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Guest Youth N Asia

Horror Movie Bad Guy Tournament

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Guest Youth N Asia

Elite Eight Recap:


Candyman vs Freddy Kruger


-Freddy wins in a squash 10-3


Lepreachun vs Jason


-Jason squeezes by 7-6


Michael Myers vs Pinhead


-Pinhead in a suprising close call 7-6


Pumpkin Head vs Talll Man


-Tall Man easy...11-2


BOOTY PRIZE WINNER...with a score of 13-1...The Omen's Damien, whooping the Vampire Lestate without remorse.




Freddy Kruger vs Jason


-The match the smarks wanted to see

-Freddy's already beaten "The Prophocy's" Gabrial and Candyman

-Jason's beaten Dr. Hannibal Lecter and Leprechaun


Pinhead vs The Tall Man (from Phantasm)


-Demon vs Demon

-Pinhead's beaten Predator and Michael Myers

-Tall Man's beaten Wishmaster and Pumpkin Head



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Guest J*ingus

I still demand a full explanation from everyone who voted for Jason or Michael. But anyway, onto the list:


Freddy Kruger




Depends on where it takes place. If Jason's zombie ass could somehow get into the Dreamworld, Freddy would take him apart with no question. In real life, Jason would have the advantage, but hey, Freddy was still a mass murderer even before he became an evil sandman, and gots to have SOME skills. So I'd go with Freddy Kruger.





Tall Man:


Oh man, if ever there was a time to puss out and vote for a draw, this would be it. Spheres vs. chains. Dwarves vs. Cenobytes. Nigh-unstoppable demon from another dimension vs. nigh-unstoppable demon from another dimension. Hmmm... after long thought, I'm gonna have to go with The Tall Man. Reason being, he showed up wherever he damn well wanted to, and his powers always worked. Pinhead and his minions usually had to be summoned first, and they had wacky little weaknesses that could be exploited.


Is there gonna be a final voting for the last 2?

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Guest Youth N Asia
Is there gonna be a final voting for the last 2?

When it comes to this I'm gonna make a poll

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Guest C.H.U.D.

I'm too lazy to write why I think which character will win, so I'll just enter the names.




The Tall Man.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Jason doesn't deserve to be anywhere NEAR the main event. Do you really think the facts that he's insanely popular despite sucking, being "pushed" in the tournament beyond guys who deserve it, that he's pretty slow and somewhat dull, that he wears a mask, and that he's played by KANE Hodder are all coincidence? No matter the terrain, in dream-land Freddy would slaughter him, and even in real life Freddy was a child molester/murderer conceived of a thousand psychos or something... if absolute worse comes to worse, Freddy could call in all his daddys for help. Of course Freddy Krueger.


I realize I'm going to lose what little credibility I have (well, not really, since I review mainly crap, and from what I've heard these two films are quite good), but I've never seen either Phantasm or Hellraiser. However, The Tall Man has such an undeniably legitimately creepy aura, plus from what I've read in these contests he can apparently appear whenever he wants wherever he wants, and presumably disappear in the same fashion, that he'd eventually spy on someone or run far enough that he could find the weakness of Pinhead and his ilk (if one exists). The Tall Man

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Guest El Satanico

Lepreachun got screwed! Lepreachun could own Jason's big slow ass on any damn day. Is JR booking this contest? :chants: overrated :claps: overrated


Freddy vs. Jason


Someway...Somehow Freddy finds a way to kick Jason's overrated ass.


Winner: Freddy



Pinhead vs. The Tall Man


This would be like a Flock vs. Horsemen War Games match. Pinhead being full of himself and charismatic would be Flair with the Cenobytes representing the others and Tall Man being a quiet reserved guy just scoping his prey out as Raven.


After a long battle where neither can get the upper hand Tall Man vanishes. However being the smart demon he is Pinhead figures out the Portal Trick. Pinhead follows into the portal and after getting the dwarves out of the way he attacks Tall Man and after a hour gets the upper hand. He then puts Tall Man back through the portal to where the Cenobytes are waiting. Pinhead comes through the portal and finishes him.


Winner: Pinhead

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Guest What?

Freddy, after delivering the Nightmare Maker to Jason


Tall Man defeats Pinhead after delivering the Portal Slam~!




I have NO idea what I'm talking about....

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Guest Nevermortal

Freddy is a child molester...Jason is an uber zombie.


I pick Jason because I really hate the Nightmare flicks. If its not in the dream world, Jason would own Freddy, because all Freddy's got is finger blades. Jason can just adapt to the environment.


Pinhead over Tall Man in a close call. I figure that the Tall Man can chuck the spheres, but Pinhead can just chain them down, and go to work torturing Tall Man's mind until he breaks down and admits that yes, he has a grave robbing problem. Pinhead by submission.


Anyway, Jason's here because HE'S A HOSS, BAH GAWD

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Freddy vs. Jason

Jason doesn't stand a chance. Freddy is smarter, has more powers, and is more sadistic. Hell, not even Jason will kill a kid, well in part 6 anyway.


winner: Jason


Pinhead vs. Tallman

This is the real Main Event. The Cenobites owns the Dwarves without question. However Tallman is indestructable, his power seems to have no limitations, and has shown no real weakness unless it's a trick. Pinhead and The Cenobites however have shown weakness, and have got their asses handed to them before(Hellraiser II). As much as I hate to admit it, Tallman would make Pinhead is bitch. Unless of course Pinhead can cut a deal with Reggie, than he would stand a chance.


winner: Tallman

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Jason (Old version, not the upgraded Shit)



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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk



Tall Man


I don't know how you can vote for anyone but Jason. He doesn't die, ever. Every conceivable thing has been done to him and he still comes back, as strong as ever, many times with no explanation provided. Granted, that may just be lazy filmmaking, but it's still true.

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Guest El Satanico

Well Freddy always comes back too.


Plus factor in that it's never the easy "beat the fuck out of him and chain him to a rock in the lake" approach to kill Freddy. It actually takes brains to kill Freddy and do you honestly think Jason could figure it out?

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
Well Freddy always comes back too.


Plus factor in that it's never the easy "beat the fuck out of him and chain him to a rock in the lake" approach to kill Freddy. It actually takes brains to kill Freddy and do you honestly think Jason could figure it out?

Good point, but after Freddy's Dead, he pretty much did stay dead, since New Nightmare was a different direction for the character. I don't know how they're going to deal with it in the Jason vs Freddy movie though, so that may not count after all. I suppose it would depend on where the battle took place, since in the real word Freddy can be killed like anyone else. Plus a lot of Freddy's skill comes from how he can get in your head and play off of your fears. Jason can be distracted somewhat with his mother complex, but he doesn't seem to really be afraid of anything. And I'm sure Jason's head is a very screwed up place.

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Guest J*ingus

Well, Jason was supposed to really for sure die in parts 3, 4, 8, and 9, but we all saw how that turned out.


And I'm STILL waiting for an explanation for everyone who voted that Jason would beat the Leprachaun, when the ONLY thing that can kill the little guy is a four-leaf clover.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Jiunugs, you need to see Leprechaun 2 and Leprechaun 3, as they introduce two alternative ways to kill ol' Lep himself: iron and destroying his gold. Jason would find a 9-iron and beat the shit out of the fucking Mick. :D


Freddy Krueger vs. Jason: Clash of the Slash Titans

It's pretty even until about the 14 minute mark, where Freddy just says "fuck this" and completely demolishes Jason with interference from the 3 Demons (see: Freddy's Dead).


Decision: TKO


Pinhead vs. The Tall Man

Definitely an extremely long bout, with neither man really doing anything himself, more or less having his minions attack and destroy and ravage. The Cenobites begin to beat the dwarves, but then the spheres attack the cenobites, draining them of whatever flows through their bodies. Reggie and Mike appear and kill The Tall Man, or so they think, when he comes back through another portal from behind Pinhead, who gets ripped to shreds and thrown back into the box.


Decision: COUNT-OUT

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Guest C.H.U.D.
And I'm STILL waiting for an explanation for everyone who voted that Jason would beat the Leprachaun,

That's easy, because Leprachaun is a crappy horror character, especially compared to Jason. He is just a rip-off of Chucky anyway.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Freddy vs Jason


Winner: Jason


-Freddy tried to mindfuck Jason, but he can't, and when it finally comes down to fistacuffs Jason comes out on top.


Pinhead vs Tallman


Winner: Pinhead


-Man...fuck Tall Man...I barely even remembered to add him in when I did these...I was klnda hoping he'd get bumped.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Leprechaun In The Hood.






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Guest Doomsault

Freddy Kruger vs Jason


Jason would woop Kruger's candy ass all over the place if a dumb highschool chick can do it, anyone can.


Pinhead vs The Tall Man


This was a tough one for me, even though I'm partial to the tall one, I'd have to go with Pinhead this time, unless Tall Man could get ahold of the accursed box of doom.

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Guest evenflowDDT
And I'm STILL waiting for an explanation for everyone who voted that Jason would beat the Leprachaun,

That's easy, because Leprachaun is a crappy horror character, especially compared to Jason. He is just a rip-off of Chucky anyway.

How is Leprechaun a Chucky rip-off?


And Corey, which of the Leprechauns is the one set in Vegas where the kid becomes a Leprechaun too? I haven't seen that movie in 7 years, but I'll never forget the magician's death and the line "Ahhhh... potatoes...."


Geez, memory sure does work in strange ways. I can remember THAT but I can't remember anything else from 1995 <_<

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Guest DawnBTVS

Freddy Krueger vs Jason Vorhees

Winner: Jason


Pinhead vs The Tall Man

Winner: Pinhead

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