Guest Army Eye Report post Posted February 25, 2002 How is giving someone the light heavy weight title in his first match NOT a push? he got the title but zero time on Raw or Smackdown Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Risk Report post Posted February 25, 2002 The problem was they didn't push the TITLE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted February 25, 2002 I thought the PPV was decent enough. The WWA hadn't performed on North American ground yet and seeing as this was their first real PPV I am impressed. The opening 6 man CW match was pretty good. The CW three way was good too and I was shocked as hell to see Jerry Lynn appear on the PPV. Sabu and Devon Storm did exactly what I expected so how could I be disappointed with their performance. Larry Zybsko whined and bitched and pretty much ruined any chance he had of getting a job with the WWF. The rest of the card wasn't overly great but certainly didn't suck as bad as it could have. Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, and The Cat still all suck. Jeff Jarrett did what he could in the main event to make Brian Christopher seem like a legit threat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 25, 2002 Larry Z's little rant was actually quite funny. Kind funny he's pissed off over "The Living Legend" name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LynnBlowsAFatOne Report post Posted February 26, 2002 How is giving someone the light heavy weight title in his first match NOT a push? he got the title but zero time on Raw or Smackdown Bullshit, I remember Lynn defending the title, on RAW and Smackdown. I remember a 4 Way with Lynn Vs. Crash Vs. Taka or Funaki Vs. Someone else i think Grandmaster on RAW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 26, 2002 Good point. Mathches against Crash Holly, Kiantei and GMS = MEGA PUSH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted February 26, 2002 The WWF doesn't care about it's Crusierweght division. No body gets a push if you're in the division. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LynnTakesItUpTheAss Report post Posted February 26, 2002 Good point. Mathches against Crash Holly, Kiantei and GMS = MEGA PUSH. Atleast its getting RAW time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 26, 2002 So every one who has ever appeared on RAW JUST ONCE! was getting a push? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted February 26, 2002 I think the main thing I got out of this ppv was that the WWA has a long way to go if they truly want to compete with the WWF. They are hardly creative in booking. And it's true that with the absense of Savage, they should have had more of a bright idea than what they did. What it is right now basically is them paying guys probably good $$$ to just be there and add a small bit to the show. Case in point with Bret. He was just going through the motions to say the least. Their set for the show looked good, but they have a ways to go as well with true quality production. The owners promise of production values that will take your breath away just weren't there. The announcing was pretty horendous with Borash, Mark Madden, and Disco. They all came off as just good buds who were just joking around or something. Not exactly a "professional" announcing team. All in all this reminded me of WCW alot in it's dying days. Opener actually was pretty darn good, best match of the show. I can't count the number of spots the camera missed though, dammit. I had never seen Low Ki or Shark Boy wrestle so that was cool. Lots of high spots all over the place. Mamaluke was looking good but then got busted up in the nose and started to protect himself alot with that. Too bad cuz he's a hell of a talent. Styles (who's finisher is something else) and Nova tore it down in the end, with Nova (who is in great shape nowadays) winning. **** just because there was alot of new moves here I've never seen and I miss seeing CW action like this. If they would have made this a turmoil match instead (to eliminate all of the tags) it would have been even better. The Bret interview just amazed me since it showed one of two things. Either that Bret is truly just worthless to even have in this company or else they are just using him wrong. I'm puzzled why they at least don't have him in an angle with someone on the roster, even if he's not wrestling. As it's been for awhile though, Bret seems uninspired and just goes through the motions to get paid. He almost cussed and blurted the F bomb, but caught himself before he did it. Kinda funny. Reno and Funk was kind of a slow match. Funk doing the Hogan gimmick is funny, but it really limits him in the ring to just doing everything Hogan including a weak workrate. Boring plodding match with no true point ** Kronic and the Indians (I already forgot what they were even called) was f*cking torture to watch. You think Taker/Kane-Kronic was bad........this was way worse. Adams and Clark seemed slower than ever, and these Indian guys did the lamest looking bumps I think ever in wrestling. One spot saw Adams doing that full nelson slam and the fat Indian guy maybe got about a half foot off the canvas before dropping. Then of course he sold it like he was dead. How the hell did these jobbers even get a job in this company? This match really brought the show down. NO STARS The midget hardcore match was ok but it didn't do much for me since these two same guys worked a deathmatch on a IWA midsouth tape I have that was way better than this crap. It would be fun to watch though for probably everyone else though. ** 1/2 Man, they just blew it with Scott Steiner here. Reminded me of the lame returns the WWF big names had in the last year. I expected him in a much bigger role, even if he won't be around much longer. Then he just squashes Disco, which did nothing for me either. He did look to be kind of slower than before....not sure if he walked weird though. I didn't notice really. The three way CW match with Eddie was pretty good stuff. The two CW matches was what made this show, IMO. Guererro looked as good as ever in the ring, hasn't lost a step really. Solid action, the three way concept hurt it some though. *** 1/4 Lynn coming out afterwards was obviously my highlight of the show, at first I thought it was Cyrus since before he walked out he did his old lines for a while there. I will probably get the next ppv just to see a match with those two. The Zbysko shoot/promo (whatever the hell it was supposed to be) was sad any way you look at it. If it was an angle, it's giving the WWF free air time. If it's not, its pathetic they would pay Larry (or even not pay him) to come out and waste airtime whining about sh*t 20 years ago. This was just about as low class or just illogical as possible. For some reason I bet there was alot of people in the back rolling at this ridiculousness of this. Sabu and Storm was pretty decent but it was dissapointing. It's very true that Sabu last lost alot since I last saw him. He's more slow and such, just because he's beat the hell out of his body the last 10 years. He still takes alot of chances, its just that alot of them don't come off looking that good then. He did the two most obvious blade jobs I've seen in a long time.......I think I literally saw the gigger in his hand one of the times. I would guess this feud is going to continue into the next ppv or something.......maybe then they can make up for the blown spots and general missing elements here. This reminded me of a poorly scripted ECW match *** Ernest Miller and Rick Steiner coming out was hardly a "surprise" it was more like a letdown. Match was nothing since it was finished in less than a minute but since we didn't get to hardly see anything from Steiner I was happy * Miller beating up Madden afterwards was funny, though. ME was decent in that they tried their damndest to make it interesting but it never ended up reeling me in because it just had to right to be the main event at all. They should have at least made an angle with Bret and Jarrett earlier to lead to the main event....and I would even be fine if the match never started and Jarrett just laid out Bret or something. It would have been better than this pointless stuff, at least it would have been a decent angle that could be worked on for the next ppv. Probably the most blah way to end a ppv ever other than Goldberg beating Kronic at Havoc a fea years ago ** Like I said before, this company has a long way to go to make a mark in the US, IMO. A right in the middle C for the show. This was a hell of a lot better than the last WWA ppv though, to look on the positive side of things. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest goodhelmet Report post Posted February 26, 2002 hey Redjed, you were way too generous for this ppv. I learned from SK's ppv rant that Borash booked the show as well. Borash is now public enemy #1. It's bad enough his announcing was horrible but the matchups were set up to fail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted February 26, 2002 Heh.....I know I was, just trying to justify paying 20 smacks for it I guess........I REALLY want to see another company compete with the WWF too, so moreless I want them to do well, but this is not the way how. Borash probably got his booking mind from Russo, which explains alot. I wonder how different this show would have been with Savage anyway? I read at one point he was actually also going to be head booker of the WWA too. Give the book to Terry Taylor, he could do better than what they did, I would like to think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted February 26, 2002 What I don't get is how so many people are saying that the 6-man cruiser match was either the best one of the show, or even the ONLY good match of the show. Huh? These guys literally blew half the spots they were going for. For god's sake, Sabu didn't fuck up as many moves as Nova and some others did in this match. And another thing, what's with all the praise for Low-Ki? Even SK fell into this trap. Low-Ki did nothing but kick, kick, and kick throughout the match. What's worse, he didn't protect the other guys, he was kicking them as hard as he could. Where's the skill in that? Any competent fighter in karate or tae kwon do could do exactly what he did in that match. I thought that Styles, Daniels, and Mamaluke all outclassed Ki by quite a bit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LYNNSUCKS Report post Posted February 26, 2002 So every one who has ever appeared on RAW JUST ONCE! was getting a push? Who cares Lynn can suck dick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest cabbageboy Report post Posted February 26, 2002 You know, I remember when people used to talk about Jerry Lynn like he was the man, that he was carrying RVD, etc. In reality it was RVD that carried him in a way, no one has cared about Jerry since that feud. No one cared about him before. Hell, I didn't even care about him when he was feuding with RVD a whole lot! I just wanted RVD to squash him and take the title from Taz. That said, Jerry/Eddie should be a good match. Jerry is used to laying down for the frog splash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bps "The Truth" 21 Report post Posted February 26, 2002 And when you run out of resort to insults. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RedJed Report post Posted February 26, 2002 The Lynn/RVD feud was tremendous because NEITHER guy really carried one another. They just blended so well and nobody had to give more than the other. As far as Lynn goes beyond that, I thought his feud with Credible was also very good. If anyone can't see that Lynn is at least an above average worker, they're blind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites