Guest creativename Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Next week's Raw main event: The newly crowned "Raw" champion RVD goes over HHH after double interference (someone interferes against them both; also, RVD kicks out of the pedigree after HHH fails to cover him right away) This is what SHOULD happen. Taker is a face, and HHH won this week so RVD-HHH makes more sense. And of course HHH isn't going to job even semi-cleanly, so we need someone to interfere against RVD as well in order to avoid him looking like a bitch. If RVD got a big win--without one-sided interference--then the fans will buy into him as a legitimate champion. The heritage of the Intercontinental belt is now just insane, and Bischoff should definitely play up on that in a promo. More importantly, RVD is now the #1 face in the company. The fans'll go nuts if he gets a belt. Stephanie as SmackDown GM can bitch about how it's not credible, but as long as JR and Lawler push RVD as being worthy of the top spot in the company, it's all good. This whole thing makes perfect sense storyline-wise as well, because as others have mentioned Bischoff has been orgasming over RVD for over a month now, and the Intercontinental title has been built up strongly. Of course if a new belt is declared, I guess you can't call it the "Undisputed" title anymore, huh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Well as much as we will hate to witness this.....Most likely, Bischoff names RVD Raw champ for obvious reasons, then is called out by Triple H and/or UT for being a "paper" champ, and then jobs the title over at the next available match..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NoCalMike Report post Posted August 27, 2002 I think the whole idea of the SPLIT is ruined if both shows feud over the same titles....because then what good is the split if everyone is chasing each other back and forth. Just SPLIT the fuckers up and let each show go it's seperate ways with it's own titles...... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted August 27, 2002 RVD, if he gets a couple big wins with this "new" title will definetly legitimize the belt. Then you know Steph will start whining that she has the "Real" Champion, and then the interpromotional rumble will be won by RVD, where he can go to Wrestlemania to PROVE that he's a better champion than whoever the fuck SD has at the time I LOVE that idea, RFG... that could really work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Let me get this straight since Brock is the champ for SD! I guess Bischoff will either create a new world title or elevate the IC title into one.Well that means RVD becomes the RAW world champion, it sounds crazy but it might work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest humongous2002 Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Now does this mean that there will be 2 separated ppvs for both RAW and SD!every month?mmmm it might still work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted August 27, 2002 The reason fans will dump on this idea is because they'll see whoever is awarded the title as; the fake champion. However, this can easily be solved with a vignette at the beginning of Raw, depicting Eric Bischoff at Titan Towers earlier in the week, in Vince McMahon's office, pleading his case as to why he doesn't think Brock Lesnar is the champion (because he didn't fill his obligation to face the #1 contender, therefore he forfeited; or whatever the hell they want to say). Vince will think about it for exactly 3 seconds before he smiles and agrees. Vince also says the other belt will continue to stay on Brock Lesnar. Why is he allowing two separate champions to exist? Because he's a sadistic son of a bitch and he enjoys the competition. Bischoff then starts off that night's Raw with the new belt in his hands, and says he will award it to the winner of that night's main-event: Triple H vs. RVD. At exactly 11:09 PM, Rob Van Dam defeats Triple H in what many see as an upset to become the WWE Champion. That's right, not RAW Champion or Champion of Raw, the only way any of what's been talked about in this thread will succeed is if the announcers build up their own champions as the ONLY champion. Therefore, RVD is who JR and King believe to be the rightful champ, and this is acheived through simply referring to him as the WWE Champion. Whether they choose to unify the IC belt with this new belt is another story, but they can not use the same belt if they wish for the fans to believe it's an equivalent to the bigger, more prestigious looking belt Lesnar has. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rabbi_wilson13 Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Well, what if Bisch holds a mini-tournament? RVD, Jericho, Flair, UT, Booker, Test, Kane, HHH Or maybe cut out Test and one other, and have a six pack challenge where RVD or Y2J goes over cleanly. I'd love to see them revamp Raw as Nitro, then maybe turn Velocity and Sunday Night Heat into ECW with Shane-O running it. Now that's just asking too much, but it would rock so much. Is anyone else hoping Linda decides to punish Steph for limiting the champ to one show, so she replaces her with anyone else but Steph? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Well I've learned one thing through reading this thread, a lot of you are WCW marks. Nothing wrong with that, but I can almost guarantee that WCW Raw won't fly. If it's only a two-week stunt, then fine, though it'll sure seem like a lot of work for a stunt with all the graphics, logos, ring aprons, etc. Long-term, I just don't see it working. WCW as a name brand no longer possesses any value. I prefer the way they are subtly making the change now, with the announcer repositioning and everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AndrewTS Report post Posted August 27, 2002 While there are a lot of good ideas in this thread, you are all crazy to think that RVD would end up as champion. Or even more crazy, the guy who suggested Jericho. We all know Raw is HHH, and if anything like this happens, it will be HHH, not RVD and NEVER Jericho, who will come out on top. It's all about the Game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted August 27, 2002 While there are a lot of good ideas in this thread, you are all crazy to think that RVD would end up as champion. Or even more crazy, the guy who suggested Jericho. We all know Raw is HHH, and if anything like this happens, it will be HHH, not RVD and NEVER Jericho, who will come out on top. It's all about the Game... But we're trying to come up with ideas that will be successful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gwf0704 Report post Posted August 27, 2002 Actually a better solution than having the IC title elevated to World title status or bringing back WCW is just having a tournament on Raw for the new Raw World Champion with RVD being the 1 seed, HHH the 2, UT the 3 and so forth. Probably have it run until Unforgiven where the last 2 remaining wrestle for the Raw title, hence the connection to the word, Unforgiven as Raw would break away from the Smackdown brand. It would also add fuel to the upcoming Raw v Smackdown feud brewing.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted August 27, 2002 RVD number one seed? HHH won the contender's match. Undertaker lost. And there's still HBK, Flair, and even Jericho. They'll find a way to make him look weak. He'll be lucky to get any mention. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites