Guest alfdogg Report post Posted September 5, 2002 The Great Angle Bash pre-show (Crowd is cheering) JR: Fans, The Great Angle Bash is just minutes away. Tony "The Body" will broadcast that great event with me shortly. Right now as a special treat for those of you watching on the preview channel. We're going to have the newest OAOAST championship on the line. The Masked Mystery Eskimo with Derek the Fish -- will defend his newly crowned Television title against one of the newest wrestlers in the OAOAST, Risk. The OAOAST prides itself on bringing exciting television to you, the fans. For this match you are going to see a new exciting feature. We call it "Sounds of the Ring." You'll hear how the crowd and ring reacts to the hard-hitting action of the OAOAST. We hope you will enjoy it. But before we head to the ring. Let's hear some comments Eskimo made earlier today. ::The Eskimo is wearing his Televison Title. Derek, at his side, wears his own minature version.:: Eskimo: Risk, I know you hate gimmicks. And despite the irony that that is *your* gimmick, I know what you mean. Gimmicks *are* silly. They *are* unrealistic. But this is professional wrestling. Where would we all be today if it weren't for gimmicked wrestlers? Nowhere. No one wants to watch two nobodies fight. The fans want action. The fans want character. And godammit Risk, I have both for you, right here, tonight, at the Great Angle Bash, when you and your crummy gimmick will be crushed. Televison Champion? Never Risk, not while this Eskimo gimmick draws breath. ::The Eskimo walks off without Derek, who looks shocked. He's never seen the Eskimo this pissed off before.:: (Crowd pops) OAOAST TV Title match Risk vs. Mystery Eskimo Gary: Ladies and gentleman, this special contest on the preview channel is set for one fall and it is for the OAOAST Television championship! Metallica's "No Leaf Clover" starts up and Risk, the challenger, emerges from the crowd, running into the ring and saluting the fans to a mixed reception. Gary: In the ring is the challenger, from Parts Unknown, weighing 225 pounds, Risk! "Ice Ice Baby" beats out and out comes Mystery Eskimo, the Televison Champion, proudly wearing his belt as he sleds to the ring on his huskie pulled sleigh, with Derek by his side. Gary: His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Derek the Fish, from the depths of the artic -- the OAOAST Television champion, the Masked Mystery Eskimo! The match starts with a lock up, which Eskimo turns into an armbar. Risk rolls to escape but gets taken down with a pull clothesline. Eskimo picks Risk straight back up and hits a snap suplex, Eskimo covers but only gets one. Eskimo sets Risk for a short powerbomb, but Risk wriggles free, headbutts MME and connects with a running knee to Eskimo's head. Risk covers but he also only gets one. Risk pulls Eskimo up but Eskimo chops him. Risk chops back as the two men up the tempo. Eskimo wins the chop contest and Risk is driven back into the corner. Eskimo with a gutwrench gets two, and he goes for the FROSTBITE FACELOCK but Risk makes the ropes immediately. Eskimo releases Risk, who gets up and hits a bulldog on MME, who rolls out of the ring. Suddenly, the three Panda's run out, and whilst Risk distracts the ref, they stomp Eskimo down. The Pandas roll Eskimo back in and Risk slaps on a sleeper, but Eskimo with the jaw breaker to break the hold. Eskimo locks in the full nelson and hits a KillerWhalePlex, followed by two more, the third for the! Risk is out at 2 and 3/4. Eskimo picks Risk up and hits a belly to back suplex, but its Risk with a gouge to the eyes, followed by a DDT. Both men stay down as the crowd chants for MME and the Pandas try to cheer on Risk. Eskimo up first and goes for a PenguinKick, but Risk dodges and whips Eskimo into the corner, where he mounts the turnbuckle and starts the 10 punches...but Eskimo fights back, grabs Risk and walks forward, dropping him into a powerbomb! 1..2...NO! Risk kicks out again. Eskimo is up and hits a springboard dropkick for another two count. Eskimo again goes for the FROSTBITE, but this time one of the Pandas pulls his legs and forces him to break the hold. Eskimo tries to go after the Pandas but the ref stops him. Eskimo turns round into a Lou Thesz press from Risk, who punches away, a tear appearing in Eskimo's mask. Risk goes into a frenzy trying to pull it away and get rid of Eskimo's gimmick, but Eskimo fights him off, only to get a neckbreaker for two. Risk up to the top turnbuckle as the Eskimo pulls himself up, and hits a missile dropkick. Risk makes the, Eskimo out at two. Risk locks on the No Leaf Clover dragon sleeper! Eskimo is fading! The ref checks on MME, who tries to grab the ropes...the ref checks again...but Eskimo is fighting back with elbows, and Risk is forced to break the hold. Risk sets for his Running Tiger Palm but as he charges at Eskimo he gets taken down into the FROSTBITE for the third time, and now its in the centre of the ring. The Pandas try to get in, but Eskimo's huskies now have them cornered. Eskimo screams as he wrenches Risk back...Risk trying to grab something, anything...he grabs the refs shirt...Risk taps! Gary: The winner of the match, by submission, and still OAOAST Televison Champion, Mystery ESKIMO! Eskimo grabs his belt and holds it high in triumph as Risk lies on the mat. The Pandas are chased away by the Huskies. "Simply Ravishing" hits over the speakers as the crowd going wilds. JR: Great contest featuring two of the youngest and exciting OAOAST Superstars. As you can see...Tony "The Body" is making his way to ringside. Tony, any comments as we head into The Great Angle Bash? Tony: It's finally here, Jim Ross. I belive we'll see some great action tonight. Don't forget the announcement we'll have from the Board of Directors, concerning the opening match on the Bash. JR: Fans, a very important program note. As we told you on WCW last night. Starting this Monday night the OAOAST goes into a new television format. The Intense Zone & HeldDOWN! will happen on the same night! Hour 1 is the Intense Zone. Hour 2 is HeldDOWN! With that out of the way. Sit back and enjoy. The Great Angle Bash is next! ::Bad ass patriotic music plays.:: Narrator: "Tonight on The Great Angle Bash -- you will see history in the making. The OAOAST will crown it's new World Tag Team Champions. After a tag team tournament was held on the Intense Zone & HeldDOWN! The In Crowd will face the Deadly Alliance in the first semi-final match. The Odd Couple will meet the aWo 4 eva in the second semi-final match. The winners of those two matches will meet in the Finals to determine the new World Tag Team Champions. A unification match will also take place tonight. The Intercontinental & HardKore titles will be unified into the brand new $20,000, United States championship belt. After nearly becoming crippled at AngleSlam due to tonights challenger for the World Heavyweight title, Caboose -- throwing World Champion, Anglesault, 30 feet off the top of the Hell In A Cell...Attacking Anglesault in the hospital. Tonight these two men will finally a Prince of Darkness match. Their heads will be covered by hoods making them blind throughout the match. All that and more! It's The Great Angle Bash!" ::A huge pyro display inside the arena.:: (Crowd is cheering wildly) JR: Welcome to The Great Angle Bash! Hi, again, everybody! We're live from the AngleDome in Pittsburgh. -- I'm Jim Ross, ringside with Tony 'The Body'. "Body," 70,000 fans are here tonight. Making this the largest OAOAST ever. Tony: That's incredible! The night we've been waiting for, Jim Ross -- has finally arrived. The Great Angle Bash! This will be the first time ever, a OAOAST PPV will have commentary throughout the whole show. I can't wait. JR: That's right, Tony. We're happy to be bringing this to you. Fans, before we went on the air the OAOAST Board of Directors made a huge announcment concerning the tag title tournament, and most importantly, our first semi-final match between the Deadly Alliance & In Crowd. There have been rumors both teams who are allies were thinking of a plan to avoid wrestling each other. Well, after the announcement from the Board of Directors...they must wrestle each other. If they don't make physical contact with each other -- both teams will be disqualified from the tournament. (Crowd cheers) If that happens...then our second semi-final match between the Odd Couple & the aWo 4 eva -- will be for the OAOAST Tag Team Championship. (Crowd goes wild) No screwjobs from the D.A. & In Crowd. Tony: What kind of a rule is that? They would of gone at it. This is for the tag titles. JR: The Board of Directors made a great decision with that ruling. Tony: I think it's horrible. JR: Let's take a look at the brackets. Intense Zone bracket #1 In Crowd d. #4 Totally Awesome #2 D.A. d. #3 Dungeon of Doom HeldDOWN! bracket #1 aWo 4 eva d. #4 Unlikely Duo #3 Odd Couple d. #2 Dungeon of Doom JR: With that out of the way...It's time for our opening match. Let's go to the ring with Gary Michael Capetta. Gary: Ladies & Gentlemen, the following contest on The Great Angle Bash is the Intense Zone semi-final match to decided who advances to the finals to decided the new OAOAST World Tag Team Champions! It is set for one fall. OAOAST Tag Team Title Tournament: Intense Zone semi-finals In Crowd vs. Deadly Alliance Nada Surf, "Popular" hits. Gary: Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Allison -- EvenflowDDT & Zack Malibu...The In Crowd! (Mix reaction from the fans) Out come Zack Malibu and EvenflowDDT w/Allison. Both members look very confident and hit the ring ropes running... JR: The In Crowd look confident. Tony: Of course they do. They're cool. Stroke 9, "Kick Some Ass" plays over the arena speakers. Gary: Their opponents, representing the Deadly Alliance -- Alfdogg & Big Poppa Popick! (Crowd boos) Big Poppa Popick and Alfdogg come down to the ring. They enter and shake the In Crowd hands. The Bell Rings. * DING * JR: Both teams shake hands. Zack and BPP stare at each other in the ring. With a old gesture of "Too Sweet," Zack hits the dreaded FINGERPOKE OF DOOM on Big Poppa Popick! BPP falls down and Alfdogg gestures like he's very upset. JR: What the hell is that? Tony: This is brilliant! Big Poppa said the In Crowd would make it to the finals, and he was right. Like always. HAHAHA! The Ref with the count...1...2...3! (Crowd boos) * DING * DING * DING * DING * DING * Gary: The winners of the match, by pinfall, advancing to THE FINALS, THE IN CROWD! The crowd starts chanting ASS-HOLES! ASS-HOLES! ASS-HOLES! ::OAOAST officials run out to confront the D.A. & In Crowd.:: JR: Here come OAOAST officials. ::Camera picks up BPP saying we needed to make contact, and we did.:: Tony: What for? The rules stated both teams needed to make physical contact...And that's what they did. JR: A fingerpoke? Tony: It was contact! JR: The Deadly Alliance & In Crowd fooled us all. The In Crowd advance to the finals to meet the aWo 4 eva or the Odd Couple. Tony: That was only our first match. It looks like we're in for one helluva night! Don't forget, one half of the Odd Couple, Treble Charged is also in the "Miss OAOAST" competition. JR: That's next. Fans, take a look at this. ----Ad for the Intense Zone "Watch the most INTENSE show on Mondays! It's OAOAST Intense Zone! Every Monday night at 8 p.m. If it isn't on the Intense Zone...then it isn't INTENSE! JR: The Miss OAOAST competition is next. Tony: I'm pissed off, Jim Ross! How does Michael Cole get the job to host the competition? I won't be able to get an up close and personal look at Molly. Does he even like women? JR: Let's go to Michael Cole. Michael: Thanks, Jim & Tony. Fans, are you ready for the Miss OAOAST competition? (Crowd cheers) The rules are simple. We have three very special guest judges who are glaad to be here. At the end of the thrid competition -- the judges will vote on who the winner is. They will vote based on fan reaction. So be loud. For you fans at home. You to can be part of this in two ways. First by dialing our 900 number at 1-900-4-OAOAST. A $1.50 for each call. Kids get your parents permission before calling. Second by logging on to out website and voting online. The first part of the competiton is an evening gown contest. Coming out first is the lovely and talent TC! (Crowd boos) ::TC comes out wearing make up and a blonde wig.:: JR: Maybe he's taking this a little too seriously. Tony: Why not go for it all? I mean, if you're going to do something like might as well try to win the damn thing. Michael: TC is wearing a red evening gown made by his Mother. As you can see -- the gown hits him very tight, allowing for some groin shots. (Cole smiles while the crowd boos loudly) Michael: Up next is Molly. (Crowd cheers) Molly is wearing a very classy pink evening gown. Which makes her look pretty in pink. Fans, who looks better in the evening gown? TC? (Crowd boos) Or Molly? (Massive pop) Round 2 will take place after the Tower of Doom Cage match. Back to Jim & Tony at ringside! JR: In cased you missed it. You can vote online at the OAOAST website or dial the number that will appear on your screen shortly. Tony: JR, I'm going to make a quick call on my cell phone so I can vote for Molly. I'll even let you use it so you can vote for TC. JR: Why would I do that? Tony: Because the women is Oklahoma look like men. JR: That's not true. Miss OAOAST 1-900-4-OAOAST $1.50 per call. Kids get your parents permission before calling. JR: Our next match is a No DQ -- Hair vs. Hair match. Let's go to the ring. No DQ: Hair vs. Hair match BigMcLargeMcHuge vs TheSoleSurvior ::Camera shows a barbers chair set up on the ramp.:: The APA theme hits. Gary: The following contest is a No DQ -- Hair vs. Hair match! Coming to the ring, TheSoleSurvivor! (Mixed reaction) The Sole Survivor arrogantly strolls to ringside, stopping to argue with a fan with a "Deadly Alliance Sux" sign. JR: TSS is having a problem with a fan at ringside. Tony: You could be bald by the end of the night. Suddenly Big rushes out from behind the fan and nails TSS with a series of chops which knock TSS to the floor. JR: Oh, Big jumped out behind the fan and is attacking TSS. * DING * DING * Tony: CHEATER! The ring bell indicates the start of the match as BML moves in to stomp on TSS, but TSS rolls aside and comes up with a rake to Big's eyes and a kick to the gut. TSS whips Big into the guard rail, and then up into the ring. JR: The match is finally headed in the ring. Tony: It's No DQ. They could fight where ever they want. The Survivor follows him in, picking up BML and delivering a stiff snap suplex. JR: Big impact from the snap suplex by TSS. TSS picks up Big again and whips him into the ropes, but Big ducks the boot and cradles TSS for a 2 count. Angry, TSS scoops BML up into a fallaway slam and goes straight back after Big with a fistdrop that earns TSS a 2.5 count. Frustrated, TSS goes to a turnbuckle and takes away the covering. But as he does this Big is up and drives TSS's head into the exposed metal from behind. TSS is busted open as Big takes advantage and traps TSS into a Mexican Surfboard. JR: TSS is busted open after Big drove his head into the exposed turnbuckle. Tony: This is Big's to win, now. TSS shouts in pain but after 20 second manages to break the hold. Big covers for two, before sliding out to the floor and bringing in a chair. JR: Big has a chair and I don't think he's going to use it to sit down. BML goes to hit TSS with the chair, but TSS hits a drop toe hold and Big loses the chair. TSS plants Big with a DDT and collects the chair himself, proceeding to waffle Big with it, and now BML too is bleeding. JR: MY GAWD!! What chair shots by TSS! Tony: Big is bleeding, Ross. JR: Like a hog! TSS! BML kicks out, just. TSS picks up Big and goes into the rolling german suplexes, hitting 3 before holding on for the! Big kicks out again. TSS stomps away in anger. He puts the chair on BML's left arm and leg drops it. And again. The chair is back on the arm yet again, and this time TSS is up on the top turnbuckle, coming off with a fist drop onto the chair and Big's arm. But the impact hurts TSS's arm, and both men are down. JR: TSS took a chance with that fist drop. Now he's paying the price. Both men are down. Big uses the ropes to haul himself to his feet, but TSS is up first and throws Big out of the ring, following. TSS graps the steel steps and smashes BML over the head with it. TSS picks up BML and motions that he's going to give Big a Bradshaw Bomb onto the steps! TSS tries to haul Big up, but he reverses the Bradshaw Bomb into a face buster onto the steps! But Big too hits the steps and both men are down again, and the blood is starting to flow. Tony: What a match, Ross. The blood is flowing like water. Tell the local blood bank we'll have a couple of pints to give. Big is up and hits TSS with a flying forearm, sending TSS crashing into the ring post. Big motions for TSS to get up, and as he does goes for a KICK WHAM - no! TSS pushes BML away and spears him to the ground. The two men exchange punches on the floor and TSS tries to choke out BML, but Big is choking TSS too, and after a minute both men are groggy and each let go. JR: Both men were choking each other. Can somebody make the cover now that both men are down? Big crawls over for a 2 count. TSS lays an arm across Big, also for two. The crowd chants for BML as both men struggle to beat the ref's ten count. TSS is up at 8 and back in the ring. Big follows only to get stomped down again. TSS brings a table into the ring and sets Big up for a suplex through it. But Big blocks and lets loose a flurry of jabs onto TSS's chest. Big goes up to the top rope,signalling for the moonsault, but TSS is back up and knocks the top rope so that BML crotches himself. JR: Big won't be having any fun with the ladies tonight after that. Tony: That's great news! It's leaves more women for me. HAHAHA!! TSS staggers over and climbs the turnbuckle, trying for a superplex. Big resists but TSS rakes his eyes again and hooks in the superplex...and both men go through the table! The ref counts both men to 8 again before both are up. TSS tosses pieces of broken table at BML in anger. The two men go after each other with chops and punches, but both are visibly weakend. JR: The match has taken it's toll on both men -- who are visibly tired. BML hits a floatover DDT for two, then picks up the chair. But TSS with a leg sweep and body slam on the chair.! Tony: Not even a body slam on the chair was able to put away TSS. It's going to take a high risk, high impact move to end it. TSS pulls Big up and goes for the Bradshaw Bomb onto the chair...and hits it! 1...2...3! NO! BML kicks out at the very last second! TSS is furious! He sets Big for ANOTHER Bradshaw Bomb, but Big converts it into a hurricanrana! Big with the cover for 2, but TSS kicks out easily and is first up. He whips Big into the ropes, going for his big clothesline finisher, but Big ducks and rolls TSS up for two...TSS reverses the cradle for two, BML re-reverses for another 2. JR: What action is taking place! And you can only see this in the OAOAST!! Both men spring up but TSS gives BML the finger and hits a KICK WHAM STUNNER!, stealing BML's move. TSS covers but Big rolls him through and gets a 2 3/4 count! JR: GOOD GAWD!! Not even a Stunner could put Big away. TSS lowblows Big and goes for the chair again, but its Big with a kick to the guts. TSS drops the chair and Big dropkicks him onto the exposed turnbuckle. TSS staggers back and Big hits the TIGER DRIVER 91 onto the chair! JR: GOOD GAWD!! GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTLY!!! TIGER DRIVER 91!! Tony: It has to be over now. Big falls onto TSS...1...2...3! BML has done it! TSS is out cold! * DING * DING * DING * DING * JR: What a match! Gary: Ladies & gentlemen, the winner of the match, BigMcLargeHuge! TheSoleSurivor must have his head shaved bald. (Crowd is cheering both men) Tony: The crowd are giving these two men a well deserved round of applause, Jim Ross. JR: Great to see that. ::Big helps TSS up.:: Tony: What's with this? ::Big shakes TSS's hand to a loud pop.:: JR: Great sportsmanship from these two studs. ::TSS & Big go to the barbers chair.:: Tony: Here it goes, Ross. JR: TSS is about to have his head shaved bald. ::The GAB theme music starts playing:: ::Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake comes out to a pop.:: Tony: Look who's here. (Laughs) JR: It's Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake. You never know what will happen on a love OAOAST event. ::Beefcake shaves TSS bald.:: JR: There you go. TSS is now bald. But it looks like he's develop respect for BigMcLargeHuge. Our last semi-final match is next. It's the Odd Couple vs. CobainWasMurdered & Some Guy -- the aWo 4 eva. But first take a look at this great offer from OAOAST Home Entertainment. ----Commerical ad for the AngleMania & AngleSlam VHS & DVD video "Its finally arrived! AngleMania & AngleSlam are now on home video. See WarGames, the Stairway to Heaven match, and so much more. Both videos are $49.95 or $19.95 each. Buy in the next 10 minutes and receive a replica OAOAST World title. If you buy both videos, you'll receive a glow in the dark Anglesault condom, shaped like his head. Now you too can be like the champ. It's the VHS & DVD video of AngleMania & AngleSlam! Must be 18 years or older to order. Call today or mail a check or money order payable to: OAOAST P.O. Box 469 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Or Call 1-800-4-OAOAST Have your credit or debit card ready. But order today!! ::The D.A. & In Crowd are shown backstage.:: BPP: Guys, tonight I'm doing somethings that's going to make people ask "Why BPP Why?" Remember one thing...we're here to win all the gold! And remember one thing, we're like family. JR: I wonder what he's talking about. Anyway, fans, the semi-finals of the HeldDOWN portion of the tag tournament is next. The number one ranked team in the HeldDOWN tournament, the aWo 4 eva, CobainWasMurdered & Some Guy vs. the number 3 ranked HeldDOWN team, Treble Charged & the first ever OAOAST Television champion, The Masked Mystery Eskimo. Any predicitions, Tony? Tony: This is a toss up. The aWo have been together longer than TC & Eskimo. TC is involved in the Miss OAOAST. So who knows where his heads it. I'll go with the aWo 4 eva. OAOAST Tag Team Title Touranment: HeldDOWN! semi-finals Odd Couple vs. aWo 4 eva Gary: The following contest is the second half of the OAOAST tag team title tournament. It is set for one fall. Introducing first, from Brockville, Ontario, Canada -- Treble Charged! His partner from the depths of the artic, accompanied to the ring by Derek the Fish, The Masked Mystery Eskimo! (Crowd boos) TrebleCharger, "Brand New Low" begins and the unique tag-team of The Mystery Eskimo and TrebleChargd enter the ring to a mix of cheers and boos. TC is dressed in normal garb this time, while Eskimo still has Derek with him. The aWo Porno blares and the screen goes red, white, and blue as the aWo tag team of CobainWasMurdered and SomeGuy come Struting! Out. The crowd stands and cheers as they make their way to the ring. Gary: Their opponents, representing the aWo, Some Guy & CobainWasMurdered -- the aWo 4 eva! (Big pop) The two teams face off, and we're on! CobainWasMurdered and TrebleCharger start out. CWM with a whip and a jump over to a RussianLegSweep. CWM whips TC and hits him with a Big BUTT Splash! Tony: Hitting somebody with your ass? I haven't seen that in a while. CWM brings TrebleCharger over to the aWo corner and theres the tag. They combine to stomp a massive mudhole into TC. (Crowd pops) JR: Tag made to Some Guy. Both men stomping the hell out of TC in the corner! Tony: I'm sure somewhere in the back, Anglesault is enjoying this. JR: Cut back on the insider references will ya. TC up and hits a desperation manhattan drop and subsequent clothesline on SomeGuy. TC goes for the cover, but SG kicks out at 1! JR: TC gets a one count. Tony: TC & Eskimo are the underdogs in this match. So it makes sense to go for quick covers. Try to catch the aWo off-guard. TC tags in Eskimo and TME hits a big clothesline on SomeGuy. SG tries a counter coming up from the mat..but Eskimo slaps in the Cold Sleep (Dragon Sleeper). Eskimo whips SomeGuy into the turnbuckle and hits a running bulldog off of it. Eskimo rolls outside and pulls SG out with him. JR: They're going outside the ring. This could be very dangerous. TC with a big choketoss to CWM. But SG hits a Belly to Back suplex on Eskimo! But wait, from the crowd comes one very pissed off BPP. Holding his fake HardKore Title belt -- BPP jumps to the top turnbuckle and heads downward...beltshoting Eskimo! BPP stands over Eskimo, spits on him, and hops back into the crowd as the aWo see him. JR: Hey, Big Poppa Popick attacked Eskimo with that fake HardKore title. Meanwhile, back in the ring. TC with a hiptoss into a sidebuster. TC goes up top for risky move, but the Referee rings the bell! JR: What happened? Gary LADIES AND GENTLEMAN, AS A RESULT OF A COUNT-OUT, THE WINNERS OF THE MATCH...The aWo! (Crowd pop) Tony: Oh, the aWo got the win. Eskimo got counted out after BPP hit him with that belt. JR: Well, fans, that means later on tonight, it's the In Crowd vs. the aWo 4 eva to decided the new OAOAST tag team champions. Tony: I'm going with the In Crowd. JR: The Tower of Doom cage match is next. ---Ad for HeldDOWN! ::Guy sitting on a chair.:: Voice: "You say you're bored? Well, we're not friends! And we are really survivors! That isn't must see TV. THIS IS!! ::Huge brawl from last weeks WCW is shown.:: HeldDOWN! Now on Monday nights. This IS really must see TV!!!" JR: The Tower of Doom cage match is next. Tony: JR, this match is sooooo crazy, the OAOAST brought in Michael Buffer to do the intros. * DING * Michael Buffer: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! We will now lower the Tower of Doom cage for the following event here at the Great Angle Bash. [image][/image] Tony: There it is, Jim Ross. JR: What a sight. Michael: This match will end when one man from one team submits or the entire team dies. And now for the few in attendance, and the dozens of Smarks reading this event. Ladies and Gentlemen! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLets Get Ready to RrrrrrrrrumbllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!" The Dungeon laugh is heard, and it breaks into the Ministry theme. One by one Buffer introduces the Dungeon of Doom as they step out. Buffer: "And now Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the most dangerous stable that has ever existed in the OAOAST, the Dungeeon of Dooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!! Introducing first, a man who needs no introduction, he is the most evil, and cruel smart mark ever to exist, from the Iron Gates of Hell; here is the Taskmaster, Mario Alan Logan! Following behind him, the Taskmaster's right hand, and the other smart mark in the stable, here's the Devilman, Jingus! Next in line, from some unknown part of the planet. Considered to be the most dangerous Martial Artist ever to enter the "Mortal Kombat" tournament, here is Suuub-Zeeeeeeeeeeeerrroooooooooo!!! Behind him, from the corrupt minds of Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff, he weighs 518 pounds, and is also known as the hideous beast with four names, here is John "Sharkolgalanchequake" Tenta! Behind that freak, here is another one. The most silent, and heaviest murderer in all of Horror films history, he has killed over 65 people on Halloween night, here is Michael "The Shape" Myers! Here is another murdering freak, the man who murdered over 10,000 children in their sleep. He owns your dreams, here is Freddyy Kruegerrrrrr!!!!!! Behind him, the man behind the Hockey Mask. He resides at the bottom of Crystal Lake, and has killed 226 people with his hands. Here is Jason Voorhees. And last, but certainly not least. The largest Dungeon member allowed to wrestle, he stands at over eight feet tall, and weighs over a half-ton. Here is the man of various parts, Frankenstein's Monster!!!!!" Mario, Sub-Zero, and John Tenta enter the top cage. The Faces of Fear go into the middle cage. The Monster, and Jingus enter the bottom cage. Strangely Deebo, and Bane are no where to be seen. Hmmmmmmmmm.... Tony: I feel like an extra on the movie "Night of the living dead." "Five Minutes Alone" hits. Sandman and the Greenmist step out together with canes in their hands. Michael: "And now the two men who are either the bravest or stupidest in the OAOAST. I mean, come on, who in their right minds would take on the entire Dungeon of Doom, especially with Deebo and Bane lurking around the building somewhere. Here are Sandman 9000 and the Greenmist." Tony: I agree with Buffer. These guys are crazy. The two competitors enter the stairway that leads to the top. The Faces of Fear silently taunt the two men and they are going up. The two men take a break as they reach the door at the top, they take a deep breath and rush in as the ref locks the door behind them. * DING * JR: Here we go. Tenta and Sub-Zero attack the two men. The Taskmaster taunts them with the key that takes them to the middle cage. Tenta pounds on the Sandman, while Sub-Zero unleashes unseen kicks on Greenmist, but Mist counters with a Tazz-like suplex (which is not ultra cool, Treble!. Greenmist springboards off of the cage, and dropkicks Tenta in the face. The two men attack Tenta with the canes, Sub-Zero kicks Sandman in the back of the head as he recovers. Mist turns around and swings the cane at Sub-Zero, but misses, the Taskmaster comes in and puts Greenmist in the "Eternal Damnation!" Mist swings backwards, and knocks the Taskmaster off. Sandman and Greenmist repeatedly cane the Taskmaster, until John Tenta does a running drop kicks, which knocks both men down, and shakes the cage. JR: My God! There's so much action, how do you call it all? Tony: Easy. You don't. Mist, and the Sandman cane Tenta in the nuts while they are down, knocking the big man out. Sub-Zero goes for a flying kick, but misses when both men duck, knocking out the Taskmaster. Greenmist sprays Sub-Zero with the mist, and knocks him out with the cane. JR: MIST TO THE EYES! Tony: What's the Sandman doing? Sandman grabs the key from the Taskmaster, and unlocks the door. Both men grab their canes and rush downstairs. Greenmist sees the key attached to Jason's mask, and he runs at the undead man, taking it away and unlocking the door. The Shape catches the Sandman with a powerslam, as Freddy locks the doors. Greenmist is now trapped at the bottom with Jingus, and the Monster. JR: Greenmist is in trouble. Greenmist realizes that he dropped the cane at the second cage, he does a handspring elbow in an attempt to knock down the Giants in the bottom level. Jingus catches Greenmist and punishes him with the Psycho-driver. Meanwhile, the Faces of Fear are pounding on the Sandman with his own canes, Freddy stabs Sandman every few seconds. Tony: Sandman is losing lots of blood. The two Giants stomp Greenmist, while he is crawling to the corner. The Monster walks on Mist's now broken body. Jingus picks him up and claw slams him into the mat. JR: The Dungeon have control of the match. The Shape and Jason take turns punishing the Sandman with Chokeslams from Hell. Freddy orders the other two Faces to hold up the Sandman. Freddy goes for a cane shot, but Sandman counters with a kick to the groin. Jason, and the Shape resume using their chokeslams on the Sandman, which shakes the structure. The Monster goes for the AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHTHECHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on Greenmist, but he counters by grabbing the top of the bottom level, which brings down the second level. JR: What a chokeslam! The power of an atomic bomb only without the deadly effects. The Faces of Fear, and the Sandman fall on the Monster, and Jingus, knocking them out. Freddy lands on the Shape, and the Sandman lands on Freddy. Sandman recovers, and hits the Edgecrusher, on Freddy, just to keep him down. The Sandman and the Greenmist duck, as Jason attempts a Double Clothesline from Hell, which causes him to crash through the cage. Greenmist, and the Sandman go to the outside, and pick up chairs, they deliver multiple Con-Chairtoes to Jason, who finally drops after ten of them. They continue to attack Jason after he goes down. JR: JASON IS DOWN! JASON IS DOWN! Both men celebrate, but it's cut short when the In Crowd runs in from the audience. JR: What's the In Crowd doing here. Tony: Judging from what happen last night on WCW -- the In Crowd may be out here to hurt Sandman a little more. EvenflowDDT hits a DDT on Greenmist, while Zack hits the Trendsetter on the Sandman. The Superstar, goes up to the top and hits a 450 splash on both men. The Taskmaster recovers, and calls for his surprise. JR: Now WHAT is the Taskmaster doing? Deebo, and Bane come in as the In Crowd is leaving. Deebo puts Mist in the bearhug, as Bane does the same to the Sandman. Both men are tossed back into the cage, and are assaulted by the Faces of Fear and the Monster. Tenta, and Sub-Zero come down to join in on the assault. The Monster recovers and hits the AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHTHEDOUBLECHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!! on both men. Tenta does the running sit down to both men. Sub-Zero, and the Taskmaster try to revive Jingus. JR: Jingus is a little out of it. Jingus recovers and claw slams his master. Tony: Whoa! He's attacking the Taskmaster. The Dungeon stops the beat down and turns to look at Jingus. Deebo rushes in and attacks Jingus first, but Jingus manages to fight back, Bane steps in to help, but is knocked for his efforts. The Monster is taken out by Jingus also, but Jason knock Jingus out of the cage with the clothesline from Hell. The entire Dungeon fights Jingus in the entrance way. Jingus defeats two Dungeon members, by knocking out Deebo with a brick that just happens to be laying there, then he unplugs Bane, shrinking him into a tiny man. The Faces of Fear bring Jingus down, and make a bloody mess out of him, while the rest join in. JR: Jingus attacked the Dungeon, but now he's paying the price for it. Greenmist and the Sandman recover. Sub-Zero goes for a kick, but is blinded by the mist, and knocked out. Both men attack Tenta again, and take him out. The Taskmaster recovers and the Greenmist sees him, and sprays him with the Mist. Sandman goes under the ring, and grabs his trusty mop. The Sandman hits the 666 mop shot on the Taskmaster, and starts rubbing the barbed wire on the Taskmaster until he submits. * DING * DING * DING * DING * DING JR: The Dungeon has been defeated. ::The Wizard steps out as we go to Gary.:: Gary: The winners of the Tower of Doom cage match...Sandman9000 & Greenmist! (Crowd pops) Wizard: "This is not over you to, but you may leave. We will claim one casualty, and sacrifice him to our lord and Master, Sambaing!" Druids come out with a cross. They take Jingus and nail him to it, the Greenmist, and the Sandman go to help, but are intercepted by the In Crowd. JR: Oh, my God! What are they doing? Tony: Looks like the Devilman will pay for his sins. JR: This is going too far. STOP THIS DAMMIT! The Cross starts to float, as the aWo rushes out to fight the In Crowd. JR: Here come the aWo...I guess to help Jingus. The Prince of Darkness storms out, and smashes the Wizard, he grabs the Sandman and Greenmist and tosses them into the cage. The two men can't handle the Supernatural disaster that's mauling them in the cage. The aWo breaks away from the In Crowd, and tries to attack the Great One. They are all tossed aside, and the Prince of Darkness starts shaking both men like toys. CWM, takes out a remote, and pushes a red button. Tony: What's that remote for, Ross? JR: I have no clue. The roof opens up, revealing sunlight, the Great One catches fire, and turns into ashes. The Taskmaster recovers, and takes JR's candy jar, he puts the ashes in the jar, and runs off. He orders the Dungeon and the In Crowd to attack the aWo. JR: This is beyond weird. The aWo fight the In Crowd and the Dungeon all the way to the back. Sandman and the Greenmist celebrate in the ring, and "Five Minutes Alone!" plays. JR:<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><b> Well this fight has been taken to the back... ::OAOAST officials break up the fight.:: <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><b> T</b><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></b><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> The officials have broken up the fight. JR: If that wasn't wild enough. It's about to get wilder, as round two of the Miss OAOAST competition is about to begin. Let's go to Michael Cole. Cole: And now it's time for the talent round of the MISS OAOAST competition! Please welcome back, representing the aWo, QUEEEEEEN MOLLY! (Crowd cheers) (Da Right Angle Plays as Molly steps up to the stage.) Cole: Molly, what is your special talent? Molly: Well, I have a vast knowledge of facts pertaining to Sri Lanka. Cole: Okay. Molly: Sri Lanka. Occupied by the Portuguese in the 16th century and the Dutch in the 17th century, the island was ceded to the British in 1802. As Ceylon it became independent in 1948; its name was changed in 1972. Tensions between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil separatists erupted in violence in the mid-1980s. Tens of thousands have died in an ethnic war that continues to fester. Tony: Ross, doesn't Molly look attrative when she's talking about these wondeful facts? JR: Do you even know what's she saying? Tony: That isn't important, Ross. She just looks great. Molly: Population: 19,408,635 (July 2001 est.) However, since the outbreak of hostilities between the government and armed Tamil separatists in the mid-1980s, several hundred thousand Tamil civilians have fled the island; as of mid-1999, approximately 66,000 were housed in 133 refugee camps in south India, another 40,000 lived outside the Indian camps, and more than 200,000 Tamils have sought refuge in the West. Cole: Okay.. Molly: Country name: Conventional long form: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Conventional short form: Sri Lanka. Former: Serendib, Ceylon. Government type: Republic. Capital: Colombo; note - Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte is the legislative capital. Administrative divisions: 8 provinces; Central, North Central, North Eastern, North Western, Sabaragamuwa, Southern, Uva, Western; note - North Eastern province may have been divided in two - Northern and Eastern. Independence: 4 February 1948 (from UK)... Cole: Hey, look at the time, it's Treble Cleft's turn! (Crowd boos) Tony: SHUT UP YOU FOOL!! I want to hear, and especially more of Molly. Hey, isn't the Bikini contest next? JR: Yes, Jerry Lawler. Tony: PUPPIES! (No Chance in Hell hits as Treble Charged makes his way to the Podium) Cole: And TC, what is YOUR special talent? TC: I sing and dance to the YMCA. Cole: Oh, yeah! I'm going to love this! (The Music hits and Treble Charged starts dancing and singing horribly. While Cole looks like he's getting turned on.) TC: Young man, there's no need to feel down You..ahhh! (Treble Charged falls off the stage.) Cole: Well, I guess that does it for round two. Fans, what did you think? Molly? (Big pop) TC? (Loud boos) Remember you can vote online at the OAOAST website, and by this phone number that will appear shortly on your screen. 1-900-4-OAOAST $1.50 per call. Must be over 18. Kids get your parents permission before calling. Tony: Jim Ross, Molly has this competiton locked up. Wasn't her talent great? JR: Yeah. Our next match is the unification match for the United States championship, as we found out two weeks ago on WCW. Before we head to the ring...take a look at this. ----Ad for WCW home video "What's a matter? Wrestling isn't good enough for you on Monday or Thrusday? Well, that's changed! See hard-hitting, mat pounding action, smash mouth wrestling, with Jim Ross & Tony "The Body." It's World Championship Wrestling -- the home video! Never before seen matches! Exclusive interviews! It's all in WCW -- the home video." JR: Tony, our next match is the unification match between Alfdogg & Evenflow DDT. Before we go to Gary, let's hear some comments the Intercontinetal champion, Alfdogg made earlier tonight. Alfdogg: Well well...tonight's the night. And I can't wait. Because tonight is the night where alfdogg's name is etched in the annals of OAOAST history as the first ever Unified OAOAST United States Champion. The only thing that would have made it better is if I could have ended his undefeated streak. But you see, your World champion, Anglesault, is a selfish prick, so he took that opportunity away from me. But that's for another time. I joined the Deadly Alliance to ensure that I wouldn't be swerved right back out of this title that I worked my ass off for against a conspiracy. But I've been somewhat overshadowed by the fact that BPP is the leader, and that Caboose will be the World champion after the night is over, whether you idiots out there like it or not. ::crowd boos:: ::a fan runs into Alf and tries to attack, but catches a spinebuster.:: Typical aWo tactic. Now then, back to what I was saying. After tonight, Caboose will be the World Champion, and BPP will undoubtedly still be the leader. Which puts me third in the pecking order. And that's not cool. So the way I see it, I NEED this win, so in the very least I don't get lost in the shuffle. And when alfdogg needs can bet your ass he's gonna get it. And tonight, evenflow, it will be at your expense. You and your so-called "In-Crowd" always talk about how cool you guys are? Well, after tonight, evenflow, you'll be even cooler, 'cause alfdogg is gonna put you on ice. And the only thing you'll remember is this: NOBODY beats alfdogg: NOBODY (crowd sings along)." Tony "The Body": "The Intercontinental & Hardcore titles will be unified into the new OAOAST United States Title. Another thing to ponder, Jim Ross -- the In Crowd & Deadly Alliance are allies. What happens if one group tries to help their man win? JR: Good point. Nobody knows what can happen. That mean girlfriend of Evenflow's is banned from ringside. Tony: That isn't right. Gary: "The following contest is a unification match to determine the new OAOAST United States heavyweight champion! "Here Comes The Money" blares over the P.A., and out comes the HardKore Champion of the OAOAST, and the cornerstone of The In Crowd, EvenflowDDT! A mixed reaction greets evenflow as he walks down to the ring, with the cameras focusing on one sign that says "I'm IN", showing that some people do like the snobby stable. Gary: Introducing first, from the Back alleys of Venice Beach, Califorina -- weighing 180 pounds -- the OAOAST HardKore Champion, EvenflowDDT! (Crowd gives a mixed reaction) Evenflow's theme fades, as he enters the ring and hands the official his belt. "Dead Man's Kona Crush" hits, and Indiana's own Alfdogg, the current Intercontinental Champion, comes out to a decent reaction. Gary: His opponent, from Anderson, Indiana -- the OAOAST Intercontinental Champion -- Alfdogg! JR: Alfdogg, coming out to new music called "Dead Man's Kona Crush." Not that long ago, Alfdogg went from being a loner to a member of Big Poppa Popick's Deadly Alliance, hops up on the apron, and eyes his opponent, Tony. Tony "The Body": This is going to be good, Ross. EvenflowDDT has the "Crash Holly" style smirk on his face, and nods approvingly as Alfdogg comes closer. The two stare down. Alfdogg holds up his IC belt, pointing to it, saying that it means the TV title is all but his. Evenflow shrugs off the comment, then nails Alfdogg with a sucker punch! EvenflowDDT fires off a few punches, backing Alfdogg to the ropes. He attempts an Irish whip, but Alfdogg reverses it, and sends Evenflow to the ropes. Evenflow bounces off, and comes at Alfdogg, who backdrops him over, however, EvenflowDDT lands on his feet! The celebration is short-lived, however, as Alfdogg clotheslines him out of his boots! JR: What impact! Alfdogg nearly took Evenflow's head off with that clothesline. Riding a wave of momentum in the early going, Alfdogg takes Evenflow over with a vertical suplex. He pulls him up for another one, but Evenflow cradles Alfdogg in a small package...Barely a 2 count! Alfdogg pops right up, and tries another clothesline, but Evenflow ducks, and dropkicks the IC champion down. Alfdogg gets up, and once again gets hit with a dropkick. Evenflow waits on him for a third, but Alfdogg decides to hightail it out of the ring. Tony "The Body": Smart move by Alfdogg. Trying to slow down the momentum of Evenflow. Alfdogg is going to try and keep this match at his pace. Alfdogg leans over the guardrail, trying to catch his breath. EvenflowDDT slides out, and grabs him from behind, trying to get him back in the ring. Alfdogg shoves Evenflow off of him, right into the apron, and Evenflow hits the edge of the apron ribs first. With Evenflow hunched over, Alfdogg elbows him in the back of the head, sprawling him out on the floor. He rolls Evenflow back in, then returns to the ring himself. Alfdogg starts stomping away at Evenflow, and hits the ropes, coming off with a legdrop onto the HardKore Champ. Alfdogg covers, but doesn't bother to hook a leg. That move cost him, as Evenflow rather easily kicks out. Tony "The Body": He should of hooked the leg, JR. Hooking the leg is very important, as it applies more pressure and weight to the man being pinned. JR: Wow. You know something about wrestling? Shock the hell out of me. Tony "The Body": Of course I know something about wrestling. How did you think I got this gig -- asking for it? JR: I heard some things. Tony "The Body":<!--EZCODE BOLD START--><b> Yeah, when you get old, you start hearing things. Both men back up to their feet, and they lock up. Alfdogg gets a headlock on Evenflow, who tries to break it by lifting him for a back suplex. Alfdogg keeps his balance, and for every time Evenflow tries for a break, he puts more pressure on. Finally, Evenflow is able to shove Alfdogg towards the corner, where his chest smacks the turnbuckles. Alfdogg stumbles backwards, and Evenflow bounces off the ropes, then grabs Alfdogg's neck and falls to the mat, snapping his neck with an awesome looking neckbreaker! EvenflowDDT quickly covers, but Alfdogg kicks out! Evenflow is somewhat shocked, but doesn't get distracted by it. As Alfdogg gets up, Evenflow plants him headfirst with a standard DDT (not his finishing DDT), continuing to work on Alfdogg's neck. He goes for his signature choke, the "No Really, I'm Not Gay", but before he can get it locked on properly, Alfdogg has pushed himself to his feet, with EvenflowDDT on his back. Evenflow squirms, but Alfdogg moves backwards, crushing Evenflow in the corner. EvenflowDDT slumps down, and Alfdogg leans on the ropes for support. He massages his own neck, then moves in for the kill. He reaches to pick Evenflow up, but the cocky S.O.B. uses an eye rake to try and turn the tide. Alfdogg steps backwards, unable to see. Evenflow pulls himself up, and comes charging out of the corner, only to be met with an Alfkick to the chin! Evenflow staggers back, and Alfdogg nails him with another Alfkick that puts Evenflow on his back! He heads to the top rope, and signals for...The Five Star Alf Splash? He's going to try and finish it now! Alfdogg soars off the top, but as he lands, he connects with EvenflowDDT's knees! Alfdogg tumbles over, clutching his ribs, as he lay on the mat. Evenflow pulls himself up, then leaves the ring!? He walks over to the announcer, and takes the mic. [b</b><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> What an arrogant move this is. He should be going for the pin. ::Evenflow takes the mic from Gary's hand:: EvenflowDDT: "I just had a brainstorm, people? As YOUR Hardcore Champion, I feel that before the belt is unified, that you might want to see ol' Evenflow bust out the arsenal one last time. So, for old times sake, we're gonna get wild!" Evenflow picks up a chair, and goes to head back into the ring, but gets the chair kicked into his face, courtesy of an Alfdogg baseball slide! Alfdogg comes out to the floor, and picks up the chair, then cracks EvenflowDDT in the head with it! Evenflow starts to bleed from the forehead, and Alfdogg takes the opportunity to slide the chair into the ring, as well as a table! He goes to set the table up, but a groggy Evenflow slide in behind him, and nails him with a lowblow. The table has it's legs out, but it standing on it's side, and Evenflow sends Alfdogg into the ropes, then drop toeholds him, causing him to land ribs first on the table edge! Alfdogg is in a world of hurt, and now Evenflow returns the favor by cracking him over the head with the chair! Evenflow tosses the steel weapon back to the floor, and stands the table upright. He rolls Alfdogg onto it, and hammers him with several forearm shots. EvenflowDDT then climbs onto the table, which is quivering under the weight, and pulls Alfdogg up. He kicks him in the gut, and goes for the Foolish DDT, but Alfdogg backdrops him off the table at the last second, and as Alfdogg falls backwards, he puts himself through the table (albeit not hard). Both men now lay amidst the wooden shrapnel in the ring. The referee starts kicking it all out to the floor, as both men make it to their feet. They trade punches, with neither man getting a real advantage, until Evenflow uses a knee to the ribs to turn the tide. He goes to follow it up with a bulldog, but Alfdogg blocks the manuever, and counters with a release Dragon Suplex...Evenflow stands up, and Alfdogg takes him over with a belly to belly...IT'S THE THREE ALFPLEXES OF DOOM! He goes to finish the dazed In Crowd member off with a T-Bone, but Evenflow blocks it, and with his last wind of energy, kicks Alfdogg and finally hits the Foolish DDT! Both men are spent, and the ref begins a standing 10 count. ::Big Poppa Popick heads to the ring to boos:: JR: What's this? What's he doing here? ::BPP grabs a chair and sits at ringside:: Tony "The Body": Big Poppa is probably here to see this match up close. Nothing wrong with that. Evenflow & Alfdogg are both standing up again. Evenflow irish-whips Alfdogg, but Alfdogg reverses it. Big Poppa hits Evenflow with the chair. (Crowd boos) Tony "The Body": Whoa! I guess Big Poppa is out here with a mission. Alfdogg picks up Evenflow, and rolls him up with an inside cradle. 1-2-3! New TV Champ! (Crowd boos) *DING * DING * DING* DING* Tony "The Body": "That's it! New, an our new U.S. Champion is Alfdogg. Gary: "The winner of the match, and NEW OAOAST United States heavyweight champion, Alfdogg! ::The other members of the In Crowd (Zack Malibu & Superstar) come out and jump Big Poppa:: JR: Here come the other In Crowd members. ::Caboose runs out and attack Zack & Superstar:: JR: This alliance is breaking down before our eyes, Tony. Tony "The Body": I can't belive it. ::OAOAST officials run out to pull the groups apart:: Alfdogg & the Deadly Alliance celebrate. "Saved By The Bell" hits, as the In Crowd look at the Deadly Alliance from the ring JR: "I'm sure we'll hear more about this tomorrow night on the Intense Zone. Alfdogg is the new U.S. champ. Tony: JR, we still have two title matches to go. The finals of the tag title tournament and the World title. JR: That's right. But before we get to there...the final round of the Miss OAOAST is next. Take it away Michael Cole. Cole: Thanks again, Jim & Tony. Alright! The final round of the Miss OAOAST is up. And it's the bikini competition. (huge pop) Let's bring out Molly. (MASSIVE POP) Tony: Wow! Cole: Molly is wearing a two piece red, white and blue bikini made by her Mother. Uh, I think that says it all. Tony: It's over, Ross. Molly is winning it. Look at that bikini. And NO tan lines, Ross. You know what that means don't you? JR: Yeah. Cole: Now let's bring out TC! (boo) TC (Now wearing a pink wig) is wearing a GREAT looking blue bikini with Anglesault's face on the front (TC smiles). Fans, now is the time. Before we go to the judges...let's hear from you. Let's hear it for Molly. (Pop) Now for TC. (boo) ::Cole is handed the judges votes.:: Cole: We have a unanimous decision. In in favor on the winner and now the Miss OAOAST....Treble Charge!!! (Fans boo and throw cups, bottles, etc., onto the ramp.) Tony: WHAT? ::TC jumps up and down.:: Cole: Let me introducing our very, very fine judges. First judge is the first ever WWE Intercontinental champion, Pat Patterson. (boo) Our second judge is fitness nut, the lovely and talent, Richard Simmons. (boo) Our last judge is Buff Bagwell! (boo) ::Pat, Richard, Buff & Cole all hug TC.:: Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching the Miss OAOAST. Tony: Molly was robbed, Ross! JR: Well, after that unique competition, our next match is the finals in the tag team title tournament than spanned over 2 weeks. Let's see the brackets one last time. ::TC hits Molly over the head with the Miss OAOAST trophy.:: JR: Why did he do it? Tony: I have no idea. But here comes Anglesault. ::TC runs away as AS checks on Molly.:: JR: Anglesault checking on Molly. ::Caboose runs out and nails AS in the head with a baseball bat.:: (Crowd boos) JR: Another sneak attack! Caboose attacked the World champion. OAOAST officials & EMTs are out here. Fans, take a look at these brackets for the tag title tournament. We'll be back. OAOAST Tag Team Title touranment Intense Zone bracket #1 the In Crowd d. Totally Awesome #2 the Deadly Alliance d. # DoD Semi-finals #1 the In Crowd d. #2 D.A. HeldDOWN! bracket #1 aWo 4 eva d. #4 Unlikely Duo #3 Odd Couple d. #2 DoD Semi-finals #1 aWo 4 eva d. #3 Odd Couple The Great Angle Bash Finals #1 the In Crowd vs. #1 aWo 4 eva ::The In Crowd storms the D.As locker room.:: Zack: What the hell was that? BPP: Let me explain. Look at us boys. Alf is the U.S. champ. In a matter of minutes you guys will become the Tag champs. Caboose is going to take the World Title from Angleslut. We can take the TV title from Eskimo, easy. We get the Comissionership of HeldDOWN, and just like that...we control the OAOAST. Remember what I said earlier? I'm going to do things that will make people say "Why BPP Why?" It's all part of the plan. And remember it all stays in the family. You guys with me? In Crowd: Yeah. ::cool handshake:: <!--EZCODE BOLD START--><b> T</b><!--EZCODE BOLD END--> Excuse me, Jim Ross. ::wipes tear from eye:: That was great. JR: B.S., if you ask me. Fans, Anglesault was loaded up in the ambulance and is headed to the hospital. We're two matches away from the main event. Will Anglesault even be here to defend the title. (Crowd starts too boo) Tony: Big Poppa Popick is making his ring over here. ::BPP grabs JR.:: BPP: I'm sitting in the locker room watching the show, and I nearly cied. (crowd boos) I can't belive what happened. And I'll like to say me & the In Crowd had nothing to do with this. ::JR rolls his eyes:: To tell you the truth, I'm ashamed to have ever met Caboose. As a matter of fact, he can go to hell. But it just so happened, when I signed the contract between Caboose & Anglesault for tonight. The contract stated and I quote "If due to injury or by act of God, Anglesault is unable to defend the OAOAST World Heavyweight title against Caboose at the Great Angle Bash. He will be stripped and the title will be awarded to Caboose." (Crowd chants ASS-HOLE) We have 40 minutes left in the show. So if Anglesault isn't here...Caboose is your new World Heavyweight champion. ::BPP leaves:: JR: Let's go to Michael Cole. Who's about to interview the In Crowd in their dressing room. Take it away Michael. ::Michael Cole knocks on the door of The In Crowd's dressing room. We can hear laughter and music coming from inside the room. The Superstar opens the door, and he's got a Hawiian lei around his neck, and a Smirnoff Ice in his hand.:: Superstar: Heeeeeeeeey, Young MC, whatchoo bustin' a move over here for? MC: WHAT? Superstar: Oooh no, you're not gonna get me doing that passe act! Here, lemme get Zack for ya. ::Superstar is obviously feeling rather happy. Zack Malibu comes to the door, clad in his ring attire.:: ZM: Cole, I don't recall seeing your name on the guest list? MC: I'm not here to intrude, I'm here to get your thoughts on the finals tonight. You and Evenflow have made it to the dance, so to speak, and tonight you go for the Tag Titles against your aWo rivals, namely CWM and Some Guy. ZM: Who? MC: CWM... ZM: Yeah, I heard that. MC: And Some Guy. ZM: Who? MC: Some Guy. ZM: Yeah, you said that Cole, but WHO? MC: Who was Jim Neidhart's gimmick in '96...I'm talking about Some Guy. ZM: But WHO?? ::The Abbott and Costello routine goes on for a minute, until EfDDT comes into view.:: EfDDT: Zack, dude, he's not busting your balls. You know, that GUY, in the aWo... ZM: Ooooooh, yeah, Some Guy. Hehe, yeah, there's a name that'll sell shirts. I can just see little Billy bringing his OAOAST figures to school...'This is my In Crowd collection, and over there, that's Some Guy.' I mean, the man, or guy as he puts it, doesn't even have an identity outside of the Annoying World Order. Maybe he figures that tonight if he gets a belt, he'll get some notoriety...well, Michael Cole, you tell him that he's messing with the best damn thing going today, The In Crowd. After tonight, he won't be "Some Guy", he'll be Some Guy Who Failed In His Quest To Defeat The Most Popular Duo To Ever Grace The OAOAST. EfDDT: Dude, he can't be known by that...there is NO WAY that would fit on a T-Shirt! ZM: Who buys Some Guy T-shirts anyways? EfDDT: Good point. MC: An Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Tony149 Report post Posted September 8, 2002 THE GREAT ANGLE BASH OAOAST World Title Prince of Darkness Match Caboose defeated Anglesault Job vs Career Big Poppa Popick retires Angleplex OAOAST Tag Team Titles Cobainwasmurdered and Some Guy defeated The In Crowd OAOAST United States Title Alfdogg defeated EvenFlow DDT Tower of Doom Match Sandman and Greenmist defeated The Dungeon of Doom Tag Tourny # 2 The aWo defeated The Odd Couple Hair vs Hair Big McLargeHuge defeated The Sole Survivor Tag Tourny # 1 The In Crowd defeated The Deadly Alliance OAOAST TV Title The Mystery Eskimo defeated Risk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites