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Guest Just call me Dan

Ban Someone~!

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Guest LooseCannon

Marney fucking rules. You crybabies. She's about the last person I'd ban.

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Guest goodhelmet
I would ban TestKick.


And since I know his reply will be "You only want me banned because I like Test", I'll explain why.


It's because he's a fucking idiot who adds nothing to the board now, never has and probably never will, he just chooses every post to suck Test's dick, even in topics which have nothing to do with him. It's fucking bullshit, I'm starting to think this is just some big joke by the mods since he hasn't been banned yet.

in all seriousness, if you substitute Anglesault for Testkick, I would swear you were talking about the same person. Thank God, HE has calmed down.

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Loosecannon, I agree that she can make a lot of relative and interesting points, I just feel that the attitude is unwarrented on some occasions. God knows if she was banned I would not be half as interested in the current events folder.

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Guest Just call me Dan

She said she doesn't even like wrestling. WTF? Isn't that why you'd come to this board in the first place? Who needs a bunch of military talk?

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Guest bob_barron

After seeing some of Marney's most recent comments I think she should bring it down a notch

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Guest TestKick

Marney should definitely tone it down a bit... There's nothing more annoying than bitches who use big words and think they know it all.

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Guest mesepher

lesbains suck too. don't ever try to date one without knowing "the truth" first!

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Guest Incandenza

I'm not familar with Marney, but she OWNZ~! all of you.


I'd say ban Sebastian the Bastard, I don't hate the guy, but a forum banning might break his heart so much he'd have to write an emo song about it.

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Guest papacita

I don't know much about Marney other than my little back and forth with her earlier. I dunno what to say about her, cuz I don't think she should be banned for expressing herself, but that "bomb Mecca" shit she was spewing earlier shouldn't be allowed on the board when people have been banned for much more trivial things.

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Guest benoitrules2000

Chalk up another vote for marney!

Usually i've found her opinions and conversatins quite intelligent but the arrogance and thoughtlessness she emitted in the current events folder was beyond ridiculous!


Zorin was expressing his point of view in a cordial manner and marney grew more ignorant and arrogant with every post calling him a racist which was beyond stupid.


I don't see how anyone can possibly have a decent conversation with her when she's completely unwilling to even listen to someone else's POV.


And I won't even start on her ignorant statements about the mecca and her solutions to problems in the middle east which shows her dangerously blind patriotism and value of other people's lives which i personally find far more offensive than anything a "troll" has perptrated.

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark
I'd say ban Sebastian the Bastard, I don't hate the guy, but a forum banning might break his heart so much he'd have to write an emo song about it.


I nearly pissed myself when I read that. I dunno why.


Uh oh, better stop verbally fellating Incandenza before massa CJ sees this.


Um...ban Anglesault. Well, I'd say that if I ever went into the WWF folder these days. He's 90% of the reason I don't.


Ah well.

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Guest Cancer Marney

Christ, you people whine a lot.


Personally, I'd ban every pathetic little crybaby who thinks the mods need to be told how to do their job, but that's just me.

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Guest benoitrules2000

You seriously need to calm down or take some anger management courses.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(stares at everyone blankly, blinks, and walks away to go dry his pet rock)


Cordially, I'm going... over here...


Oh, and ban me if you ban anyone. I'm really a rather large waste of... whatever internet letters and pictures live off of.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark

At least Marney knows how to flame.


Take notes, children.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I can't think of anyone that needs to be banned since TestKick got the boot (pun?).

Im sure someone will showup tomorrow..

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I was going to let this rest, but fuck it.


I don't like you Marney. I don't like your views, I don't like the way you word them and I don't like your attitude to the other posters. I find some of the things you come out with repellent.


But would I bring this into the forums? No, I wouldn't. I believe in being courteous and giving people a chance to air their views. If I don't agree with them, fair enough, i'll them that.


What I won't do is resort to personal slurs and insults. We are not children, and I don't agree with this playground mentality you seem to posesse. I was enjoying our conversation in current events at the start. I never once attacked your country, I simply repeated the views of other people I know and asked for a response. Then for some reason you decided that it would be easier to flame me than try to debate.


What do you have to gain? I defended you in this post earlier, but now I wish I hadn't bothered. You are quite intelligant, that much is obviousm, but your'e pointless flaming is tiresome and banal. You need to get over this bloated self-importance of yours.

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Guest Cancer Marney
I don't like you Marney
Surprisingly enough, I find that I can bear this with great equanimity.


What I won't do is resort to personal slurs and insults.
It's amusing that you can say this in the middle of a post which is entirely and exclusively a personal attack. At least I insulted you in the context of a debate on issues.


I don't like your views
"Realise for yourself the power of Athens, and feed your eyes upon her day after day, until you become her devoted lover. Then, when all her greatness breaks upon you, reflect that it was by courage, sense of duty, and a keen feeling of honour in action that men were enabled to win all this, and that no personal failure in an enterprise could make them consent to deprive their country of their valour, but they laid it at her feet as the most glorious contribution they could offer.

By this mutual offering of their lives made by them all, they each of them individually received that renown which never grows old. For a sepulchre they have won not so much that tomb in which their bones are here deposited, but that noblest of shrines wherein their glory is laid up to be eternally remembered upon every occasion on which deed or story shall fall for its commemoration. For heroes have the whole earth for their tomb."

- Thucydides, Peloponnesian War 2.43


"Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."

- Horace


Take it up with them.


I never once attacked your country, I simply repeated the views of other people I know and asked for a response.
And you got it. Don't cite views if you're not prepared to defend them. I'm not interested in what the world thinks. Debate is personal. If you're going to make a point, make it yourself. Don't be a coward and hide behind someone else's words which you don't support, and then get upset and indignantly self-righteous when you're taken to task for citing them without comment. That's called flame-baiting, or trolling. Besides, it makes you look ridiculous.


What do you have to gain?
Entertainment. Something you're providing a lot of. Thanks.

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Guest benoitrules2000

That's it. It's time to turn Mecca into radioactive rubble. The more unwashed scum circling that stone at the time the better.


You post this at the beginning of the discussion in the current events folder then have the gall to accuse zorin of being an anti-semite!

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Guest Cancer Marney
You post this at the beginning of the discussion in the current events folder then have the gall to accuse zorin of being an anti-semite!

Even Zorin understood perfectly well and clearly acknowledged that I did not call him specifically anti-Semitic. But then, he's smarter than you.

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What I won't do is resort to personal slurs and insults.
It's amusing that you can say this in the middle of a post which is entirely and exclusively a personal attack. At least I insulted you in the context of a debate on issues.










I never once attacked your country, I simply repeated the views of other people I know and asked for a response.
And you got it. Don't cite views if you're not prepared to defend them. I'm not interested in what the world thinks. Debate is personal. If you're going to make a point, make it yourself. Don't be a coward and hide behind someone else's words which you don't support, and then get upset and indignantly self-righteous when you're taken to task for citing them without comment. That's called flame-baiting, or trolling. Besides, it makes you look ridiculous.



That was then and this is now. I will treat you with respect in the current events folder. At least I have the decency to contain my attacks in NHB where they belong



Funny I would have called wanting to bomb a major religous site flame baiting. Guess I must have been mistaken.



I think this should look better now

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Guest Cancer Marney
That was then and this is now. I will treat you with respect in the current events folder. At least I have the decency to contain my attacks in NHB where they belong

I'm not enough of a hypocrite to follow suit. I'll respond in kind if you attack me anywhere. I won't pretend to respect you if I don't. Fortunately for you, I still do. At least, more than I respect some others.


Funny I would have called wanting to bomb a major religous site flame baiting. Guess I must have been mistaken.
You were mistaken. It would only have been flame-baiting if I hadn't meant it.

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Guest benoitrules2000


I found where your talking about and i apologize but i still find your views about bombing the mecca over the top anti-semetic.

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