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Guest Kotzenjunge

In the Post 2000...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

For my 2000th post, I offer this:


Why Japan Will Rule the World.


Also, here is where you tell me what you think of me, and because I don't really care about what anyone thinks(unless it's about you-know-who), go ahead and insult me to your heart's delight if you wish.


Fo sheez,



EDIT: Respond to Random Observations. TCR's crap about Ballston needs t be drowned out.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I mark for you, Puke Boy.


You introduced me to YATTA~!, and let me follow you around like a small dog.




EDIT: Plus.. Conan O'Brien references rule the skool!

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Guest barelythere

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Paaaatrick, happy birthday to yooooooou.


Right. Happy birthday. You know what I mean. 2000th post.


What to say about you, hmm... well I'm lazy so I'll sum it up:

You're the best! Muuah!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I forgot you still had the State stuff in your signature and subtitle. Shows how long its been since you posted here.


If SHE did, where is everyone else????


Damn SupaTaft's thread stealing my thunder...


Fo sheez,


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Guest massivHEDtrauma

Congrats, my man. You rule the collective ass of this board, in my opinion. And Random Observations is the bomb, yo.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Kotz, you're down with YATTA~?


oh yeah, you're pretty cool. Try to get drunk before you do observations like Dean does.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

It isn't easy when I'm only 18 and there is ZERO booze here.


Fo sheez,


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Guest LooseCannon

I was a bit slow to take to you Mr. Kotz, but now indeed I must recognize~! that you r0x0rs~!.


Fo sheez.

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Guest Kinetic

I can't believe you got to 2000 before I did. In any case, you're a quality poster with the sort of biting wit and seizure-inducing avatar that really gets people noticed around here. You were also one of the first people to openly acknowledge my message board genius and for that, I am eternally grateful.

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

May I be your official lost dog, Kotzen? I think I should. You have educated me much, and plus I advertise your post-RAW chat in my sig...


I can make it even worse in a few minutes...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Er, lost dog? If you could clarify what that means, then I'll think about it. If you're talking like Stevie Richards to Raven...


Fo sheez,


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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

Yeah, that's actually what I meant. Let me be your Stevie. You can be my Raven; this forum will be our ECW...


I need to stop what I'm doing sometimes.






Fo sheez.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Er, no?


Sorry, I'm not for having a pet. I already have a dog, I don't need one on here too. Besides, I doubt you've been housebroken.


I do appreciate the advertising, even though I was going to make an announcement tomorrow night about it.


Just tell people how great I am and stuff. That'd be nice.


Fo sheez,


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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I will type your name with honour, sir.

Kotzen. Oh yes. Kotzenjunge.


And should anything happen to this.. dog... :rolleyes:

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Er, I'll say things about their mothers, I dunno.


This is actually rather frightening. I'm happy to have a fan, but eesh.


Fo sheez,


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Guest J*ingus

Um... Kotz rules... and stuff. Yeah. ::Jingus starts to run low on Creativity Serum for the night::

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(refrains from making serum joke at Jingus's expense)


Man, that was a good one too. If you weren't a mod, I'd do it.


Fo sheez,


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Guest J*ingus

Go ahead, it's not like the respect I get from my colleagues can drop to even LOWER levels.


And if I don't like it, I'll just change your user name, password, title, and edit every post you've ever made into one long bukkake narrative session.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Oh, it was just some twisted homosexual joke, along the lines of...


"If you're short on serum, just come over here and work some out of me. It only works if you swallow!"


Fo sheez,


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Guest J*ingus




okay, the "only works if" part got a chuckle, you pass.















For now...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I did that Person Above Me thread a little bit, but it started to feel like I was whoring, so I stopped. Got my last few on the WWE board so I felt legit.


Fo sheez,


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