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Guest Retro Rob

McDonald's Cuts the Fat

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Guest Retro Rob
CHICAGO (Sept. 3) - When consumers gobble down an order of McDonald's French fries they may not think about their health, but the fast-food giant said on Tuesday it will soon be cooking its fried potatoes in healthier oil.


Criticized by some nutrition experts for contributing to a surge in obesity in the United States, McDonald's Corp., said it will begin cooking its fries -- as well as its Chicken McNuggets, Filet-O-Fish, hash browns, and crispy chicken sandwiches -- in a new oil that reduces trans-fatty acids by 48 percent and saturated fat by 16 percent.


Health experts have said that reducing trans-fatty acids and saturated fat, while increasing polyunsaturated fat, can be healthier for the heart.


The fries will still have the same amount of total fat, McDonald's said, with polyunsaturated fat rising 167 percent. According to McDonald's Web site, a large order of fries contains 26 grams of fat, with 4.5 grams of saturated fat.


The move by McDonald's comes as more focus is being put on Americans' weight problems, with some 50 million people now considered obese.


In recent years, some fast-food chains, including Subway, have competed against McDonald's and others by promoting lower fat, lower calorie items on their menus.


In July, a New York man sued four fast-food chains, including Oak Brook, Illinois-based McDonald's, claiming they contributed to his obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.


Some class-action attorneys are looking to take on the food companies and restaurants in the same way they took on tobacco companies, seeking billions of dollars in damages for health problems and deaths.


McDonald's said it will introduce the new oil at its 13,000 domestic restaurants beginning in October and said its goal is to eventually eliminate all trans-fatty acids in cooking oil.


The new oil was developed with agribusiness giant Cargill Inc.


McDonald's shares were down 45 cents at $23.31 in early Tuesday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Mark my word, the fries probably wont be the same, and people will complain that they taste bad or something. Sales of fries will go down, and they'll switch right back.

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Guest dreamer420

as a fan of chicken mcnuggets and french fries I'm not looking forward to these changes. i really hope the fat content will be lowered but the taste will stay the same. i really doubt that mcdonalds would actually change the taste of their fries so I'm betting they will be the same. :mellow:

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Guest Will Scarlet

I hope the French fries will taste the same. I love mcDonald's fries the best, and if I want just plain French fries I go there. Then again, I have not been to McDonald's in quite awhile, so I guess it is no big deal.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

As the board's resident Culinary Genius, I would find it hard to believe that they can change the oil that they cook their fried foods in and it not taste different to someone.

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Guest starvenger

Well, according to Fast Food Nation (GREAT book btw), they used to cook the fries in beef tallow, and now they just have the beef flavour added directly to the fries, so anything's possible.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

you can carve stuff out of beef tallow. Its sorta like wax when its hard..

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Guest El Satanico

Some class-action attorneys are looking to take on the food companies and restaurants in the same way they took on tobacco companies, seeking billions of dollars in damages for health problems and deaths.

How in the hell are they going to sue places just because some fat fuck dies from eating too much greasy fat laden foods?.


Suing ciggarette companies is understandable since alot of people(up until a certian point of time) honestly didn't know it would kill.


But to sue over eating fast food alot and dying from it is just insane. Everyone knows eating alot of fast food is bad for you!


What's next suing beer companies just because you got drunk and said or did something stupid or got into legal troubles.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

"How in the hell are they going to sue places just because some fat fuck dies from eating too much greasy fat laden foods?"


Simple. You just say "We're going to sue Big Fat because my client is dying from eating 7 value meals a week."


That's all...

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Guest dreamer420
I personally like fat, cholesterol, and perservatives in my food and drink.

ohh yeah. makes it taste good.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic
Fat and cholesterol do NOT belong in drinks.

So I guess you don't drink milkshakes huh??

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