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Guest pochorenella

X-Men 2 movie

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Guest pochorenella

I was watching E!News last night (yeah, I know, but I really dig Jules Asner) and they showed some "exclusive" X-Men 2 clips. Sadly, no sign of Gambit anywhere on them, but anyway here goes:


Somebody (Magneto, presumably) somehow tricks Xavier into the plastic-made cell and locks him in.

A guy I didn't recognize manages to fool the Identity computer to get into the Cerebro chamber (again? That's some weak-ass security, if you ask me.)

Lots of SWAT-like men start surrounding what looked to be the Xavier Academy, falling from the ceilings and stuff.

Magneto closes with "the war has begun" or something to that effect (he must be talking about the Clone Wars Yoda also said begun. :lol: Sorry, bad joke.)


Anyway, it sure looks like a Mutants vs. Humans showdown to me, huh? Even though there were no Sentinels on sight it seems that's the direction they're going, and I couldn't be happier.

I really liked the first movie, but I hope they do better on this one.

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Guest El Satanico

Well from what i heard it doesn't sound like the Sentinels will be in this movie, but that they will begin to be made or something like that.

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