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Guest Youth N Asia

Movies you like...even you know they suck

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Guest Youth N Asia

Ok...I'm not talking about movies that are so bad they're good...I'm talking about movies you know for a fact suck hard, and yet you like them.


My pick is Airborn...it's a rancid little movie from the early 90s about this surfer dick who goes to move in with an aunt and uncle and it leads to him getting picked on, blah blah blah, and ends with a ridiculas predictable rollerblade race at the end...


It's a shitty shitty movie...yet I seem to like it


Notable actors: Seth Green and Jack Black

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Road Trip and HOW HIGH, BAYBEE~!


"The name's Jamal, and I'll FUCK your crew up!!!"


Fo sheez,


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Guest Dr. Wrestlingphysics

I second Ready to Rumble!

I know the story is preposterous, I know it lead to the real-life (or as real life as wrestling gets! ) title reign of David Arquette, but I enjoyed watching this film. It had wrestling in it!

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Guest Will Scarlet

I will agree with Ready to Rumble. It is terrible, in a good way. And what other movie has Juvi and Saturn in it?

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Guest Zack Malibu
My pick is Airborn...

Airborne rules the school~! I have that movie on tape, and thought it was great. The main star (Shane McDermott) was on a, you guessed it, TEEN SHOW~! called Swan's Crossing that I was hooked on in the early 90's as well.


As for my pick:


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Guest Incandenza
BASEketball. Freddy Got Fingered was mentioned, and I honestly think it wasn't as bad as most everyone made it out to be. It certainly isn't a good movie (and it features Rip Torn giving the worst performance of his career), but it had a handful of genuinely gutbusting scenes of hilarity, padded out with a lot of tedium.

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Guest LooseCannon

Mystery Men, Joe Dirt, Mafia!. Basically, I mark for stupid comedies that aren't even funny.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Ready to Rumble: "A diamond upside down is a pussy."


Billy Madison


Joe Dirt


Cable Guy


Batman and Robin

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Guest LooseCannon
I mark for Mystery Men because Tom Waits was in it.

heh, I totally forgot about that.

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Guest Vyce
As for my pick:


Oh FUCK yeah.


Gods, how I love this movie.


Corny as hell, but when I first watched it (Summer of 1993), I loved it.


Can't we resurrect the career of Ernie Reyes Jr.? Why not?! If Ben Affleck can have a career, so can Ernie!

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Don't be a Menace to South Central while Drinking your Juice in the Hood...

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Guest C.H.U.D.

Man, there are so many movies I like that suck.


I guess the latest film to be added to the list would be FearDotCom, which I just saw on the weekend.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
UHF - Michael Richards deserved an OSCAR for his performance.

UHF is god.


Cannibal! The Musical is horrid, but I LOVE it.


I Come in Peace-Dolph Lundgren jabbing a thing into people's brains in order to extract endorphins, which are a hot commodity in the intergalactic drug market.

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Guest hardyz1

I thought Rip Torn was hilarious in FGF.


The Stupids = Comedy gold


Steel - It's one of Shaq's movies. I saw it on HBO three or four times a few years ago. It's so horrible, but I couldn't stop watching.


"Well, I'll be dipped in shit and rolled in breadcrumbs."

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
I Come in Peace-Dolph Lundgren jabbing a thing into people's brains in order to extract endorphins, which are a hot commodity in the intergalactic drug market.

Methinks you need to watch it again, as Dolph is the cop in that movie, read: THE GOOD GUY FROM EARTH KILLING THE EVIL ALIEN DRUGLORD. :D


Howard The Duck is a personal favorite of mine, and it gets shit on by EVERYBODY...


Others, including ones that have been mentioned:

Surf Ninjas



Mystery Men

Freddy Got Fingered

Big Money Hu$tla$

The Guyver



Cannibal! The Musical

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

Side Out

Body Slam

Back to the Beach (most notably featuring Stevie Ray Vaughan and Dick Dale playing a duet of Pipeline)

Xandau (about the only movie I can literally describe as just like watching a trainwreck)

pretty much any Burt Reynolds movies (specifically Hooper)

The Devil's Rain

Leonard Part 6

Phantom of the Paradise

Six Pack


I could probably make a list of over a hundred. I live for bad movies.

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Guest ISportsFan

UHF isn't bad at all, it's really funny. But, if people think it's bad, then I'll third that in this thread.



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Guest Max Danger

I'm going to have to second Howard the Duck. I used to rent that every weekend when I was younger.

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Guest starvenger

Tank Girl. And Street Fighter, which is just horrid - despite the presence of Ming Na and Kylie - but cranks up the unintentional comedy thanks to Van Damme.

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Guest Zero_Cool



Surf Ninjas (lets start a petition for Big Ern')

Just One of The Guys (the immortal Billy Zabka, Johnny from The Karate Kid, in his prime!)

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Guest kingkamala
Ready to Rumble: "A diamond upside down is a pussy."

My younger brother said that during a fight needless to say...he actually won the fight but it was against a chubby kid who doesn't get out much ;) , I own Ready to Rumble on DVD, I mark for Martin Landau kicking Perry Saturn and Sid's asses

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