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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The One and Only Live WWA PPV Forum

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I'm waiting to order the PPV, and am now seeing an advertisement of the PPV Channel.  This is obviously an older advertisement, as a lot of stuff that say will happen, won't.


Let's hope this is worth my $19.95.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Before the show begins, I learn that both Randy Savage (damn it) and Road Dogg (Yeah!) won't be at the show.  Not good when two stars no-show.


Wow, how cheap is this?  The arena is blackened, and we just hear Jeremy Boreash telling us what's going to happen tonight.  "The Return of the Big Bad Booty Daddy" will happen tonight.


And now we go intot he WWA Production Room, where Boreash is talking to us, looking considerably gay.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think it will be.  I've plunked down my 20 bucks.


It HAS to be better than No Way Out.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The countdown begins, with clips Jeff Jarrett giving The Stroke to Nathan Jones and Road Dogg (with Jerry Lawler providing comentary).  They use the old WCW tactic of going to black & white when Jarrett's bleeding.


Hey! The WWA even has their own Nitro Girls... Along with really crappy music, which shows Jarrett hitting Road Dogg with his guitar... Again.


Borash:  "Everywhere I go, when people talk about sports entertainment, they say, "Give me something different."" And her I am thinking that they all just say "The Rock rulz!"


LOL.  They're showing everyone who's on the card, and when Randy Savage's picture comes up "NOT APPEARING" flashed on the screen.  But when Road Dogg's picture is shown, this doesn't happen.  Hmmmm...


Borash talks some moe about Randy Savage, with NOT APPEARING flashing once again.  Yeah, don't make it totally obvious that the beginning was taped two weeks ago.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The 6 man cruiserweight and the Guerrero/Psicosis/Guerrera match is enough for my money.


And JJ is one of my favorites.  So whoever he wrestles is fine with me.  


As long as the 2 matches I mentioned are decent...everything else will just be icing on the cake.

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Guest TheDames7

Jeremy Borash isn't that bad of an announcer, lets see how much chemistry he has with Mark "Spinaroonie" Madden.



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Guest Galactic Gigolo

As we grow closer to the show, nothing's happening.  Just lame ass clips from the two shows that they ran.


And there, it's the THIRD time I've seen Jeff Jarrett hit Road Dogg with his guitar.  You know, they could've filmed these guys doing promos earlier in the day and shown them, but noooo, they have to be jackasses.


Okay Borash, we get it, we all want to see something different.


Lets hope the PPV has better production values than the shit we're seeing now.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Considering we didn't see a big "NOT APPEARING" sign over Steiner, he'll most likely be appearing.  They'll probably throw him in there with Jarrett, unless Steiner refuses to job to Jeff.  Then who knows what'll happen.


I'm seriously going to kill someone soon if I hear "They want something different" ONE MORE TIME!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The various news sites say that Steiner is backstage.  And they didn't say that he wasn't appearing (like they did with Savage)


I'll mark out for JJ vs. Steiner if it happens.  I don't know why i'll mark out...but I would.

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Guest TheDames7

There's the annoucement straight from Andrew McManus....no Savage tonight.  



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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The owner, or something, of the WWA welcomes us to the PPV from the backstage area.  He's reading this off a paper, and tells us that Savage won't be appearing because they couldn't come to a money agreement.


There's a band playing in the ring.  What, and might I add who the hell is this?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was good of them to put Savage wouldn't be there BEFORE the show.


The WWF wouldn't have done that (see:  Micheals vs. Dean Douglas at In Your House 4)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Its funny that they don't advertise the 6 man cruiser match...as that is the main reason most smarks would order it.


I guess they figure that smarks will see it on the internet anyway.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Crappy, crappy band plays the WWA's theme song.  It's consists of "Another slap in the face, it's a Revolution!" over and over again.


The satellite cuts out for two seconds, and we're back to a crappy montage of clips we saw earlier.  The same song is played again the background.  A man can only take so much of this crap.


It's Jeremy Borash and Mark Madden.  I'm waiting for a picture of Madden just so I can make constant fat jokes about him.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Cruiserweight Six-Man Match:  Nova vs. Loki! vs. Shark Boy vs. AJ Styles vs. Tony Mamaluke vs. Christopher Daniels!-  Yes!  This should be a big spotfest.  Mamaluke and Styles, who has put on a lot of muscle since his brief stint in WCW, start off.  Mamaluke looks a lot like Kidman, and the flashing lights they have going on in the background is REALY distracting.  The two do little bits of action with no worth, until Shark Boy is tagged in by Styles!  Test of strength attempt, with Shark Boy dropkicking Mamaluke out of the move.  Big clothesline by Mamaluke in the corner.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Mark Madden is funny.


I don't care what others say...he's good.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Cruiserweight Six-Man Match:  Nova vs. Loki! vs. Shark Boy vs. AJ Styles vs. Tony Mamaluke vs. Christopher Daniels!-  Yes!  This should be a big spotfest.  Mamaluke and Styles, who has put on a lot of muscle since his brief stint in WCW, start off.  Mamaluke looks a lot like Kidman, and the flashing lights they have going on in the background is REALY distracting.  The two do little bits of action with no worth, until Shark Boy is tagged in by Styles!  Test of strength attempt, with Shark Boy dropkicking Mamaluke out of the move.  Big clothesline by Mamaluke in the corner.  Shark Boy is biting Mamaluke on the ass.  O-kay... Neckbreaker from Shark Boy gets a two count.  Here comes Loki!  Vicious chops by Loki, until Daniels flisp in with a kick.  Loki ducks under a chop, and connects with a few of his own.  Rolling kick by Loki, who spills Nova's coffee (apparently, he's no longer a cartoon character) when he tags him in.  Daniels and Nova exchange quick armdrags, and Nova tags in Loki.  Double front suplex to Daniels.  Mamaluke's JUICING from the nose. .

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Sweet kick from Loki for a two count, and Daniels follows out to the juicer, Tony Mamaluke.  Loki crotches Mamaluke, and then superplexes Mamaluke.  Shark Boy runs in, trying to get the win, but the ref doesn't allow the pin to be made.  Shark Boy drives his knee into Mamalukes head.  Christopher Daniels goes throught he ropes, and sends Tony into the railing.  Plancha by Shark Boy, who is promptly dropped into the crowd.  Shark Boy and Mamaluke are brawling in the corwd as AJ Stlyes pounds away on Nova.  In the ring, a poor man's Crippler Crossface is aopplied by Nova.  Top rope frankensteiner by Shark Boy, but it only gets a two on Mamaluke.  Tony runs into a boot, and Shark Boy plants him with a weird, flipping Stone Cold Stunner off the top rope.  Loki with a vicious kick on Shark Boy, and Shark Boy is now eliminated.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

AJ Styles and Loki battle on the ground, with Loki using his feet to get out of the move.  They show Mamalukes' CRIMSON FACE.  Loki really must think he's Tajiri here.  Loki's cover on Styles gets a two count.  Both men crossbody block each other.  Mamaluke and Daniels are in now, with Borash calling Daniels stint in WCW impressive.  He got his leg "broken" by Steiner, and that was it.  Reverse russian legsweep kind of move by Daniels, and AJ Styles puts Daniels in the Tree of Woe.  Backbody drop from the top rope by Mamaluke otno Daniels.  Pinfall attempt gets two, and the ring has red spots from Tony's nose.  ANGEL'S WINGS BY DANIELS.  AJ Stlyes is then tagged in, who executes the Styles Clash (an odd Piledriver kind of move) to eleiminate Mamaluke.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Nova, who once again, isn't a cartoon character (thanks Madden), comes in.  Daniels also comes in, who argues with Nova.  Whoa!  Daniels spins Loki around on top of his head, then drops him.  Nova comes in with a Top Rope Elbow.  Two count.  As Loki is in the Tree of Woe, Daniels tries to attack Nova, who is on the top rope.  Nova knocks Daniels off, but Loki brings Nova down in a Dragon Sleeper! Yes! Nova gets out of it.  Loki misses a baseball slide on a particularly evil looking Daniels.  Sweet ass moonsault by Daniels from off the apron.  AJ Styles with a Shooting Star Press, which it looks like he almost fucked up, onto Loki and Daniels!  AJ Styles has some blood on him, but who knows if it's his or Mamalukes.  Kind of a jumping Rock Bottom from the top rope by Daniels onto Loki to eliminate him.  Damn it!  Loki's gone!

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Uranagui kick by Daniels to the face of Nova.  Neckbreaker by AJ onto Daniels gets a two count.  One armed Rock Bottom, followed by a moonsault gets two from Daniels.  Daniels puts AJ into a Dragon Sleeper, and Nova flips over Daniels with a Dragon Sleeper of his own.  Sweet! All three men try to sunset flip each other, and they all fail with getting the pin.  Aj Stlyes throws Nova off the top rope, but Daniels tries a top rope huruncanruna.  AJ catches Daniels as he tries to go down, and then drops him face first in a piledriver! Goodbye Daniels!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They are giving this match the length it needs.




DAMN IMPRESSIVE!  Styles Clash of the second rope!

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