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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The One and Only NWA TNA week 10 thread

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

AJ Styles and Lyn enter for the first of what I guess is 2/3 matches.

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Guest Chuck Woolery

Oh god, this is both a good sign and a bad sign... leaning towards good though. Who's on commentary, oh TNA master?

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Guest ISportsFan

Good part: It's first, so there is no chance of TV time running out during the match.


Bad part: It might lose a little of the stigma because it isn't the main, and, of course, Russo is still alive and booking.



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Guest CanadianChris

Jesus, these guys are going two more times tonight? Colour me impressed.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The first match is falls count anywhere so they begin on the outside.


They brawl all over the arena, with Lynn dominating. He can do that because he was ECW all the way.


Styles through Lynn off of the bleachers, from a few rows up...then flipped over the rail onto him. Which I thought was cool.


Styles gained the upperhand by spotting...and he can do that...becuase he's an indy guy.


Lynn took control back with a suplex on the outside...because he's a wrestler too.


They get back in the ring...where the money is made.


Lynn reversed Styles moonsault into reverse DDT move into a stunner maneuver...for 2.


Hangman's neckbreaker from Styles...not his flashiest move...but it's easily my favorite move he does.


Crowd is solidly behind Lynn here. They don't like Styles much at all. AJ sucks chants.


Styles took Lynn over the top to the outside with a headscissors.


On the outside now, Styles takes control with a slam on the ramp.


Lynn brawls back now and spears Styles as he tries his roaoring clothesline move.


They've certainly set up that both guys know each others moves, with all the reversals.


Lynn bulldoged Styles off the ramp onto the cage, but only got two as the ref was out of place.


Styles tries to set up Lynn for a piledriver but gets back body dropped for that. You don't piledriver a guy who's finisher is a piledriver, fool.


Jerry teaches him that the hard way by hitting him with his cradle piledriver for the three count at about the ten minute mark.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Don West is on color...and he's not bad on color.


I'm telling you...he's not that bad when he has to focus on the match.


Storm and Harris are being interviewed by Goldy, and they continue their story of Harris hating Storm's stupid Cowboy gimmick.


Brian Lee and one of the Harris brothers...not that I can tell them apart...or care interrupt and so we get a match.


Apparently it was Ron Harris.


Try to contain your excitement.

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Guest ISportsFan

High school student with parents who don't like wrestling, who wants to watch the PPV, but can't, asks:


Are they doing all three in a row, or not?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Chris Harris ad Cowboy James Storm vs. Brian Lee and Ron Harris.


Lee looks like he's kept himself in shape.


Lee and Storm start off...


They play up the fact that Harris and Storm are undefeated in TNA...which is probably a good idea since no one in their right minds would have remembered that.


Harris and Harris are in...and Chris wants to wrestle bustinout armdrags...but Ron will have none of it...and starts brawling.


after some out of ring happennings with Storm getting involved, Lee tombstones Harris...but hestiates and doesn't beat him with it.


Lee really looks in better shape then I recall...he lost the gut he had as Chainz.


Harris busts a Thesz press out on Lee and hammers away...but Lee blasts him in the nuts to get him off. That was clever. Why didn't anyone ever think of that before.


Tenay is playing up the experience that Harris and Lee have over their opponents...I really like his commentary.


Harris is laid out in the ring...and Storm is looking for the tag.


Harris fights back and bulldogs Lee out of the corner, but he's too weal to cover.


Both men get tags...and all 4 men are in the ring.


A "fan" was touching Lee so he grabbed him and beat on him, which distracts his partner and allows Harris and Storm to roll him up for the win at 9:00.


The ending was different...I'll give it that.


Match was nothing special, but nothing bad either.


Harris and Lee lay out their opponents after the match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

30 minutes in...and it's pretty much all been in ring.


Did Russo get fired without anyone knowing?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

And we go right into the Siaki vs. Yang match.


What the hell?


Wrestling followed by wrestling followed by wrestling?


That's just crazy enough to work.

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Guest CanadianChris

Looks like I picked a good week to start watching. This has been quite entertaining so far.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Siaki tries to jump Yang on the entrance...but Yang catches him with a kick.


OK...so NOW it IS 2/3 falls.


I wish they'd make up their minds.


Estrada is out to support Yang in this...Yang and Siaki brawl on the outside and finally get in the ring.


beauty dropkick by Yang.


Yang gets a figure 4 head scissors on Siaki and falls back over the top rope for leverage, and then springboards back in to hit him with a dropkick.


I like Lo Ki, Styles, Daniels, Red and Lynn alot...but for my money...Yang is my favorite X guy.


YANG TIME gets a three after Yang reversed a backslide into a neckbreaker for the set up.


Fall 1: Jimmy Yang

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Siaki takes control of the next fall by whipping Yangs ass on the outside.


They get back in and Siaki stays on Yang.


Pump handle into a toss instead of a slam. IT didn't look blown...but it didn't look like a move either. So...I dunno. If Kanyon had done it I'd call it a new move...but I don't think Siaki innovates.


Leg drop gets two for Siaki, who has dominated this fall like Yang dominated the first.


Crowd chants "Yang Time".


Give that man a solo push.


Backslide gets two on Siaki.


West points out how this fall has been the opposite of the first fall...proving himself more observant than Lawler and Cole combined.


Siaki got the pin after his move that I don't know the name of.


Oh...it's called the money clip.


FAll 2: Siaki

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

There's a story.


The Elvises were upset that they were left out of the X title match in week 2...and that grew into Siaki beleiving he was better than everyone else.


So he and the other 2 elvises have been falling apart since.


The best part is...they've been telling that story during matches, for the most part.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

These guys have been pretty much nonstop and are on tonight. I'm really enjoying this match.


superplex off the second rope onto Yang...but he beats Siaki up and hits him with a knee. (That's the shining wizard?)


They brawl in the middle (which I love seeing after a hard fought match...feels epic to me)


Yang hits some sweet shit like a jumping back kick and a moonsault off Siaki's chest in the corner.


Siaki blocked Yang's attempted Rana and throws him back into the turnbuckle.


Siaki gets crotched up on top.


Top rope neckbreaker....


and my cable froze.




Fucking Adelphia cable company...the show is dark for me now.


It's back...but I missed the end of the match.


Can someone fill me in.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



JJ is out yelling at the announcers and Brian Lawler attacks him.

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Guest Angle2004



Estrada came on the apron and argued with the referee because he thought Siaki was cheating. Siaki rolled Yang up and got the win with the help of the ropes.

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Guest CanadianChris

Siaki won the match after reversing a rollup and hanging onto the ropes. You didn't miss much.

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Guest ISportsFan

Is Slash the former Devon Storm/Crowbar, or is he somebody else?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Elvis match was good...even though my cable company is not. I'm so glad I pay more for digital. Fuckwads. Angry letter will be coming. It was about 13 minutes by my count.


Goldy tries to interview LAwler...but LAwler throws her out and takes the mic.


He's about to tell what JJ did to piss him off...and Slash jumps him from behind because they apparently had a match tonight.


So Slash takes the upperhand.


This match is the difinition of there...it's pretty much one pretty cool move after another with no semblance of order.


LAwler hit a nice bulldog on the ramp...that's the third different bulldog I've seen tonight.


Slash hits the whirlybird...which is my favorite thing he does.


Tennessee Jam finishes the match for Lawlers victory in just under 6 minutes.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Slash is either J.C. Ice or Wolfie D...only much better now...and with a cool look.


Devon Storm comes around every so often as Tempest, also involved with the same "EVIL" group as Malice and Slash

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

We move right into the 4 way for the X title.


All 4 men get to be in at once this week...which should lead to a Spanish Fly at some point...a truly awesome move.

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Guest ISportsFan

Thanks for the info bps, but, have we even seen Tempest since week 1 or 2 or whatever it was?



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Actually alll 4 men don't get to be in at once...as now they are on the apron.


I still want my Spanish Fly though

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