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Guest alfdogg

OAOAST IntenseZone - 6/3/02

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Guest alfdogg

Live, from the sold out SteelTown USA Complex, its the highest rated show in the OaOasT, INTENSEzone!


Tonight, we have gigantic title matches for you.


The IZ Commisioner Big Poppa Popick puts his US Title belt on the line against newcomer The Mystery Eskimo!


These two have had a series of confrontations in the past few weeks, including several in which AnglePlex made the save for Eskimo! Is there an issue festering between BPP and AP, and will we see more of it tonight?


AngleSault makes his return to defend his world title against The Deadly Alliance's Alfdogg. Is this an attempt to soften up AS for his match against Caboose at the Great Angle Bash, or is Alfdogg seeking his own glory?


In the main event, BPP ordered that after the events on HeldDown, CWM and SomeGuy must compete in a handicap match against the entire In-Crowd. Could this be a preview of the tag team tournament for GAB, and how will the aWo overcome the stacked odds?


Other matches we have for you include Jingus vs. Risk in a tables match, TrebleCharged vs. BigMcLargeHuge.


More to be announced as the day goes on. Tune in at 8pm ES and get ready to turn the heat up!


In black and white, words scroll across the screen…

Wrestling fans watch a wrestling show to see wresting…






The pyro hits and Prodigy blares! We're live from the SteelTown Coliseum, sold out yet again.

There's no intro-series, but rather the AngleTron shows a split screens of BPP and TME getting ready for their matches. Then to a camera in the back, where one side of the screen shows the camera crew awaiting AngleSault's arrival, whilst the other shows Alfdogg taping up.


Suddenly the screen flashes to black and white, and we see Eskimo walking out of his locker room.


MME is jumped by three men(?) in Panda suits. They are wearing shirts with the initials "WWF" on them. They set him up for the Doomsdays Device from the boxes stacked in the back!


One panda, with a toothpick in his mouth, pulls a mic from the wandering cameraman. The pandas face the camera and show a bloody Eskimo.


Toothpick Panda: "WE'RE...TAKING...OVER!"


*Fade to Black*


Jingus vs. Risk

***Singles Table Match


"Metallica, No Leaf Clover" hits and Risk makes his way down to the ring, looking very confident in his debut match


I'm the new guy here, as are all wrestlers when they enter a promotion. There is one thing I CANNOT stand: LAME-ASS GIMMICKS. This sport, yes, SPORT, is not a joke! It isn't a show about "good guys" fighting "bad guys," it's about WRESTLING. With that being said, I'm setting my sights on the biggest gimmick monsters in this promotion: The Dungeon of Doom.


These guys are what's wrong with wrestling, these are why people call it 'fake.' Well, I'm going to change that. I'm challenging the Dungeon's best wrestler, the so-called "Devilman" of the OAOAST, JINGUS. I may be new here, but I sure as hell am not green. So Jingus, if you wanna fight, and I know you do, come on down."


"Verdi, Requiem" plays and Jingus charges into the ring. The two collide as the bell rings!


Risk whips Jingus…but Jingus holds on and counters with a neckbreaker. Jingus picks Risk up, and whips him into a hip-toss! Jingus with a table, but Risk clubs him in the back and pulls the big man into a sleeperhold with scissors!


Risk with a mounted choke on Jingus to keep him down. Risk grabs the table Jingus brought in and tries to hit the monster with it, but the shot misses and Risk stumbles around. Jingus senses an opportunity and places Risk on the table, but BAM! Risk reverses and slams Jingus through the table for the victory in less than 1 minute!


Risk celebrates, but Jingus is back up and pissed…Jingus sets up a table outside and re-enters the ring to grab Risk with a ClawHold…ClawSlam to the the outside table! Risk appears knocked out, and Jingus saunters over to pick Risk up and carry him to parts unknown




The Following Announcement has been paid for by the aWo…


::The screen goes red, white, and blue. The aWo porno music hits. AnglePlex sits on a chair.


AnglePlex: "Well, well, well. I have a few things to talk about here, right now. This Saturday, I lost to a gay man. Yes, a gay man. Of course, it took about 8 or 9 guys to put me away, but it happend. As it stands right now, I have zero, count'em, zero wins. That, my friends, is what you call a "loser". No, that's what you call "A worthless piece of

crap". 3 PPV's in a row, and ALL the shows in-between, I lost. Now, true, maybe it wasn't fair. Maybe I deserved to win a few of those matches. But as it stands now, I'm the aWo's jobber boy. Well, I'm sick of it. People in the back are trying to hold me down, well it ain't going to happen anymore. The old Angleplex, ha, you can consider him dead and gone. Because, boys, there's a new Angleplex and town,

and he's much meaner, and much tougher than the old one ever was."


AnglePlex: "And BBP, you still want to stick your nose in my business? Well, how about me and you settle this in the ring. And since I know how much your little stable loves ya, how about you tell them to stay in the back, and I'll tell my buddies to stay in the back. That way we can settle this like we should, one on one."


AnglePlex: "Oh, and on Heldown, the rules WILL be broken, and good ol' Angleplex is gonna have some fun."


The screen goes back to red white and blue


The Preceding Announcement has been paid for by the aWo…


Treble Charger vs BigMcLargeHuge


Right off the bat, BML hits a gutwrench on TC, but TC rebounds and nails a quick head BUTT...


Big reacts with lefts and rights…pickup… Big kicks TC in the gut and whips him into the ropes…Big with a Flipping RUDObomb off the top rope..TC staggers up, but Big again kicks TC in the guts and whips him into a ddt. Big holds on and locks in another ddt on a staggering TC.


TC whips Big in desperation, but Big hits with a reverse neckbreaker! But no, TC slips out, but is thrown into the ropes where BML hits another Flipping RUDObomb off the top rope!


Big signals for the end, and goes for the RUDOdriver, but TC counters with a gutwrench and another headbutt, following up with a double leg takedown into a leglock. Big claws out and charges TC, who catches BML into a samoan drop! Big gets caught in the turnbuckles and gets placed in the tree of woe. Boots galore to Big's head!


Big groggily up and dodges a TC chop and nails a clothesline, but TC absorbs it and hits a Belly to Back flip. Big rolls around and TC picks him up,Clothesline by Big!, but TC catches hit and hits his second belly to back flip..and another headbutt while Big is down.


Big counters a submission on the legs by picking TC up throwing in a belly to belly suplex. TC stumbles back into Big's High Angle SpineBuster!


Big taunts with the aWo sign, allowing TC to hit a Belly to Back Suplex. Big lands on his feet and uses TC's momentum to hit a big Double Arm Suplex. Big whips TC but TC uses the whip to hit Big with a Farewell! TC backdrops Big and sets up for a running clothesline, but Big dodges and hits one of his own! TC back up and into another Double Arm Suplex!


Big hits a Belly to Belly on TC, but TC lands on his feet, and attempts to run a shouldercharge into Big, who catches TC with a gutwrench. Big signals for the end, and hits a TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! However, this punishment isn’t enough, and Big picks up TC, whoin desperation hits 2 suplexes! TC tries for a third but gets caught in a SpineBuster!


Big holds onto TC and lifts him up, nailing the RUDOdriver (Emerald Fusion) for the 3!




Nada Surf's "Popular" hits, and The In Crowd, accompanied by Alison, hit the ring.


evenflowDDT: "I just want to give you, the fans, a time to relish in our greatness ::crowd boo's:: You know you worship us! Week in and week out, we have joined together to watch each others backs and protect all that is cool, but this is the first time you have been BLESSED with all of us in the ring AT THE SAME TIME! Will you be able to handle yourselves?"


Alison: "Remember ladies, evenflow's MY MAN!"


::Alison points at her "I [heart] evenflowDDT" shirt and gives him a peck on the cheek


evenflowDDT: "Now, onto more pressing matters. I hate to inform you all that alfdogg was getting a little cocky on World Championship Wrestling last week, but I must because none of you watch that show anyway! I know the only reason Alison and I caught the rerun was we were a bit tired, if you catch my drift. Which is too bad, because otherwise it's a darn good show, this week especially. It gets The In Crowd Seal of Awesomeness!"


::evenflowDDT gives Tony "The Body" a thumbs up and The In Crowd sign.


evenflowDDT: "But back to alfdogg. How can you brag about THAT match? You beat Harry Bore-O-Witz. Who the hell is that? Who the hell cares what you do to that nobody? Also, you claim you beat the three of us down at once on HeldDOWN? You jumped us from behind... that's not cool, bro. Seriously, in a week where I put on the greatest match in my career and the history of OAOAT, and main-event BOTH flagship shows, you're bragging about jumping me from behind and beating a NOBODY? Get your facts straight man..."


::Harry Bore-O-Witz' music hits, and a look of surprise comes across evenflowDDT's face, only to be replaced by an evil grin.


Harry: "Wait a damn minute! Just because I'm not a main-eventer doesn't make me a nobody! Look at Shawn Stasiak!"


evenflowDDT: "Who?"


Harry: "Never mind... but I'll show you what a nobody can do!"


::Harry rushes the ring, only to be met with a School's Out superkick from Zack Malibu that knocks him out of the ring. evenflowDDT rushes out and gives Harry a snap suplex and Pillow Made O' Concrete. He throws Harry back into the ring, where The Superstar gives him a SuperSplash! evenflowDDT removes his Hardcore belt, takes it off, and gives Harry a Foolish DDT on the belt. ARROGANT COVER~! and The In Crowd counts 1...2...3! An "evenflow SUCKS!" chant erupts, and the camera focuses on a sign that reads, "The In Crowd: Zack's the King Mack, James Allan's a Superstar, evenflowDDT's a prick!".


evenflowDDT: "Oh man, look at me, I beat a NOBODY! I'm SO bad-ass! Oh, that's right, I already was, for beating REAL people in REAL matches. At the Great Angle Bash, in a REAL match, I'll prove once again that I'm richer, tougher, smarter, and better-looking than ALL you jack-asses, and I ask of you alfdogg, is that all you can beat are nobodies? NOBODIES?"


::evenflowDDT spits on the fallen body of Harry Bore-O-Witz and The In Crowd leave the ring.::


Big Poppa Popick (Champion) vs. The Mystery Eskimo




"Darude, Sandstorm" plays and BPP comes down to the ring with his US Title Belt.

"Vanilla Ice, Ice Ice Baby hits and The Mystery Eskimo sleds down to the ring…motioning like he has a belt as well. The ref rings the bell, and we're off.


Tie-up into a grounding headlock and hold by BPP who pulls TME up and hits a front facecrusher…BPP throws Eskimo to the ropes but TME counters and hits the boots to BPP.


Eskimo takes BPP down with an armbar, but as BPP powers out and hits another front facecrusher


Both men up, be Eskimo is faster and hits 2 snap suplexes in quick succession. He goes for the third, but BPP powers out and grounds Eskimo with a headlock submission. BPP pulls Eskimo up, but TME clubs the back of the BPP's head and puts BPP into an abdominal stretch, BPP tries to whip out but Eskimo pulls him back in with a twirl backbreaker and into an flipping armbar


Tie-up…BPP misses a punch which allows Eskimo to hit a another snap suplex.. BPP counters as TME pulls him up and hits a Stalling BrainBuster…BPP whips Eskimo into the corner, but Eskimo with a desperation armbar to get out!


AnglePlex comes down and interrupts the match, allowing Eskimo to hit successive DDT's. BPP avoids the third and hits a suplex. While still holding on, BPP picks Eskimo up and hits another Stalling BrainBuster.


BPP tries to whip Eskimo, but TME holds on and hits a DDT that looks like it hit BPP in the neck. BPP is dazed, but whatever Eskimo had planned fails as BPP counters with successive stalling suplexes.


BPP whips Eskimo in the corner, but TME dodges and hits the FROSTBITE FACELOCK! but BPP is too near the ropes and immediately grabs them.

Pickup by Eskimo, and another snap suplex by TME. BPP up and Eskimo this time with a kick to the gut…GutBuster! BPP is out near the ropes.


BPP plays possum and suckers Eskimo in for a suplex…and a chop, and a whip to the rops…but Eskimo flies out and hits a twirl backbreaker on BPP, but BPP lands on his feet rather than his back and hits Eskimo with a spinning elbow strike….


BPP whips Eskimo but TME holds on and does a whip himself, but follows it up with a FareWell! BPP staggers up and goes down to the DDT, but once again BPP is too near the ropes. TME picks BPP up and hits a Bodyslam, picking him up again and clubbing him down. But BPP still has come gas in him, and hits a facecrusher on Eskimo


The two exchange punches, but Eskimo with another gutwrench bomb into an armbar, but once again BPP is too mear the ropes.


Eskimo with some punches, but one misses and BPP sets up for the Finality. AnglePlex up on the apron distracting BPP, Eskimo quickly locks in the FrostBite FaceLock and after a minute, BPP can't make it to the ropes. His hand falls three times.




Eskimo celebrates, while as the Big Poppa regains consciousness, he locks eyes with AnglePlex who is walking up the entrance taunting the IZ Commissioner. BPP doesn't look happy.


"I Still Don't Give A Fuck" by Eminem plays and we are introduced to the newest member of the OaOasT, Flyboy.


Flyboy: "What is it that I have to do around here to get recognition, respect. I've asked BPP time and time again to give me a match, but he doesn't. CWM, he just ignores me, and Tony is too busy being full of himself. What I'm saying is that, I'm here to show the fans, like they care, that I am the man, and I am one Supa-Fly dood. Now, is there anyone back there who wants to get famous?"


"Hey" by Alice in Chains hits, and Greemist appears at the entrance ramp.


Greenmist: "Hey, you want respect? What do you think Arthur?"


Arthur: "I think he's waiting to be dis-respected Greenie!"

Greenmist: "I thought so to… You want a match, brotha? Right here, right now. I've even got a referee."


A ref comes down with Greenmist, and the two hit the ring. The match is on!


Flyboy vs. Greenmist



GM with a scoopslam…flyboy misses the boot and GM hits fly with a body slam…and a whip into a hurricanrana!, Flyboy recalls his puro lessons and no sells, hitting a sidewalk slam /suplex combo. Flyboy with a whip to the turnbuckles and a running clothesline…GM is groggy, and flyboy holds on to hit a power clothesline!


GM down, so flyboy goes up and tries to hit a flying elbow! It misses!…GM throws flyboy out of the ring, but gm gets hung out on the ropes…. Fly back in with chops, GM tries for a running clothesline, but the boy a powerslam and then another whip and a over the back throw…GM, to buy time, tosses Fly out again and hits an insane asia moonsault on him outside!


Fly recovers and hits GM a swinging neckbreak…both back in at 5 count…GM with 2 kicks and a hurricanrana…and a flipping senton kick…with a whip to the turnbuckles…but Fly powers out and is sent out of the ring again…again GM gets caught in the ropes…but GM throws Fly out again to buy more time . GM outside with a kick to the stomach, but fly gets in a massive suplex and enters the ring at 5 again…GM back in as fly talks with the referee, and when Fly turns around he gets leveled with a running clotheslined. Fly floats through it though and catches GM with a Russian legsweep/snap suplex combo…Fly takes control with a kick to the guy and a backbreaker


,GM reverses into a schoolboy but FlyBoy…GM with a snapmare and a whip, but Fly hits a backtoss!…Fly tries a suplex but GM counters with a snap suplex…both up…another Russian leg sweep by Flyboy who follows up with the FlyKick! Backbreaker to GM! Flyboy is in control!


GM with a backdrop after fly misses a boot…and another backdrop when fly gets up…GM with a snpamare and a cover…fly with his shoulders up immediately! …GM with a whip, and fly falls down! GM up top but as he comes off fly shows he was faking and hits a BIG Boot!!


Gm up groggily, and as fly picks him up GM hits a desperation hurricanrana in to a pin for a 2 count! Fly up with a neckbreaker…and a pumphandle slam! Flyboy signals for the FLYBOMB, but GM counters with a go behind into a high angle backdrop…Fly flips out and hits the FLYKICK and a rolling DDT!


Fly goes for a whip, but GM is able to reverse it and sends flyboy into the ropes…GM with a bulldog onto the top turnbuckle and down goes Flyboy. GM hits the pose and high thumbs Arther, hitting a 450 splash for the pinfall!




(The OAOAST-tron comes on. A logo flashes, a familar black and white logo. A modified aWo logo, instead of red, white, and blue, it's black and white. It reads "wWf: World Wildlife Fund." A speaker speaks.)


Speaker: "The proceeding announcment has been paid for by the World Wildlife Fund."


(The three guys in Panda suits appear, the colors are still black and white, they have wWf shirts on.)


Panda: "Hi. I'm Big Panda Cool.

Panda: "I'm Hollywood Panda, brotha."

Panda: "And I'm The Panda Guy."


Big Panda Cool: "We're here for three reasons: One, to stop the Mystery Eskimo's use of a dead(?) fish in his matches. Second, we've got Vince McMahon's company's name, now we are going to corner the wrestling market, and have our own WWF! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Hollywood Panda: "We'll own this promotion if we have to buy it, brotha!"


Big Panda Cool: "Third..."


The Panda Guy points to shirt)"Buy the shirt."


Speaker: "The proceeding announcement has been paid for by the World Wildlife Fund."


The following match has been designated a lights out match by the commissioner. No entrance music plays, and the only lights center on the ring.


AngleSault(Champion) vs. Alfdogg



AS with a headlock takedown, and a whip reversed..into an armdrag throw by AD..AS with a powerslam…and a firemans carry….AD with a whipe into the turnbuckle and a hard clothesline, but AS comes out with a neckbreaker and a stalling backdrop..


AS punches AD out over the top rope.. another headlock takedown……Belly to belly!, go from behind takedown by AS


AD with a snap suplex…AS whips AD into the rops…sleeper hold!


AS misses a crossbody….but hits a suplex on AD…AS throws AD out of the ring…

AS misses a punch, AD with a whip….tornado DDT!

…but angle up with a neckbreaker!


AD whip into the ropes, but AD counter AS counter…AP missins a dropkick..>AD throws AS out of the ring….both men outside the ring..2 armdrag takedown by AD, snap suplex….Armdrag takedown…European uppercut…dropkick…top rope legdrop by AD…leg scissors takedown by AD, but AS gets a suplex and facelock into a sleeper in


Leg scissors, but another headlock takedown. AD whips AS back out…


Scissors sweep…AS whips AD…belly to belly..go behind takedown by AS


Release german suplez by AS , gets a 2 count!


AP up tope for the moonsault, but Caboose comes down and pushes AS off…AP down…but AD up with the 5 star Alf splash….1..2…kickout!


Caboose up into the ring. Alfdogg Places a groggy AngleSault on the top rop, facing the ring. Caboose up standing on Alfdogg's shoulders Caboose with a Super Tiger Driver into the mat! The ref signals for the bell. AngleSault's eyes roll back in his head as he blacks out. The two Deadly Alliance members bail quickly as the aWo comes running down the ring in retaliation




Superstar, Zack Malibu, and Evenflow DDT vs. CWM and SomeGuy


The In-Crowd make their way down to the ring, and are all smiles. CWM and SomGuy come out to the aWo porno, but CWM has a mike.


CWM: "Because I am a commissioner, I hereby make this match a 6-man tag! Introducing our partner, AnglePlex!


The In-Crowd is shocked as the aWo struts down with their new partner. Here we go!


SuperStar, Zack Malibu, and Evenflow DDT vs. CWM and SomeGuy and AnglePlex



Superstar and CWM start out. Super with 2 armdrags in a row on CWM, but B counters the third with a sidewalk slam. SuperStar gets up and hits CWM with punches and a go hehind counter. AnglePlex runs in and CWM and AP double team Super with a big suplex . CWM covers but only gets a 2 count. As CWM argues with the referee, Ap hits Superstar with a high angle backdrop.. Superstar recovers to whip AP into the IC Corner, where they all stack up to hit a super backdrop on AnglePlex. Evenflow is tagged in.


EF with The Raven Effect on AP. AP crawls outside and the brawl goes everywhere. The aWo get back in and pose, but SuperStar and Evenflow attack from behind. CWM gets in an inverted DDT to Evenflow…who crawls to tag in Zack. Evenflow and Zack setup for a double team move on CWM, but heel miscommunication principle #54 rears its head and the two collide. CWM hits a manhattan drop on Zack…and whips Zack into the aWo corner.


The aWo combine to hit a TripleTeam move…CWM and SomeGuy hit a double suplex while AP hits a cross body for a attempted pin. Evenflow breaks up the count.


AnglePlex gets tagged in and hits Evenflow with a backdrop into a fireman's carry. Zack whips AP from behind, but AP counters with a Belly to Belly..Zack staggers up but AnglePlex takes him down with a leg tackle. AP with a hipthrow into a floatover pinning suplex! Evenflow breaks up the count. EF hits a running clothesline on AP in the corner and hits a top rope suples to AP. Evenflow goes for a belly to belly, but AP counters with a release german! AP with a pin, but EF kicks out…AP is pissed and lowers his straps, hitting a suplex and hold on to hit another release german! Zack recovers and legtrips AP down and slaps a sleeperhold on…AP with a chance schoolboy out of the predicament, but Zack is in the ropes. Zack and AP collide, with AP getting a powerslam and another germn in on the IC member! EF comes to interefere but gets caught in an AP armbar. Superstar gets AP with a suplex though…


Evenflow locks in a Mexican surfboard on AP, and then with 2 successive Russian leg sweeps. Evenflow goes to whip AP into the ropes…but AP counters with a german! AnglePlex hits the ANGLELOCK! But Superstar in to prevent the submission!


Everyone brawls back outside, while AP recovers in the middle. He poses to the crowd delight but all of a sudden, the lights dim and Darude's "Sandstorm" plays as BPP appears on the entrance ramp!


SomeGuy tackles Evenflow to prevent EF from reaching AP. For his efforts, EF gets a SOMEbreaker and 2 SOMEsuplex… AP covers but EF kicks out. F goes for a SOMEkick but hits the referee, knocking him out of the ring. EF grabs SomeGuy's leg and pulls him outside.


Bpp runs down and grabs AP! SYNCHRONICITY BOMB!…. SS and ZM hold the rest of the aWo out as EF crawls in for the legal cover and pinfall as the ref staggers back in!




Zack hits the ZACK ATTACK on CWM as SSholds a chair to CWM's head…SomeGuy gets hit with the same ZACK ATTACK..


Both members are knocked out


BPP with a US TITLE BELTSHOT to AnglePlex. He signals for Zack and Evenflow to pick AnglePlex up and place him on the top turnbuckle. Big Poppa with a not-so-friendly salute to the unconscious CWM and SomeGuy, and delivers the IconoClasm to AnglePlex, nearly breaking his neck!!!


BPP with a mike…He stands over AnglePlex


BPP: "This time, you've gone to far. You claim you're popular. Well being popular is worth shit in this world. I don't give a damn how popular you are. If you don't have power, you ain't got nothing! I have power, and I have more than you. Now let me demonstrate how the smart use this power."


BPP: "AnglePlex, at the Great Angle Bash, you will face me 1-on-1 in a fight to the end. It will be just us, no interference. And AP, if I win, you're FIRED!"


The last word echoes as INTENSEzone goes off the air…

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