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Guest dreamer420

I'm Back

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Guest dreamer420

After a long time here I decided to take my ball and go home a little while back. The decision came as I got sick and tired of reading nothing but complaints and whining on this board, and hardly any of it was justifed. After taking some time away from the board and watching more wrestling than humanly possible I am back and should be here to stay for a little awhile anyway.

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Guest DJ Jeff

So you're dreamer420. :o I arrived a few weeks back, and I've heard everyone at TSM talk about you. B)

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Guest Flyboy
After a long time here I decided to take my ball and go home a little while back. The decision came as I got sick and tired of reading nothing but complaints and whining on this board, and hardly any of it was justifed. After taking some time away from the board and watching more wrestling than humanly possible I am back and should be here to stay for a little awhile anyway.

Welcome back, dreamer.

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Guest bob_barron


My fellow Bulldog v. HBK KOTR96 mark!


Welcome back. Wanna join the Canadian Alliance?

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Guest dreamer420

I'm not sure what the Canadian Alliance is but I like the sound of it...

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Guest bob_barron

It's basically a group of Canadians, soon to be Canadians and others with special ties to Canada.


I'm the leader. You can be secretary of pot or something

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Guest dreamer420

Secretary sounds a little fem though. I'm in and you can call me the weed dude.

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Guest bob_barron
Secretary sounds a little fem though. I'm in and you can call me the weed dude.


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Guest alfdogg

Anyone else notice that dreamer came back right after TestKick was banned?



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Guest dreamer420
Anyone else notice that dreamer came back right after TestKick was banned?



don't they ban IP's?

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Guest alfdogg

Usually no.


This was his third different identity, at least.


Besides, I was kidding.

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Guest Retro Rob

This truly is a great day!!! Although, Dreamer, you really need to reposition your sig. it screws up the proportions of the posts that follow.


It's nice to see you back, as I have already mentioned in the "Messiah Return Pics" thread.

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Guest justsoyouknow

Welcome back, Dreamer....


And, off topic, the Canadian Alliance sounds a lot like the State...minus the coolness.

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Guest Dangerous A

Welcome back dreamer420 and a ton of common sense and all around poster goodness!

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Guest Austin3164life

::Plays indifferent in the midst of this jubilation::


What made you come back, Dreamer?

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Guest Kotzenjunge



(I slap JR so the needle gets back onto the track)


Whassup, Bo? I was wondering where you went. I was all like "all right my computer's back" and the internet was all like "ha, you get your board abilities back, but Dreamer isn't there anymore" and I was all like "hey where the hell did he go" and the computer was all like "he's gone, now get your head back down into my crotch" and stuff.


Great to see you back.


Fo sheez,


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Guest HartFan86
Anyone else notice that dreamer came back right after TestKick was banned?



don't they ban IP's?

I don't think they ban IPs cause SlowChemical is Smarkzone and SC isn't banned.

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Guest Austin3164life

Meh, he probably left because everyone became an elitist and began to whine like a girl when it came to every topic you could think of. Not to mention the bad religion of HHating, the rediculous ethnic stable wars, and so on. I think the time for me to take my ball and take it somewhere else is here. I can see why an established guy like Dreamer would want to take off. While I probably will have a soft spot for this forum, the past few months certainly have left a bad taste in my mouth. All I do is post my opinion like many higher-ups do and I try and speak intelligently. With so many newbies and yet even more elitist posters on here, even a guy like me (who's been here since last year) has to know when to move on.


Basically, I'm bouncin' to greener parts (no, not RVD's garden), another forum. It's been fun but the book must end.

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Guest bob_barron
Anyone else notice that dreamer came back right after TestKick was banned?



don't they ban IP's?

I don't think they ban IPs cause SlowChemical is Smarkzone and SC isn't banned.

SlowChemical is Smarkzone?????? Whoa.


I hated Smarkzone- He hated the Book!

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Guest Youth N Asia

We thought you for dead and we rented your room out to a drifter named Jonas...seems like a nice fella, cleans up after himself well...keeps odd hours though


sorry man


P.S. we all got cool banners while you were gone...



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Guest Sassquatch

I'm not sure if you remember me AustinHHH, but *I* do remember you.


I remember coming into the Comics folder one day and seeing this unknown post in four threads. I figured it was just another rube that was spouting off shit he didn't know about. But then when I clicked the links to the threads I was shocked. Shocked in a good way. I read your posts and it actually had looked like you knew what you were talking about. It was *nice* to see some new blood in the Comic Book folder back at the old Smarks board. Threads that were dominated by myself, Judas, starvenger, Areacode212 and gthureson got old to look at after a while in my own opinion.


It was nice to see some new blood in the Comic book folder that could bring discussion and knew what he was talking about.


Your wrestling knowledge isn't too bad either.




If any of you have the same grievances as AustinHHH then come on over to WDI every now and then. We would love to see some new (see: intelligent) posters post there from the Smarts.


I know that WDI is not for everyone for various reasons to his or her own. The cliquish behavior (which is pretty much dead at WDI and everyone is on their own there anymore. The gPc, the Post Whoresmen, the WDI Radz, and the Simians, etc. is all pretty much gone and dead). It's everyone for them. Of course there are maybe two or three people that chum with one another in certain threads. It's bound to happen. But the actions of these people are not wide spread and dominate the entire message board like some people might believe.


The words used at WDI and language used in some posts also seem to throw people off. A solution was made to remedy that and that would be the WDI Dictionary . I recommend everyone click that link. While the language at WDI can make people feel like outsiders because they do not understand what the words mean, you are no longer in the dark.


Just like the Smarts, WDI has come a long way over the last half of the year and it look's to be settling into a groove of it's own. Aside for the occasional outburst of drama and the heated debates, things run smoothly for the most part. The cliques no longer dominate the threads and the pictures of ThatIdiotSKeith (tm. JDW) are non-existent at this point.


The point of this post is to let all you know that if you ever would like to take a vacation from the Smarts every once in a while then WDI welcomes your presence (unless you're a troll or blatant flame-baiter/idiot). I enjoy your posts AustinHHH and I will admit I don't come here as often as I use to but I do read your posts when I see them. You're good people. That also applies to several other posters here at the Smarts that I wouldn't mind seeing at WDI more often (Areacode212, starvenger, Always Pissed Off, Jingus and a couple others).


If this post is out of line with the Smarts guidelines/rules then I sincerely apologize for my post. I just wanted to throw out and offer to anyone who would want it and to give the posters here another message board to post at if they want to.


Thank you for your time.


Oh and welcome back Dreamer.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Erm, I'm not quite sold on this WDI thing. As infomercials go, it was a hard sell, but lacks sex appeal or celebrities. When I get a working digital camera again I will resume Infomercial reviews like the ones on my site, accessible by the handy link at the end of this post. You can see how to put together an entertaining one there.


And aren't we Smarks and/or Smart Marks? When I think of Smarts, I think of Don Adams and Designing Women.


Meanwhile, about 1.3% of your post was actually from the topic, 30% was friendly banter(nothing wrong with that), the other 68.7% AN ADVERT! Damn capitalism making everyone think they need to advertise everything.


Welcome back (again), Dreamer420! Your ham is in the mail.


Fo sheez,


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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

At a glance, I thought the title was, "I'm Black."

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