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Guest alfdogg

OAOAST IntenselyHeldDOWN~! 8/12/02

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Guest alfdogg

What a night we had up in the Great White North last night! EvenflowDDT and Sandman are both in the hospital after a brutal match, but we will have words with both!


The unlikely tag team reign of Generation Never and Greenmist continues on, but tonight they face a very upset Deadly Alliance team in the form of Reject and Thunderkid!


We don't even know how the X-title will be defended by its Inaugural champion Superstar, but it will be defended TONIGHT!


AngleSault has been suspended until October by Bill Watts. Additionally, the Board of Directors has been meeting all day, but we have yet to be allowed into the room. What could be transpiring, and does it have anything to do with CWM's contracts?


Masked Mystery Eskimo fought through an inferno match against the hell-monster Jingus, but it doesn't look over. Derek the Fish is hurt, but both will be at IZHD. The only problem, AnglePlex awaits the champion!


Speaking of AnglePlex, he suffered a loss and a burning casket against Big Poppa Popick last night. With this feud now over, where will both of these big superstars head to next?


Finally, Alfdogg shocked the world and retained the OaOasT World Title against Zack Malibu. He now faces CobainWasMurdered at Excessive Force. Could the moniker be true, and NOBODY can beat Alfdogg? What about Zack Malibu? Twice he has come within a split second of winning the World Title. How will he react?


All this and much much more coming tonight!


IntenseZone Commish!



- because wrestling fans watch wrestling to see wrestling


A new Excessive Force Promo…Tonite, right after BattleSporks, it's Intensely HeldDown!


Earlier Today…


Michael Cole is in evenflowDDT's hospital room. evenflowDDT is up and conscious, but confined to a hospital bed. He has several tubes and monitors attached to him. Alison, of course, is by his side.


Cole: evenflow, I'm really sorry to bother you right now, really I am, but that was a hell of a match last night with Sandman at Ashes 2 Ashes. Can I get your thoughts on it?


Alison: Cole, please, can't you see...


evenflowDDT: It's all right, Alison. I'm conscious, I can think, can't I? Now, I heard what Sandman said before the match, and I was hurt. I really was. I never betrayed anyone. Ever. I just decided to reveal my true self... if you and the other guys liked the lie better, well, I'm sorry. I always just wanted to be friends, Sandman, but I DON'T WANT TO LIE ANY MORE!


evenflowDDT starts to choke up. Alison tries to shoo Michael Cole away but evenflowDDT refuses to let go of the mic


evenflowDDT: I did things yesterday... horrible things, to ANOTHER HUMAN BEING! Why, evenflow, why? I didn't hate Sandman, I never have hated you Sandman, I just want to be friends, but still I did these... these horrible things! NO! I... I never want to do things like that again... it ended last night. Do you hear me? IT ENDED LAST NIGHT! Please, just let it end... why can't we be friends? Why are you making me do these HORRIBLE THINGS? "Evenflow", "Foolish", "Hot in Here"... I never want to do these horrible things again... it's over... please, please tell me it's OVER! Horrible things... horrible things...


evenflowDDT starts sobbing and drops the mic. Alison quickly ushers Michael Cole to the door.


Alison: The doctors are keeping him in the hospital all week. He'll be cleared to leave on Friday, and should return next week. Please Michael, just go now...


Michael Cole obliges, leaves and walks down the hall to leave the hospital floor. As he leaves, a faint conversation between evenflow and Alison is heard...


evenflowDDT: I just wanted to be a good person... that's all I want to be... why? Why? WHY?

Alison: Shhh... it's over now. It ended yesterday. It ended.

evenflowDDT: Horrible things... horrible things...


We'll be right back with the Intensely HeldDown! after this commercial break!


JR: Well Folks we have a brand new sponser...OAT TOAST~! Here's a word from the OAT TOAST Spokesman...Treble Charged!


TC: I've got a HUNDRED MILLION REASONS why OAT TOAST is GREATTTT! I'd tell you but It's a 30 second spot....



::TC picks up a slice of fresh OAT TOAST and takes a bit out of it::


TC: MMM....now that's the food of a champion! Buy It today!


IZHD - The counter reads 99:99 and is counting down


JR: Welcome to IZHD. Fans, last night CWM ran right over the OaOast Board of Directors by signing contracts abusing his powers as Commissioner.


Well, the Chairman of the Board of Directors -- "Cowboy" Bill Watts is here with an announcement.


BW: Thank you, Jim.


Last night, CWM abused his power as Commissioner by making his handicap match with Treble Charged against Anglesault, No Holds Barred...and by signing a contract giving himself a World Title shot at Excessive Force on September 15th.


CWM better enjoy those decisions. Over the last 24 hours the Board of Directors gave the go-ahead to our legal department to find a way to get out of the contract CWM had as Commissioner.


Well, guess what, son? You're no longer Commissioner! All of your power has been stripped, and you have been fined $10,000!


But, Jim. I'm still a little troubled by what happened with the contract signings dating back to July 4th, when I wasn't here yet.


Many people know that besides his duty as color commentator, Tony "The Body" helps put the show together.


So, Tony...why don't you come into the picture for a minute.


Tony appears from behind the camera


BW: CWM's contracts were signed at the time you were running the show. Did you know about these contracts?


Tony: Let me tell you something, "Cowboy." Yeah, I was running the show when those contracts were signed, but I had no idea CWM was doing.


If you were here then, you would of known that BPP & CWM had their offices in the OaOast Headquaters because they were Comissioners of The Intense Zone & HeldDOWN!

CWM probably did this on his own knowing he didn't have to answer to anybody.


BW: You admitted you were running the show! How could you not know?!


Tony: You moron! I was the President of Talent Relations.


The Board of Directors approved contracts and ran day-to-day operations.


If you're going to place blame on somebody...it should be them.


BW: You give the rest of the wrestlers a bad example with your attitude. So I'm suspending you. (Crowd boos loudly)


Tony: The hell you aren't!


BW: I'm suspending you until an investigation is launch into this matter. If you're proven to be in no way involved, you're suspension will be lifted.


Now get out of the building.


Bill leads Tony to the door


JR: What incredible developments have happened.


CWM has been stripped of his Comissioner powers, and Tony "The Body" has been suspended due to Bill Watts thinking he may have known CWM was abusing his powers when "The Body" was running the show.


We're back after this time out.


My god, the Tag Team Titles are on the line...RIGHT NOW!


"Thunder God" by Kiss hits as DA members Thunder Kid and Reject make their way to the ring. Once they hit the ring, they await their opponents.


Their music dies down as "Medicine Man" by Pantera hits and the tag champs Generation Never and Green Mist come down to ringside. They toss the belts down and the match is underway, starting off with Mist and Reject. Reject asks for a test of strength, but Mist kicks his hand away. Reject surprises Mist with a leg takedown and tries to go into a hold of some sort, but Mist is able to get away with aid from the ropes. Mist pulls himself to his feet, but gets a shoulder to the gut from Reject and is taken down with a snap mare. Reject kicks him in the lower back and hits a Curt Hennig-esque flip over snap mare, before tagging in Thunder Kid. TK immediately goes to work on the back of Mist, dropping a few knees and elbows. TK applies the bow and arrow, but his own shoulders go down and gets a 2 count.


He releases the hold and hits a scoop slam on Mist, before tagging Reject back in. Reject re-enters with a slingshot senton and covers for 2. Reject pulls Mist to the corner and pounds on him some before whipping him to the opposite side. Reject sizes up and comes at him looking for a dropkick to the gut, but Mist moves and Reject gets crotched. Mist falls down and the crowd gets behind him as he crawls towards his corner. GN is stretching out, looking for the tag, when Reject comes up from behind and pulls him across the ring and tags in

TK, who enters by dropping an elbow on Mist's back. TK hits a backbreaker and holds Mist there applying more pressure on the back. After a few moments, GN enters and tries to break it up, but the ref restrains him. Meanwhile, Reject enters and adds to the pressure on Mist's back. He returns to his corner as the ref comes back.


TK finally lets go of the hold. He tags in Reject who comes in and sets up Mist, but Mist hits a desperation small package that gets a 2. Reject puts the boots to him some more and tags TK back in. TK

powerbombs Mist and goes into a Texas Cloverleaf. After a long while, Reject comes off the top rope with a legdrop onto the back of Mist's head and TK lets go of the hold. They set up Mist in the corner as GN again tries to get in on the action, but is restrained by the ref. The challengers zero in on Mist, but with the ref distracted, he hits them with a DOUBLE YELLOW MIST~! GN returns to his corner as the crowd gets behind Mist to make the tag.


Mist finally makes the hot tag to GN, who comes in and cleans house. He tosses Reject to the outside and hits a spinebuster on TK for a 2. On the outside, Mist goes to the side of the ring where Reject is and waits before hitting a running sommersault plancha off of the apron. Both men are sprawled on the outside. GN goes to the top and waits on TK before hitting a standing moonsault for another 2. Mist, who has made his way back to the ring, is looking for the tag. GN tags him in as TK tags Reject in. GN spears TK out of the ring through the ropes. Reject quickly gets the advantage on Mist after hitting a slingshot dropkick. He goes to the top and waits on Mist to get up and as he does, comes off with a double ax handle, but Mist meets him with a vicious kick to the head knocking him out cold. He covers for the 1...2....3!


Before Mist is even back to his feet, Some Guy and the Sole Survivor emerge from the crowd carrying chairs. They take out Thunder Kid and Generation Never on the outside. Mist slingshots over the ropes at them but is also met with a chairshot. Some Guy rolls him back in the ring and pulls a table out from underneath the ring. He and TSS slide it in the ring. They set it up and place Mist on the table. SG goes to the top and TSS picks up Reject and hands him over to SG who powerbombs Reject off the top through Mist and the table.


Some Guy and the Sole Survivor have sent a message to everyone in the tag team ranks right here and for the second night in a row, they have gotten the best of the champs. They exit as they came to massive boos.





Big Poppa Popick is seen walking out of his car and headed towards the Director's office. We have heard rumors that there is a major meeting going on with the Board of Directors right now, and BPP has been asked to attend.


As he turns the corner from the loading dock, BPP and Angleplex! almost walk right into each other. Both men have bandages from being wrapped up. Angleplex and BPP exchange a long stare, finally ending with some conversation.


Big Poppa Popick: I'm not standing in your way.

AnglePlex: I can see that. I hope you don't get in the way of my match either.

BPP: Why would I, it's through between us.

AP: I guess it is…

BPP: Good luck in your match. I guess you'll show what's nezt for you.


With that, BPP walks off towards the Board of Director's meeting. AnglePlex stays behind as the camera captures his face seething in anger.


AP: Oh, you have no idea what I have planned. Hell is coming for you BPP. But not now…and not just for you….Later…later…


The camera fades to black as we hit a commercial


US Television Title Match -

Masked Mystery Eskimo vs. AnglePlex


"Natural Born Killas" plays as AnglePlex makes an entrance into the ring, accompanied by boos and jeers. His cocky smile betrays that this change is nothing more than a minor annoyance for the once popular aWo member.


"Ice, Ice, Baby" plays with The Masked Mystery Eskimo coming out solo. Derek the Fish is in the hospital right now, recovering from being very badly burned at last night's event. The crowd pops loud for the longest-reigning champion in the OaOasT. AngePlex, however, will have none of it, and pulls MME into the ring, and we have ourselves a match.


AP hits MME with a big shot to the back, following up with a drop toe hold into a front facelock. Eskimo begins to power out, hitting AnglePlex with elbows to his temple, freeing himself from the hold.


AnglePlex connects with a knee, and suplexes MME into a floatover pin that only gets a one count when Eskimo pushes AP off. AP comes back with some punches to the back, but MME begins to "freeze up"


The crowd roars with delight as AP hits MME in the face, only to get a finger wagged back and forth…"No, no, no" says MME. AP goes for a left jab, but MME blocks and hits a big right. And another one! The third big right sends AP to the ropes, and MME pulls him off into a whip.


AnglePlex hits the farside and bounces back, and gets a BIG BOOT! For his troubles. MME claps his hands and rebounds off the ropes, there's the Arctic Leg Drop! 1…2…no!!! That never gets a three count!


MME chuckles and plays to the crowd while AnglePlex tries to get himself situated


AnglePlex stumbles over and MME goes for a flip, flop, and fly on AnglePlex, knocking him back down. MME hits the ground and locks in the FrostBite FaceLock! But the AngleTron fires up


Jingus: Eskimo, enjoying your little match I see. Well I haven't forgotten about ours, and I know someone else who hasn't either…


The camera pans to show Derek the Fish all tied up, and then back to Jingus.


Jingus: Want to play some more Eskimo? It might be too…hot, for you to handle!


Eskimo trips out and leaves the ring, running backstage. The referee has no choice but to start a 10-count which Eskimo doesn't answer. AnglePlex has stumbled back up and is awarded the decision, but not the title.


Your winner, by count-out, AnglePlex!


AngePlex turns right around as the crowd roars once again, and meets with a School's Out Superkick from Zack Malibu! Zack is back and fuming after last night.


JR:"I do not want to be on this man's bad side right now."


Tony:"JR, I'm never on his bad side, but even I'm keeping my distance from him!"


What will Zack say? We're back in a jiffy!


Zack gets in the ring, and calls for the mic.


ZM:"You know, I might as well quit the OAOAST right now, and become an adult film star. You know, it's not really much of a change, since I'm constantly getting screwed here!"




JR:"Off color comments by Zack Malibu."


ZM:"Last night, again, it's the same old same old. Zack Malibu was THIS CLOSE (makes "this close" motion with fingers), but, as usual, politics save the day for the poor sap on the verge of defeat. I have done everything that I could do in this company. I came in, I made an impact, I got ahead on MY OWN TERMS! Whether you liked me, you hated me, whether you show apathy for me, it doesn't matter, because each and every one of you agree that I have done it all here in the OAOAST, and that I should be representing this company as it's champion. And as far as I'm concerned..."


"As far as I'm concerned, this little interview can end right now!"


Fans look up to the ramp to see who's interrupting the promo, and it's Cowboy Bill Watts. Fans boo in unison at the "man in charge".


CBW:"Zack Malibu, first off, you don't come out here on this show, a show that children watch, and mouth off about pornography! That's strike 1. Secondly, you do not come out here unscheduled and start jibber-jabbering. Strike 2. And, finally, Strike 3, you do NOT insult the officials of this company when every one knows that they did the right thing!"


JR:"The right thing?"


CBW:"So, security, if you will, come remove this prepped up jackass from my ring, because this show needs to go on."


Several burly security guys come down to the ring, and step in, motioning for Zack to leave. Zack stands firm, so the guys try to grab him by the arm. Zack pulls his arm away from one of them, and another starts mouthing off to Zack. Zack takes a few steps back, then WHAM! SCHOOL'S OUT ON A SECURITY GUARD! Zack clotheslines another one out of the ring to the floor, and then turns and delivers a School's Out to the third guy! The fans go nuts as Zack Malibu has snapped!


CBW:"HOLD ON, DAMMIT! STOP RIGHT NOW! You do NOT put your hands on my hired personnell, damn you! Now Zack, you're frustrated, but your beef is not with me, or Alfdogg...it's with yourself!"


Tony:"Himself? But Zack LOVES himself!"


CBW:"You see, you come out here, all prim and proper, cocky and confident, when deep down, you know it's all a front. I've seen so many guys like you that I've lost count. You think that you're king of the world, but when your shortcomings become visible, you pull these temper tantrums to try and cover up for it. You had your chance, Zack. You had more than one, and every single time, YOU BLEW IT! Now, as a fair and impartial businessman, I felt obligated to stop giving you these title matches, and give them to more deserving individuals. You know Zack, I've done my homework on you, and I know more about you than you know. I know that two of your heroes, your idols, are two guys that everyone is familiar with...Brian Pillman and Steve Austin."


Tony:"Zack's favorite tag team, The Hollywood Blondes!"


CBW:"And those guys were around when I was helping run the sinking ship that was WCW. And Zack, you remember what Brian and Steve said when they were The Hollywood Blondes? You remember that catchphrase of theirs? It said "You're brush with greatness is over!" Zack, truer words were never spoken, and they were spoken by YOUR heroes...but YOUR brush with greatness, IS OVER!"


Crowd boos intensely. Zack is fuming, burning a hole through Cowboy Bill with his stare.


CBW:"You think I'm going to have you as a champion in this company? You win that belt, and you'll go on an ego trip! You already think you're better than the rest of the boys...hell, I don't even know why Evenflow hangs out with you, because you'll drop him as soon as you're done milking him for what he's worth! Is that the kind of man I want as my champion? Hell no...I don't want ANYBODY who would abuse their power in any position to do so!"


THUNDEROUS boos for that remark!


CBW:"So Zack, you do all this talk about destiny, about it taking it's course, well, maybe your destiny has been nothing but mediocrity all along. Maybe it was your destiny to fall short. Maybe your destiny was to have you revealed as a fake and a phony...you're not the guy who has it all...you're the guy who can't cut it!"


Zack grabs Bill by the collar, and shoves him away, swiping the mic with his free hand.


ZM:"You listen to me, you pudgy sack of crap! I'm SICK of power trips, sick of guys in charge thinking that they're better than the boys. I don't know how you got in charge...hell CHARLES IN CHARGE would be better than you. But this isn't about you. You WANT it to be, you want it to seem like I'm some kind of rebel, that I undermine authority. It's not like that, Bill. I'm not getting caught up in your political bull. I have tasted that gold, and I'll be quite honest, I love the taste of it. I savour the flavor. And I'm still hungry for it. X Titles, Tag Titles, all worthy titles with worthy champions, but not for me. There is only one belt I want, and you know what that one is. You want to cut me down a notch...you even team me with the very guy that I had beaten in this ring last night? Fine, I'll go along with the charade for now. I'll pretend that I have nothing against you, and that you're not targeting me for something. Maybe you're just jealous of me...maybe you realize I throw a better dropkick than that son of yours...I don't know. All I know is that it doesn't matter who's in charge, and it sure as hell doesn't matter who the champion is, I WILL...I swear it in front of all these fans, here, watching at home, I swear it in front of all the boys in the back, friend and foe alike...I WILL win that World Title one day. It won't be tonight, it won't be tomorrow, but I PROMISE you that I'll do it. I'm the perfect man for the job. I've got the look (gives Bill a smirk to a huge pop), I've got the talent...I've got the fans behind me...hell, even that smarmy British guy on American Idol think I have what it takes, and he doesn't like ANYBODY! But he likes me. These people like me, and they all want to see that belt around my waist. So Bill, take a nap in your EZ chair, write up your contracts, stick to the office work. Because THIS American Idol, Zack Malibu, is on a nonstop flight to the top o' the mountain!"


CBW:"God forbid you ever make it there, Zack, that mountain is sure to crumble!"


ZM:"Only if your tubby ass tries to tag along to the top of it!"


Crowd pops and laughs, Watts is angered.


ZM:"Bill, you don't have to like it. I could care less if you hate it. But you will ACCEPT IT! Accept the fact that the real "Next Big Thing" is staring you in the eyes. Accept the fact that I've come so far, and that it's my time to shine! And Bill, think about this...about a year ago, a group I happen to like by the name of O-Town (females pop like a Hardy just walked down the ramp) came out with a song called 'All Or Nothing'. Now it's not exactly theme song material, but it's the way Zack Malibu looks at life these days. And that makes me the most dangerous man in your company, Bill, because when you've got Nothing to lose and Everything to gain, it makes you relentless in pursuit. It makes you fight harder, it makes your will stronger."


CBW:"Oh yeah, well, you know Zack, it's an old saying as well, but nice guys finish last!"


ZM:"Hey, I've got news for you. I may be popular. I may be cool with a lot of the boys in the back. The fans may love me, and my T shirts may sell. There's just one thing, though, Bill, that you seem to forget..."


CBW:"And what's that, prettyboy?"


ZM:"Nobody EVER said I was nice!"






Tony:"Was it wrong to love that, JR? Let's see the replay!"


"Saved By The Bell" hits, and Zack parades around the ring, working the crowd into a frenzy. He goes to exit, but then rolls back in, and prys the microphone from Watt's limp body.


ZM:"Cut the music. See Billy, I'm just doing what I have to do. You wanted proof that it's all or nothing, then you just got it. And for any other doubters out there that think I can't cut it...I've got news for you...I don't need you people bringing me down. I've got my fans...I've got my friends...and (deep breath) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH..."


JR:"Haha, you knew this was coming!"


ZM:"I looove.."


Big pop as Zack pauses.


ZM and fans simultaneously:"MYSELF!"


"Saved By The Bell" hits to another monster pop, and Zack Malibu drops the mic and goes strutting up the ramp.


A cameraman and interviewer (Michael Cole of course…) stands outside the Board of Directors meeting room. In a matter of seconds, Big Poppa Popick comes out and closes the door behind himself.


Michael Cole: Big Poppa, what just took place?


Big Poppa Popick: Well Coleslaw, the Board of Directors is trying to figure out what to do with Tony and CWM suspended. Now we can't do anything about any papers CWM already signed, we just hope we know all of em and that there are no more. I can't believe Tony let those slip by, but then again, both CWM and I were abusing our power back then. Now, it's different and things have to change.


MC: Like what?


BPP: I'm going to take my job more seriously. You'll see me more backstage, with the wrestlers, making sure they're getting the matches and tv time they want and need to survive. I'm not going to wrestle as much, but when I do, you bet the roof is coming off the building, because then it will mean something. With the aWo disintegrated, now is the time to put some order into the OaOasT.


MC: What's first?


BPP: Both Zack Malibu and Alfdogg have requested a match with CWM. Well, I'm going to give that to them. They'll get the opportunity to team up together against CWM and his partner…TrebleCharged. I hope Zack and Alfdogg can put aside their differences and focus on that fact that they're getting exactly what they wanted. And Cole, that's all I have time for right now.


MC: Anything else?


BPP: Yeah, I think we have a new superstar in the OaOasT. I can't wait to meet him.


MC: Does it have anything to do with the counter we have seen tonight?


BPP: Well, the counter is around 20 right now, so I guess we will see…


Superstar defends the X-Title....NEXT!


X-Title Championship Match

2/3 Falls

NazMistry (challenger) vs. The SuperStar (Champion)


“Chop Suey” hits as NazMistry makes his way to the ring. Naz slides into the ring and poses for the fans. Naz believes that he was screwed out of his chance to win the X-Title at Ashes II Ashes, and wants to win it tonight.


“Just Got Wicked” hits as the crowd comes to its feet, as James Allen, the SuperStar, comes through the curtain with the X-Title high above his head! SS is the first ever OAOAST X-Title Champion, and he has made it clear that he has no intentions of losing the belt any time soon.

The bell rings, as Naz comes out of the corner and dropkicks SS in the left knee. SS almost drops to one knee, but manages to stand. Naz with stiff kicks to the back of SS’s left leg, which finally drops SS down to one knee. Naz plants one leg on SS’s knee, and nails SS in the back of the head with his other leg! Naz covers, 1…2…SS kicks out.

Naz pulls SS to his feet, grabs SS’s left leg, and hits a dragon screw! Naz immediately locks on a figure 4 leg lock, in the middle of the ring! SS looks around, sees that he is nowhere near the ropes, and decides to tap out!


Winner of the first fall: NazMistry in 2:13

Via: Submission, Figure 4 Leg Lock


The bell rings for the second fall, as Naz goes for another Figure 4. However, SS grabs Naz and takes him over with an inside cradle, 1…2…3!


Winner of the second fall: SuperStar in 2:18

Via: Pinfall, Inside Cradle


The bell rings for the third fall, as both men get to their feet. Naz rushes and goes for another dropkick to the knee, but SS sidesteps and drops an elbow on Naz. SS pulls Naz to his feet and shoots Naz into the ropes, but ducks his head to soon and Naz gets a sunset flip, 1…2…SS kicks out.

Naz immediately goes for SS’s left leg, but SS kicks Naz in the head with his right leg. SS goes for a cover, 1..2…Naz kicks out. SS goes for a chinlock, but Naz quickly moves to the ropes.

SS to his feet, but Naz jumps up and takes SS over with a hurricarana and hooks the legs, 1…2…SS kicks out. SS slowly up, and SS goes for another hurricarana, but SS blocks. SS holds Naz up for a powerbomb, but Naz spins on SS’s shoulder and goes for a victory roll, but SS blocks and pins Naz’s legs to his shoulders, 1…2….Naz kicks out.

Naz is slow to get up, as SS hooks him up and delivers the Upper Class! SS covers, 1…2…Naz kicks out. SS hops onto the second rope, but Naz runs over and hits SS in the stomach. Naz grabs SS’s left leg, and dragon screws him off the second rope! SS holds his leg, as Naz slaps the Figure 4 back on!

SS is in serious pain, as his left leg is hurting badly, and he can’t tap out now to save himself without losing the match and the X-Title. SS slowly begins to pull himself to the ropes. The crowd starts chanting and clapping and stomping for SuperStar, as he slowly pulls himself towards the ropes. Naz tries to prevent SS from moving, but is unable to do so. After about 90 seconds in the Figure 4, SS finally manages to grab the ropes!

Naz lets go of the hold, and pulls SS up to his feet. He slaps SS to stun him, then grabs SS’s left leg for another dragon screw. However, SS hits Naz with an enzurgi! SS, on one leg, picks up Naz and tries to set him up for Star Power II, but can’t put enough weight on his left leg. Naz kicks SS in his left leg and DDT’s him.

Naz goes up to the top rope, but SS lunges at the ropes and manages to crotch Naz. SS hobbles over to the turnbuckle and places his left leg on the bottom rope. From the ground, SS grabs Naz and hooks him up, and takes Naz off the top rope with STAR POWER II! SS hobbles over and makes the cover, 1…2….3!


Winner of the third fall and the match: SuperStar in 8:34 (Still Champion)

Via: Pinfall, Star Power II


SS rolls out of the ring, and limps up the ramp, holding the X-Title above his head. First successful defense for SuperStar, what will happen next?


JR: Well Folks we have a brand new sponser...OAT TOAST~! Here's a word from the OAT TOAST Spokesman...Treble Charged!


TC: I've got a HUNDRED MILLION REASONS why OAT TOAST is GREATTTT! I'd tell you but It's a 30 second spot....



::TC picks up a slice of fresh OAT TOAST and takes a bit out of it::


TC: MMM....now that's the food of a champion! Buy It today!


The counter is at 2:00! The newest star of the OaOasT debuts next!


The counter that has been running all night fills the screen. 10, 9, 8…all the way to 1 as the crowd stands. The lights go out, and then pyro explodes as "Rico Sauve" plays and the crowd stands, not knowing who this is. Out comes the newest member of the OaOasT, Y2Jailbait! He prances and struts all the way down the ring to grab a microphone.


Y2J: Welcome…too…Monday…Night…Jailbait! *the crowd laughs* Now maybe you all don't…


Y2Jailbait is cut off as "Sweetness" plays and a jovial Big Poppa Popick appears on the stage to the loudest pop of the night.


BPP: Baby, baby…welcome, but please…drop the gimmick


Y2J: Essa, What gimm…


BPP: C'mon now *BPP saunters to the ring* We all know that joker never wins the big one, and I'm sure you don't want to be associated with a loser…Rather, you want to be associated with winners, right?


Y2J: Well, of course homie…me mucho gusto ganarse?


BPP: *laughs* Junior…Do I look like a Junior son? As of a few minutes ago, I practically run this show… If you want something, you come to me. If you ask for something, you might just get it.


Y2J: Eh, holmes, quiero un match yo!


BPP: Fine, you've got one… *BPP motions for a referee to come down, and one does*


Y2J: Que es mi opponenta essa?


BPP: You do. What if I said…


BPP clocks Y2Jailbait with a right hand and grabs him as he falls. 4 seconds later, Y2Jailbait is introduced to the Synchronicity Bomb, and the ref slides in for the 3 count!


BPP: Welcome to the OaOasT son! Good luck to ya!


The crowd laughs and pops as BPP exits the stage, high-fiving fans as he leaves Y2Jailbait in the ring, both saddened and happy to finally be a part of this promotion.





Zack Malibu is walking and whistling the theme to Saved By the Bell, when CobainWasMurdered and TrebleCharged attack him from behind, nailing him with stereo TireIron shots… The beatdown forces Zack out into the parking lot, where CWM sends Zack headfirst into a parked Chrysler LeBaron!


At that moment, another car pulls up and out steps the current OaOasT champion, Alfdogg! He spies CWM and starts running toward him. CWM and TC take off, leaving Alfdogg and Zack alone in the parking lot. Alfdogg helps Zack up.


Alfdogg: We have business to take care of…mutual business. Follow me.


Zack looks dazed and confused, but walks off with Alfdogg, a most unlikely savior for Zack to have.


CobainWasMurdered and Treble Charged vs. Alfdogg & Zack Malibu


“Smells Like Teen Spirit” hits as CWM and TC make their way down to the ring. #1 contender to the OAOAST World Championship CWM is packing his trusty tire iron, as always. TC, with bandaged ribs, is with CWM, even after their little miscue that gave AngleSault the victory last night. TC is still at CWM’s side, but doesn’t seem as comfortable as before.

The Saved By The Bell theme hits as Zack Malibu makes his way down to the ring. Zack doesn’t seem too happy at all, as he has failed to obtain the OAOAST World Championship again. Having to team up with a man he has just gone to war with 24 hours ago cannot be too pleasing, as well.

“Kona Crush” hits, as OAOAST World Champion Alfdogg makes his way down to the ring. Alf, though he looks tired, is overjoyed at the fact that he managed to retain his OAOAST World Championship, over a very game Zack Malibu. However, now that the In Crowd and Deadly Alliance leaders have to team up, what will happen?

TC and Zack to start, TC throws a wild clothesline, Zack ducks and floors TC with a right cross. TC immediately crawls to his corner and tags in CWM. Zack and CWM both look shocked, as TC climbs out onto the apron, and CWM climbs into the ring. CWM points at Alf, and tells Zack to let Alf in, but Zack shakes his head no.

Zack and CWM go for a collar-and-elbow tie-up, but CWM hits a knee to the stomach instead. CWM pounds Zack with forearms to the chops, then shoots Zack off the ropes. CWM goes for a hip toss, Zack block, and reverses to nail CWM with a hip toss. CWM charges, and eats another hip toss. CWM back up, and gets taken over with an arm drag. Zack is right there and applies an arm bar.

CWM quickly fights his way to his feet. Zack shoots CWM into the ropes, and nails him with a clothesline. Zack scoops CWM up, brings CWM over to his corner, and reluctantly tags in Alf. Alf steps into the ring as Zack steps out, and immediately goes to work over CWM, nailing the Nirvana-loving junkie with nasty right hands.

Alf takes CWM out of the corner, whips him into the ropes, and catches him with a right hand as CWM rebounds. TC into the ring, and he gets hiptossed by Alf. CWM up, and clotheslined by Alf. TC gets clotheslined by Alf. Both CWM and TC exit the ring and decide to redo their strategy, as Alf stands on the middle turnbuckle and taunts.

Alf backs off, as CWM re-enters the ring. CWM points at Zack, and says he wants the In Crowd leader. Zack tags himself in and enters the ring, only for CWM to throw salt into his eyes! While Zack is blinded, CWM starts pounding away on him! TC tosses CWM a chair, and CWM blasts Zack across the back with the chair!

Zack is down, holding his back, while CWM tags in TC. Both men shoot Zack into the ropes, and hit him with a double flapjack! Zack is down and hurt, while the crowd boos TC and CWM!

TC starts stomping away at the back of Zack. TC grabs the chair and opens it up, then sits Zack down in the chair. TC runs the ropes, and dropkicks Zack square in the face, knocking Zack backwards and off the chair! Zack is down and hurt, while TC covers, 1…2…Alf breaks it up.

TC tags in CWM, as both men shoot Zack into the ropes. Both men with a boot to Zack’s stomach, then hook Zack up and deliver a double suplex! Zack is really hurt, as CWM locks on a rear chinlock.

Zack looks like he is about to go out, when the crowd starts stomping and cheering and all that @#%$. Zack manages to come back to life and makes his way to his feet. He hits CWM with two elbows to break the chinlock, but when Zack runs the ropes, TC nails him from behind. The crowd boos again, as CWM tags in TC.

CWM and TC shoot Zack into the ropes again, but Zack ducks a double-clothesline, then rebounds and clotheslines CWM and TC! All three men are down, as Zack is slowly making his way into the corner. Zack is crawling, crawling, finally manages to tag in Alfdogg! Alfdogg in and he is a house of fire!

Alf clotheslines TC. Clotheslines CWM. Shoots TC into the ropes and hits an AA Spinebuster! Shoots CWM into the ropes and hits an AA Spinebuster! CWM is down, which gives Zack the opportunity to scale the ropes and hit a Perfect Hair Swandive Headbutt! Zack covers, 1…2…TC breaks it up.

Zack and Alf work on TC, while CWM is down in his corner. Zack gets a running start, and takes both he and TC out of the ring with a cross-body block. The official looks at the action at ringside, while Alf turns around, INTO A TIRE IRON SHOT BY CWM! Alf is down, as CWM throws the tire iron out of the ring, gets the ref’s attention, and covers Alf, 1….2….3!


Winners: Treble Charged and CobainWasMurdered in 10:23

Via: Tire iron shot, CWM covers Alf


Post match, CWM clocks Zack with the tire iron as well. Both Alf and Zack are down, when BPP’s music hits and the man himself appears on stage!


“CWM, man, what the hell is wrong with you? You’ve done nothing but abuse your power ever since we gave you the commissioner’s job. Well, I’m happy with the Board of Director's decision regarding you. As of this very moment, I'm the only one who makes the matches around here!


CWM and TC looks on outraged from the ring. CWM is saying bad words, while TC looks stunned.


“Now, your title shot that you gave yourself for Excessive Force, we can’t change that. That you have. However, that will be the very last match you will make. You are still IZHD commissioner, but any matches you want to make have to go through the Board of Directors. In fact, CWM, if I were you, I’d turn around right now…”


CWM and TC turn around, only to be clotheslined out of the ring by Alf and Zack! The crowd cheers, as the In Crowd and Deadly Alliance leaders look on from the ring, while CWM and TC are on the outside!



---Major Props to Zack, Evenflow, Sandman, Greenmist, and CWM for their hard work

---More Props for Sandman, just cause


End of Show.

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