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Guest TheyCallMeMark

This show I have...

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Guest TheyCallMeMark

Ok, wierd thing, on the end of the Super J Cup '95 tape I have there is a whole other show that is apparantly a WAR show sometime before the J Cup (I think). I just watched it and it had two very good matches on it and two craptacular ones. The matches were:

Lionheart v. Ultimo Dragon, Jericho won and got some title.

A six-man tag match with one team that spoke perfect english which included a guy in lepard-spotted pants who had magic hands or some shit, a crazy old white guy to twitched when he fought and some other dude. The guys besides those two were kind of chubby. The match was a cluster fuck.

Then Gedo and Jado v. two guys from FMW who had chairs.

Finally, something that was the 3rd anniversary of something that was really tall fat guy in a gi kicking the shit out of a smaller guy that was managed by rounds or something. The littler guy won at the end.


I'm actually pretty happy I have this show because the first match was hella good and while I was watching the last match I just had a feeling I was watching something that was a big deal, and it seemed good in it's own way.


Thanks for helping my begging for help ass again.

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Guest TheyCallMeMark

Well I have solved my plight; the show was the latter half of (minus two matches in the middle) the WAR third anniversary show. I found out the little dude in the last match was Tenryu and now I'm kind of tempted to find some other stuff of his because I liked that match thing. Any advice on good Tenryu stuff to get?

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Guest RickyChosyu

He's quite legendary for his matches with Jumbo in the mid-late eighties. You've probably already heard all the hype surounding his match w/ Mutoh last year, and a lot of people will also pimp his G1 finals '98 match w/ Hashimoto, but neither are really that great, IMHO.

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Guest Evil Ash

His matches against Muto are great, in my opinion, but that Tenryu/Hashimoto match sucks big dangling donkey balls. They just chop each other for what seems like three hours. Snore.


I did just order a comp of Tsuruta vs Tenryu, which I'm hoping will be the bomb. From most accounts it was that series that turned All Japan into what it was in the 90s. Plus, I had the dealer slap the 96 UWFi vs New Japan Dome show on it, so it should rock all around.

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