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Guest CoreyLazarus416

The one that got away...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

We all got 'em. Basically, members of the opposite (or same, depending on your preference) gender that you were in love with, but either let it fade out, they moved, or you didn't act on your emotions.


I can sum it all up in one word, one name: KATELIN.

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Guest Hitman Jebus

JULIA!!! :(


C'mon guys, let it out...you'll feel better...actually, you won't...you'll feel very sorry for yourself...so very sorry...


JULIA!!! :(

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Guest HBK16

Well mine didn't get away yet but she will if I don't ask fast. Then I think I will kill myself.

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Guest Will Scarlet

Well, I guess I will post since I am not exactly tired, and I have nothing better to do. Mine was a girl who I called Liana. It was not her real name, but it was what I often called her. Essentially, I met her Online many years ago. For the first few years, we were just friends, then I graduated high school.


The summer between high school and university for me was kind of a transitional period. Basically, I knew I was done with high school and that part of life was past me, but I had no clue what university would be like. She was also going through a tough period, as she was moving across the country, so it was not like she could get into a serious relationship where she lived anyway. In a way, when we started falling for each other more, it was mostly out of convenience than anything else. I was moving to another country so I could not date anyone here and she was also moving so getting into a relationship might not be the best idea. It worked well, for what it was. Her and I even started talking a lot on the phone. Given, I did not think much of it for awhile, until her and I met in person.


It went perfectly, too perfectly. The weather was great, and her and I had a great time together. It was then when I truly fell for her, but now she was thousands of miles away again. I wanted to be closer to her, unfortunately, I made a severe misstep, and lost her because of it.


I missed her, quite terribly for awhile. It took me months to truly get over it, as I fell into a deep depression. I knew I had screwed up terribly, and I could not wave a magic wand and fix it.


Of course that was 2 years ago, as I have largely forgotten about it for the most part. It is like a lot of things in my life after awhile, they happened, but they are now as good as fables. Though, lately, she has sprung to my mind. I remember saying that I wished I could break up with her until I was done with university. A week later, she broke up with me. Part of me sometimes wonders if the second part wil ever come true.


She seemed to be one huge, cosmic fluke to me though. Almost everything about her seemed to happen at the right time. I hated that. It confused me, made me sometimes think that her and I could have been something more. Of course, "fate" is not letting me forget the wish I made so many moons ago, as it is making my current year seem very much like my first year of university, and is seemingly throwing girls who look like her into my path. I am largely over her now though. I just hope she does not pop up again in my life because I do not think I would end up happy with whatever the outcome of that could be.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Gina. She was a year older than me and she's the girl that everybody wanted. I could have had her, but she had an older boyfriend. She went to my prom with me and there were alot of jealous guys. I didn't do anything with her because I couldn't spend the night out like we had planned. I took my physical for college earlier, and I had to go in the day after the prom because they suspected that I was terminally ill. I was upset about that. We ended up drifting away from each other and I haven't really talked to her in a couple of years. *sigh*

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Guest TJH

Yeah, I had a few that got away. I was fishing on the Great Barrier Reef and some sharks kept grabbing my fish before I could reel them in.


EDIT: I didn't realise this was about women. In that case......

There was this one girl, about 16 very pretty, who I really wanted. I called her at all hours of the day, followed her to school, sent her hundreds of letters, threatened her boyfriend, all to no avail. Some women are just so stuck up.....

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There was this one girl, about 16 very pretty, who I really wanted. I called her at all hours of the day, followed her to school, sent her hundreds of letters, threatened her boyfriend, all to no avail. Some women are just so stuck up.....

...That never happened Tim.

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Guest Kinetic

Candace. We had similar taste in music and she was hot. And Asian. And very sexually active. We went out for nine months and then I was forced to move to Abilene. She's since dated about four guys, all of them relatively good relationships that she no doubt found fulfilling. I, on the other hand, am miserable and lonely...forced to create multiple personas on an internet message board just to keep myself from jumping off the roof.


Woe is me.

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Guest J*ingus

The worst part is, they're ALL ones that got away (or got thrown back). To quote a play called Personals: have you ever been in a relationship that didn't end?

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Guest Kinetic

My parents and grandparents are still married. I think that bodes well for me when I decide to tie the knot. I've got that resolve in me to just stick it out no matter how horrible it is.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I've got two potentially bad situations like this. The first is with the one I showed all of you with the Horrors of Shyness thread. She's away at her high school in Georgia(even though she lives here) right now. Next time she comes back I'm going to need to be more confident/willing to act, or she's outta here as far as any chances go. Really would be a shame, because for some reason, despite her many flaws/deficiencies/whatevers, I still find myself very enamored with her.


The other is mentioned in my sig every time I post. I'm seeing Erica for an actual extended period of time now. Sure we met twice, but it was just for a few minutes since I was with my Academic Team at the time. This'll be the last time I see her for a long time probably, so I need to make it count and not blow it. I know there is little to no possibility for anything resembling a relationship(unlike #1, who there is a possibility of one with) due to distance, but I'll feel terrible if I let this one get away also.


For the record, I like #1 just barely a smidgen more. I hate having to even think in terms of two girls. Why can't I just be simple and like only one?


Why'd I have to go and be so complicated?(ducks tomatoes)


Fo sheez,


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Guest dreamer420

what is with all the threads about heartbreak here lately? I had my heart shattered into about 1390549594 pieces on Monday by the girl I love most in the world and all this talk is starting to depress the shit out of me.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Hey, I'm not starting it. I just posted things that were funny. Just another little subject trend(like the boobies a week ago) that'll fade away when its time comes.


Fo sheez,


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Guest RicFlairGlory
Yeah, I had a few that got away. I was fishing on the Great Barrier Reef and some sharks kept grabbing my fish before I could reel them in.


EDIT: I didn't realise this was about women. In that case......

There was this one girl, about 16 very pretty, who I really wanted. I called her at all hours of the day, followed her to school, sent her hundreds of letters, threatened her boyfriend, all to no avail. Some women are just so stuck up.....

Yeah thats called Stalking

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Guest The Superstar

Ali, last year. Making a long story short, we had been "close friends" for about 6 months, and one day I told her I loved her (I did) and she started freaking out saying "YOU DONT LOVE ME! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and that's how it ended. We became friends again after that but it just wasn't the same :(

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