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Guest Mole

Hulk's new DVD...

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Guest TheHulkster

For $18-$20, It's probably the best deal you can get for a WWE DVD. I bought it yesterday, and i'm pretty satisfied with it (go figure).



1 hour documentary on Hogan

Hulk Hogan Vs Ted Dibiase 12-17-79

Hulk Hogan Vs Andre the Giant 8-9-80

Hulk Hogan & Bob Backlund Vs The Wild Samoans (Hulk's return from the AWA)

Hulk Hogan Vs The Iron Shiek 1-23-84

Mean Gene learns the ropes- TNT 8-21-84

Hulk Hogan Vs Paul Orndorf 8-28-86

Hulk Hogan Vs Andre the Giant 3-29-87

Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes learn about Nutrition (MAGIC HULK POWDER!)

Hulk Hogan & Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake Vs Zeus & Randy Savage 8-28-89

Hulk Hogan Vs 2 jobbers 1-2-80

Hulk Hogan Vs Ric Flair 7-17-94

Hulk Hogan Vs Tiger Chun Li- TNT

Interview with Mean Gene

Hulk Hogan & Mean Gene Vs George "the Animal" Steele & Mister Fuji

Hulk Hogan Vs The Undertaker 12-3-91

Hulk Hogan Vs Big John Studd in a rain storm in Puerto Rico

Hulk Hogan Vs Nikolai Volkoff 10-5-85

Hulk Hogan Vs Mr Perfect 4-28-90

Hulk Hogan & Andre the Giant Vs King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd

Hulk Hogan Vs Rowdy Piper 11-7-85

Royal Rumble 90 (starts off when Hogan enters)

Koko B Ware, Hercules, Savage, Hogan, & Hillbilly Jim Vs Red Rooster Akeem, Haku, Dibiase, and The Big Boss Man- Survivor Series 11-24-88

Promos on:

Harley Race

The Genius

the Big Boss Man

The Honky Tonk Man

The Rock


Easter Eggs:

Hulk and Gene do a renditiion of Tuti Fruit (with a bass solo by Hogan!)

The Real American music video


The Documentary itself is worth it if you don't have a DVD player yet. Hogan is quite candid about his opponents including Andre (he had to stop his car along the side of the road to puke before he wrestled him because he was so nervous about what he might do), Bundy (a nice guy, but every night he would unknowing stiff the shit out of Hogan), Orndorff (they had a rivalry dating back to their high school days, and every night one of them would end up stiffing the other guy and they would stiff each other for the rest of the match), Savage (he spends a good five minutes discussing the reasons behind his personal love/hate relationship with him), and many more stories that you may or may not have heard before.

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Guest Invader3k

I got it a couple days ago, and it is pretty awesome all in all. The classic matches included are worth the 20 bucks alone, and the documentary is actually surprisingly good, although they kind of skip over Hogan in the WWF early 90s. Definitely a must have.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Every match is full, even containing pre-match interviews sometimes as well as the post-match posing and stuff. Not every one though. Half are just his entrance to the pinfall.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Jobber of the Week

Yep. Including footage of Russo and the "so this is why this company is in the crapper" segment.

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Guest SmarkySmark

Except they don't show Russo's reply......but that doesn't suprise me.


How do you access the Easter Eggs?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Disc one: all the way to the end of the Chapter selections, just keep going right until you hit the final Hulk STILL Rules logo. This is the "Real American" video.


Disc two: same thing, except at the end of the Extras section. This is the TNT "Tutti Frutti" performance.

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Guest Retro Rob
Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes learn about Nutrition (MAGIC HULK POWDER!)

I love that segment, which is also on Best of the WWF Vol. 6.

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Guest Some Guy
Vince McMahon and Lord Alfred Hayes learn about Nutrition (MAGIC HULK POWDER!)

I love that segment, which is also on Best of the WWF Vol. 6.

That segement might as well be called, "Hey brother! Steroids are your friend, DUDE!"

It is pretty funny, with the Roided Hogan and Vince liking the shit and the old and flabby Alfred hayes finding it disgusting. I was looking for a needle in the power pack.

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