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Guest Doomsault

Do you pimp games?

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Guest Doomsault

You know what pimp means, when your friends talk about games do you bring up a certain game almost every time? I do, I swear everytime I hear the word game, I either bring up Resident Evil or Perfect Dark. Me and a friend of mine are constantly trying to compare Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness. Anyway, do you do this too?

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Guest Grenouille

Yeah, I pimp games on occasion. Whenever my friends are over we'll pop in SmackDown!, which I don't think is that great, but not horrible. I try to pimp Fire Pro to them and sometimes enough to get it played. Once they start playing it they hate it because the controls suck, the graphics suck, there's no weapons, and the one that pisses me off quite a bit too many "chinks". Diss the game, but the clear racism pisses me off. Needless to say my pimping isn't top notch.

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Guest J*ingus

Excuse me, but I thought I heard someone mention Final Fantasy IV and VI, which are of course the pinnacle of perfection in role-playing, right?

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I shill the Final Fantasy series from VII onwards. I bought some of the older ones but they didn't seem that great to me, since just about all of them were about crystals.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I bought some of the older ones but they didn't seem that great to me, since just about all of them were about crystals.

Yeah, god knows 9 was never about any crystals. :rolleyes:

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Guest Will Scarlet

I know I usually will pimp Suikoden 2 and Thousand Arms to my friends.

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Guest J*ingus
I shill the Final Fantasy series from VII onwards. I bought some of the older ones but they didn't seem that great to me, since just about all of them were about crystals.

Wait, you'd shill parts 7, 8, and 9 over parts 4 and 6?


:o :unsure: :blink:


Sure, 4 was all about those wacky crystals, but they didn't enter into the plot of 6 at all.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Final Fantasy IX wasn't about the crystals! Until they screwed up the entire game during the last disc that is.


And yes, Jingus, I'd shill 7,8, and 9 over parts 4 and 6, but I think that's because I only picked them up recently, though, and they're really showing their age now. I quite liked FF6, I played to about 12 hours into the game but got sick of it. I only played FFIV for about two hours before getting bored, it was a pretty dull game.

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Guest chirs3

Final Fantasy VI = Godliness in a cartridge (or on a CD for us PSX'ers).


I tend to be a Silent Hill pimp around my friends, not online much...

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Guest razazteca

Capcom vs SNK is the greatest fighting game ever


194x/Raiden/Strikers and Gradius are the best shooter games ever


Puyo Puyo, Tetris, Columns favorite puzzle goodness

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Guest KoR Fungus

I shill DDR to anyone that'll listen.


And I'm always willing to argue with anyone that says anything bad about Tekken. Damn the stupid game mags turning people against Tekken. Argh.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I pimped the Gamecube on this forum back last October/November so hard it was hillarious.

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Guest KoR Fungus

Yep, those threads were very amusing. I long for those days, when the videogame forum was actually really active. Not much interesting to talk about anymore. :(

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Guest Kingpk

A friend of mine was going to buy Gameday because it had Brady on the cover and was $10 less than Madden.


After slapping him around for a good hour or so, he spent the extra $10.


I shill the Final Fantasy series from VII onwards. I bought some of the older ones but they didn't seem that great to me, since just about all of them were about crystals.


Ugh, I'd never shill FF8, one of the worst in the series.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I actually try to shill EWR sometimes, if only as a way to excuse myself for spending a lot of time playing it.. and why I find it so funny that Brock got busted for drugs when I tried to kill WWE a couple of weeks ago...

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Guest Leena

FF7 had a good fighting system, but the graphics were ugly at times, and the storyline was too confusing.


FF8 had a good story, but that would require playing the game more than an hour, and putting up with the horrible gameplay.


FF9- I just really hated the beginning of the game, and I couldn't get into it. Teenage guy wants cute princess, and obligatory ugly little guy who gets picked on. Pure cheese. It also seemed like you were looking for things for hours before actually getting into the fighting.


FF Tactics is a good game, but I don't really get into that type of fighting game, and Shining Force is better in that area imo.


FF4 may have had a linear story, but the character development was truly amazing. That's something all post 16-bit rpg's lack.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Morrowind! Morrowind!




It's actually a great change from your average RPG. You can do basically whatever you want (literally) and there's not one particular path you have to follow. I love the FF-style games..but..o_O too linear sometimes for me.

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Guest Singular

I don't think FF8 was all that bad. The only thing I really didn't like about it was the Junction system of magic.

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Guest Doomsault

Is it a trend to put down FF8 around this board? Great graffics(for it's time), fast easy battle system, deep involved emotional characters, and an awesome story. Sure the junction system was a little annoying at time but that's no reason the drop the game completely.

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Guest KoR Fungus

<<<Is it a trend to put down FF8 around this board?>>>


It's a trend to put down FF8 everywhere, because it's a mediocre game, and was really disappointing coming after amazing games like FF6 and FF7.


<<<Great graffics(for it's time)>>>


Eh, they were nice, but nothing amazing. DC came out at the same time, and I don't think anyone would consider FF8's graphics great compared with SC's or VF3's.


<<<fast easy battle system>>>


Fast? HAHAHAHA. The best way to do damage early on was with summons, and each of them took like 45 seconds and were unskippable. Boss battles would take literally 15 minutes. It took me 45 minutes to beat Omega Weapon, and that was with using Comet 2, because Eden took literally 2.5 minutes each time you cast it. The battle system was many things, but fast certainly isn't one of them.


<<<deep involved emotional characters>>>


Half the characters were just school stereotypes (bully, jock, ditsy girl), and the others were whiny teen angst types. They may have been emotional, but those aren't the emotions that I want in my RPGs.


<<<an awesome story>>>


Awesome story? The entire first two disks were totally nullified by the bait and switch they pulled at the end of disk two, and then disk three was destroyed with poorly conceived, poorly explained time travel. The story was the worst in the series. At least the old games were simple enough not to have any glaring plot problems.


<<<Sure the junction system was a little annoying at time but that's no reason the drop the game completely>>>


I actually liked the junction system. I also liked triple triad (a lot). What I didn't like was everything else. It is the epitome of "new school" Final Fantasy, which is basically angsty teenagers and long summons replacing true character and plot development. FF8's not a terrible game, and in the general scheme of things is probably still well above average, but I hate it because it represents everything I dislike about what the FF series has become.

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Guest chirs3
Is it a trend to put down FF8 around this board? Great graffics(for it's time), fast easy battle system, deep involved emotional characters, and an awesome story. Sure the junction system was a little annoying at time but that's no reason the drop the game completely.


I see KoR beat me to it, but...


Great Graphics: Debatable. The models were fine, but I think if you're gonna count graphics you have to count EVERYTHING, including character animations, which was my problem with the game. Everyone had about... two... and all were very stiff looking. I can't tell you how convincing Squall was when he does his AIR CHOP~!


Fast Easy Battle System: It wasn't fast, and it was TOO easy. Enemies level up as you do? Sure, a level 99 Ultemecia vs a level 99 Squall sounds good, but if it's a 99 Ultemecia vs a 99 Squall, Zell, and Irvine, it's a squash match. WAY too easy.


Deep Involved Emotional Characters: BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Squall did not progress as a character at all until the fourth disc (you'd think after everything, he would do more than shrug and say "Her choice" when she goes off in the fourth disc), and certain other characters who shall remain nameless (*cough*the entire supporting party*cough*) were almost all either poorly written, weak stereotypes, or both.


Awesome Story: If by awesome you mean really really dumb, then I agree with you. Though this is all opinionated, I thought it was a truly god-awful storyline to follow.


I'll add one or two of my own.


Music: It wasn't good, and it wasn't bad, it was completely and totally forgettable, which is NOT what you want in FF games. Some music is so bad its good (Pirate Ship from Chrono Cross, anyone?), but everything in this went in one ear and out the other.


Writing: Here's a sample.


Selphie: What a cool lift!

Zell: Be careful, or you might fall off!

Selphie: *bouncy animation* Like I'm really going to!


I rest my case.


Magic System: Makes the game WAY too easy. Draw 99 fires, bolts, blizzards, whichever you want, and Squall is a god among lesser critters in the beginning of the game.


Villains: Or lack thereof. Seifer should have been the guy to beat, but they threw him in to play second fiddle to a villain you never really see until the end of the game. A total waste.


And that is why FF8 gets crapped on. Because it deserves it.

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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

Greouille, what version of Fire Pro do you have? Fire Pro D dreamcast) has shitloads of weapons under the ring. Stand on the floor and press towards the ring and Y.

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Guest Leena

Good reference about the loooooooong Pirate Ship music episode in Chrono Cross. The rest of the music was pretty good, but there's nothing else good about Chrono Cross. I can't believe I beat that entire game, considering I had no clue what the hell was going on in the story, and the fighting system was so simply and cheesy.

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Guest redbaron51

No Mercy

any EA Sport games except NBA Live

NBA 2K Series



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Guest Leena

I was a big EA fan until recently, but they have been putting out some poor efforts lately, especially in 2002.


NHL 2002 is total garbage. The biggest thing is the"hero" feature which ruins virtually every game. I can go on and on about NHL2002, but I won't. :)


I was extremely addicted to Tiger Woods 99, then EA rushed out TW2000, which is the worst game made imo. Then TW2002, which has bug after bug in it, and EA hasn't bothered to make a patch. It's a shame how the Tiger Woods series has fallen.

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Guest chirs3

Chrono Cross had a passable story... its much better once you learn the ties to Chrono Trigger... The music for Chrono Cross was mostly good, but the pirate ship music was so laughably bad, it was good.


The fighting system was VERY good, however. You, god forbid, had to think about what you were going to do next. Just do fighting, and potentially miss, letting your partners recover less stamina? Or cast a spell, draining everything you've got, and let your partners attack to build it back up?


Chrono Cross has probably the best battle system ever.

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Guest redbaron51
I was a big EA fan until recently, but they have been putting out some poor efforts lately, especially in 2002.


NHL 2002 is total garbage. The biggest thing is the"hero" feature which ruins virtually every game. I can go on and on about NHL2002, but I won't. :)


I was extremely addicted to Tiger Woods 99, then EA rushed out TW2000, which is the worst game made imo. Then TW2002, which has bug after bug in it, and EA hasn't bothered to make a patch. It's a shame how the Tiger Woods series has fallen.

2002 Is easily one of the best years of EA Sports, now if you want a bomb year look at 2001. On allstar I was still able to kick the cpu ass 10-0. In 2002 I'd be damned if i get 3 goals or more (in 20 minutes).


Never had a beaf with the football series nor soccer.


F1 needs to improve AI.


NBA needs a whole new makeover.


Never played golf


Baseball is tolerable (boring as hell)

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Guest redbaron51

Basically its part three of the Elder Scrolls series.


At the beginning you choose a character (High Elf, Dark Elf, Imperial, Nord, Orc, and others) and plus traits. (Like a witch hunter, theif, barbarian, guard, marksman, etc...) plus the sign of birth which gives you some special powers as well.


Oh and you can also wear what you want to wear in the game. So if you want your guy to have a helmet, cloak, some gauntlets and an ax at the beginning go ahead, nothing is going to stop you.


You can do what ever you want, including a various amounts of side quests and such.

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