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Guest Black Tiger

If WWE put out a Benoit DVD

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Guest Black Tiger

If WWE ever put out a DVD about Benoit what would you like to see on it as far as matches and content go.


I'd love to hear him rip Kevin Sullivan a new asshole for the way he was booked, and let him give his true feelings to how Hogan, and the nWo in general treated him.


For matches:


w/Malenko vs Jerry Lynn/Guerrero (Nitro in 1995)


vs Malenko (Hog Wild)


vs Guerrero (RAW in early 2001)


vs Kevin Sullivan (BATB 1996)


vs Sid (Souled Out 2000)


vs Austin (Smackdown in May 2001)


vs Kurt Angle (WM X-Seven)


vs Booker T (any of the best of seven)


There are more but that's all I can think of at the moment.

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Guest kingkamala
w/ Malenko vs. Saturn/Raven (I forget the PPV)

Spring Stampede 99



Now as for myself I'd be realistic(WWE only put three matches on HHH's DVD I'd doubt they'd do much for Benoit's) and put four defnitive Benoit matches on the DVD


Chris Benoit Vs Steve Austin(Smackdown 5-31-01)

Chris Benoit Vs Sid(Souled Out 2000)

Chris Benoit Vs Kevin Sullivan(GAB 96)

Chris Benoit Vs 2 Cold Scorpio(Superbrawl 93)

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Guest The Czech Republic

Yeah, but the thing about Benoit is that his career is really about the in-ring work over everything else. He doesn't have too much of a saga to tell, outside of the crap with Sullivan. If somebody is buying a Chris Benoit DVD they're not buying it because they want to hear what Mick Foley and Kurt Angle think about him, or what his high school wrestling career was like. They want to see his best matches, as many as they can fit on a DVD.

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Guest Bricks

Maybe the 10 man tag at Raw where the Radicals just arrived a week ago for historical purposes.

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Guest Slapnuts00

Well from WWF:


-First match in WWF vs. Triple H on Smackdown.

-IC title win from Jericho on Smackdown

-Winning Tag Titles with Jericho vs. HHH/Austin

-vs. Austin from Smackdown


From WCW


-vs. Sid from Souled Out (he won the title!)

-probably at least 1 match vs. Booker

-vs. Bret Hart: Owen Memorial

-Anything else they want!

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Guest El Satanico

Best of seven series with Booker T.


Tell the whole Sullivan Beniot story with the best matches of their series. I don't really care to have the actual behind the scenes story on the DVD unless Beniot agrees to do a shoot interveiw about Sullivan.


The Owen Memorial match.


Now i know they will have to ut WWF matches on it, but I'd like them to give us alot of his nonWWF matches as well. I'd settle for his WCW stuff and would love it if they could get a few of his Japan matches on it too.


As long as they pack the DVD with matches i honestly wouldn't care what they put in it. However i won't buy the DVD if there's only like 4 or 5 matches with a bunch of filler bs.

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Guest Black Tiger

Benoit has one of the best stories to tell on a video or DVD, he spent nearly five years in WCW, was one of, if not the best wrestler they had they treated him like shit. So when they put the belt on him after they got fucked, he told them where to stick it and left.


I don't think there is any wrestler who has had the amount of great matches that Benoit has had.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho



vs. Austin from Smackdown

vs. Angle from WM17

vs. Rock from Fully Loaded 2000

vs. Jericho from RR01 (the ladder match)




vs. Booker (any of the Best of 7)

vs. Bret from Nitro (Owen memorial)

vs. Sullivan (just put the entire feud in there)

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Guest Strike Force!

Now I've heard everything. We've gone from Benoit being the best wrestler (legitimate) to Benoit was over as a babyface to Benoit can cut a great promo now to Benoit has a great backstory. Like I've always said, the guy is the total package; he can do no wrong.

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Guest redbaron51



Benoit vs Jericho (ladder match RR 2001)

Y2Chris vs Two Man Power Trip

Benoit vs Austin (Smackdown)




Benoit vs Sullivan

Owen Tribute

Benoit and Malenko vs Raven and Saturn




Super J Cup 94


what would be any good ECW matches from him. The only one I know is when he broke Sabu's neck

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Guest MaxPower27

redbaron...for ECW, put Benoit v. Al Snow on from Double Tables. High Quality match.



v. SCSA on Smackdown!

v. Jericho on RR2000 (Ladder)

v. Kurt on WrestleMania X7

w. Malenko/Guerrero/Saturn/HHH v. Too Cool/Cactus on Raw



Entire B-of-7 with Booker T

v. Bret on Nitro is Owen

v. Malenko on Road Wild

v. Raven

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Guest razazteca

training at the Dugeon with the Harts


tenure in Japan as the masked wrestler Pegasus Kid


his time as part of the Triple Threat in ECW and the match against Sabu


in WCW:


as part of the 4 Horseman

Sullivan Feud

the dream of becoming champ as he fights Booker T for the TV title

vs Raven & DDP for the US and tag titles

matches vs Jarret or Sid as the dream becomes reality as the WCW World Champ.


in WWF matches

vs Jericho

vs Angle

vs Austin & HHH tag titles

vs Rock when Shane was his manager


make it 3 DVDs

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Guest The Czech Republic

Does Michaels have a DVD yet? That's worth buying if they pack it with matches.

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Guest Some Guy

I hate when the extra matches are already out on DVD in full.

So I'd go with:


Beniot/Jericho vs. Austin/HHH


Best of Seven

SD! debut vs. HHH

Benoit vs Sullivan GAB 96

Benoit vs. Austin SD!

Benoit vs. Hart from Nitro

(I know that's too many matches but I could keep going)


The story portion would cover the Jericho feud and other DVDs are availible to see the matches. The Sullivan match could be cut out if they really dwelve into the Nancy aspect of it during the show. The problem is that Hogan and Nash are in WWF now so he can't bitch about how much they took and how little they gave.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Well, in keeping with reality, I'd want at the most these 4 matches:


Benoit/Malenko, Hog Wild

Benoit/Hart, October Nitro Owen Tribute

Benoit/Rock, Febuary RAW

Benoit/Austin, Smackdown


If I were to add anymore, it would probably be the Quad Tear tag title match and Benoit/Angle cage match from RAW or Benoit/Austin from the RAW after the tag match.

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Guest Flyboy
Like I've always said, the guy is the total package; he can do no wrong.

Oh, please. <_<


Anyways... most of these matches should be on the DVD.


It's good I have most of the matches mentioned on my CPU, though. :D

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

The WWE just needs to start giving real DVD packages. I'd buy an HBK one the size of the "Hulk Still Rules" disc set.

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Guest HellSpawn

Like a few of you said, keeping this subject real...



-A highlights of his 2K/2K1 run with Jericho.

-Jericho/Benoit VS HHH/Austin

-VS Austin on SmackDown

-Radicalz' debut and turn against Foley, with that 10 men tag match



-VS Hart on Nitro (Owen's tribute)

-highlights of his Best of Seven VS Booker

-Highlights of his feud VS Raven and DDP

-Malenko/Benoit VS Raven/Saturn (?) from Spring stampede 99

-some stuff of his 4 horsemen run


Outside Northamerica

-Highlights of JCup 94 including final vs Sasuke

-Highlights of Tag team JCup (?) 94 and his 2 matches VS Sasuke

--Highlights of JCup 95/best of Super J 95

-maybe some stuff from Mexico.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
The WWE just needs to start giving real DVD packages. I'd buy an HBK one the size of the "Hulk Still Rules" disc set.

Yeah, they'd clean up with REAL wrestler DVDs like Hulk Still Rules. I'm shocked that Vince hasn't thought of this just yet.

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Guest goodhelmet

well most of the usual suspects have made this list. while, some of the matches mentioned are great, I think in terms of must haves, there are only a couple that aren't on DVD that should be...


benoit vs. bret (nitro)

benoit vs. austin (SD!)


as long as these two matches were on the set, I would buy it no questions asked.

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Guest ISportsFan

Well, I'd go with a two disc set, but I'll snowflake the ones I'd put on a single disc. This is also assuming Vince doesn't own the ECW library yet. None of these matches are already released on DVD.


Benoit v. Malenko (Hog Wild 1996)*

Benoit v. Hart (Owen Nitro 1999 UNCUT)*

Benoit v. Austin (Smackdown 5/31/01 UNCUT)*

Benoit/Jericho v. HHH/Austin (Raw 5/21/01)*

Benoit/Malenko/Saturn/HHH/X-Pac v. Foley/Rock/Too Cool/Rikishi (Raw 2/7/01)*

Benoit v. Booker (best of seven, one of them)*


Benoit v. Sid (Souled Out 2001)

Benoit/Malenko v. Saturn/Raven (Spring Stampede 2000)

Benoit/Malenko v. Saturn/Raven v. Kidman/Rey (Slamboree 2000)

Benoit v. Angle (Raw cage)

Benoit v. Rock (Raw cage March 2000)

Benoit v. RVD (Raw IC change)

TLC 3 (5/24/01 UNCUT)

Benoit/Eddy v. Rock/Edge (Smackdown Rock taps)

Benoit/Wellington v. Liger/Pillman (Clash XIX)

Benoit v. Sullivan (GAB 1996)


That's about it, and it'd be about 6 hours.



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Guest HellSpawn

Yeah Zero Cool, it was in J Cup 95, right after that Banoit was beaten by... GEDO.

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Guest Grenouille
Say, didn't Benoit have a kickass match in one of the J Cups with Jericho?

I haven't seen the match, but I remember hearing it was the '95 J Cup.

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Guest Grenouille
Yeah Zero Cool, it was in J Cup 95, right after that Banoit was beaten by... GEDO.

Have you seen any of Gedo's recent stuff? I'll admit that he wasn't that good back in '95, but he's really developed into a good worker these days.

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