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Guest Breaking Point

Japanese audiances

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Guest Breaking Point

(I hope I'm not double posting)


What do you folks here think about Japanese audiances?


I myself have not seen a truckload of puro, but from what I've seen these people are way too polite. They "Ohh" a big move (popping for highspots?! No, not Japanese audiances!), chant for the guy who's getting stomped, and cheer the winner...but that's about it. I hear there are a few exceptions (Inoki/Vader, the Super Transcendant Orgasm-Creating Misawa/Kawada), but not that many. Maybe there are a lot of sustained pops and hatred for the bad guys, but...I haven't seen it.


The whole sportsmanship thing is cool, but where are the fired up crowds screaming for the heel to die? Where are the big sustained pops? I was watching Super J Cup '94 and the crowd seemed dead for most of it. It was great wrestling. It was just bizzare not to have a crowd going apeshit, standing up, taking pictures. I bet if Rock wrestled over there he'd slit his wrists five minutes in because of the lack of crowd reaction.

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Guest Captian Linger

In Japan there is often a lack of heel/face definition with some obvious exceptions. Kawada vs Misawa wasn't a heel vs face match, it's not that black and white. Crowd cheered for both wrestlers.


Crowds in Japan can be as passionate as any in the world. Watch some early 90's Jumbso Tsuruta and Co. vs Misawa and Co. matches. Misawa, Kawada, and Kobashi got cheered for their fighting spirit and booed when they took shortcuts. Jumbo Tsuruta, Akira Taue, Masa Fuchi got cheered for fighting valiantly and booed when they got all rudo on Misawa and friend's asses. But in the end the crowd loved every minute because the had respect for all the wrestlers. The storylines ran much deeper than Wrestler A hates Wrestler B and the crowd is supposed to cheer Wrestler A and boo Wrestler B.

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Guest dr deaf

I don't know, I always kinda dug the japanese crowds, just because they're so differnt than say the american audience.  They golf clap their appreciation and give great appreciation with 'Oooh's' and 'Aahhh's'.  More than anything they remain repectful and let the wrestlers put on a story.  It's just helps add to the aura of a more refined appreciation.  I figure it also shows a major reflection of their culture in general.

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Guest CB2M
What do you folks here think about Japanese audiances?

If you buy tapes from Jeff Lynch, get the Kobashi/Kikuchi vs. Kroffat/Furnas 5/25/92 match.


If you see this match, you'll need no explaination...

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Guest PlatypusFool

"The storylines ran much deeper than Wrestler A hates Wrestler B and the crowd is supposed to cheer Wrestler A and boo Wrestler B."


But a clear heel / face dynamic makes things a lot simpler and therefore more fun to watch. Wrestling for me has never been about having to think about things. If you have to think about match psychology then the chances are the marks aren't getting the benifit of complex psych. Since the aim of any wrestling show is to entertain, having to think deeply is a bad thing since, for me, it ruins the entertainment.


Just to be clear, I am entertained by matches like Misawa vs. Kobashi 99, because of the great workrate and psychology based around finishers. But, if there was a clear heel / face dynamic, I'm pretty sure I'd prefer it because it would allow one of the wrestlers to break out the heel stuff and get into it, and I just love heel stuff.

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Guest Jubuki

"But a clear heel / face dynamic makes things a lot simpler and therefore more fun to watch. Wrestling for me has never been about having to think about things."


Yeah, "don't think, don't bother to put your mind to work and figure out if, at its core, it sucks - just enjoy it..." Please.


"If you have to think about match psychology then the chances are the marks aren't getting the benifit of complex psych."


So?  They paid their money, they're in attendance.  Their job is done.  Why the Hell do you care about them?  Or am I answering my own question?


"Since the aim of any wrestling show is to entertain, having to think deeply is a bad thing since, for me, it ruins the entertainment."


Well, that's you.  If a match isn't making me think, I tend to hate it.  Thinking is typically belittled by those who are no good at it, I've found.


"Just to be clear, I am entertained by matches like Misawa vs. Kobashi 99, because of the great workrate and psychology based around finishers."




Psy--ahahah--based around fi--ahahahahahah!


The ideas present in that match are no deeper than, "I've kicked out of this before, so I'll kick out of it again" or "this hasn't been used in our matches, I guess I'll stay down this time." For AJPW, where a 'great' match does that much and then plays off similar situations and settings in the past as well as showing the progress of the wrestlers in relation to one another, 6/11/99 is a bad main event match.  


"But, if there was a clear heel / face dynamic, I'm pretty sure I'd prefer it because it would allow one of the wrestlers to break out the heel stuff and get into it, and I just love heel stuff."


Yeah, because all that heel stuff would make SO much sense in the context of their matches against each other..."heel stuff" is there, but in the right places, a way for someone to say "I want to take what you have" - check it when Misawa slaps Jumbo in 6/8/90, or when Kawada punches Misawa in 7/29/93, or when Kawada kicks Misawa in the face in 6/9/95 after breaking his eye orbital in the previous series, or Taue stepping on Misawa's face in their matches during the final of that same series.  But that might mean you'd have to think about why rudo actions in AJPW are few and far between, and we wouldn't want you to go and do a thing like that...

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"But a clear heel / face dynamic makes things a lot simpler and therefore more fun to watch."


Eh, you're only half right thear. One of the first things I learned when I started watching puro was that wrestling just isn't as fun when you don't have anyone to root for in the match but wanting someone to win's never been about wheather they were heel or face and one guy cheats and the other doesn't to me.


And as far as the whole having to think about a match stuff goes. Sometimes it's fine and sometimes it isn't. Personally it depends on what mood i'm in wheather i'll wanna see a match with good psychology or just a spotfest whear they flip through the air 8 thousand times for no real reason or a deathmatch whear they just bleed alot or whatever...

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Guest Breaking Point

"Yeah, 'don't think, don't bother to put your mind to work and figure out if, at its core, it sucks - just enjoy it...' Please."


Overanalysis can kill ANYTHING. I could sit down and dissect some of my faveorite matches, but why? Then I wouldn't like them. I don't sit down and enjoy all wrestling at pure face value, but it's not like I'll get on Low-Ki's case for doing an armdrag after American Dragon's put him in a Crossface Chickenwing. What a sinner!


Some matches die from analysis, some benefit from it. I don't see why the ones that benefit from it are by default better...


"So?  They paid their money, they're in attendance.  Their job is done.  Why the Hell do you care about them?  Or am I answering my own question?"


If the marks aren't entertained, do you think they'll come back?


"Well, that's you.  If a match isn't making me think, I tend to hate it.  Thinking is typically belittled by those who are no good at it, I've found."


You mean you can't sit back and enjoy something like RVD and Sabu v. Shinzaki and Hayabusa, or a TLC? If not, man, I feel sorry for you.




Psy--ahahah--based around fi--ahahahahahah!"


You're kind of being a j**k.


"The ideas present in that match are no deeper than, 'I've kicked out of this before, so I'll kick out of it again' or 'this hasn't been used in our matches, I guess I'll stay down this time.' For AJPW, where a 'great' match does that much and then plays off similar situations and settings in the past as well as showing the progress of the wrestlers in relation to one another, 6/11/99 is a bad main event match."


I don't know, wasn't the whole AJ community having a collective orgasm because Misawa hit Kobashi with a TD '91, Kobashi kicked out...so the Green Guy hits the Tiger Suplex '85, then his stupid little elbow, and THEN got the pin?


I know the psychology (Super Finish #1 failed, Super Finish #2 connected, regular finish finishes the match because Misawa doesn't want to risk Kobashi kicking out of Super Finish #2 and making it look bad) but that just doesn't seem like the kind of psychology that'd make AJ a billion times better than the WWF's best show.


"Yeah, because all that heel stuff would make SO much sense in the context of their matches against each other..."


Meh, I think it could. AJ does have its share of heel stuff. I think it could benefit from a little more color, I don't think it'd ruin its traditional atmosphere. But...that's just me.


But...how about audiances? How do you feel about the audiances? Gold clapping a neck-breaking head drop?

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Guest Captian Linger

The poor spelling was enough for me to ignore most every stupid post in this thread.

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Guest PlatypusFool

*sigh* everytime I post in this folder Jubuki pops up and picks me apart, im getting quite bored of it I must say. Thanks to Breaking Point for sticking up for me and my simple brain though, you're a top lad matey ;)


Just to clear up one point though, at the risk of being overanalysed yet again...


"So?  They paid their money, they're in attendance.  Their job is done.  Why the Hell do you care about them?"


I care about what the marks think BECAUSE the main aim of a wrestling match is to entertain the marks. Something is deemed 'good' in any form of anything if it acheives its objective. Wrestling's objective (or aim) is to entertain the marks, so if it achieves that, then it can be deemed a good match.

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Guest stretch plum

"I care about what the marks think BECAUSE the main aim of a wrestling match is to entertain the marks."


And these supposed 'passionless' Japanese fans have paid their money to be entertained by this 'dry' unamerican brand of professional wrestling over the last half-century or so, I'd say it's done it's job in that respect. Somehow you seem to correlate the lack of "she's a crack whore" chants and sign waiving dipshits in the crowd as failing to meet that objective. But you'd be wrong. :)


"Something is deemed 'good' in any form of anything if it acheives its objective."


No, something is deemed good if it connects with the individual it's engaged with. The masses tend to be more unpredictable and unreliable when it comes to matters of taste. I tend to think it's wiser not to solely rest what's good and not good on their shoulders. But I suppose some folks find it easier that way, their loss.

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Guest PlatypusFool

I'm gonna be all hypocritical and say "I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response".


Look, Jubuki and like minded friends with too much time on your hands and a brain that likes to nitpick, I dont think deeply about everything that I post. I'm not going to bother going through everything I write with a fine tooth comb, and therefore, I can't defend everything I write with an elequently composed argument.


Basically, I come on here to post random stuff in response to equally random topics. I dont come on here to get every half-arsed response, that i've thought about very little, analysed to the point of no return.


You see this is what's so wrong with wrestling today, all these smarts endlessly picking apart the products and searching out things to bitch about. If you just sit down and relax, watch some wrestling, and dont think about it you will enjoy the product SO much more. Just chill out, overanalysis aint worth it.

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Guest stretch plum

"If you just sit down and relax, watch some wrestling, and dont think about it you will enjoy the product SO much more."


God, I hate these elitest pricks telling me how 'I' should enjoy my wrestling. Fucking snobs.

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Guest Jubuki

The very nature of professional wrestling is that of working the fans, bilking them out of their money for something they deem worth the expense.  If you're willing to sit idly by while a product's quality goes into a downward spiral, if you don't put a check on what someone's doing and tell them, in one way or another, "What you're doing isn't any good, so you don't get my money/ratings/attention", then you're just the kind of fool they're hoping will show up and plunk down $20.  You let yourself get worked.  "Don't think and you'll enjoy it more" is a great mantra if you like to get screwed over and conned out of your money.  Have fun.


I hardly have too much time on my hands to say the obvious; this is something I thought about for all of, oh, 10 seconds.  It's not 'overanalysis' - it's common sense.  It isn't an 'eloquently constructed argument' - it's saying what's right there in front of my face, in plain view.  If you want randomness, go to the WWF folder, or, better yet, to RSPW.  Your stereotypical, anti-thinking garbage will fit right in there.  And you can take Breaking Point and his 'more gaping holes than a porn actress' attempt at an argument with you.

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Guest Carbon Tiger

"If you just sit down and relax, watch some wrestling, and dont think about it you will enjoy the product SO much more."


Ah no I wouldn't if I wanted to stare blankly like a cow and not think about it I wouldn't have goten into puro to begin with.


God forbid having to think when being entertained.


About the lack of face and heel dymanic you may have to *GASP* watch the wrestlers yourself and conclude on your own who you like without announcers telling you.

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Guest Anorak

I think the behaviour of wrestling fans is just a cultural thing. You cant really expect Japanese fans to act exactly like American ones do, it's a whole different culture and the style of wrestling itself differs greatly from what most of us are more used to seeing. Japanese fans certainly dont lack any passion or anything, they just express themselves in a different manner. A Japanese football crowd is much more reserved than fans are in any other part of the world (Europe, S.America, Africa), but they are no less passionate or loyal either. I'd also like to take the opportunity to say to some people on this board that being a WWF fan does not make you a 'mindless sheep'. Every post which you feel is being slightly critical of your beloved puro has to be dismissed as the ramblings of an dumb idiot or be subject to snide dismissals of the WWF in general. The ironic thing is that this attitude of stereotyping WWF fans has resulted in stereotyping yourselves as horribly self important and boring people who consider themselves intellectually superior for being hardcore fans of Japanese wrestling. Maybe if you cut people a little more slack you would have more people to talk to on this board. By the way Jubuki, i dont think humour is your strong point either is it? Feel free to come and pick the 'holes' in my argument if you wish, i'm off to the WWF folder.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I think that the crowd reaction and the announcers are just as important as the match.  I could be silly that way, but thats how I feel.  We all know what a super hot crowd can do to a lame match and what a dead crowd can do to a great match.


I enjoy the Japanese fans, especially the All Japan fans.  Their oohs and aahs and them jumping out of their seats and going horseshit really adds to the drama of the match.  Without it I doubt we would all enjoy those matches with misawa, kawada, kobashi, jumbo, etc.  Hell, even Giant Babas matches were made watchable (at least for me) because of the crowds response to him.  The whole psychology of the match and the 'each move has a meaning' is brought forward through announcing and the crowds reaction.  They may be silent at times, but thats because the match BUILDS.  I find that it takes me maybe 10 minutes to fully get into a match because things have to be established first, and in retrospect the match was fantastic.  It takes patience to watch these matches (at least thats what I find) so of course the crowd might be silent through parts of a match, but they get SUPERHOT when it all comes together.  Thats why people say that AJPW is an aquired taste because you have to have patience in watching it for it all to develop.

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Guest J*ingus

One problem with this thread: everyone's saying "The Japanese Audiences" like they're all the same person, just copied a few thousand times. There are very different wrestling fans in Japan.  All Japan doesn't entertain the hardcore fans, FMW wouldn't light the fire of the worked-shoot crowds, and so on.  I mean come on, those "Japanese Audiences" made stars of guys like Tiger Jeet Singh, Ryuma Go, and Ken the Box.  They're not the all-knowing gods of wrestling fandom.

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Guest Captian Linger
One problem with this thread: everyone's saying "The Japanese Audiences" like they're all the same person, just copied a few thousand times. There are very different wrestling fans in Japan.  All Japan doesn't entertain the hardcore fans, FMW wouldn't light the fire of the worked-shoot crowds, and so on.  I mean come on, those "Japanese Audiences" made stars of guys like Tiger Jeet Singh, Ryuma Go, and Ken the Box.  They're not the all-knowing gods of wrestling fandom.

Also, I would be remiss not to mention that the original poster spelled the word incorrectly as "audiances". People with a valid counter spelled it correctly as "audiences". People that supported the original post's views simply copied the poor spelling.


For one thing, if I'm looking for someone's opinion that I can respect and learn from, one of the first thing I look for is proper spelling. That's always a sure sign that you shouldn't put a lot of stock into some opinions.


Whear am I going with this;)?

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Guest treazn
I'd also like to take the opportunity to say to some people on this board that being a WWF fan does not make you a 'mindless sheep'. Every post which you feel is being slightly critical of your beloved puro has to be dismissed as the ramblings of an dumb idiot or be subject to snide dismissals of the WWF in general. The ironic thing is that this attitude of stereotyping WWF fans has resulted in stereotyping yourselves as horribly self important and boring people who consider themselves intellectually superior for being hardcore fans of Japanese wrestling. Maybe if you cut people a little more slack you would have more people to talk to on this board. By the way Jubuki, i dont think humour is your strong point either is it? Feel free to come and pick the 'holes' in my argument if you wish, i'm off to the WWF folder.

Trolls are treated accordingly here. Seeing as they rarely have a logical arguement or any sort of point, they take a defensive position of being picked on for their WWF fandom (which is hardly ever the case).

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Guest Breaking Point

"For one thing, if I'm looking for someone's opinion that I can respect and learn from, one of the first thing I look for is proper spelling. That's always a sure sign that you shouldn't put a lot of stock into some opinions."


I made a spelling mistake, so now my opinion is suddenly not valid (or at least respected or considered?) Linger, my friend, that takes the cake for the most pretentious thing I've ever heard anywhere (and that covers a lot of ground.) I'll spell check from now on. I'd hate to think that what I have to say is thrown out so quickly because of a typo. Some of my favorite posts and stories on the Internet have had less then perfect spelling and grammar and the like...the message just shined through.


I know the Japanese fans are loyal and happy...they sell out those giant dome shows all the time! I just think it's weird that they're so quiet, that's all. I know that they are a more repressed people in general. I know All-Japan's matches are games of human chess. I like Kawada and Kobashi.


I wanted to know what you thought about the different crowd reactions in Japan, and instead this flies into another America v. Japan thing that happens whenever you compare the two products. I'm sorry if my second reply fed into that, it was NOT my intention to get another crapfest like that started. Only a few people even bothered to address the crowd reactions, but to them I'm thankful.



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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

"For one thing, if I'm looking for someone's opinion that I can respect and learn from, one of the first thing I look for is proper spelling. That's always a sure sign that you shouldn't put a lot of stock into some opinions."


"one of the first thing"? Try adding an S, idiot.

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Guest dawho5

Japanese audiences are great.  They aren't quite as good as lucha audiences, but they are very good.  The thing about Japanese audiences is not the way they react, but what they react to.  When a wrestler is put into an armbar, you get the loudest "Oooohs" and Aaaahs" in the match a lot of the time.  This kicks so much ***.  They "Ooh" and Aaah" for submissions, reversal/counter series, high risk moves, just about everything.  They don't just cheer the wrestlers for every big move they do, but they give them that appreciation for all the little things they do during the match.


As far as the hwole psychology/entertainment argument goes, I am kind of in the middle.  I love the highly psychological matches, and every once in a while I will sit and enjoy an RVD match.  I can always watch the Lynn matches, because JL is so great, but there are times I just can't stand RVD.  In the end, it all comes down to taste.  Some people like one, some like the other, some like both.  Arguing won't change their minds...

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Guest Loss4Words

Thought is nothing to be afraid of. To relate this to the WWF fans that are in this thread, the best angle in US history, to me, made me do the most thinking of any storyline I've ever seen.


Bret Hart was a babyface in a world turned heel in 1997, looking to recapture his past glory and honorable standing, but returned to his company only to find that an angry, foul-mouthed, beer-swilling SOB was now the patron saint of the same fans that used to support him. Bret began questioning the morality of the WWF and in turn the morality of the US as a whole and made some good points about America's health care system (or lack thereof), domestic violence and divorce rates.


A certain sense of territorial pride has been instilled in most young Americans since birth. We are born to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world and that we are the standard bearer for the rest of the world. Questioning America's values is unpatriotic and being unpatriotic is the equivalent to being unholy.


But is that hypocritical? Aren't we taught religiously to love everyone equally and that we are no better than any one? It's an unspoken thought most of us have had our entire lives and all of the sudden a proud yet scorned Canadian hero has actually verbalized our private thoughts.


This raises several questions:

1. Is Bret Hart hypocritical for criticizing the US while collecting money from an American company?

2. Is Canadian patriotism at its core any more wrong than American patriotism?

3. Is Bret Hart actually right and do I have the guts to admit it?

4. Is Steve Austin the kind of guy I want my children to grow up to become?


Those are just a VERY few of the questions that were raised with this angle and it lead to complex and varied thoughts among the fanbase and in turn led to the Attitude era with Steve Austin as the focal point. The fans made their decision -- the past was the past and Bret Hart could go screw himself.


THERE'S an angle that actually forced fans to think and it eventually led to the most profitable era in US wrestling history. Now just imagine if you could actually watch a match and have powerful feelings like those invoked? It's not going to come overnight, just like the ingrained thoughts I mentioned before weren't instilled in you overnight. It comes with watching something unfold over a long period of time until the tension and drama gets to a point where something has to give.


Any novelist (and good wrestling promoters) will tell you that you have to build up to a great moment. You can't just throw it out there for the Pavlovian crowds immediately because it cheapens the moment and the suspense is far less memorable and full of impact when there's no anticipation with which to begin.


There's a point here that I think I'm on the verge of revealing while I'm being stopped by an invisible hump, but the point is that angles that make you think have happened in the US before and they've worked effectively, so the WWF panderers should realize that thinking is not a "Puro mark"-inclusive activity.


Wrestling is an art form and I truly believe that. I think that people who can't see that are actually disgracing the art.


On top of that, it annoys the hell out of me when WWF sympathizers come into this folder and criticize something to which they're almost totally unexposed. You know who you are so don't think I'm talking about you if you know you haven't done that. The truth is that most "puro marks" have seen a fair share of BOTH American wrestling and Japanese wrestling and are thus more qualified to make comparisons between the two.


Truly smart people will see things in just about everything that others do not. That doesn't make them "snobby", it makes them intelligent. I just wish that instead of showing this xenophobic fear toward anything different or not totally conventional that some of the rubes would open their mind and accept that their world isn't the only world out there. And the "wrestling is just entertainment, just relax and enjoy it" line of thinking is so rounded it's not funny.


Most of us who have grown up a little have learned that a key part of getting through life is to not only be able to explain our tastes, but explain our REASONS for our tastes. It's not a bad thing to question things around us and look for deeper meaning, especially when it is actually there for those conscientious enough to take note.


Some of the WWF rubes will not get this and I'm really not sure what to say to them except that threads following this pattern are starting to get old:


*WWF fan starts thread criticizing Puro

*Puro fan refutes comments and actually uses evidence to back his point

*WWF fan then makes another point that has nothing to do with the original argument

*Puro fan also refutes that comment and once again uses evidence to back his point

*Realizing he's been proven wrong, WWF fan resorts to name-calling and accuses Puro fan of overanalyzation

*A WWF v Puro debate erupts


This argument is so incredibly old. There are ways to make arguments in favor of the WWF style, but most of the people trying to do so are so incredibly off base that it's laughable. I think that the demise of WCW and ECW is making it clearer and clearer each day the difference between WWF fans and wrestling fans. I'm not saying the WWF isn't wrestling much of the time, I'm saying that you shouldn't consider yourself a wrestling fan if all that you are willing to give a chance and be exposed to is WWF stuff. You're a baseball card collector if you collect baseball cards. You're a Mickey Mantle fan if his cards are the only ones you desire. There's the difference.

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Guest MrDanger

I disagree with some of the points you brought up:


"The truth is that most "puro marks" have seen a fair share of BOTH American wrestling and Japanese wrestling and are thus more qualified to make comparisons between the two"


I agree to certain extent here, however it all depends on who's making the comparison. If you have well rounded viewer with sensible opinions then yes I agree, however if it's some snobbish wannabe eliteist making the comparison then his opinion is just as bigoted as the WWF fan boy due to the "Everything in the WWF sucks" style of thinking. The only difference is that the Puro fan generally has better spelling :)


"And the "wrestling is just entertainment, just relax and enjoy it" line of thinking is so rounded it's not funny"


So people choose to adopt that way of thinking, does that make them wrong? Some people just don't want to examine matches, they just like what they like.



"I'm not saying the WWF isn't wrestling much of the time, I'm saying that you shouldn't consider yourself a wrestling fan if all that you are willing to give a chance and be exposed to is WWF stuff. You're a baseball card collector if you collect baseball cards. You're a Mickey Mantle fan if his cards are the only ones you desire"


Now here's where I really disagree. During my early teens the only thing I watched was the WWF yet I began to appreciate wrestling as an art form during this period, did this mean I wasn't a wrestling fan? If you don't/can't watch Puroresu then does that mean you're not a real fan? I find that to be a somewhat bigoted way of thinking

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<Thought is nothing to be afraid of. To relate this to the WWF fans that are in this thread, the best angle in US history, to me, made me do the most thinking of any storyline I've ever seen.


Bret Hart was a babyface in a world turned heel in 1997, looking to recapture his past glory and honorable standing, but returned to his company only to find that an angry, foul-mouthed, beer-swilling SOB was now the patron saint of the same fans that used to support him. Bret began questioning the morality of the WWF and in turn the morality of the US as a whole and made some good points about America's health care system (or lack thereof), domestic violence and divorce rates.


A certain sense of territorial pride has been instilled in most young Americans since birth. We are born to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world and that we are the standard bearer for the rest of the world. Questioning America's values is unpatriotic and being unpatriotic is the equivalent to being unholy.


But is that hypocritical? Aren't we taught religiously to love everyone equally and that we are no better than any one? It's an unspoken thought most of us have had our entire lives and all of the sudden a proud yet scorned Canadian hero has actually verbalized our private thoughts.


This raises several questions:

1. Is Bret Hart hypocritical for criticizing the US while collecting money from an American company?

2. Is Canadian patriotism at its core any more wrong than American patriotism?

3. Is Bret Hart actually right and do I have the guts to admit it?

4. Is Steve Austin the kind of guy I want my children to grow up to become?


Those are just a VERY few of the questions that were raised with this angle and it lead to complex and varied thoughts among the fanbase and in turn led to the Attitude era with Steve Austin as the focal point. The fans made their decision -- the past was the past and Bret Hart could go screw himself.


THERE'S an angle that actually forced fans to think and it eventually led to the most profitable era in US wrestling history. Now just imagine if you could actually watch a match and have powerful feelings like those invoked? It's not going to come overnight, just like the ingrained thoughts I mentioned before weren't instilled in you overnight. It comes with watching something unfold over a long period of time until the tension and drama gets to a point where something has to give.


Any novelist (and good wrestling promoters) will tell you that you have to build up to a great moment. You can't just throw it out there for the Pavlovian crowds immediately because it cheapens the moment and the suspense is far less memorable and full of impact when there's no anticipation with which to begin.


There's a point here that I think I'm on the verge of revealing while I'm being stopped by an invisible hump, but the point is that angles that make you think have happened in the US before and they've worked effectively, so the WWF panderers should realize that thinking is not a "Puro mark"-inclusive activity.


Wrestling is an art form and I truly believe that. I think that people who can't see that are actually disgracing the art.


On top of that, it annoys the hell out of me when WWF sympathizers come into this folder and criticize something to which they're almost totally unexposed. You know who you are so don't think I'm talking about you if you know you haven't done that. The truth is that most "puro marks" have seen a fair share of BOTH American wrestling and Japanese wrestling and are thus more qualified to make comparisons between the two.>>


But, then there's me. I used to watch Japanese wrestling all the time. I have tons of Japanese stuff from about 1991 (when I first got really exposed to the Japanese product via WCW and started geting what I could). That ended in 2000, though, because the Japanese product, to me, became nigh unwatchable.


I NEVER liked the NJPW heavyweight scene. People call Hashimoto a great worker and I never saw it. So, the Jr. Heavyweight scene is what kept me and when Liger went through that "bury the challengers" phase, I stopped watching.


I watched AJPW and NEVER got into it. Misawa, Kobashi, Kawada, et al were, at best, above-average workers. Their selling, to me, was spottier than RVD's and their ring work didn't do a thing.


So I've seen both---but the fact that I PREFER the WWF, even with their current problems, makes some people think I must not have seen Japanese work.


Puro marks can rave about Mutoh's great year last year. All I know is that from at least 1994 to 2000, he was awful in the ring. These same puro marks who rave about Mutoh's current work also tend to rave about Kawada and Misawa, so I have little to expect to enjoy his recent work.


<<Truly smart people will see things in just about everything that others do not. That doesn't make them "snobby", it makes them intelligent. I just wish that instead of showing this xenophobic fear toward anything different or not totally conventional that some of the rubes would open their mind and accept that their world isn't the only world out there. And the "wrestling is just entertainment, just relax and enjoy it" line of thinking is so rounded it's not funny.


Most of us who have grown up a little have learned that a key part of getting through life is to not only be able to explain our tastes, but explain our REASONS for our tastes. It's not a bad thing to question things around us and look for deeper meaning, especially when it is actually there for those conscientious enough to take note.>>


But, what if the reasons are wrong?


Some people claim this great psychology in Japanese matches---psychology I don't see. I could sit back and attempt to attribute grea psychology to Austin v Angle or other major American matches, but I don't think the psychology is intentional.


<<Some of the WWF rubes will not get this and I'm really not sure what to say to them except that threads following this pattern are starting to get old:


*WWF fan starts thread criticizing Puro

*Puro fan refutes comments and actually uses evidence to back his point

*WWF fan then makes another point that has nothing to do with the original argument

*Puro fan also refutes that comment and once again uses evidence to back his point

*Realizing he's been proven wrong, WWF fan resorts to name-calling and accuses Puro fan of overanalyzation

*A WWF v Puro debate erupts


This argument is so incredibly old. There are ways to make arguments in favor of the WWF style, but most of the people trying to do so are so incredibly off base that it's laughable. I think that the demise of WCW and ECW is making it clearer and clearer each day the difference between WWF fans and wrestling fans.>>


I'd be hesitant to call ECW fans "wrestling fans". From 1997-on, they were nothing but vampires and high-spot marks. That whole "wrestling" thing drew silence.


WWF fans WILL mark out for good matches or fun matches---it's not the fans' fault that the WWF so seldom delivers.


But, clearly, there is a considerable number of Japanese fans that want to see the WWF product. Are these fans less intelligent than the puro fans---or do they simply like different things?


<<I'm not saying the WWF isn't wrestling much of the time, I'm saying that you shouldn't consider yourself a wrestling fan if all that you are willing to give a chance and be exposed to is WWF stuff. You're a baseball card collector if you collect baseball cards. You're a Mickey Mantle fan if his cards are the only ones you desire. There's the difference. >>


But what if the Japanese product so turned you off for so long that you no longer wish to see it further?


Do you have no right to criticize at that point?


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Guest Tim Cooke

A few points to add in here.


* On the "I have seen a fair share of everything" doesn't mean your more qualified.............


I disagree here.  I have went out and got the Japanese and Lucha stuff that has had high praise.  Along with this, I would also get some of the crappier stuff just because that is how things go.  *But*, in searching out this material and still staying current on the US wrestling scene, I am more qualified to judge on quality.


The typical WWF fans responses mean nothing to me because they either haven't seen it or possibly just can't or won't get it.  AJPW was a bitch for me.  I wanted to like it so much, but I just didn't understand it.  When I saw the 6/3/94 Misawa v Kawada match, I was left flat.  I thought to myself, "How can this be any good when I can watch Rey Jr do rana's and see Sasuke and Dragon do all this high flying shit."  


But I kept on reading and seeking out the advice of the proper authorities.  Then one day, after preparing, I popped in the 6/9/95 tag match and liked it and enjoyed it.  A second viewing found me saying, Holy Jumping Shit, this match is not only a great tag match, but this is a piece of art.  A few days later, I watched the 6/3 match and still didn't get it.


So I took a break from AJPW and then came back with the 1/20/97 match.  This match satisfied me because of the work rate.  By the end, the head dropping turned me off a little bit but I knew this match was great.  Being a rube to AJPW still, I thought this match killed the 6/3 match because I didn';t understand all the story into that match and how everything made sense.  Anyways, I could go on for paragraphs about my transformation.  Key thing to this was that it took me alomst a year after starting to watch Jap and Lucha stuff hardcore to even understand AJPW, none the less like it.  BUt I can honestly say that 1990-1996, there are no consistently better matches than what AJPW in terms of quality, substance, and depth.


When a WWF fan argues a point and he has not seen any of the Japanese stuff, how is his point more valid than mine?  Then again, I only hold certain people to be very credible on the internet in respects to their wrestling views.  jdw, Frank Jewett, Dean (when he is smoking the good ole ratings stash), Chris Coey, and a few others really have my full attention when they write and say what is good or bad.  In the end it is my decision on whether I like it or not, but they help me see stuff that I wouldn't have seen.  With the recent lists and star ratings debates, it has come to my attention that opinion's are just that, opinions........but I will take educated, well thought out opinions any day over someone who may have a fact but shows way too much ignorance to make that fact count.


* On Mutoh:


General statements get you in trouble.  I am not a big fan of Mutoh.  His high end work is great and I enjoy it but overall, he doesn't do it for me.  That is probably due to having to look back and try to analyze it from its time frame......but to say from 1994-2000 Mutoh had nothing of quality is ignorant.  1995 Mutoh had what I would call a top NJ Heavyweight match of the 1990's with Hashimoto at the G1.  I haven't seen a good enough portion of his 1995 work, but I hear it was average to good, more than I can say for some workers.


BTW, an tip for some people.  Use the quotes or your own quotes to distinguish what others are saying and what you are responding to because in MikeSC posts, it is hard to read because there are no quotes or anything.  Not a slander against anyone, just a hint to help everyone who is reading.



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Guest Anorak

MrDanger pretty much expressed my own feelings. I thought that Loss4Words would have a reasonable and open-minded take on things like normal and he exposes himself as one of the biggest snobs on the board! How sad is it to be elitist about wrestling? I thought only wwf fans resorted to name-calling? Loss4Words wasn't doing badly himself in that post was he? What an ignorant, snobby, elitist, hypocritical, self-important idiot. I like watching puro and wwf but i dont think that i'm any better than any other fans because of it. Try growing up yourself and get your head out from your backside.

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Guest TheMikeSC

<<A few points to add in here.


* On the "I have seen a fair share of everything" doesn't mean your more qualified.............


I disagree here.  I have went out and got the Japanese and Lucha stuff that has had high praise.  Along with this, I would also get some of the crappier stuff just because that is how things go.  *But*, in searching out this material and still staying current on the US wrestling scene, I am more qualified to judge on quality.


The typical WWF fans responses mean nothing to me because they either haven't seen it or possibly just can't or won't get it.>>



If the WWF fans can't "get" it, the blame lies with the wrestlers, not with the fans.


The wrestlers tell the stories. If the story doesn't connect, it's not the fault of the fan---it's the fault of the story-teller.



<<AJPW was a bitch for me.  I wanted to like it so much, but I just didn't understand it.  When I saw the 6/3/94 Misawa v Kawada match, I was left flat.  I thought to myself, "How can this be any good when I can watch Rey Jr do rana's and see Sasuke and Dragon do all this high flying shit."


But I kept on reading and seeking out the advice of the proper authorities.  Then one day, after preparing, I popped in the 6/9/95 tag match and liked it and enjoyed it.  A second viewing found me saying, Holy Jumping Shit, this match is not only a great tag match, but this is a piece of art.  A few days later, I watched the 6/3 match and still didn't get it.>>



I've seen matches that worked so much better with later viewings---however, if a match or a particular GENRE (in this case, the AJPW ME style) requires that, then it's a horribly flawed genre.



<<So I took a break from AJPW and then came back with the 1/20/97 match.  This match satisfied me because of the work rate.  By the end, the head dropping turned me off a little bit but I knew this match was great.  Being a rube to AJPW still, I thought this match killed the 6/3 match because I didn';t understand all the story into that match and how everything made sense.>>



Why do you say you were a rube because you PREFERRED a certain match?


If a match worked for you and another one didn't, then there's nothing wrong with saying it. I thought Magnum T.A v Tully Blanchard (Starrcade 1985), because of the work, had the most believable "gory" finish I've seen in a match. I've een bloodier matches. I've seen matches where people were seriously injured---yet T.A v Blanchard is MY benchmark for violence.



<<Anyways, I could go on for paragraphs about my transformation.  Key thing to this was that it took me alomst a year after starting to watch Jap and Lucha stuff hardcore to even understand AJPW, none the less like it.>>



And if I don't like something after a year of watching it, I stop caring.


At a certain point, your admitted desire to like AJPW could have prejudiced your opinion. You WANTED to love it so much and maybe, just maybe, you eventually convinced yourself that yes, you DO like it.


I WANTED to love Misawa's work. I WANTED to love Hashimoto's work.


I didn't, though.


I didn't like them much at all and I'm not going to spend hour after hour beating myself up because I don't like a match that so many people seem to think is genius.


A lot of people called "Thin Red Line" a great movie. I call it amongst the worst movie I've ever watched. Am I wrong?



<<BUt I can honestly say that 1990-1996, there are no consistently better matches than what AJPW in terms of quality, substance, and depth.>>



But---how GOOD were they?


If a match has psychology coming out of its pores and tons of stiff spots---but STILL isn't good---does that make the match any good?



<<When a WWF fan argues a point and he has not seen any of the Japanese stuff, how is his point more valid than mine?  Then again, I only hold certain people to be very credible on the internet in respects to their wrestling views.  jdw, Frank Jewett, Dean (when he is smoking the good ole ratings stash), Chris Coey, and a few others really have my full attention when they write and say what is good or bad.>>



I could care less what anybody says is great. jdw adores Misawa's work---I don't. jdw thinks the Destroyer is one of the best wokers in history---I don't.


It doesn't make me wrong. Doesn't make him wrong.



<<In the end it is my decision on whether I like it or not, but they help me see stuff that I wouldn't have seen.  With the recent lists and star ratings debates, it has come to my attention that opinion's are just that, opinions........but I will take educated, well thought out opinions any day over someone who may have a fact but shows way too much ignorance to make that fact count.>>



If somebody says a match that I DON'T like is really good, it won't suddenly make the match any good.


People say Steamboat v Flair at WrestleWar '89 was the best match they ever had. 5 stars is a pretty univesal rating.


I think it was, easily, the worst match of the three major matches (and the four that I've seen from early 1989). I thought it was slow and plodding. I thought it was FAR below the greatness of their Clash VI match and somewhat beneath their match at Chi-Town Rumble.


I think the greatest tag team feud of all time is British Bulldogs v The Hart Foundation. I'm sure most people don't.


It won't make their opinions more relevant than mine.



<<* On Mutoh:


General statements get you in trouble.  I am not a big fan of Mutoh.  His high end work is great and I enjoy it but overall, he doesn't do it for me.  That is probably due to having to look back and try to analyze it from its time frame......but to say from 1994-2000 Mutoh had nothing of quality is ignorant.  1995 Mutoh had what I would call a top NJ Heavyweight match of the 1990's with Hashimoto at the G1.>>



And the match, flat-out, was not terribly good (yes, I have seen it, though not in the past few years). It was arguably the best of the NJ heavyweight matches, but the NJ heavyweights were rather bad. It's akin to being the world's tallest midget.



<<I haven't seen a good enough portion of his 1995 work, but I hear it was average to good, more than I can say for some workers.>>



Stop caring what others think.


People called Hashimoto a great worker back in the mid-90's.


He wasn't.


People called Misawa the best worker in the world.


He wasn't.


Take a stand. Don't go along with what others think or you'll lose your ability to differentiate what is REALLY your opinion and what is simply others' opinions that you are just parroting.



<<BTW, an tip for some people.  Use the quotes or your own quotes to distinguish what others are saying and what you are responding to because in MikeSC posts, it is hard to read because there are no quotes or anything.  Not a slander against anyone, just a hint to help everyone who is reading.>>



I find the quote system on the board to be less than intuitive. Thus, I use the same style I've used posting on-line since about 1991. Anything between "<<" and ">>" is what is being replied to.


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