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Rob E Dangerously

Stupid quotes or 'slips' from your life or that

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Let me name some..


"He made all those people come... to the lord on that ice"- during a Church story about a Reverend who ministered and died at the Titanic


"Spreedom of Freech"- one fuckup of "Freedom of Speech"


"If I can't pitch on this team -- the worst or second-worst team in baseball -- where am I going to pitch?" he said. "If I can't start on this ballclub, I must be the worst pitcher on earth.""- Jose Lima, Detroit Tigers


how about some more

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Guest TheBlurricane

Dude Jose Lima has to be the biggest pussy I've ever seen. He complained all through his stay with the Astros.


I mess up my words all the time so I don't have many

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Guest treble charged

Didn't George W. Bush say 'subliminable' once or twice? I seem to remember Jon Stewart making an issue out of that once.

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Guest Some Guy

Yes he mispronouced a word because of a bullshit issue over a comercial that might have immplied that Democrats were Rats, even though that is the last 4 letters of the word. Bush fucked up and he got crucified for it by the late night guys. But he's the most popular President ever so I guess he got the last laugh in the end.

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"But he's the most popular President ever so I guess he got the last laugh in the end."


For now.. at least..


I just assume that either Bush is a bit bad at speaking under pressure or he's dyslexic, something like that.


He did get beat up for it alot.

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Guest Some Guy

He's just a poor public speaker, which is not a good trait for a President but he has improved greatly since the campaign in 2000.

Well he's the most popular "for now" I guess until someone else is elected and takes that title from him. He had the highest and longest sustained approval rating since they started doing them during the FDR administration. That's not too shabby.

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Guest bob_barron

Who cares if he cant say subliminal correctly??


As he long as he's a good president which IMO he is.

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Guest evenflowDDT

From a classified ad:




What, is someone going to sell DEAD puppies through the classifieds? :unsure:

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Guest Kotzenjunge

No, the puppies just aren't on tape delay.




"Drink's and Snack's inside!"


Fo literacy,


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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

"...Or you will LOOSE all your points!"

--my tenth grade ENGLISH teacher

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Guest Cancer Marney

My dumbfuck psych/soc professor once said "irregardless." And my college advisor pronounced "buffet" the way it's spelled.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Sure he wasn't talking about the singer?


TRITEC, where's my sex bomb banner? I'm not feeling a lot of love around here.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Cancer Marney

Yep, she was showing a slide of a long table with platters and silver on it at the time.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I know she wasn't talking about the singer, I just felt like making a joke. Hmm, let me think of a slipup I've seen...




Some Romantic era poem that said someone other than Balboa being the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean. Can anyone help me with this?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

We have a disturbing trend right now of confusing each other.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

I AM sleeping! AND posting! DAMN I'm talented!


Just kidding. I'm just screwing with you, eesh. I once again reiterate that I never mean what I say to the people here, and if I do mean it, it's obvious.


Fo sheez,


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Guest TheRockIsTheEuropeanChampion

And I am SERIOUS. Constantly. I swear.


You *are* talented. I can only hope to post here in my dreams. Is that better or worse than Eric Bischoff consistently showing up in my dreams?


True DAT.


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Guest papacita

The stupidest thing I've ever said...without the slightest hint of sarcasm:


"Man, you know 2Pac and Makeveli REALLY look alike!"


...I know. I know.

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark
Some Romantic era poem that said someone other than Balboa being the first European to sight the Pacific Ocean. Can anyone help me with this?


I surely can, Kotz.


From John Keats' On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer:


Then I felt like some watcher of the skies

When a new planet swims into his ken;

Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes

He star'd at the Pacific--and all his men

Look'd at each other with a wild surmise--

Silent, upon a peak in Darien.



The mistake was the result of Keats' confusion after reading William Robertson's History Of America; he muddled Balboa's "discovery" of the Pacific with Cortez's first view of Mexico City.


That is all.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Wow... I wish I was driven to read classical poetry so I could do stuff like that.

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Guest treble charged

Well, wasn't Keats hopped up on Opium or something like that? That could have led to his mistake, as well.

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark

That he was, TC. Of course, 90% of writers/artists of that era were high on one thing or another, so it's to be expected. I'm sure after his tuberculosis developed, he was looking for anything to get high on to numb the pain.


That is all.

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Guest Zack Malibu

I now bring you a scene from Zack Malibu's high school, circa 1997:


I'm sitting in Math Analysis class, waiting for class to begin. I'm talking to the people around, etc. when our teacher comes walking into the room, laughing her head off. Once she catches a breath, we ask her what's so funny.


Teacher:"Well, I was just coming to class, and I stopped to talk to so and so in the halls. These girls were standing by the lockers over here talking about Titanic. One had seen it and the other was talking about wanting to see it. The girl that saw it said "It's so sad when the ship sinks." The other girl, who hadn't seen it, yells at her, shouting "THANKS FOR RUINING THE MOVIE FOR ME!!!"


Cue uproarious laughter from our class. That story made it around the school faster than anything, and I pity the people it was about, because their idiocy will live on in our hearts forever.

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