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Guest DJ Jeff

How Many Hours A Day....

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Guest DJ Jeff

This is something I've always been wondering. As for me, I'd say anywhere between 3 and 6 hours a day. That could be less, or it could be more, depending on what I'm doing that day. How about the rest of you?

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

I average six hours a day when I don't have school. When I do, it's four.


Yes, I am a loser. Shocking, eh?

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Guest Flyboy

I was on a shitload in the summer (too many to count), but since school started for me my time has been reduced greatly.

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Guest HBK16

During the summer I was on most of the day and night since I don't sleep. But with school, I am probably on like 4 and on weekends maybe 6. But it changes everyday of course.

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Guest papacita

I've had absolutely nothing to do since my fed closed, so I spend about 70% of my free time on this board.

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Guest OctoberBlood

I would say around 7 Hours a day. But, overall on the net .. around 12 hours a day, lol.


I spend way too much time on the net, I mainly post at 3 different message boards, and then gaming ... which is mostly High Heat Baseball 2003.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Wow.... :o


I'm glad to find out that I'm not the only one that spends alot of time here. B)

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

You're the only one that exposes us to Brock's testicles on a regular basis, however.

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Guest The Superstar

During the summer it was endless, but now with AP Biology it's like 1 hour a day during the week, but about 8 hours on the weekend ;)

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Guest Kotzenjunge

It depends on what's going on. If I've got stuff to do or have to be up for something in the morning, not as much as when there is jack shit to do.


Does it count if you have this in one window and another site in another window? If so, it's really high for me on boring days...


Fo sheez,


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Guest DJ Jeff
It depends on what's going on. If I've got stuff to do or have to be up for something in the morning, not as much as when there is jack shit to do.

That's basically the same as me. Tomorrow, for instance, I'll be doing jackshit until the afternoon, then I'll be gone for a few hours, then I'll be back. I'm actually attempting to cut down on how much time I spend on the Internet, even though when there's nothing else to do, it's kind of hard. <_<

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Guest MaxPower27

It varies for me as well. If I have the day off, I usually do stuff early, before it gets too hot outside, and then come on TSMF at about 11AM. I'm usually almost always on here, whether or not I reply to anything depends on my intrest in the subject at hand. That's why my post count is so low, even though I've been a member since February.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I was on most of the day during the summer, but with college starting up I'm on a alot less now.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Mine varies. Sometimes it's around 30 minutes, and other times it's like 4 hours. All depends on what I'm doing at the time and/or how bored I am.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Is "Too Much" an option?

Yep. Because that's how much I spend.

I can't get enough of SmartMark-ohol. Too much is most definitely an option.

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Guest midnight_burn

Anywher from like 10 minutes to 4 or 5 hours, sometimes even more than that. Depends if i'm doing anything.

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Guest Kinetic

A lot. With my work schedule, though, this place is usually a ghost town by the time I get around to posting anything. That's not much fun. I'd say an average of about two hours.

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Guest mesepher

I normally come here and read a few of the different sections of the board and then post if I can add anything fun and exciting...


normally around 3 hours maybe?

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