose and disappear back down the card again. He's been getting the "Test push" for the past six years.

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Guest Dames Edna

Ahem, did someone say Eddie is overated? Are you on glue? He may not be the best in the world or north america, but calling him overated is the most assinine statement i've ever heard. He has wonderful grasp of psychology, whether it be involving the crowd or his opponant. Moreover, he has probably the widest arsenal of moves in the WWE. For the most part, he does not use the same moves in every match, minus the Frog Splash and Brainbuster.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
One of Benoit's main problems is that he'll be stuck in the midcard for months, then get one big shot at the main event, then lose and disappear back down the card again. He's been getting the "Test push" for the past six years.

Well, I'm pretty sure that's much more than the naysayers expected Benoit to do when he jumped in January 2000.


Hell, look what happened to Saturn, Malenko and Lynn.

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Guest razazteca

from what I have seen of Jerry Lynn, he suffers from the same problem that Benoit, Eddy, Malenko have which is that they are great workers but could not hold a mic to save their job. Also it seems that both Malenko and Lynn are codependent wrestlers as they need someone with the same amount of talent or more to have a good match. They seem to be career tag team wrestlers and struggle to work single matches unless motovated in a heated fued.

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Guest Tha Cunnysmythe
from what I have seen of Jerry Lynn, he suffers from the same problem that Benoit, Eddy, Malenko have which is that they are great workers but could not hold a mic to save their job.

Uh... what? Eddy's a great mic worker.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Benoit and Eddy must be doing something right then as they're consistently shown as worthy players and are almost always near the top of the card.

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Guest Dames Edna

None of guys are you real smart marks, you're a bunch of posers. Any smart mark knows Eddie rules the world. What a message board, can you say "false advertising?"


Next thing you know, you are going to say Funaki's push should get cut at the knees

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Guest Kid Kablam

BDUb, do you have a very looooooooong stick up your ass? Or just a tremendous hard on for Eddy? Either way, your awfully irritable. Same with BeniotRules2000. Hey I love Benoit and everything, but best wrestler ever? Hardly. And Eddy? Well he kicks ass and everything. But do you have to be such an asshole about it? I always thought that being a smark meant you made up their OWN mind. Meaning that we can like whoever the hell we want, and we're here so that we can discuss as opposed to conform. So if you want to take your ten posts and leave this board and spend the rest of your miserable existence basking in your ultimate smarkiness, well that's just fucking dandy.

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Guest bob_barron
None of guys are you real smart marks, you're a bunch of posers. Any smart mark knows Eddie rules the world. What a message board, can you say "false advertising?"


Next thing you know, you are going to say Funaki's push should get cut at the knees

You're a fucking turd BDub.


So just because we don't like your favourite wrestler means we're not smart marks??


I like Eddy but he does not rule the world. If he "rules the world" then what happened at King of the Ring.


This is a message board for opinions not everyone going Gee golly Eddy rules yay!


I don't know how you can claim false advertising about the board since I don't think you ever will have sex.


And BTW- We all know Regal rules the world

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Guest Downhome

Blah, I'm begining to think the word "mark" and "smark" are being WAY over used here lately.

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Guest CanadianChick

What's up with ppl. saying that their favorite wrestlers are the best in the world like its a fact and then getting offended when others disagree? That is what a message board is for, discussing and argueing your opinions....sheesh

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Guest Mattdotcom

To get on-topic: If MilesBerg is still around, he's the biggest Goldberg mark.

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Guest Kid Kablam
You just don't get it, mon frere. ease up pal

Now you want people to ease up? What the fuck? If you don't want to get flamed then don't flame.







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Guest RickyChosyu

Dude, people, he was JOKING. I know this is No Holds Barred, but not everything is flame bate, by virtue of being in this forrum. Calm the hell down. Shit, did he really have to spell it out for you?


As for Eddie's issue with working the microphone, he has his off days, but mostly he's very consistant and has quite a marketable character. Malenko is a weak microphone worker, but the WWF never really understood that they could work around that, and instead put him in a comedy role (trying to get in Lita's pants, among other things). In WCW, he got over very well without saying much of anything, and was a corner stone of the Cruiserweight division for quite some time. His program with Jericho pretty much made Chris's career, at that point, too, so don't say he can't be taken seriously in a big feud, either.


As for Lynn, his promos in the WWF were really bad, but I think he was trying to work in some "worked shoot" comments about his status in the company, and just didn't go far enough with it for anyone to notice. The promo where he said it was his "life-long dream" to win the WWF Light Heavyweight Title was really bad, and just made people laugh at him because they didn't realize he was shooting.

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Guest LooseCannon
What's up with ppl. saying that their favorite wrestlers are the best in the world like its a fact and then getting offended when others disagree? That is what a message board is for, discussing and argueing your opinions....sheesh

No they're not. I'm with Bdub. Message board's are for discussing how great Eddie Guerrero is. Eddie does indeed rule the world. And if you people don't want to end up in a camp, then you'll get on board and toute suite.

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Guest Dames Edna

This is so amusing, I can't begin to describe it. Where has this board been all my life? I wipe my ass with you smart marks. All y'all take this shit so seriously, but most of you don't have a clue. First off, I was completely joking about the false advertising as it comes to the name of this place. Secondly, my Eddie shilling shouldn't have come under fire at all, as it simply is an opinion.


And please shoot down my sex life, hurt my feelings, half you pussies are waiting until your parents leave the house so you can go on XXX websites and find some hacked passwords. As far as my lack of sex, I still have my countless hours of wrestling tapes I can watch instead. Yes, watching hours of wrestling tapes is better than sex, wait...no its not. But *apparently* someone thinks a message board is better than it.


Aside from some of the posters I recognize from the old smarks board, many of you are a zit on the ass of wrestling fans. Why don't you go make your lame Michael Cole banners, and talk about how kool RVD iz, and create some more conspiracy theories about Kurt Angle being underpushed.


Now before you all get all worked up, re-read these comments. if you feel so intensly that you want to flame me, than you are indeed taking all this shit too seriously. If not, you are a well structured human being who knows I am totally fucking with you all. Or am I?



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Guest benoitrules2000

Well gee, I'm so sorry my OPINION irritates you all so much...Oh wait, NO I'M NOT!!!


You don't give a fuck what i think, therefore i don't give a fuck what you think.

This whole exercise is pointless and who the fuck are the IWC?

I think benoit is the BEST wrestler ever so just fucking deal with it ok?

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Guest Austin3164life

People might find this wierd, but Austin could kill someone, come back on Raw, and I'd still mark the F*CK out (if he actually did that I might not, just using an example of how much I love Steve Austin's character [heel]). And, for some reason, I still mark for Triple H. Call it a guilty pleasure (Ducks behind a brick wall to avoid the tomatoes thrown).

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
This thread isn't fun at all. bps is a dirty liar.

You didn't know that BEFORE this?



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Guest Daredevil21
Well gee, I'm so sorry my OPINION irritates you all so much...Oh wait, NO I'M NOT!!!


You don't give a fuck what i think, therefore i don't give a fuck what you think.

This whole exercise is pointless and who the fuck are the IWC?

I think benoit is the BEST wrestler ever so just fucking deal with it ok?


Well, I don't know if you were talking to me or someone else, but in the case that you were in fact talking to me, I'd just like to point out that I never said that I didn't care what you thought (although it isn't exactly too high on my list of concerns), but clearly you care what I think since you sound so pissed off.


And I don't care that you think Benoit is the best wrestler ever; good for you. I just thought it was stupid to call that a fact


BTW, IWC= Internet Wrestling Community

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Guest TheHulkster

I think some of the people here are Internet marks. They don't understand that WWE is a business and never look at the other side of the coin, realizing that WWE does a lot of things *gasp* not to please the internet fans, but to draw certain demographics and to sell merchandise and pay per views. Internet marks fail to think about why they do certain things and just piss and moan that the current net favorite isn't being pushed, which is another factor that compliments the mark in their name. WWE doesn't just push people just because they can work good, they do it if they think they can make money with that person. Some people still can't get this through their head. The worst of the Internet Marks say a show sucks when it hasn't even been on for a total of 5 minutes. These people I just don't understand, except for possibly their wanting to look cool to the other people who spend their nights posting on an internet wrestling message board, which is possibly the lamest you can get. The moral of the story, is a lot of the people who claim to be smarter than the average mark are really just hypocrite marks, and their views should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Guest RickyChosyu

To play Devil's advocate:


When the WWE claims to push wrestlers because they draw, and no one is drawing, it's a lot easier for Internet fans to say their favorite wrestler should be pushed above the current guard.

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