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Guest Austin3164life

My departure from The Smart Marks

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Guest Austin3164life

To All Posters,

I have decided to take my ball and move on to another forum. There are many reasons why I have reached this conclusion. Part of it is the amount of elitism that has being circulating lately, part of it is the number of newbies who get respected by post whoring, part of it is the people who think you matter only when you reach 1000, part of it is just because I want to try something new. I'm not knocking the entirety of this forum, it's just that I have been here for just about 11 months, I feel as if I have not gained anything out of my stay here. I have met some very cool people, and I have had some fun sometimes, but the fun stops here I guess. This board is becoming inter-competitive against itself and its posters, that I need a forum where I can breathe. I just wanted to post this thread to give a formal farewell because I didn't want to leave on a bad note. Besides meeting cool people, one thing I can say that I liked from this forum is the fact that I didn't get flamed for supporting Austin in his walkout, or for being a Triple H mark. I'd just like to say thanks for a very bumpy yet very interesting ride. Perhaps I'll comeback, but that's too distant to decide as of yet. Take care guys, and good posting.



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Guest FakeRazor

Well, not that I post here anymore or anything, but you're a great poster and one of the coolest guys I've met online. It looks like you've been turned off to the board for a lot of the same reasons I have, and it's a shame. I'll see you around man. Hopefully you'll get the props you deserve in your final post here.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm. Another veteran poster leaves. Being a 14 month vet myself, I wonder how long I'll be able to hang around here myself. I've resorted to post whoring in the Mission thread, which at one point I said I'd never do (post whore meaningless posts)..

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Guest The Mysterious One

Austinhhh4life is one of the bettet posters this forum has had over the last year and his departure is a blow to this forum.


It just proves what others have said about this forum and how it is backslinding into pathetic levels of sucktitude.


I can't blame austinhhh4life for leaving and he'll be welcome at the forums I admin/mod at.


This is what happens when you place post counts above quality.


There I said my piece and now just like austinhh4life I'm leaving...and this time on BOTH my screens names.

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Guest Youth N Asia

What the hell???? Where's everyone going?...


*YNA Brain..."Quiet you fool! With the high posters bailing you can move up in the rankings!"*


uh...Happy Trails!!! Bye!


Seriously...I liked your shit, take care

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Guest The Mysterious One
AustinHHH sure does take his forums seriously.

Serious? He just realized that this place is full of negativity, and that it was time to leave.



Austinhh4life posted here for over a YEAR and now that he shows the courage to say that this place isn't what it used to be some people are going to jump all over him. Well fuck that.

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Guest alfdogg

TMO pretty much took the words right out of my mouth.


I, too, have been considering leaving the board as of late, and although I probably have different reasonings than AustinHHH4Life for this, the fact that a quality poster like him has now left the board doesn't exactly encourage me to stay. He has always been one of my favorite posters, and will always be welcome at Vanilla Midgets.


It's been great, man ::raises beer in salute::

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Goodbye AustinHHH4life.

You will be missed.


It's a shame that The Underground Smarks

didn't last long.

It was a great idea at the time.

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Guest welshjerichomark

i dont mean to be disrespectful of austinhhh4life or cwm or any-1 else, because they are/were good posters, but all people seem to be doing these days is bitching about how this forum has gone to shit blah blah blah, there are obviously lots of people who feel this way so why not do something about it? why not lead by example and offer sensible opinions then others will do the same, im not talking about any-one specific here btw, but i think it would make things better around here and stop all the, longtime posters and antipost whores bitching and leaving

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

That has been tried already. You see the


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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark

I'm simply amused by the fact that someone actually used the term "veteran poster". I can't even find the words for that one.


AustinHHH4Life has one thing right: when you are tired of a board or whatever, stop reading/posting there. Don't bitch and moan about how lame it is; simply get out of it. Immerse yourself in some books instead. Anything. Just get the fuck away from the source of your "misery".


I still think posting a "farewell speech" (or, to borrow a rather ridiculous term someone else used recently, a "retirement speech") is an exercise in self-absorption, but if that's what people want to do, whatever.


As a long lost friend of mine once said (I'll paraphrase, since the exact quote is a bit inaccurate): "IT'S JUST A FUCKING MESSAGE BOARD!"


That is all.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Damn you, AustinHHH4Life!!!! You flamed me earlier this week for "lacking in posting" and now you leave?

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Guest Retro Rob

Hmmm...I have been doing this shit since Delphi, that would be 1999 or early 2000 I guess. I never really pick up on all the negative points that other posters do when talking about this board. I guess I don't really overanaylze it. Anyhow, have fun in your new forum.

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Guest bob_barron

I like this board and despite my move to a foreign country- I'm staying!


Someone has to lead the Allaince and how much Regal is God

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Guest Mattdotcom

If one wants to see how loved and respected AustinHHH4Life was, just look above. No jokes about the poster beating his wife were made.


But I do feel like Bruce Campbell just walked out of a fight scene in Evil Dead 2...yeah, OK, that really happened.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

AustinHHH4Life will be missed. He was one of the more sensible and intelligent posters here who didn't resort to annoying tactics to get his points across.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

How did I miss THIS?


Seeyas Bo, I enjoyed you and CallmeDanWHAT? for your Austin defending in a time of anti-Austin vibes.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Dangerous A

This ultimately sucks. I hope to keep in touch with AustinHHH through messengers. I too have been feeling the same way as him though as pertains to the board. I usually take weekends off completely away from the board. It really helps. If you get annoyed by the board, don't be afraid to walk away from the keyboard. If I get the chance, I will try to talk to AustinHHH and see if I can't get him back to the board, at least on a part time level.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Yeah, I wonder how many are left from Rantsylvania now, or am I the only one?


AH is right, post counts are becoming way too important and the discussion well, just isn't well thought out when most posts are 1 or 2 lines...


*sigh* But I'm sticking with this thing, since myself, Dames, and Will got together a great crew to write for the site *props to them*


Welcome to VM AH!

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Guest Retro Rob

BPP, I've been here since Rantsylvania. So much wasted time...sadly that doesn't bother me at all.

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Guest BifEverchad

My take on this situation:


"Well its a shame to see another established poster leave, in this case AustinHHH4Life. It somewhat reflects the wrestling world in a way. This forum is a stompin' ground for our opinions and thoughts, and when things get a little sour, people get fed up and leave. Just like WWE. Austin left because the product got dull, he didnt wanna put up with it anymore, so he "took his ball and went home". In our case, AustinHH4Life didnt like the way the forum (the product) was going, so he took his ball and went home (went to another board). So basically, I have nothing against what people like AustinHHH4Life and cwm do and act regarding this forum, its just the way things go. Much like in wrestling, these things happen and we move on. So the way I look at this, people getting fed up and leaving the board because of lack of interest or disagreements can go if they want. That just frees up some space and spots for others to come into and move up on this board. The "cruiserweights" and "developmental guys" on this board can step up to the plate much like in WWE and make this board a better place then before."




that post was intented to be somewhat of a satire,

so take it whatever way you will.




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Guest Kingpk

I've been around since the Delphi days, too.


I still don't get why people have to put up long-winded "farewell" posts when they leave. Just say "Hey, I'm going away for a while/forever because (insert reasons here). Bye."

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Guest Downhome
Yeah, I wonder how many are left from Rantsylvania now, or am I the only one?

I was over at that board, and all of the others, but I'm sure no one really remembers me from any of them but this one.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Looks like you guys are stuck with me around here for now...

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