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Guest Longdogger_Pete

SJL Rankings - September 1, 2002

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Guest Longdogger_Pete



(After each line, the note in parentheses indicates each player's change since last month.)


#1. Thor (up 2)

#2. "The Franchise" Mak Francis - SJL World Champion (no change)

#3. CIA (down 2)

#4. Fugue - SJL European Champion (no change)

#5. Kamikaze (up 2)

#6. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (no change)

#7. Blank (new)

#8. Jacob Helmsley (up 1)

#9. Mike Van Siclen (down 1)

#10. Manson (up 2)

#11. Matt Myers (up 8)

#12. Flexx (up 4)

#13. Leon Sharpe (new)

#14. Tony "The Ironman" Brogan (up 3)

#15. Cutthroat (up 6)

#16. "Insane Luchadore" Andrew Rickmen (down 6)

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Guest kelloggs

Uh LDP can I get my record as I wanted to update my sig but I kinda lost track. Thaks in advance.


M. Francis

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Dunno, wouldn't totally agree with that ranking. My guess is because IL's been losing many of his matches...


...but he's been wrestling on the upper half of the card, losing close matches to CIA, MVS, people like that. That's a bit of a flaw in the rankings, I guess--it doesn't account for card placement or writing awesome matches and barely losing as opposed to just plain drooling on the floor.


I guess what it comes down to is that you either have to take some sort of statistical model with all its benefits and shortcomings, or do what Stubby does for WF rankings and just arbitrarily determine rankings based on all factors combined.

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Guest Insanityman

...Whatever. I mean today, I went to the mall with a shitload of friends. Met Corey FUCKING Taylor (he lives in our town and was at the local Best Buy). Got to make out for a second (whee fucking whee for spin the bottle).


The downside is that I got my fucking assed chewed out by my parents for some many things, and I drew a butcher's knife in anger to my throat. Made me realize that if I pressed I'd be dead, that would suck for you guys ;). ... Okay, it's been a wild day.



Fuck it, lol, I know I'm better than CT. I know I can win, I'm not going to bitch and get pity points.


Edit: Forgot the "not" in the last sentence, lol. More editing for my terrible grammar and spelling.

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