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Guest crusen86

SJL Crimson Card, September 1st

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Guest crusen86

SJL Crimson Card, September 1st

Due Date: 3pm Sunday Eastern or whatever it is

Arena: Cow Palace, San Jose, California.


Erm, send it all to me.



Manson vs. Leon Sharpe

- Leon Sharpe was unable to get the win in his first match. His next assignment? Manson, ready to get back towards the World title. Good luck.

- Match Description: Standard.

- Word Limit: 3000

- Send To crusen86



Kamikaze vs. Blank

- Two impressive newbies go one on one in order to get one step closer to the elusive European title...

- Match Description: Standard.

- Word Limit: 3000

- Send To Tod deKindes



Fugue © vs. Spike Jenkins vs. Matt Myers

- Spike and Matt wrestled to a no contest for a Euro shot on Wrath. Now they fight again, this time against fellow sWo member & European champion, Fugue, for the belt. Fun.

- Match Description: Elimination match. Countouts and DQs are in effect.

- Word Limit: 5000

- Send To Edwin MacPhisto



Mike Van Siclen vs. Jacob Helmsley

- The pipe attacks run wild! After attack after attack, they get a match of fun.

- Match Description: Suspended above the ring is a steel pipe. To get it, they have to grab the ladder from ring side, and climb up. However, the match doesn't stop there - the first man to get the pinfall or submission wins. No other weapons bar the ladder and the pipe are allowed.

- Word Limit: 5000

- Send To Longdogger_Pete



Mak Francis © vs. C.I.A. vs. Thor

- Mak Francis has been unstoppable, bar one small pin, in the last month. Things are about to get a whole lot tougher though. Can he hope to pin either Thor or CIA in a modified cage match? Or will the two faces ally to destroy the sWo leader.

- Match Description: This is not your standard cage match. There is an open door on each side of the cage, and you can exit at any time. Why's the cage there then? Fun. It's a no DQ fest too.

- Word Limit: 6000

- Send To SuicideKing

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Guest midnight_burn

Nice looking card, some sure to be good matches, particularly the final two. Jake and MVS go at it in what is basically a Stairway to Hell match, and Francis has perhaps his biggest challenge in a Cage match with CIA and Thor. No matter who wins it'll certainly be a great match.

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Guest Suicide King

I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I did not flake on marking my match for last show, it was a double no-show and the system ate my pm apparently.

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Guest Tod deKindes
Ooooooooooh, good card....

*notices Cutthroat not on it*


Oooooooh yeah, you're riiiiiiiiiight...

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

While looking over the card a few minutes ago, I noticed something...


Now, I will have a match completed either way, but I noticed that this show is a September 1st show. However, the due date is Saturday, which in the US, is the 31st.


Usually, the due date of the matches is usually listed the same as the day of the show. Not to mention that usually this show in the rotation is usually Sunday Night/Monday Morning, US time, anyway.


So, was this a mistake, accounting for Aussie time (which I'm sure I'm wrong on), or accounting for the fact that the show will assuredly be posted after midnight in the US, thus making it a "Sept. 1" show? ...Or am I just thinking about it too much, and it was intentional?

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Guest HVilleThugg

The due date is SUNDAY...not Saturday, as Saturday does not fit our loverly rotation. So, the due date is SUNDAY people.....SUNDAY!! Thank you for pointing that out Manson...and are you going to show this time? I sure hope so.


Da "fixin' everything up" H

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Guest KingOfOldSchool
The due date is SUNDAY...not Saturday, as Saturday does not fit our loverly rotation. So, the due date is SUNDAY people.....SUNDAY!! Thank you for pointing that out Manson...and are you going to show this time? I sure hope so.


Da "fixin' everything up" H

I'm observant. I deserve a prize.


And yes, I will be showing up for once. Which means the world will end and the WWE will resort to slapping the title onto an untested rookie not even a half-year into his care... Wait a minute.


And to emphasize the point, SUNDAY~!

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