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Guest Downhome

Is this a case of being a hypocrite, or what?

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Guest Downhome

The following is a letter that I found that one Mr. Rob Feinstein had sent to an internet wrestling tape dealer/trader, from his lawyer. Is this a case of being a hypocrite or what? Am I wrong in believing that RF Video themselves actually sell tapes which include copywritten material, of which they do not have permision themselves? Here is the letter...




...call me crazy, but this just seems f*cked up to me, that's all!




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Guest Ozymandias

The thing is - it'll work because people have no money to spend on legalities, and therefore, are terrified of being sued.

It's the same reason that 1slob is always threatening legal action to people who "steal" from his site even though he himself lifts material from others.

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Guest Downhome
The thing is - it'll work because people have no money to spend on legalities, and therefore, are terrified of being sued.

It's the same reason that 1slob is always threatening legal action to people who "steal" from his site even though he himself lifts material from others.

No, I don't think it'll work at all. There is no way in hell he'd actually pursue anything, knowing full well that HE is also in violation of copyright laws. If people really wanted to, I'm sure he could be shut down himself.

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Guest Retro Rob

RF has always been an asshole. Whenever I buy RF Videos, I always buy them from other dealers for much less.

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Guest Ozymandias

Well, obviously he won't actually sue but he doesn't have to, nobody will actually call his bluff in fear of getting sued.

People are so fucking litigious these days that people are as scared of being sued as of catching AIDS or being mailed Anthrax.

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Guest godthedog

if rob is lifting copywrighting material, couldn't somebody inform the wwf of HIS actions?



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Guest J*ingus

Well, the problem with that is that RF is usually real careful not to put copywrighted WWF footage on his tapes... although there ARE some slipups (COUGHbrianleeshootCOUGH). Also, he's got quite a bit of older WCW stuff for sale, which I believe the WWE owns.


Is he a hypocrit? Damn right. But all he really cares about are his shoot interviews and ECW fancams; they're his only exclusive original products.

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Guest Youth N Asia

The Brian Lee shoot is actually a highspots shoot.


But his Best of Regal tape they did last year is like 50% WCW footage...with crappy vq might I add.


I have yet to hear about RF actually suing someone

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Guest J*ingus

Best of Benoit: good matches, but absolutely shitty video quality. The Benoit match from Pillman 2000 looked like it was shot with an old handheld 8mm FILM camera.


As for Lee not being their shoot, so what? They still sell it, I bought a copy from them. In fact, that makes it even worse, as I doubt that Highspots agrees with RF selling copies of their own tapes.

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Guest Youth N Asia

You could not get through the video quality to enjoy it...and I have a copy that came straight off an RF "master"


It's all WCW stuff from the early 90s...almost all has a tracking line at the bottom...the rest is his WWF development stuff...Memphis I think.


I cannot reccomend this tape...sorry Bob

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Guest Youth N Asia
As for Lee not being their shoot, so what? They still sell it, I bought a copy from them. In fact, that makes it even worse, as I doubt that Highspots agrees with RF selling copies of their own tapes.


Whoa Whoa...I am just saying that it was highspots, I am in NO WAY sticking up for RF...he has tons of tapes where he jacks WCW footage, Axl Rotten shoot for one.

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Guest Sandman9000

Like me.


We need an I Hate RF posting clique here.


I nominate Jingus as President, with me as Head Axe Murderer.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Hate RF? How can you not love a company whose "Best Of" comps usually consist of scrub matches and indy footage?


As a huge Shane Douglas fan, do you realize how hard it was to sit through the horribly filmed shoot interview for me? That audio was probably the worst I've heard.


I haven't bought from RF in a while, as I've learned my lesson from him. If you guys start an actual clique, I'd be happy to join, just because that flamer ruined the hope I had for that interview.

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Guest Sandman9000

I've never bought from RF, and I have no reason to.


When I buy CZW stuff sometime next week (or near future), I'm going smartmarkvideo.com

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Guest Brian

Bob Barnett, who hates RF and posts at DVDVR and is Vampiro's agent, will probably help you for free as well many other posters on Seadawg's Delphi forum and DVDVR. Hell, Bob hates him enough he may defend you for free.

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