Guest welshjerichomark Report post Posted August 30, 2002 well i just back from the cinema and i'm Bored with a capital B, so im gonna ask u a bunch of meaningless questions which give u a chance to post-whore, please be truthful i cant speak for every1 else on the board, but i won't hold against you if u lost your virginity at 45 how old were you when you (had your) 1)first kiss 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) 3)first love 4)lost your virginity 5)first got really rat-arsed drink 6) first cigarette Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted August 30, 2002 1)first kiss When I was 7. This girl named Sally and I were just playing in the picnic area at recess, and she was just like "would you kiss me," and I just did it. Damn I was a playa when I was little... 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) It's called French kissing in the States. As for anywhere else, I'm sure it's called Frenching in other places that speak English... I was 14, with my then-girlfriend Tracey. Only did it once, because I had braces and she was scared of cutting her tongue on them (haven't really had a French since...**sob** ). 3)first love 14. My ex-girlfriend Tina. I still love her to this day, and I probably always will...even if it's not in that "hey, let's go out" kind of way. 4)lost your virginity Still got it... 5)first got really rat-arsed drink Yet to happen. 6) first cigarette Yet to happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1. I was seven. 2. I was seventeen, the girl literally forced herself onto me. 3. Never. 4. Eighteen, same girl who forced herself on me. 5. Depends on your definition. It could be anywhere from Fourteen to Seventeen. 6. Never. Fo sheez, Kotzenjunge Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MaxPower27 Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) 3)first love 4)lost your virginity 5)first got really rat-arsed drink 6) first cigarette 1- I was pretty young, that's all I remember. It was probably a situation like Corey's. 2- About 13. My girl Stacy and I. It was weird because she kept her tongue directly against the roof of her mouth, so my tongue was swishing through pools of saliva. Ewwww. 3- April, my girlfriend that was killed by a drunk driver. The anniversary is in 3 days. 4- I was 16, April was 15. We fooled around at her house, went to a party, and did it in the closet. 5- I don't drink, at all. I didn't before, and I never will. 6- About 2 years ago. Dunno why I started, I wanted to stop, but nobody would sell me the patch. Bastards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Guy Stokes Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: Aged 7, the teacher keept little Guy Stokes after class. She told me she was hot for Guy and she couldn't concentrate on teaching the class. She seduced me, guys. The only time Guy was ever seduced. But young Guy's little man was not ready for the job so she didn't get Guyified. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) Teacher used tounge 3)first love Guy loves all his ladies, but with his mind and not his heart. 4)lost your virginity Aged 13, Guy's daddy gets him a couple of hookers for is birthday. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink Guy Stokes is a man of class and has never been drunk at all. 6) first cigarette Right after the hookers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss 13 at a B-Day party, spin the bottle BAYBEE~! 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) See above 3)first love I've successfully managed to not love anyone other than myself so far, although I am quite fond of my current girl. 4)lost your virginity 17 or 18, it was right around my birthday. Some chick I knew and haven't talked to since. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink 13 6) first cigarette 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChick Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss-10 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it)-14 3)first love-never, but my first real crush was when I was 12 4)lost your virginity-has yet to happen (i'm only 15, so yeah) 5)first got really rat-arsed drink-I have had a couple drinks, but haven't got pissed drunk 6) first cigarette-never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: Aged 7, the teacher keept little Guy Stokes after class. She told me she was hot for Guy and she couldn't concentrate on teaching the class. She seduced me, guys. The only time Guy was ever seduced. But young Guy's little man was not ready for the job so she didn't get Guyified. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) Teacher used tounge 3)first love Guy loves all his ladies, but with his mind and not his heart. 4)lost your virginity Aged 13, Guy's daddy gets him a couple of hookers for is birthday. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink Guy Stokes is a man of class and has never been drunk at all. 6) first cigarette Right after the hookers Just when I wondered if Guy Stokes could still bring it, he does with this post. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HBK16 Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss -I think I was 9. I forgot most of the story though. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) -13 Truth or dare at a party. Yes the old fashion way. But she liked me and I liked her so it worked out. 3)first love -I was 14 maybe. I have lost contact now. 4)lost your virginity -Still got it 5)first got really rat-arsed drink -Umm, it was on a cruise to Mexico on a Carnival Cruise Line. Best damn vacation. I got wasted with the hottest girl on the boat. Still talk to her to this day. Actually I am right now. 6) first cigarette -I was 15. Just with a few friends and we had a pack. Had a cig. No big deal. I dont smoke though. I did for maybe a few months straight but quit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted August 31, 2002 how old were you when you (had your) 1)first kiss I was 12. It was with this girl, Korey, at a party. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) 16, with Heidi during a game of truth and dare 3)first love That would be Korey, but this would be about 2 years after number 1 4)lost your virginity 18 5)first got really rat-arsed drink 21, believe it or not. Never invite me to a wedding with an open bar 6) first cigarette Never Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CoreyLazarus416 Report post Posted August 31, 2002 Guy Stokes is my new favorite poster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kinetic Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1) FIRST KISS--I don't count anything that happened before puberty, so that'd be 13. Just a girl that I went out with for three months, which is a marathon of a relationship compared to almost everything since. 2.) FIRST FRENCH KISS--Fifteen. My girlfriend walked me outside after school and, after some of my trademark awkward banter, we got to kissing. It was such a disaster that I fear permanent banishment from the board if I was to tell the story. So I won't. 3) FIRST LOVE--Sixteen. 4) LOSS OF VIRGINITY--Sixteen, with the girl from #3. 5) FIRST GOT DRUNK--Fifteen, with a six pack of Icehouse. I guess I was born with the inability to tell when I've had too much because I basically kept drinking and drinking. Once I got home, I proceeded to vomit all over my bed and was too exhausted to do anything about it other than go to sleep. 6) FIRST CIGARETTE--Fifteen. And I've never looked back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: with my first girlfriend, 16 years old 2) first kiss w/ tounges: ditto 3)first love: well, depends. I had a HUGE crush on this one girl in high school when I was 17, but it was nowhere near reciprocated. After that, it would be my first (and so far only) lover, at 18. 4)lost your virginity: as I said, 18. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: 21. Got stinking drunk at a nightclub, and (for long, complicated reasons) had to drive immedietly afterwards. And puked a lot. Not fun. 6) first cigarette: 21 as well. Tried one from a friend, liked it. (I think I'm the only guy in America who only started doing naughty things after he became legal.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DrTom Report post Posted August 31, 2002 First kiss: I also think anything before pubery shouldn't count, so that would be 14, with some random girl at a high school mixer. First kiss w/ tongue: I think 16, with a girl I was jonesing for at the time and ended up not getting. First love: My first girlfriend of longer than 3 months, when I was 18. We ended up going out for about 3 years. Lost the cherry: 17, with a girl I was sort of friends with. I don't regret waiting for someone I actually cared about. First time rat-assed drunk: Probably when I was 17 or 18. The most recent (and worst) time, though, was about two years ago. A bunch of us had a party the night before a meeting at the place we worked. So I got shit-faced drunk, passed out next to some cutie on the couch, woke up four hours later and went to the meeting. I started getting terrible hangover symptoms about halfway thru and had to gut it out until I could make it home. First cigarette: 18. I hated it, and have probably only had a handful since (usually when I'm well on my way to being drunk). Cloves are cool, though, and I do enjoy an occasional cigar. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: I wish I could remember, probably on the playground when I was young. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it): my next door neighbor, who used to be hot until she got into drugs and shit and disappeared from the earth, taught me how to kiss in JH, so I'd say 12 or 13, can't remember. 3)first love: I don't think I've experienced love. Lust most likely, but not love. 4)lost your virginity: still waiting. I'm in college, so I give myself two months before I declare my penis useless and chop it off. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: see 6 6) first cigarette: Member of Team Straight Edge, so none of that shit for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phr33k Report post Posted August 31, 2002 Am I a REALLY big loser if I were to say none of the above have happened yet? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted August 31, 2002 Depends, how old are you? (If you're, say, 18 or above, don't bother replying.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest eiker_ir Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: i don't remember, i think maybe a friend of mine but just fooling around 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it): 14, with my first gf 3)first love: right now with my current girl......i love her 4)lost your virginity: still got it 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: mmmm.... a few times but i still was able to controle myself, but i have puked just one time and it was during the semifinal of the Soccer Wold Cup this year........the game was at about 3am so 2 of my friends decided to stay overnught in my house to watch the game after a party we had.......i puked all over my sheets....and i only drink when i go to a party and on partys only, i now control myself better 6) first cigarette: never and never will Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Agent of Oblivion Report post Posted August 31, 2002 how old were you when you (had your) 1)first kiss 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it) 3)first love 4)lost your virginity 5)first got really rat-arsed drink 6) first cigarette 1.I was little and don't remember. That I remember, I was 13. 2.Same kiss at 13. 3.Never. 4. 15. It was nothing special. 5. This I actually remember. A pint of Jack Daniels stolen from an uncle. A cousin and I got tore-ass drunk and played street fighter. I was 13. 6.Heh. I was SEVEN. I stole a Salem out of my grandpa's pack when he was asleep and smoked it out in the barn. Of course I had no idea how to smoke, considering I was a friggin' kid, so I inhaled REALLY deeply and coughed until I threw up, which is the only reason why I remember it. I didn't touch 'em again until I was 12, at which point I smoked about one a day for a month or two, living in total terror of my folks finding out, then I started smoking regularly when I was 14. I will never quit, and it will eventually kill me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted August 31, 2002 1)first kiss: I wish I could remember, probably on the playground when I was young. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it): my next door neighbor, who used to be hot until she got into drugs and shit and disappeared from the earth, taught me how to kiss in JH, so I'd say 12 or 13, can't remember. 3)first love: I don't think I've experienced love. Lust most likely, but not love. 4)lost your virginity: still waiting. I'm in college, so I give myself two months before I declare my penis useless and chop it off. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: see 6 6) first cigarette: Member of Team Straight Edge, so none of that shit for me. No offesnse man btu maybe you should leave team straight edge and go to some parties, it's pretty easy to pull girls at parties and drinking makes it easier to talk to them. If you're looking for a relationship then disregard my advice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Incandenza Report post Posted September 1, 2002 1)first kiss: Pre-puberty, it would be Melissa, a friend of mine, when we were both six. Post puberty has a little story to it, so sit back and listen. It was the 8th grade (a magical year for me, when I look back on it), and some guys had dared some girl in gym class to kiss as many boys full on the lips as possible. I wasn't aware of what was going on until said girl walked over to where I was standing, grabbed my arm, pulled me over to where those guys were standing, and planted one on me. I was then tossed aside to where some other kids had already been victimized, left to wonder what the fuck was that about? 2) first kiss w/ tounges: Melissa, again. I was a pretty happening six-year-old, though maybe not as cool as Guy Stokes. My next bout of tongue action didn't occur until I was 17, with my first girlfriend. 3)first love: The girl with whom I had my first serious round of frenching. 4)lost your virginity: Same as #3. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: 18. I was never much of a drinker--boy, how times have changed--but I got wasted at a high school graduation party. Some of you may remember that this is the same party where I crapped in an ex-girlfriend's purse (not the same girl from #3, though). 6) first cigarette: Never had one, and, at the age of 23, I see no point in starting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted September 1, 2002 SG, for some reason, the part of my brain that says that I should think about what I should say before I say it is missing, so I have no problem talking to anyone about anything. I never shut up. Relationships are overrated, anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest papacita Report post Posted September 1, 2002 1)first kiss: 6 or 7. 2) first kiss w/ tounges (i don't know what u yanks call it): The first one I can remember was when I was 8 with my first girlfriend. 3)first love: A girl from school named Tierra. Never actually went out with her, but we always liked each other. She was going out with one of my best friends when I graduated to High School, so I never got the chance to tell her how I really felt about her. 4)lost your virginity: Technically, I'm still a virgin, depending on what your idea of virginity is. 5)first got really rat-arsed drink: Never drank. 6) first cigarette: Never smoked Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Some Guy Report post Posted September 1, 2002 SG, for some reason, the part of my brain that says that I should think about what I should say before I say it is missing, so I have no problem talking to anyone about anything. I never shut up. Relationships are overrated, anyway. Fair enough. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest evenflowDDT Report post Posted September 3, 2002 Depends, how old are you? (If you're, say, 18 or above, don't bother replying.) Not bothering to reply... I mean I'm saving myself for marriage... aww crap. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phr33k Report post Posted September 3, 2002 I'm 15. I've said it before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites