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Guest J*ingus

Um, Marney, did you eat the brown acid this morning or something? You've been way overboard all day in this thread.

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Guest benoitrules2000

I am just dumbfounded after reading her points and people like her wonder why other countries hate americans so much.

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Guest DrTom
Simply that you are a friend of Dr Toms and therefore you get away with a hell of a lot of shit that other posters wouldn,t.


I've banned precisely two people for what they've said in the Current Events forum: one was a blatant racist, and the other refused to relent on personal attacks even when people were willing to let the argument go. I've banned several times that number in other forums, and in some cases, probably for milder things than may have been said here.


The reason is, I believe spirited debate is sine qua non to the discussion of current events and politics. Sometimes, those debates get a little heated, but unless I see something that's way out of line, I'm unlikely to step in and do something about it. Say whatever you're going to say in this forum, but be prepared to defend it, because the chances are good that you're going to be called onto the carpet for it.


Yes, Marney and I are friends off of this board (something she counts her lucky stars for each and every day, I am certain), but that doesn't earn her any special treatment. I let this whole forum get away with more than I would in another forum simply because of the nature of the discussions. Believe me, if I were a hard-ass here, the topics would be watered down and the discussions weak, and that's not the kind of environment I'm interested in promoting. There are times you'll need a thick skin to walk in here, but the discussions are good and lively, and the walk down the path is worth getting stuck by a few thorns here and there.

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Guest benoitrules2000

but unless I see something that's way out of line, I'm unlikely to step in and do something about it.


And I believe this would be one of those times.

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Guest DrTom
I'm sick and tired of gung-ho, blind patriots such as yourself who act as if America is a pure and innocent entity that has done nothing to warrant any of the ill sentiment against it.


No one has said America is as pure as the driven snow. We've made mistakes, and there's ample blood on our hands. But when it comes down to it, we've done A LOT more for good than we have for ill, and that is undeniable. When a small country is ravaged by an earthquake, who sends aid? When an oppressive regime invades their smaller neighbor, who goes over there to right the wrong? When other countries are teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, who gives them the money to get back on their feet AND doesn't come after them for the debt? You want us to be isolationists and not mess with the rest of the world? Fine. We'll keep all our money here too, and we'll see how fast a lot of supposedly stable countries fall apart.


The US government has actively thrown its weight around over the years, and has done a lot of harm to people all around the world.


We've also done immeasureable aid to people all over the world, too, but that's not fashionable to mention these days. For some reason, it became the "in" thing to do to rag on the US after 9/11. Whatever. You can't point out our failings without deliberately ignoring our strengths, and if you want to be intellectually dishonest like that, go right ahead. Moral relativism is a cancer, and it looks like you've been infected.


Yes, but think about the millions of African people that were killed and the millions of families that were broken and destroyed in slavery alone.


Do you really need me to point out to you that Africans themselves started the practice of selling their brethren to America? Take up your specious, moral relativist argument with someone who might actually fall for it.


Now as for you comments of the Islamic World funding terrorists, I haven't heard anything concrete saying whether or not this is true


Then you must do a smashing job of putting your fingers in your ears and singing "La la la la! I can't hear you! La la la la!" There has been proof for years that Iraq and Arabia have funded terrorists and homicide bombers. The money that paid for 9/11 came from the Middle East. Usama bin Laden has carried out several terrorist attacks against the US in the past ten years. I suppose you'd like to see them marching down your street with a "We're Guilty" banner flapping in the breeze, but short of that, I don't understand how you CAN'T see their guilt.


let's look at Osama Bin Laden, a man who worked with the CIA during the Cold War as America suplied he and the Afghani army with arms during their war with the Soviets.


The Soviets were the enemy at the time. I don't think they had a lot of success in Afghanistan. In retrospect, supporting bin Laden may have been a mistake, but who knew at the time what he would turn into? Besides, the Soviet Union is a failed trinket for the history books and those poor short-sighted devils who just can't let go of the ideals of communism (small c).


not only are you and many other people in the US condemning an entire religion for the actions of *15* people...


The entire religion is the culture in that part of the world. A violent, brutal, backwards culture that makes unspeakable atrocities against their own people a daily occurrence, and terrorism against the rest of the world a fact of life. Damn right they should be crushed beneath our jackboot heel. Radical Islam, which is the only kind you'll find over there, is responsible for over 3000 American deaths, and I for one would like to see them start paying in spades.


many of the unfounded accusations you make against Muslims can be made about your own damn government.


Remind me again when we flew airplanes into someone else's skyscrapers for the express purpose of murdering as many innocents as possible? When we've done that, then maybe I'll entertain your comparison. Until then, it just doesn't hold water.

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Guest DrTom
I believe that Islam is not one big thing that is blamable.


Ok. Then name me one Islamic country from that part of the world that denounced the 9/11 terrorist attacks, scourged the attackers as cowards, denounced terrorism and the willful slaughter of innocents, and offered to lend one whit of support to America in finding and punishing the guilty. The closest thing to those criteria is Pakistan, and if that country were ruled in the same manner as their neighbors, they would have told us to fuck off, too.

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Guest bob_barron
but unless I see something that's way out of line, I'm unlikely to step in and do something about it.


And I believe this would be one of those times.

I agree- I think Marney went over the line here

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Guest DrTom
I am just dumbfounded after reading her points and people like her wonder why other countries hate americans so much.


When terrorists culminate a ten-year series of attacks by flying planes into the skyscrapers and major government buildings of some of those other countries, then maybe they'll see things in a similar light. Considering that, ever since 9/11, we've been demonized in every conceivable way, had it thrown in our faces that we somehow "deserved" what happened, and generally hear a bunch of whining from the multiculturalists and peaceniks, I think Americans have a right to be pissed off. I know I am. I had to watch the 9/11 footage as part of a training seminar at work, and I just trembled with rage throughout the whole thing. I want people to eat hot napalm for what they did, with a chaser of several nuclear missiles. If that makes me a bad person in some people's eyes, then oh well. I really don't give a shit.

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Guest benoitrules2000

Jesus, no wonder she'll never get banned here, you two are basically the same person!

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Guest DrTom
Jesus, no wonder she'll never get banned here, you two are basically the same person!


Actually, we're vastly different. We just happen to be in agreement on this issue.


Besides, she's better-looking than I.

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Guest benoitrules2000

I find that a tad convenient but if your her friend she might actually listen to you.


Just tell her to tone the blind hatred down a bit.

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Guest EricMM

The Current Events board. Love it or leave it... Not that all of us agree with DrTom, or KoRFungus, or any of the varied viewpoints here.


One one hand sometimes I wish the arguments would be lessened. But like DrTom said, this is politics :) He knows I think he's a violent bastard. Hell anyone who wants to turn the mideast into rubble or radioactive glass is being if not racist then certainly bloodthirsty.


If you have a point back it up. If you get flamed back it up again, a little less politely. If you get flamed again, flame back. But coming to the mods isn't gonna do shit unless it gets rediculous (which it did once)


Calling someone an anti-semite once isn't rediculous. Like Tom said this place isn't for everyone. Cope with it however you can, but there will be heated words...

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Guest benoitrules2000

I suppose so, but he admits that he banned people for far less things and yet he pulls out the old "this is no holds barred" excuse for his controversial friend.


Then again if flaming and being racist is what this threads all about, whatever.


Also, her remarks became ridiculous to the point where it had no place in a folder other than NHB.

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Guest Cancer Marney
so let just make a few points, and I'm done with you.

How nice. Too bad I won't be done with you. Y'know, if you're going to pick a fight, you really shouldn't tell me in advance that you intend to run away like a scared little chipmunk as soon as you've taken one feeble swing.


And America has done absolutely nothing to warrant any resentment against it? ...Not to justify the 9/11 attacks
Too late, asshole. You just tried to do exactly that.


as for you comments of the Islamic World funding terrorists, I haven't heard anything concrete saying whether or not this is true
Like Tom said, you're doing a great job of playing deaf. Did you miss my reference to the $100 million raised in Saudi Arabia for the families of suicide bombers? What do you call that other than "funding terrorists?"


Take this post however the hell you wanna. I don't give a shit.
Thanks. I'll take it as the reactionary multicultural can't-we-all-just-get-along-everyone's-nice-if-you-just-get-to-know-them crap that it is.


So, in conclusion: fuck you, have a nice day, drive through.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Um, Marney, did you eat the brown acid this morning or something?

Just my usual Frosted Flakes.


You've been way overboard all day in this thread.
Thanks; I try.

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Guest DrTom
I suppose so, but he admits that he banned people for far less things and yet he pulls out the old "this is no holds barred" excuse for his controversial friend.


No, I said I let things slide in this ENTIRE FORUM that I wouldn't elsewhere. This is a discussion forum about politics. Political discussions are rarely nice, because people hold their beliefs dear to them. Thus, extra leeway HAS to be given in a poltical forum, or else the forum would thoroughly SUCK. I really don't see how this is difficult to understand. And if you're going to try and quote me, at least have the fucking courtesy to use words I actually said at some point.


Then again if flaming and being racist is what this threads all about, whatever.


You can't possibly be this thick.

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Guest Cancer Marney
people like her wonder why other countries hate americans so much.

I don't wonder why. I know why. Quite simply, it's because we're better than they are. Looking at us, they see all their failings and weaknesses in reverse, and their envy naturally mutates into hate.

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Guest Cancer Marney
but unless I see something that's way out of line, I'm unlikely to step in and do something about it.


And I believe this would be one of those times.

I agree- I think Marney went over the line here

Boo fucking hoo...

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Guest Cancer Marney

I'm waiting for her to come out of the shower. :) I get to dry her off.

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Guest DrTom

This thread has gone on long enough.


If any of you want to continue your individual battles, I suggest you do it in NHB.

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