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Guest OctoberBlood

Favorite Genre of Food?

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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

There's this.. "Canadian" food that I'm wanting to try.


Oh, and I love fake Italian.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Can't forget Chinese... I'm sure there's General Tso's stands on every corner in Beijing (sp?)...

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'm biased because of the great little place around the corner..but..Chinese.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Authentic world cuisines are extremely hard to come by. Most foreign food establishments are extremely Americanized (or for that matter localized if you aren't in the US), and people find it odd when they do stumble upon an establishment that serves authentic cuisine because (for example chinese food) they don't serve what you would typically find at the corner chinese take out place.


That being said, Im very fond of authentic Indian food, with the wonderful flavors of the different spices they use in their masalas (spice mixtures)..And its not all curried ____, there are many other spices besides curry that are used, and not all of them completely overpower the food like you would find in an Americanized version of curried chicken.


Thai food is good too, but its very hard to come by authentic Thai food, although its not that easy just finding a Thai restaurant itself.


The only European country that interests me is Spain, more or less because there are more flavors. Basque omlettes rule..authentic or not..

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Guest Youth N Asia

Chinese by far...they can cook a mean chicken 2,400 differen ways.


I will give Wing Fong my $5.90 for a lunch buffet before I give any fast food place a dime.


Long live the general...General TSO!

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Guest El Satanico

southern style barbeque followed closely by mexican.


I'll go to the americanized mexican places but i perfer mexican to be semi authenic.

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Guest starvenger
That being said, Im very fond of authentic Indian food, with the wonderful flavors of the different spices they use in their masalas (spice mixtures)..And its not all curried ____, there are many other spices besides curry that are used, and not all of them completely overpower the food like you would find in an Americanized version of curried chicken.

The best Indian food I've had has been in London, England. I'm sure it's better in India, but I haven't gone there yet. Still, London has a large Indian population, and I believe that it's actually a very popular food for take out (or as they say, take away).


Me, I'm addicted to sushi and sashimi. I think I ate it 2-3 times a week when I moved to Houston and the company was paying for my dinners...

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Guest razazteca

Filipino food is indeed good but I limit it to Panzit, fried rice, rice cake, Lumpia and only if mom cooks it :) I stay away from the milk fish and the stinky stuff.....nothing stinks up the house more than fried fish and Kim Che.


Tex Mex is also a favorite of mine: Tortas, Fajitas, Brisket, Sausage. I also can not resist the local Mexican restuartants lunch specials. Chicken Fried Steak is still a mystery to me.


Southern food comes in 3rd place as Chicken Pot Pie & Chicken N Dumplings from Country Barrel is yummy.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"I will give Wing Fong my $5.90 for a lunch buffet before I give any fast food place a dime."


Oh hell yeah. I have a nice little Chinese buffet around where I live with an $8 dinner buffet. There's also a newly opened Golden Corral for $10. I hardly ever eat fast-food, which can be just as expensive as a freakin' buffet-style restaurant...

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Guest Insanityman

Chinese, I ate to the point of pain at the buffet... and still remain a scrawny fuck! *rubs belly and complients metabolism*.

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Guest dreamer420

If you mean as far as ethnic foods go I would pick Chinese.


Is barbeque considered a genre, because nothing beats that.

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Guest El Satanico

Well yeah i figure that barbeque can be considered a genre. I'd think that any type of food could be considered a genre.

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Guest RazorxEDGE

The Chinese food that we eat isn't genuine Chinese food. I once went to a REAL Chinese restaurant in Philly, and they had two menus. One was for Americans, and one was for Chinese. The Chinese menu had stuff like ROASTED BLOOD on it. Just really bizarre stuff.

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Guest The Electrifyer
The Chinese food that we eat isn't genuine Chinese food. I once went to a REAL Chinese restaurant in Philly, and they had two menus. One was for Americans, and one was for Chinese. The Chinese menu had stuff like ROASTED BLOOD on it. Just really bizarre stuff.

One of my teacher's tells me that they do that for every type of nationality food like that. Its because American/Canadian tastes vary from other ethnicity and cultures, so the Chinese food or Mexican food or whatever nationality's food isn't the exact same as that nationality, its just suited for Western tastes.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Thai as of late.

But I've been experimenting with alot of different flavors and stuff now. It doesn't really fit into a genre.... So I'll call it Neo-Fusion or sumthin.


Too bad Iron Chef isn't still active......

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