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Guest Downhome

Ok, maybe not so much as a smile, than anger, but anyhow...


Saudis Plan to Sue U.S. over Sept. 11


Wed Aug 21,10:47 AM ET

By Ghaida Ghantous


DUBAI (Reuters) - A group of Saudis plan to sue the U.S. government and media organizations for the alleged psychological and financial damage they suffered in the aftermath of September 11, their lawyer said on Wednesday.  


"Tens of Saudi nationals seriously plan to file lawsuits against U.S. government, civil and media entities, the majority of whom are students who had been attending American universities and were forced to leave," Saudi lawyer Katib al-Shamri said.


He said the plan had gathered pace after families of 900 people killed in the hijacked airliner attacks filed a lawsuit last week in Washington against Saudi nationals and institutions alleging they had funded terrorism and seeking damages of over $100 trillion.


The civil suit accuses three senior Saudi princes, several Saudi and other foreign banks and Sudan's government of funding Osama bin Laden, the key U.S. suspect in the attacks.


The Saudi banks have denied any role in funding terrorism and say the case is an attempt to extort Saudi wealth and pressure Saudi Arabia to conform with U.S. policies on Iraq and the Middle East.


"We had been waiting to raise funds to hire U.S. lawyers and also for things to quiet down in the United States, but it seems the campaign against Saudi Arabia is continuing with that bogus and politicized U.S. lawsuit," Shamri told Reuters by telephone.


"Our case will seek reasonable compensation," he said. "It is the right time to proceed."


Shamri said the potential plaintiffs included Saudis whose names had initially been listed among the hijackers of the planes that crashed into U.S. landmarks.


Others want to sue U.S. law enforcement officers for harassing them in the hunt for the perpetrators. Hundreds of Saudis have been questioned by U.S. authorities investigating the attacks.


Washington has named 15 Saudis among the 19 hijackers.


Shamri, a member of an international legal committee set up to defend detainees at a U.S. base in Cuba, also called on the United States to allow families of more than 100 Saudi nationals held there to visit their sons.


The prisoners were captured in the U.S.-led war against al Qaeda, blamed for the September 11 attacks, and against the Taliban government that sheltered them in Afghanistan.


"Most of the Saudi detainees are innocent and were carrying out charity and humanitarian work in Afghanistan. Others are very young and were fooled," Shamri said. He called on U.S. authorities to charge the detainees or release them.


...blah, that's just great don't ya think?




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Guest Cancer Marney

That's it. It's time to turn Mecca into radioactive rubble. The more unwashed scum circling that stone at the time the better.

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Guest DrTom
It's time to turn Mecca into radioactive rubble.


I vehemently disagree with your ridiculous statement.


September 12th was the time to turn Mecca, and half of the Middle East along with it, into radioactive rubble. They've been living on borrowed time for almost a year now, and I wish someone had the stones to just cancel the goddamn debt.

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Guest DrTom

Ok, a slightly more rational reply.


The thought of anyone in Arabia making one fucking cent off of September 11th just sickens me. Fifteen of Arabia's sons were directly responsible for the loss of 3000 American lives, and its most infamous expatriate was the mastermind behind the whole thing. How they have claim to any damages is beyond me.


Of course, the incredibly warped American judicial system, which has been dying from the poison of runaway liberalism for decades, is the only system in the world where such a claim would be taken seriously. If they win this suit, I'm fucking going to Canada.

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Guest Olympic Slam

Ugh, why does the U.S keep claiming that the Saudis are our friends? MORE than half of the 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia hasn't fully backed us in anything during this war on terror. Last I heard they weren't wild about a war with Iraq.


We have all the oil we'll ever need in a dream location in Alaska.........when it comes to Saudi Arabia, let's just take the ball and go home.

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Guest the 1inch punch
6 days till I actually move to Canada, thank god

9 till i go america though

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Guest big Dante Cruz

Hmmmmm, does that mean that we, as Americans, can make a countersuit for post traumatic stress disorder for enduring the whole damn thing and just make the Saudis give us the oil?

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Guest TJH

I'm looking forward to World War 3.

Islam is the biggest cult the world has seen, and is a threat to the Western world.

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I have been reading these forums for quite a while, but nothing I have have read has made me feel the need to post unti now.


Do you have any IDEA of what the politcal fallout would be if the U.S actually destroyed Mecca. Ever single muslim on the planet would be your enemy, moderates and extremist alike. The U.S would become a pariah nation in the eyes of the rest of the world, not even your closest allies could justify it. Im sure that you were just speaking in anger and I agree that the Saudi lawsuit is absurd. However, to do this to Mecca would be the most powerful attack on a religon ever (it is NOT a cult). It would be the same as attacking Rome if america had been attacked by Catholic Extremists, punishing the decent Catholics for the sins of the few. Even during WW2 the Allies would not bomb Rome or Paris because of the political fallout. Even Dr. Tom said in another post the war on terror is against Radical Islam, why the anger against the religon as a whole?

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

This lawsuit is ridiculously stupid, but no dumber or worse than the one against Saudi Arabia that was mentioned (100 trillion dollars? Yeah, sure). The biggest problem in the American justice system is a faulty civil court system that allows frivilous litigation to both be filed and to actually succeed.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Ever single muslim on the planet would be your enemy, moderates and extremist alike

Bring it on.


to do this to Mecca would be the most powerful attack on a religon ever (it is NOT a cult).
The only difference between a cult and a religion is power.


It would be the same as attacking Rome if america had been attacked by Catholic Extremists, punishing the decent Catholics for the sins of the few.
Yeah, and that happens all the time...


Even Dr. Tom said in another post the war on terror is against Radical Islam, why the anger against the religon as a whole?
Because the religion as a whole enables, succours, and supports the radical elements to a degree no other present-day religion does. Whatever you think about the Pope (and who doesn't), he doesn't fund or defend Aryan hate groups. You think that if Christian and Jewish extremists flew aeroplanes into Mecca, all others of their faith around the world wouldn't rise up as one to denounce the act? You'd never be able to find a forum big enough to hold all the rabbis and priests who would express their horror and disgust. Christians and Jews would feel shamed beyond measure. They'd doubt their faith, they'd pour millions upon millions of dollars into funds for the victims' families, and they'd beat themselves up over it for decades.


What do we get from the Moslems? Huge posters of Osama bin Laden with a halo around his head. Street demonstrations of support, regular ticker tape parades. Snide professions of regret, accompanied with the inevitable "You brought it on yourselves." $100 million for families of suicide bombers in a matter of days, but not one cent from the Arabs for the families of the 9/11 victims. Double-talk about evil returning upon itself. And you wonder why I and others are disgusted with Moslems as a whole? Are you blind and deaf or just stupid?

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Guest Cancer Marney
This lawsuit is ridiculously stupid, but no dumber or worse than the one against Saudi Arabia that was mentioned (100 trillion dollars?

I think the $116 trillion lawsuit is worse; as I mentioned earlier, any award given will have to be paid with American taxes. The Saudi one is just more obscene.

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You seem to missing my point. What I am trying to say is that this would alienate moderate muslims whom support the war on terror and hate OBL. I have a hard time beliving that all muslims are secretly barbarians who are infiltrating are society to destroy us. They are now a sizable proporation of many countries population, and the civil unrest that would come with such actions would be vast.


Plus you did not respond to my other thoughts in the post, do you really think the U.S administration would be prepared to risk such a backlash? I feel that the U.S would have never seen anything like it.

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Guest Cancer Marney
do you really think the U.S administration would be prepared to risk such a backlash?

We'd be prepared. Unfortunately, I don't make these calls.

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Guest Cancer Marney
O.K, heres a question for you Marney. The U.S attacks Mecca, said backlash from other countries and riots happens, what does the U.S do?

Bomb them as well. Trust me, we have plenty of bombs. And it'd perk up the economy too.


Hey, two birds with one stone! Beat that with a stick.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Condemnation is fine. It's protected by a little something called the First Amendment. Maybe you've heard of it? We'd just bomb people who say "Death to America" and try to act on it.

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Okay, but what would you do about the international condemnation. Would you just ignore it? Would this not lead to more problems with countries beliving that the U.S is aloof and arrogant? Your standing in the international community would plummet. Or do you not think this is a problem?

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Guest TJH

1. "Jihad is a religious duty imposed by Muslim law

for the spread of Islam ... Believers are under obligation

to wage war against all unbelievers" (Encyclopedia Britannica).


2. Muhammad said, "The best deed of man is to believe in

Allah and his apostle ... The second best deed is to participate

in Jihad in Allah's cause" (Hadith, Volume 125).


3. "Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them. Seize them.

Beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them" (Qur'an, Surah 9:5).


4. "Fight them. Allah will punish them by your hands and bring

them to disgrace" (Qur'an, Surah 9:15).


5. "O' ye that believe, take not Jews and Christians as your

friends and protectors" (Qur'an, Surah 5:54).


6. "Fight with them until there is no more persecution.

Religion should only be for Allah" (Qur'an, Surah 8:39).


7. "The punishment for those who war against Islam is execution

or crucifixion. Cutting off hands and feet from opposite sides"

(Qur'an, Surah 5:36).


8. The Qur'an teaches that the world exists in two parts,

Islam versus the infidels. Muslims are to forcibly convert

all people.


9. Muhammad said, "The last hour will not come until the

Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them" (Mishkat, page 147).

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I don't see anything on that list that you couldn't find in the Old Testament. However, unlike Christianity, Islam has not undergone any major changes in its structure (like say Lutherism). I do believe that Islam is in need of some change, however due to the structure of the clergy of Islam (i.e no centeral authority) it is harder to accomplish. In the middle ages, Islam was a fountain of knowledge, protecting the lost texts of Greece and Rome. However they haven't moved on from the middle ages in any major way. I hope that what is happening at the moment will force many muslims to look at there faith and see if they can bring it into a modern age.


Attacking a major Islamic religous site will only throw any sort of progress back a thousand years, which is what i am against.

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Guest cartman

What progress? I'd love to know exactly what kind of progress has been made in the past century involving the mid east region. Those people have been fighting over land and religion since the beginning of time, it's never going to chance, and we're just sticking out faces in it because it's profitable for us and out govrnment via Military actions.

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Guest Cancer Marney
Your standing in the international community would plummet. Or do you not think this is a problem?


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Guest Cancer Marney

Because I don't have to. (See previous post.) Why wouldn't I even if I were elected? Because the rest of the world gives us shit no matter what we do. If we interfere, we're imperialists. If we don't, we're heartless scrooges who just keep the world from falling completely fucking apart instead of doing things like oh say arguing about carrot exportation quotas while using all the money we save from not spending anything on military production or R&D to line the pockets of insane sadistic African "leaders" while piously proclaiming that we're helping "the people." I'm tired of being criticised for being an American. I'm sick of the bullshit. I'm sick of all the envy and the snide insinuations and the at best barely contained joy in seeing 3000 of my people die. You don't like us? Fuck you. We don't like you either. You're self-righteous ephemeral pricks, all talk and no substance. I especially love the way the EU talks. Listening to them, you could almost think they still had a rat's ass worth of relevance in the world.


I wish we could just seal the country for a hundred years and let you assholes see how well you get along without us. 10 to 1, we'd emerge to find a smoking blasted barren grey shell and maybe half a million people left; you'd go back to killing each other in seconds if we weren't around to slap you down. God knows you've had plenty of practice.

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Yes Cartman2092 that is quite true, but it is what I meant when I said there needs to be change. There was a time hundreds of years ago when it was the middle east that was more enlightend than Europe. However after years of religious intolerance and terrible acts in the name of the Lord Christinaity had to take a long hard look at itself.


While nowhere near perfect reforms in the system were made, although this has also lead to violence as well.


As I have said earlier, this could be a make or break time for the reformation of Islam. I think it is possiable, but it will be a hard road and unnessecary actions from the U.S or any countries could be dangerous.


Or I could be talking shit, but whatever

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I think the problem is that after the Cold War, America lost its purpose. For 50 years you had an enemy to fight, and with that enemy gone, people analysed what the U.S had done in the name of freedom.


You have to agree some of those actions were morally wrong, necessery in some cases but wrong. For example overthrowing the Allende (sp?) government in Chile and replacing it with that mad brute Pinochet. I think a lot of people believe that America betrayed its principals to win the Cold War, and that is why a lot of people distrust America.


Thats what I think and believe anyway. In destroying your hated enemy you became like him in certain respects.

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