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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Would you..

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

So, some people yesterday might remember I posted this link:

The Jesus Approved Urine Diet (Currently not working) which proclaimed the healthful benfits of drinking one's fresh urine on a regular basis, even giving bible references as to why you should do it.


I'm so reminded of the scene in Dumb and Dumber where Lloyd pisses in the beer bottles and PA Police officer takes the bottles and takes a drink thinking that they we're drinking alcohol. But I digress...


Now, I passed this off as a nutcase's site, but today, lo and behold I find this particular article.Recycling Urine to Quench Thirsts and I'm sorry to say, that I in fact would not drink this "water" no matter how thirsty I would happen to be at the time of the offering of a drink of it. Sorry.


So the question is, would you drink recycled urine? And If you would do that, would you go as far as to drink fresh urine?

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Guest El Satanico

Fresh urine...not unless my life depended on it.


Recycled urine...sure why not. I mean hell if it's recycled it doesn't have the whole "it's waste from your body!" aspect which is the main reason someone wouldn't want to drink fresh urine.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

For $, sure...


But it'd have to be a sh*tload of $$$...

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Guest Choken One

I have tasted my own urine before but it was not something I really enjoyed...


however, It's healthier then people think.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Its kinda funny how all this stuff about drinking urine suddenly comes up. I found that article funny for some reason...

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"have tasted my own urine before but it was not something I really enjoyed..."


Actually, I did once when I was a kid. I was in preschool or something and i wouldn't get out of bed to take my morning bath so my dad just picked my up and put me in the tub. To get back at him I shot a line of pee at him. However, he deflected it with his hand and some of it went into my mouth! Needless to say I was up after that.


Thankfully, I don't remember the taste; however, it burned.

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Guest CED Ordonez

As far as recycled urine goes, if you can prove to me that it's fairly sanitary, then what the hell. Fresh piss on the other hand is a last resort option.

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Guest Choken One

For the guy who wanted to know WHY i've tasted my own Urine...



Simple...Freshman baseball Hazing.


The classic "We need a urine sample for a drug test"


I go pee...They put in the cooler...Pour it into my Gatorrade bottle..." I reached for it...drank it and realize what It was and pretty much pissed (pun intended) away the team mates.

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