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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Apocalypse Border Fuckin' Run!

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Guest Angel_Grace_Blue

Yes old sk00lers, it's a BORDER RUN!! (Please, dear n00bs, do not immediately reply inquiring as to what a border run is.) If JD had PMed me with the old IGNWF thread, I'd post it, explaining to the n00bs (And those special vets who had one too many chairshots to the cranium) what this is.


Basically, I, GOdrea, AKA Mistress of the Border Run and Devastator of Ovaries, head to Mexico and other south of the American border countries to get what you, yes YOU want, as long as it is:

A. Specifically from Mexico/Central/Southern American countries or is normally found there.

B. Uh...there is no B, nor is there a spoon. However, there is a spork.


Also, to be eligible to even request something, you must be booked in Apocalpyse, OR you must be a mod/booker/marker, OR you are retired from the SWF (No JL retirees) OR you are Crowe. To actually recieve your items, you must win your match (Either your match wins, or storyline-wise) or you fit one of the other aforementioned requirements. Finally, please be specific and make sense when you request your items.



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Guest Kibagami



I'll take as much tequila as you can possibly transport, plus a six-pack of female Japanese fashion models. I know that it's a Mexican border run, but...hey, c'mon now. Japanese women...*drool*




Thank you.



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Guest WrestlingDeacon

A box of Santa Clara 1830 cigars and the hard to find Stevie Ray Vaughan import cd Stilleto Rain.

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Guest Ace309

I, "the Superior One" Tom Flesher, want the TOTAL. FUCKING. PACKAGE.


A gift basket containing peyote, mescal and hand-rolled corn tortillas.


A buxom, attractive Mexican wench to cook the tortillas for me.


And, of course...


A masked midget luchadore named El Bombastico!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom









-Taylor "Pyromaniac" Thompson

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Pre Sandominica Domintatrix whatever Salma Hayek




I sent you the PMs, babe.

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Guest AnnieEclectic

I'd like.... er....


fuck, all my friends are leaving for college now, and I've already graduated... so if there's any good weed in Mexico, bring some up to Canada...



Hey Stubby... -is- there good weed in Mexico? Or does it all suck?


...so out of the weed loop, as it were. I can remember the last five years of my life, so it must have been six when I stopped....



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Guest Longdogger_Pete

Longdogger Pete requests one of Rey Misterio's masks... to cover the disturbing image of Perfect Bo's hideously deformed face after LDP gets through with him.


That is all. The only other thing Pete would want is a shot at Chris Wilson, and he's already going to get that if he beats Bo.

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Guest BA_Baracus

PROMO (Stubby P. McWeed);

"I've heard Mexico has the bomb.


So bring me a Mexican a-bomb to smite my enemies with!


Mothernature says...and weed...a whole lot of weed..."

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