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Guest pete

Underrated Payperview Superbrawl 3

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Guest pete

I think this is a great payperview. They open up with 4* benoit/ 2 cold scorpio match, it has Davey boy Smiths ppv debut in WCW, theres the return of Ric Flair to the WCW, Cactus Jack and Paul Orndorff have a great falls count anywhere match around 4*, Theres a Rock N Roll Express and Heavenly Bodies match that is pretty good, Muta and Windham have another really good match. The show is capped off by a great Sting/Vader strap match 4 1/2*. From top to bottom they had a lot of great matches.

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Guest Si82

I would agree with you that it is a great PPV with some great matches. My personal favourites are Benoit/Scorpio, Orndorff/Cactus and Sting/Vader. However, I wouldn't call it under-rated. It seems to get pretty positive reviews from everyone. Can anyone else come up with some under-rated PPV's?

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Guest pete

I know it gets positive reviews, but most people don't mention it when they are talking about some of the great pay perviews of all time. It had a great undercard and great main event.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
most people don't mention it when they are talking about some of the great pay perviews of all time.

See: Dustin Rhodes vs. Maxx Payne


That automatically DQs it from being one of the best of all time :)

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