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Guest ShooterJay

TNA not acknowledging CZW

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Guest ShooterJay

Something that's been bothering me for the last bunch of TNA shows is that for some odd reason, they won't acknowledge the CZW histories of their talent. They'll mention WCW, WWF, ECW, Ring of Honor, Japan, Puerto Rican, and England histories freely, but never Combat Zone. This is pretty odd, since the SAT, Red, the Briscoes, and the Backseat Boyz are all current and former CZW competitors who have competed in TNA.


It's not that bad in the case of Red and the SAT, who left CZW a while ago and are primarily Ring of Honor guys outside of NWATNA, but for a team like the Backseat Boyz, who made their biggest name and compete primarily in Combat Zone, it's pretty inexcusable.


I'm just wondering what the reason for this snubbing is, is it because an organization with as much "tradition" as the NWA doesn't want to be even tangentially associated with a "garbage" fed? (To be fair, they are straying away from the junior stuff that gave them a smark following and going back to the ultraviolence, probably because they lost a lot of their junior talent to ROH.) Discuss.

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Guest Jobber of the Week


Sorry, never heard of 'em.








I hope this answers your question.

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Guest J*ingus

It probably has something to do with their garbagey stuff, sure. But it's more likely that they're not mentioning them simply because they're not in any way affiliated with the NWA organization, unlike most of the other feds you mentioned.

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Guest ShooterJay
Sorry, never heard of 'em.








I hope this answers your question.

You weren't wondering what the logo under the SAT signs they always show was?

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Guest The Son of Sting

I'm just wondering what the reason for this snubbing is, is it because an organization with as much "tradition" as the NWA doesn't want to be even tangentially associated with a "garbage"


I would guess thats the reason.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I wasn't suprised that they didn't mention CZW....they were all over ROH's cock a few shows back...


CZW's the best indy going really...they've had the most solid storylines for almost 2 years now.


AND the best cruiserweight talent

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Guest the 1inch punch

WCW never acknowledged ECW


Same Logic, if theres a promtion out there thats better than you and you can ignore it, do so

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Guest Vyce



Please don't tell me you're saying CZW is better than NWA.


I mean, Jesus.


Yes, the NWA has the Dupps.


But YOU have Lobo. And Zandig. And Wifebeater. And Z-Bar. And Ultraviolent Towel Boy. Need I continue?


I wouldn't mention them either. Worthless garbage fed, which occasionally does something worthwhile when they actually push the cruizers.....which is infrequent.

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Guest the 1inch punch

I'm not saying that CZW is better than NWA


Its just thats the theroy WCW relied on, so, i though i'd throw it out


Sorry for any offence caused

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