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Guest HossSauce

What is happening to RAW?

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Guest HossSauce

Okay, Brock Lesnar and his undisputed WWE championship are now exclusive to Smackdown!. First off, how can Steph just make up a rule like that? Last time I checked, she was one of two general managers, not the owner of WWE. Couldn't Eric Bischoff just say that Brock is exclusive to RAW? Fucking stupid.


#2, from what I hear, RVD and his I.C./Euro/Hardcore title are coming to Smackdown! as well. That leaves RAW with the tag titles.


So what is happening to RAW? They have a ton of talent -- Undertaker, Kane, the UnAmericans, Booker T, HHH (Yeah, I hate him, but he's still a big name) -- but no titles. So what are the guys on RAW going to fight for?


And even if RVD wasn't jumping ship to Smackdown!, they don't have a world title. Elevate the I.C. title all you want, people will still consider the undisputed WWE title to be THE title.


I don't see where Vince is going with this. I heard J.R. refer to RVD vs. Benoit as an "inter-promotional" match about 10x during Benoit vs. RVD from SummerSlam, so is that the route that they are going?


I'm just...confused.


And I think that Eric Bischoff bringing back WCW would be really stupid. Most of the guys that people associate with WCW -- Benoit, Guerrero, Saturn, Jericho, etc. -- work for Smackdown!. The only two guys that Bischoff has that are heavily associated with WCW are the Big Slow and Booker T. Plus, Vince would never allow his RAW general manager to bring back WCW. Never.

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Guest LJSexay

No idea. But they have the original titles the WWF had years ago, The World, IC, Tag, and Women's. With the cruiser sticking around as well. But it confuses me, whyis Raw always being cut off at the knees?

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Guest AndrewTS
No idea. But they have the original titles the WWF had years ago, The World, IC, Tag, and Women's. With the cruiser sticking around as well. But it confuses me, whyis Raw always being cut off at the knees?

Because Vince and Steph are partial to Stephdown, and will try to get her and it over at all costs.

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Guest RenegadeX28

The WWE storylines are getting screwy. RAW is useless. HHH vs Taker was useless. Now that only SD talent can fight for WORLD TITLE, what is RAW gonna do? Just sit there and push the IC/Euro/Hardcore title to the moon? It is true, the WORLD TITLE is what matters right now. Also, the hardcore title is gone. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!!?!? That means no more hardcore matches, Dreamer is usless now.


Now RAW into Nitro, no doubt that is gonna happen now. Let us see what is left of titles on RAW.......


1. WWE Women's Title (RAW and SD)

2. WWE IC/Euro/Hardcore Title (RAW, but I bet he will be at SD)

3. WWE Tag Titles (RAW, but let us see what tag teams are in RAW....Island Boys.....that's it)


The Hardcore title is gone, the WORLD TITLE is only for SD, only women fight for the Women's title. Only the IC title seems important, but not important enough. RAW is going to turn into Nitro. It is inevitable.

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Because Vince and Steph are partial to Stephdown, and will try to get her and it over at all costs.

Actually it's because SD's tv contract is up for renewal in about a year's time and Raw's contract has about 3 years going on it. So SD gets all of the breaks while Raw gets screwed over. The fact that Steph is on SD only adds salt into the fans wounds....

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<Okay, Brock Lesnar and his undisputed WWE championship are now exclusive to Smackdown!. First off, how can Steph just make up a rule like that? Last time I checked, she was one of two general managers, not the owner of WWE.>


The storyline explination that we were given was Steph is paying Brock (who signed with SD after Vince nullified the draft and declared everyone a free agent) extra to no-show all future episodes of Raw and simply stay on SD, despite the fact that Brock now can/must attend both shows do to the floater status of the World Title.


<Couldn't Eric Bischoff just say that Brock is exclusive to RAW? Fucking stupid.>


Eric can't do that because Brock is signed with Steph fair and square. The only recourse Eric has storyline-wise are: create a new World Title ala the imfamous fake NWA International Title that WCW had floating around circa 1992-1994, promote the worthless IC title as the top Raw title, or for Eric to hit Steph and Brock with a court order forcing Brock to compete on Raw/ beg Vince to force Steph to play nice and make Brock fulfill his championship duties by being on both shows.....

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Guest NoCalMike

RVD is probobaly the only good reason to still be watching RAW. If he jumps I might just have one less show to tape every week.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

As they said on the show, what Steph is doing is completely proper according to the storyline continuity. It's the champion's prerogative to decide if he's going ot attend both shows. Steph gave Brock extra money, so he stays competing on SmackDown instead of going ot Raw also.

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Guest The Electrifyer
RVD is probobaly the only good reason to still be watching RAW. If he jumps I might just have one less show to tape every week.

I agree, whats Raw without RVD? I desperately hope he never jumps to Smackdown cuz RVD just looks like one of those guys who is unique to one brand for there entire WWE career.

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Guest Brian

Ehh, I watch for Booker T. I've grown hot and now cold on RVD as he can work WWE main event style fine to a point but after that, ugh.

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Guest chirs3

The Brock thing DOES make sense, in a stupid way. According to their rules, the champ doesn't have to wrestle on both shows, the champ chooses when he wants to fight. Taker, Rock, Triple H, Hogan all volunarily went to both shows. Steph convinced Brock to only go on Smackdown.


It's stupid, but it makes sense.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Why I watch Raw:




--to a lesser extent - Regal, Nowinski, Bischoff


Raw doesn't exactly have a lot going for it right now

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Guest Downhome
The Brock thing DOES make sense, in a stupid way. According to their rules, the champ doesn't have to wrestle on both shows, the champ chooses when he wants to fight. Taker, Rock, Triple H, Hogan all volunarily went to both shows. Steph convinced Brock to only go on Smackdown.


It's stupid, but it makes sense.

No, it doesn't make sense. They have been telling us that the Undisputed Champion, up untill now, is to appear on both shows. They never said (at least I didn't notice it if they did), that's it's just up to the champ where he goes and when he goes. It's like they are just trying to change the "rules" out of nowhere, in order to ONLY confuse the fans.


If they want a champion for both shows, they should do it using an angle or something, build a storyline around it. Just ANYTHING other than just coming out one day and saying "oh yeah, by the way, the champ decideds where he fights, and he's signed to be exclusive". That is stupid as f*ck, and it is just another one of those sh*tty things WWE has been doing over the past year, period.

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Guest Brian

Unless they split the titles. But to move back a little, Brock should be on RAW where the bigger names are. Weren't they going to jo out Taker to him?

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Guest Downhome
Unless they split the titles. But to move back a little, Brock should be on RAW where the bigger names are. Weren't they going to jo out Taker to him?

Honestly, I'm begining to not even care. I am sick and tired of WWE showing glimpse's of hope, like Summerslam, then going in the TOTAL opposiste dirrection. My emotions have been pulled one way and then the other for too long now, and enough is enough. I am begining to despise what they are doing not only to me, but to the fans as a whole.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Theres a pretty good article at the torch which tries to make sense of all this, basically saying that Steph is deleiberately screwing over Eric to the point where hel'l snap and create Nitro with his own Champion

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Guest AndrewTS
RVD is probobaly the only good reason to still be watching RAW.  If he jumps I might just have one less show to tape every week.

I agree, whats Raw without RVD? I desperately hope he never jumps to Smackdown cuz RVD just looks like one of those guys who is unique to one brand for there entire WWE career.

*chuckles at the thought that this roster split will go on as long as RVD keeps wrestling in the WWE*


I think that sooner or later, the split will be dissolved. I think it's a good idea, but has been screwed up so much, and the fact that both shows have their share of deadbeat workers, that it's not going to be kept in the long run.


If it lasts a year, I'll be shocked.

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Guest Nevermortal

I don't get it....yeah, Brock's exclusive to Smackdown. But if Brock gets beat, it doesn't mean that the new champ is exclusive to Smackdown. He floats too.

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Guest TheHulkster

This whole brand extension has turned into a big fucking mess thanks to this GM bullshit. It isn't entertaining, it never really was entertaining, and I doubt it will ever be entertaining. I wish stephanie would take a cue from her brother shane and quit putting herself out there on TV flaunting her giant, fake, floppy tits on my screen every five minutes when I want to watch Smackdown and embarrassing herself in her sad attempts to act. Having Stephanie as a GM is a stupid idea because the vast majority of the folks who watch wrestling are 18-34 year old men, and a lot of them aren't very fond of having to put up with watching a woman pull bullshit powerplays just to watch some quality wrestling, because we have to put up with it every god damned day. If I sound sexist, I could really care less. It's one reason why I like Raw more than Smackdown, at least Bischoff is entertaining.

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Guest Olympic Slam

Looks like RAW is going to have to push Bubba Ray Dudley even MORE to make up for the rumored loss of RVD and now Brock. :rolleyes:

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I used to like Raw...


When Eddie G., Chris B, and RVD were on it.



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