Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Bradshaw, the crazy, football tossin', All-American cowboy has had enough of all this Un-American bullshit. He rallies up the troops backstage on Raw and declares a meeting. At that meeting, he suggests they capture the Un-Americans and make them regret they ever tried to mess with America. He doesn't reveal the details of his plan until Test is captured and hog-tied. Bradshaw then comes through with a plan so violent that only a stereotypical, right-winged Texan could think of: a tank of gasolene and a pack of matches. He pours the gasolene over Test, but before he can set him on fire; "Boy, I'm bisexual, I'mma light your sweet ass on fire, just like you tried to do to ol' glory, har har!" Kane and the others stop him. Bradshaw: "Hey what the hell are y'all doin?" They restrain the Texan back while he begins a spiel about how "if you aren't with me, you're against me." While Test is untied and runs away from the scene. Bradshaw is now infuriorated at his allies. Next week: Here come the Un-Americans again, with their unpside down flag and torch. They tease another flag-burning, but of course it's halted again by Kane. Just like last week, Kane is out numbered so Bradshaw comes in to make the save just as Test is about to touch the flame to the flag. Bradshaw grabs the torch out of Test's hand, and a stare-down ensues between the two -- one holding the torch and the other holding the flag. Without losing eye-contact, Bradshaw and Test simultaneously smile at one another. HOSS SEX FEST~! Just kidding. Test holds up the flag as the epitome of American, Bradshaw lights his country's flag on fire. Kane tries to climb back into the ring to stop all this, but a Con-Chair-To courtesy of the Tag Champs knocks him out. The Un-Americans celebrate as their newest member holds up the burnt flag. Bradshaw then cuts a promo explaining why he now hates this country; because of all those damn pussies who are unwilling to go the extra distance in proving a point, just like those pussies backstage, and probably each and every one of those who are in attendance. The country is filled with people without balls, unlike his Un-American friends, and that is why he denounces his citizenship. The weeks ensue as the Un-Americans and Bradshaw the traitor battle the likes of BookDust and the rest of the Raw mid-card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JAxlMorrison Report post Posted September 4, 2002 I could see that happening if Russo was booking and went for another SWEVE!!!!!!!! But I don't know.........any idea where there is more Bradshaw on my TV sounds like a bad one to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Madmartigan21 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Who gives a shit? It's BRADSHAW for crying out loud! There is a reason that every push he's ever had has failed miserably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Creepy Crawl Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Bradshaw LOL . I seriously think that this might actually get him some heat . But as always in 2 weeks no on would care . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Who gives a shit? It's BRADSHAW for crying out loud! There is a reason that every push he's ever had has failed miserably. Well SORRY for trying to spray perfume on a turd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Downhome Report post Posted September 4, 2002 If anyone burns the flag, on September 9th of all days, then they will be a heel, and it most certainly wouldn't be forgotten in just two weeks, I don't care who it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Jobber of the Week Report post Posted September 4, 2002 How about if Kurt Angle joins the Unamericans? How weird would THAT be? Although I wouldn't want to see it happen, just because this gimmick is go-nowhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 What if Dusty Rhodes joined the UnAmericans? wait... nevermind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted September 4, 2002 The first time this angle was tried, Sgt. Slaughter and his family got death threats right up until Wrestlemania. The second time this angle was tried, it did nothing to further Jim Duggan's career, and what's more, it didn't even register a blip on the wrestling radar. They say third time's a charm... ... but remember who was involved in the third Hell in a Cell? Bossman's not the only one who choked that evening... Traitors to the flag are as interesting as championships that aren't earned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Bradshaw should just be calling Americans pussies while not really joining the UnAmericans, he'll just hang around with them. APA, American Pussy Annilihlator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 4, 2002 The first time this angle was tried, Sgt. Slaughter and his family got death threats right up until Wrestlemania. Which means it worked far beyond expectations. Great. The second time this angle was tried, it did nothing to further Jim Duggan's career, and what's more, it didn't even register a blip on the wrestling radar. First of all, this is Duggan. Secondly, how many things involving mid-carders registered any "blips on the wrestling radar" during the Russo-WCW era? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob E Dangerously 0 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 The WWE could do worse.. and bring in the AXIS OF EVIL~! Baghdad Berzeker, Iranian Assassin and North Korean, Sum Yung Gui. They can always come out and threaten to beat up the Americans if they attack and they don't do anything else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 that idea will fly as good as jim duggan joining team canada back in the old wcw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted September 4, 2002 First of all, this is Duggan. Secondly, how many things involving mid-carders registered any "blips on the wrestling radar" during the Russo-WCW era? Not to be argumentative, but 1. Jim Duggan has a more storied career than Bradshaw could ever have 2. Russo or not, I don't think an American traitor angle would register at all if any of the WW_ roster particpated. Apart from Taker and the Rock, none of the wrestlers is really seen as both overtly patriotic and over enough to get the crowd's dander up and 3. Bradshaw is nothing if not mid-card-for-life. Sure, he can pop a pro-American crowd by doing a run-in and chasing the nasty fur-ners away with a big flag, but I don't think he can sustain that kind of heat in the ring, much less carry an entire feud on it. Maybe if they turned him in Texas, but then he'd have to appear in Texas all the time to sustain that heat (which I wouldn't mind, so long as it was untelevised)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 4, 2002 1. Jim Duggan has a more storied career than Bradshaw could ever have Of course, but who mattered more to their companies, Duggan to WCW during 2000, or Bradshaw to WWE right now? Duggan was a has-been janitor and used as nothing more than a comedy gimmick. Bradshaw at least has the reputation of a tough guy who can kick ass. Apart from Taker and the Rock, none of the wrestlers is really seen as both overtly patriotic and over enough to get the crowd's dander up I disagree. Maybe if Bradshaw and JR didn't drive into our heads every second that BRADSHAW IS FROM TEXAS and he didn't say what he did during the 9/11 special, then I'd think differently. But as it stands, if Bradshaw turned on the USA, I think more than a few people would give a shit. Maybe if they turned him in Texas, but then he'd have to appear in Texas all the time to sustain that heat (which I wouldn't mind, so long as it was untelevised)... I live in Canada and I'd be pissed. I hate to sound anti-smarkish, but I really think you're letting that side get the best of you without even giving the guy a chance. Goldust as he is today, isn't any better a worker than Bradshaw is, IMO, and now he's loved by all types of fans. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 personally I really wish the wwe would get away bashing countries and flags. there is no way that a foreign wrestlers would ever be allowed to cleanly beat an american in a feud based on countries and that is just the way the wwe is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest GreenMist Report post Posted September 4, 2002 I agree that anything Bradshaw=bad. BTW, awesome name Madmartigan-CHECK THE AVATAR~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 4, 2002 Fine, fine, fuck this thread, I'm through defending it. Note to self: Do not propose any more angles involving hosses and the furthering of the Un-American angle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest dreamer420 Report post Posted September 4, 2002 wow. you folded faster than superman on laundry day. (sorry, I've been waiting a couple of hours to use that one) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest LaParkaMarka Report post Posted September 5, 2002 If it makes you feel any better Art, I think it's a great idea. Much better than Yet Another Pointless Face Bradshaw Push. Might even give his character some *gasp* depth! But hey, it's WWE...chances are it won't happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest art_vandelay Report post Posted September 5, 2002 Thanks LaParka, that's exactly what I was trying to go for. Dreamer, I'm glad I provided an opportunity to get that out of your system. At least a little productivity can come out of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted September 5, 2002 you never know.... Jim Duggan joined Team Canada in WCW so anything can happen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest notJames Report post Posted September 5, 2002 I hate to sound anti-smarkish, but I really think you're letting that side get the best of you without even giving the guy a chance. Goldust as he is today, isn't any better a worker than Bradshaw is, IMO, and now he's loved by all types of fans. You're probably right. And I'm usually the guy who tries to curb his smarkish leanings as much as possible, what with my support of Brock Lesnar and all. But Bradshaw as he is now holds no appeal to me, in any sense, character-wise or wrestling-wise. Perhaps that doesn't translate as the end-all, be-all of public opinion of him, but the proof is there once his music stops and he actually wrestles. As far as Goldust is concerned, sure, their movesets are basically Texas-flavoured (lariats, flourished punches, etc.), but his talent, his character, and the handling of it is what sets him worlds apart from Bradshaw. He's multi-faceted... funny at times, a little bizarre, quirky, has a sordid past, but from his relationship with Booker T, we see an earnest side that endears himself to the audience in a way that probably 8 or10 years ago wouldn't fly. Wheres Bradshaw is portrayed as the quintessential barroom neanderthal who happens to love God, the State of Texas, the Stock Market, and the USA. Not exactly a new fixture to the pantheon of wrestling personalities. Granted, we are talking about a North American wrestling audience, traditionally not exactly the arthouse intellectual set, but I think tastes have been changing a lot (regardless of how the rubes may react during a bra-and-panties match), and they're demanding a product that 's a little more sophisticated and... ... damn, i think I'll just end it by saying let's agree to disagree for now. If your proposal happens, we'll see how i pans out before I break out the hot pokers. Fair is fair... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RazorxEDGE Report post Posted September 5, 2002 The UnAmericans already have a superior HOSS in Test. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites