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Guest thebigjig

So now that Brock is exclusive to SD...

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Guest thebigjig

Does this mean a possible new World Title being created? RAW's got to have SOMETHING to revolve around... and if they're really going for the "seperate promotions" feel, they need to completely seperate the promotions. I hate to bring up the "could this be a rebirth of WCW?" question again, but it could very logically happen

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Guest HartFan86

I think it could honestly happen. Stephanie McMahon drives Bischoff over the edge causing him to bring back WCW and use all the WCW titles (Do whatever with the tag and IC titles). Then you could have the WWE champ and WCW champ and eventually build to another unification match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Let's hope not.


In fact...let's hope that this means they'll treat the IC title with more importance.


Hell...they got rid of all the other titles.


Push the IC title.


Hint to WWE: Just putting the title on HHH didn't work last time. At all.


so this time...have RVD defend it against guys like HHH and Taker...and win...


that will make the belt more important.


It will also...never...happen.

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Guest Brian

Please don't let Lance Storm inherit the earth unless his punches are cooling off the effects of global warming.

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Guest cabbageboy

I'll take this idea one step further. It's right there people: Bischoff gets pissed and just names RVD his world champion, since hell he has all the other belts. IC, Euro, US, and hardcore. That has to equal some kind of world title doesn't it?

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Guest Brian

Storm just shouldn't punch at all. He doesn't need a reason. Quite frankly he's a competent worker and the punches sorta expose him.

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Guest Flyboy

"So now that Brock is exclusive to SD..."


Raw Is RVD. Period.


Bischoff has to somehow revolve the show around the guy. Throw in Jericho, Booker, and others.. and, then run it from there.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Oh man...


Then RVD can be a fake world champion.


It's like...fake elavating him...when he only beat Dreamer and a Hardy.


I bet they do it.

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Guest Quik

WWE Booking rocks!


I taped it, I'm watching it now. I'm up to the Jericho match, I can't wait to see the rip-off of Chris' "Man of 1001 holds" bit.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

If they DO bring WCW back, they better pull out the old school WCW World Title. That belt was the best.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



But it's still fake.


The fans would shit on it.


I think alot of people are smart enough to consider that a slap in the face.


The guy they show up and cheer the most...getting a "new" world title instead of the real one.


I really think it would BOMB.

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Guest Flyboy


But it's still fake.


The fans would shit on it.


I think alot of people are smart enough to consider that a slap in the face.


The guy they show up and cheer the most...getting a "new" world title instead of the real one.


I really think it would BOMB.



RVD's getting a fake belt, next week! <_<

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Guest Quik

I think Eric should just pay someone to stab Steph in the back with an ice pick... but that's just me.

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Guest Flyboy
I think Eric should just pay someone to stab Steph in the back with an ice pick... but that's just me.




That would have been... :lol:/ :blink:

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Guest The Czech Republic

Eric can jsut say that now that Raw does not have a world champion that they are withdrawing from the WWF or something like that. Then we have our WCW. Bring back the Big Five titles, sign away the cruiser division (since Raw lost the hardcore division), and maybe pick up some ex-WCW free agents if they can. Then we have our Nitro, WCWSN, and Worldwide against SmackDown, Heat, and Afterburn.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
one thing is for sure..


my tagline is truer than ever

Dude. You have several hundred TOO MANY monkeys. Honestly, 1000 crack-smoking monkeys would have made a Raw with two *** matches. This only had one.


Try like... 680 monkeys.

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Does this mean a possible new World Title being created? RAW's got to have SOMETHING to revolve around... and if they're really going for the "seperate promotions" feel, they need to completely seperate the promotions. I hate to bring up the "could this be a rebirth of WCW?" question again, but it could very logically happen

They are going to have HHH and UT fight each other in the main event to determine who gets to bury the rest of the undercard/midcard as the star attraction now that Brock's being ghettoized back to SD with the belt. Just watch them do so on the theory that HHH and UT can bring in ratings feuding with each other if they don't have the title to feud over....

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Guest deadbeater

Let Molly be the wild card, defending on both Smackdown and Raw shows. She has developing storylines on both shows, and is just too good to be on just one show.

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Guest deadbeater

Let Molly be the wild card, defending on both Smackdown and Raw shows. She has developing storylines on both shows, and is just too good to be on just one show.

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Guest cabbageboy

I actually don't think that the fans would dump on RVD being this so called "fake" champ. It is totally reasonable for Bischoff to do this because he will have no world champ defending on his program, and unless he rants at Vince and forces Brock to be on both he's gotta just name his own champ. In recent weeks he has been talking up RVD and went to extreme lengths to get him an IC rematch. He has also seen fit to have RVD unify the IC along with the US title (which was done last year), the European title, and the hardcore title.


Here is what it hinges on: after RVD is named the Raw world champ (or whatever, maybe WCW if Bisch wants to secede totally) he has to go over the major guys on Raw....as in HHH and UT. If he defeats both men after Brock ran from them to SMDN like a bitch then he will certainly have credibility, even more than Brock I would think.



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Guest RicFlairGlory

RVD, if he gets a couple big wins with this "new" title will definetly legitimize the belt.


Then you know Steph will start whining that she has the "Real" Champion, and then the interpromotional rumble will be won by RVD, where he can go to Wrestlemania to PROVE that he's a better champion than whoever the fuck SD has at the time

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Guest Nevermortal
Let Molly be the wild card, defending on both Smackdown and Raw shows. She has developing storylines on both shows, and is just too good to be on just one show.

No one cares about Women's Wrestling.

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Guest DJ Jeff

I kinda think that now, Bischoff will say that since Smackdown has the WWE Undisputed Title exclusively, that he's bringing back WCW, along with the titles. Then, he could just give the Intercontinental Title and the Tag Team Titles back to Smackdown, and replace them with the U.S. Title, and the WCW Tag Team Titles. Either that, or Bischoff will make a totally different WWE Title exclusive to RAW.

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Guest Johnny Blaze

This would never work. The fans have been trained for too long that the IC title is a midcard title for them to believe it as a world title and WCW is dead and buried, period. Vince killed it and absorbed all the titles and most of the decent wrestlers, there's nothing left to take. Unless they take all the old WCW guys and no WWF ones (which means no top carders), somehow figure out how to reseparate the titles logically(which is impossible), and move to a new network and have Bischoff buy Vince's half from him, all of which will NEVER HAPPEN, it ain't gonna have a prayer of working. Calling it nitro won't make the fans give 2 shits more about raw. But it doesn't matter because they'll forget this in a month like they always do with failed angles.

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