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Guest Incandenza

Smartmarks Championship Wrestling

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Guest Retro Rob

IIRC, When SK, Botter, and Becker gave the forum to Dames, he agreed to allow them to keep the SCW stuff here. I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

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Guest Incandenza

I thought the SCW was fairly new. I know the SWF's been around for a long time, but that's not the one that should be deleted.

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Guest Tony149

I belive the guy who created SCW paid for the folder. It just hasn't taken off.

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Guest Retro Rob

I think that one E-Fed on this board was enough. He should have tried his luck elsewhere. I wonder how much money they are charging him...

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Guest Some Guy

I think it was like $10 which was too expensive for we OAOAST guys, so a new board was made by Alf for us.

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Guest Incandenza

Since Shadow was banned, isn't now the time to finally get rid of the SCW?

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Guest Retro Rob
We SWFers pay $5.

Do you yourself pay $5 or does Botter?


Since Shadow was banned, isn't now the time to finally get rid of the SCW?

Maybe he paid for a few months in advance or something like that.

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Guest admin

Botter is no longer envolved in anything related to thesmartmarks.com or any other wrestling thing that i know of. Thats of last time i spoke to him about 1 week ago.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

No, the SWF actually started over on IGN's forums--we made the migration when IGN went to Insider only. Botter gave us a few plugs a while back since one of our members helped him out with something, but that's about it.


SCW's a totally different thing...and I guess the crushing dynamic of SWF and OAOAST proved too much for Shadow's fed. Wonder if he got it going anywhere else...

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

Botter never had anything to do with the IGN/SWF, aside from clearing the way for our migration to the Smarkboard and throwing out a few plugs here and there, as Edwin said. He never "ran" the SWF, as it's always been self-contained and run by the wrestlers ever since the official inception back at IGN when it was the IGNWF.... When we left IGN, that's when Botter became an investor, of sorts.


As far as the debate over what we do to stay here... I'm not exactly sure how this got worked out, but back when Botter brought us here, I think one of the higher-ups in the SWF paid a certain amount of cash towards him and the old guard to open up a forum for us. When ownership of the SmarkBoard switched over to the new owners and The Smarks moved to 411, the new owners honoured the past agreement and let us stay here.


And yes, the SWF has nothing to do with SCW. I assume Shadow did the same as our higher-ups did, and paid a fee to the board owners for the SCW forum to be opened up. But the SWF and OaOAST reeked of too much intensity, so the SCW became a dead board, with Shadow being banned sometime later.

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