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Guest SlowChemical6

Wrestlers so BAD that they are GOOD...

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Guest SlowChemical6

Here is my "Top 5" list of professional wrestlers who are so BAD that they provide me with countless hours of comedy:


1. Lex Luger - He's got it ALL. He's horrible in the ring, his idea of selling is screaming he's being stabbed with hot pokers, his promos are cheesy, he is always pumping away on that damn Lex Flexor, and he's just got this smug arrogance about him...almost as if he thinks he is good or something.


2. Billy Gunn - The Lex Luger of WWE. He gets horribly winded, his over-selling is beautiful, he phones it in whenever he can (watch the immunity battle royal from Survivor Series...he spends the entire match attempting to "eliminate" somebody while watching everybody else over his shoulder to ensure that he only expends energy on the elimination spots), and his screamer promos are beyond cheesy.


3. Test - He's actually great in the ring, but his promos are wicked cheesy.


4. Sabu - I love it when he blows spots. I have never laughed harder than when watching Sabu vs. Sandman from N2R '97. Pure gold.


5. Big Boss Man - He embarassed himself greatly earlier this year in his 2-week program with Austin and Rock (based on the now-infamous mic attack), but provided me with lots of laughs in the process.

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Guest Ravenbomb

Giant Gonzalesz. Did you see WM9? He sold like he was gonna slip on a banana peel, it was HILARIOUS!

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Guest Downhome

How about The Iron Sheik from Legends of Wrestling? He may have been great back in the day, but at this PPV it was just so sad, and horrible, that it was damn funny.

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Guest Olympic Slam

Sandman and Sabu always bring a smile to my face.


Hogan always provides me of hours of entertainment. Especially Hogan vs. Warrior II, definitely a laugh riot.


Billy Gunn when he's getting pushed as a singles threat. He doesn't bother me that much when he's a tag team partner.


Buff Bagwell, I don't even know where to begin


Luger........I seriously can not stand anything about him. The bus, the gimmick, the stupid finishers, Bagwell.........but I always end up laughing in the end


Rick Steiner. The dogs often found on his shoulders only solidify my spiral into laughter.


Disco Inferno, it's not that he's really bad or anything but the whole gimmick..........too stupid for words.


Bossman. The whole feud with the Big Show was gold


While not a wrestler, we'd definately miss Michael Cole and his treasure trove of idiocy.

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Guest SlowChemical6

Oh yeah...you can't beat Paul Wight coffin surfing or covering EMTs in drool.

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Guest deadbeater

Chucky, the midget from AAA. Can't wrestle for nothing but one of the best sellers ever.

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Guest kingkamala

Dusty Rhodes, him waddling around the ring giving people bionic elbows and doing his lil' fat man dance I love that guy :rolleyes: .


Kamala, the guy's facial expressions are great that's why I can't help but love ol' Kamala

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Guest Special K

Dusta Wode. A big fat, jiggling piece of trash.


Giant Baba: I know he used to be good, and have a lot of respect for him, but watching the best wrestlers in the world bump their asses off to his weak ass offense always makes me groan and smile at the same time.


Stolker Ichikawa, but he's supposed to be so bad he's good.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Missing Link...how can you not like this guy...but how bad did he suck?


Honky Tonk Man...as a worker he was maybe average at best...but reflecting back his gimmick was great

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Guest BobbyBacklund

Iron Sheik has always sucked, and Sid is the pinnacle of being great, when in fact you are fucking horrible. I always crack up whenever I see him yelling at the Undertaker and Jake Roberts at Macho Man's wedding reception, and they simply leave. I don't know, Sid brings a tear to my eye :wacko:

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

Kamala was one of the most worthless wrestlers ever, but his body paint, entrance music, facial expressions, and noises were hilarious. It was also funny when he would slap his fat stomach.

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Guest Retro Rob

DA DUSTH!!! I could watch a constant loop of Dusty matches and listen to a loop of Dusty commentary for the rest of my life.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Nash tops my list. I especially love his WWF stint. He has wrestled like two matches, did nothing in either of them, and somehow ended up getting injured in both. Sure, it sucks that he was injured, but the mere fact that he has been in the WWF like 6 months now, and has basically done nothing makes Nash entertaining to me in a way.

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Guest dreamer420

sid (hope can you not love this guy. sure he blows in the ring but his facial expressions and charisma more than make up for his lack of ring skills)


billy gunn (another hilarious guy to watch in the ring. i becamse a fan of billy's back when he was in dx because he was kind of like the dumbass of the group. his slide into the ring is the best in the business)


that is all.

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Guest jester
How about The Iron Sheik from Legends of Wrestling? He may have been great back in the day, but at this PPV it was just so sad, and horrible, that it was damn funny.

I think you mean "Heroes of Wrestling."


Legends of Wrestling is the Acclaim game with all the old time wrestlers.


Heroes of Wrestling was the PPV from Hell with a drunk Jake Roberts. :)

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Sid. He "nailed" hogan with a chair one time, and it couldn't have hurt a mosquito.

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Guest godthedog

i used to get a kick out of acolytes matches, because they were so obviously stiffing the shit out of everybody. they just do not give a shit about their opponents, & it's glorious.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

The Repo Man: What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine.


The sundry bad gimmicks of Brad Armstrong. He tried real hard, but you could tell he didn't have a clue what his character should ever be.


Colonel Parker


Honky Tonk Man


early Razor Ramon. The accent was so horrible, especially when he was feuding with "steeck mang."

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